official god

Chapter 1450 The Second Grand Conference

At dawn, Xia woke up after thinking about it and found that he had fallen on the sofa and slept all night. I don't know when there is one more person in my arms, with slightly squeezed lips, long eyelashes, curled up like a child to sleep, such a clever and lovely sleeping posture, such a bold act of throwing a hug, who can be besides a girl?

Xia wanted to laugh dumbly. He and the girl didn't go home for a long time. Unexpectedly, on the first night after coming back, the two slept together and spent time on the sofa, which was also a memorable interesting thing.

woke up the girl. At first glance, it was past 8 o'clock. She hurriedly packed up and called out separately. She learned that the families of both sides had set off. Xia wanted to be in a panic with the girl, and then the phone rang, and the countless calls asking for instructions to report made Xia want to be overwhelmed.

In the chaos, Lian Ruohan did what she said, which also added to the chaos. Originally, she was supposed to let someone send Xia Dong back, but Lian Ruohan insisted on coming to Yan City to join in the fun. She drove in person and took two children on the highway.

After receiving the phone call from Lian Ruohan, the girl bounced on Xia's mind and ran: "Sister Lian will come as soon as she comes. I'm grateful that you don't go out of the eight girls to the horse again."

Xia wants to be ashamed: "Be upright for your husband, be worthy of heaven and earth, and live up to Li Min. Don't say dirty words, and humiliate your husband's innocence and reputation."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Shuyu had already laughed and said, "Are you singing Peking Opera or Henan Opera?"

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Huang Mei Opera."

In the laughter, the rising autumn sun has jumped out of the east, sprinkled thousands of points and silver, heralding the arrival of a cool autumn day.

If you stand high and look into the west, you can clearly see Taihang Mountain dozens of kilometers away.

In Yan City, which is increasingly polluted, it is rare to enjoy the transparent weather for a few days in a year. Such a good autumn day makes summer feel much clearer than ever.

Not long, Cao Shujun and his couple came.

Compared with when Xia wanted to first meet Cao Shujun, now Cao Shujun is much more mature and stable. The arrogance and arrogance in those years have long disappeared. Seeing Xiaxiang, he first called his brother-in-law affectionately, and then shook hands with Xiaxiang politely, and there is no more kindness and casualness when he was

Yes, with the increase of age and the improvement of Xiaxiang's status, Cao Shujun's mind has also grown a lot quickly and converged more. Xia thought that from an essay-free college student to today's Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he has been running all the way for many years, leaving him far behind. It's a lie to say that he is not lost, but it is not accurate to say that there is jealousy. Maybe it is a psychology of envy and admiration.

Cao Shujun is not a few years younger than Xia, and he has also entered the year of standing. Now he is the director of the Department of Finance. Compared with others, he has a successful career. Of course, if you mention his identity as the governor, it is low-key and pragmatic.

Cao Shujun has a son, who is just one year old and is carried by his grandfather and grandma, which is also worry-free. His wife Meng Shuiyao was his girlfriend in those years. After witnessing the love between Xiaxiang and Cao Shuyu, he also held hands with Meng Shuiyao and no longer missed the flowers.

Meng Shuiyao works for the IRS and is now the section chief. She came from a civilian family. After marrying Cao Shujun, although she also expected to marry into a rich family from now on. She walked smoothly, but later saw that Cao Shujun had no intention of his official career, and Cao Yong's country was extremely strict, so she took her mind and taught her husband and children at ease.

Yes, now she and Cao Shujun have a house and a car, and their monthly income is above the middle level in Yan City. There is nothing missing. What else do you have? It's enough to be contented and happy. She is the section chief and Cao Shujun is the director. If she slowly improves in a few years, she can always stand up. Even if Cao Yongguo doesn't open his mouth and Xia doesn't want to help, he won't treat Cao Shujun badly.

It is precisely after thinking about this that Meng Shuiyao and Cao Shujun's married life is full and happy. They have no worries about food and clothing, and they don't have to worry about the future. You don't have to worry too much. What else is there that is insatiable? If you don't know enough, you are a stupid woman. How many women push their husbands to the opposite side because they are insatiable and gently push them into the arms of other women. Heavy, pushed forward the prison.

Xia wanted to make a few easy jokes with Cao Shujun, and also shook hands with Meng Shuiyao. He is naturally clear about the current situation of Cao Shujun and Meng Shuiyao. Even if he is indifferent to the work and future of Cao Shujun and Meng Shuiyao on the surface, he has his own enthusiastic and discerning people regularly report to him the situation of Cao Shujun and Meng Shuiyao from time to time. When should we take a step forward and when he can suggest If you want to have more than ten years of ups and downs in officialdom, you will naturally know it.

Cao Shujun is not suitable for the officialdom of swords and shadows, but the position of deputy director in the Finance Department is also a very stable and rich life. Xiaxiang does not care about Cao Shujun's growth on the surface, and he has been secretly paying attention to when and where he should go.

With Xia's influence in Yan City, as long as he opens his