official god

Chapter 1442 It's time to hold a grand event

Chapter 1442 It's time to hold a grand event

Changshan Airport is nearly 40 kilometers away from the city, and there are about 30 kilometers of highways to travel. Tan Guorui's special car drives smoothly on the airport expressway. In addition to the police car in front of it, there are also several luxury cars driving.

are the leading luxury cars in Yan City. Several of them are still on the meeting of the provincial party committee and are regarded as a symbol of the gradual development of Yan City. At the meeting, they were proposed by Fan Ruiheng himself. Although it was regarded as a joke, the real strength of the owner of this car can be seen.

It was not until today that Tan Guorui knew that the other party was a friend of Xia.

There are also several luxury cars behind them. Haohao is a combination of the most luxurious cars in Yan City. Usually, it is rare for ordinary people to see, but as the executive vice governor, he wants to be the owner of a luxury car before and after commanding in Yan City.

Xia Think... The influence in Yanshi is really amazing!

No, it should be said that looking at Yan Province, Xia Xiang's influence is everywhere. Even if he has been an official in Yan Province for many years, he does not completely mō Qingxia think about how much power he has in Yan Province. If an inappropriate metaphor, even if he takes out the authority of the executive vice governor of Yan Province, he may not There is a response influence in Yan Province.

Tan Guorui took a long breath and his mood sank to the bottom.

By the roadside, the crops in the field have basically been harvested, and only some yù meters are still standing in the field, sticking to the last watch. Occasionally, a piece of uāsheng and sweet potato flashed, which made Xiaxiang feel more intimate.

It's almost time to sow winter wheat. Looking back on the scene when I was planting wheat in my hometown, a slight smile appeared at the corners of Xia Xiang's mouth. I was about to reunite with my parents, and my heart was a little warm and warm.

Cao Shuyu has arranged for a reunion of five families in Yan City the day after tomorrow. The girl is much better than him in terms of dealing with people and human feelings, and she doesn't care about him at all.

... He was a little distracted. Xia wanted to withdraw his mind. Seeing Tan Guorui's face sitting next to him, he was a little gloomy. He thought that compared with Ye Tiannan, Tan Guorui's political wisdom and performance skills were much worse. I don't know what kind of intention was in transferring Tan Guorui to Hunan Province as Ye Tiannan has lost the Xiangjiang River, not to mention Tan Guorui, who is not as good as Ye Tiannan, not to mention that Tan Guorui has no foundation in Xiangjiang!

Send down Tan Guorui and let him get out of the position of executive vice governor? Indeed, Tan Guorui was transferred from Yan Province, and Leng Yue Cang, the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, became the executive vice governor, and Qiu Xufeng also got convenience. From the originally proposed general vice governor, he stepped into the Standing Committee and became the deputy governor of the Standing Committee!

The situation in Yan Province is unprecedentedly complicated because of Fan Ruiheng's departure, Hu Zengzhou's transfer, and Tan Guorui's transfer.

Hu Zengzhou, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, finally took a gratifying step and was about to go to the Western Province to serve as governor, completing the most critical leap in his political career. Hu Zengzhou's backstage is not tough, but in the past decade of promotion, it has been smooth. Of course, it is because he wants to get close to Xia and be calm, and when several political struggles are difficult to understand, he was recognized by all parties as the best buffer figure, so he took advantage of the situation.

From ancient times to the present, there has always been a lot of lucky people in the officialdom. They can always serve as a step when all forces do not give in to each other, and then pick up a huge pie.

The vacancy after Hu Zengzhou was taken over by Qu Lizhi.

Qu Lizhi was originally the Minister of Organization of the Heiliao Provincial Party Committee. From Heiliao to Yan Province, he was transferred from the Minister of Organization to Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, which is a step forward. It is said that Qu Lizhi was nominated by the chairman.

Above, the situation in Yan Province was already clear at the moment when Xia wanted to land, but there was also a deeper inside story in the provincial party committee that Peng Yunfeng came out, which made him suddenly shocked and decided to have a face-to-face conversation with Tan Guorui immediately.

... Fan Ruiheng is ready to suddenly promote a group of cronies before leaving office, which is the last time to exercise the power of the secretary before the class.

If Fan Ruiheng's dissatisfaction is excluded because he can't rise a step, his behavior is also understandable. Basically, from the county party secretary to the municipal party secretary, and then to the provincial party secretary, he will promote a group of his cronies before leaving office. It is already a practice in the officialdom, and no one can blame Fan Rui

However, in the promotion list drawn up by Fan Ruiheng, if Lu Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, is not too abrupt to be the secretary of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, although Lu Ming had an ordinary relationship with Xiaxiang in Qin and Tang Dynasties, Xiaxiang had no bad feelings for And the intention of the proposed party secretary of the single city makes Xia want to eat a lot of surprise.

Zhu Ruile, the former party secretary, was transferred to the secretary of the municipal party committee of the charter. The former secretary of the municipal party committee of the charter retreated due to his age. This adjustment made Zhu Ruile sit on the bench.

Well, not only did he intend to promote his sworn enemy Zhang Guowei into the threshold of the municipal party secretary, but also let him serve as the secretary of the single city party committee. Secretary Fan's move is obviously aimed at him. If Zhang Guowei's promotion can barely be regarded as Fan Ruiheng's neglect of Xiaxiang's feelings, and the transfer of Zhu Ruile from a single city with a developed economy to a poor and backward constitution is intentional. Fan Ruiheng will not know that Zhu Ruile is Xiaxiang's man?

Another thing that makes Xia want to be secretly angry is that Chen Tianyu's position as the secretary-general of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee is not short. It's okay for Fan Ruiheng not to be promoted for his face. He also plans to transfer Chen Tianyu to the Municipal Party Committee of the Constitution and continue to serve as the secretary-general of the

Chen Tianyu is his man. With his influence and connections in Yan Province, when Fan Ruiheng left office, he actually targeted him everywhere and deliberately made things difficult for him. What is the calculation?

I'm afraid I was instructed by someone. What I want is to sweep his power in Yan Province in Yan Province as a large-scale sweep. Maybe after Secretary Fan retires, there will be a good-paid old age?

I got the wrong idea!

Peng Yunfeng told Xiaxiang that Governor Tan took the initiative to come to his office yesterday and treated him for a while. After Secretary Fan said that he had initially formulated a personnel plan that had not yet been announced to the public, he was keenly aware that Governor Tan was throwing stones to ask for directions and releasing goodwill in order to win Xiaxiang's favor in exchange In return, he saw Tan Guorui at the airport and came to pick up Xia Xiang, so he told Xia Xiang everything he knew at the first time.

Peng Yunfeng, as the first trusted by Xiaxiang to be appreciated by Xiaxiang, his understanding of Xiaxiang is unparalleled at this stage, including Xu Ziqi and Zeng Zhuo, which is far less than his understanding of Xiaxiang. If only one person is selected to follow on the cronies, Xia wants to designate Peng Yunfeng.

That's why Peng Yunfeng said a word, and Xia wanted to immediately turn around and get on Tan Guorui's special car.

After getting on the car, Tan Guorui cleverly didn't mention anything. He directly said the inside story of Fan Ruiheng asking him to discuss personnel adjustment - at this stage, Fan Ruiheng trusted Tan Guorui in the Yan Provincial Party Committee - after saying that, he didn't say a word, and he fell into a short silence in the car.

If it is Ye Tiannan, there must be a long opening statement, and then there will be a high-level speech, and finally the core of the problem will be said, and then the political significance of his move will be added.

Although Tan Guorui has the same ambitious side as Ye Tiannan, and although he once wanted to be the enemy of Xia like Ye Tiannan, he is not Ye Tiannan after all. In terms of dealing with people, there is a big difference and gap with Ye Tiannan.

I have to say that Tan Guorui was indeed an opportunity. He gave him a generous gift when he came up. Xia thought so, and he did not change much about Tan Guorui in his heart, because he knew that Tan Guorui took the initiative to welcome him when giving gifts, and he must have something from him. Tan Guorui's relationship has been transferred from Yan Province, and there is no influence on the Yan Provincial Political Bureau.

Otherwise, with his position as executive vice governor, it is also a key vote at the Standing Committee.

However, it is also very important for Xia Xiang to know Fan Ruiheng's next move forward, which can be defeated by layout. Of course, Tan Guorui threw himself into the peach, and he wanted to repay Li: "Gendant Tan, no, it should be Secretary Tan. When we meet again in Xiangjiang after the National Day, I will pick you up."

Xia wanted to take the initiative to stretch out his hand. Although Tan Guorui ranked higher than him, he had obviously mastered the initiative in the conversation just now. Tan Guorui was not confident in front of him by his momentum.

Compared with Ye Tiannan, Tan Guorui is not an equivalent opponent. Maybe it is still a force that can be used. Xia Xiang thought with bad interest, and he didn't know whether the person who sent Tan Guorui to Xiang Province wanted to use Tan Guorui as a gun or just treat him as a dispensable abandoned son?

or Tan Guorui also realized the taste of being abandoned and felt the depth of the Xiangjiang River in advance, so he had today's move.

After getting off the highway, the car stopped for a moment. Xia wanted to get out of the car and shook hands with Tan Guorui to say goodbye. Tan Guorui got out of the car and saw him off. His smile was sincere and kind, just like Xia Xiang, who had been a good friend for many years.

When he took back to Peng Yunfeng's car, Xia thought that his first sentence was: "Yunfeng, you have been in the position of Secretary-General for a long time. Have you ever thought about moving?"

Peng Yunfeng stopped breathing nervously!

He knew that it had been more than a year since the current Secretary Xia left Yan Province, but he still had unparalleled influence in Yan Province. In the Provincial Party Committee, he not only had a close relationship with the governor but also with Gao Jinzhou, the next secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, but also with Wang Pengfei, Minister of the Organization of the Chang Xiao Yuanxin and the upcoming Vice Governor of the Standing Committee Qiu Xufeng all have good feelings. He is a real power figure who can really influence the affairs of Yan Province to a certain extent but not in Yan Province.

"It's time to hold a grand event in Yan Province..." Xiaxiang's voice was faint, but there was a frightening pressure. "I've only been away from Yan Province for a year. Some people think that I have no weight in my words. I don't take the initiative to bully others, but I Neither can my people!" RA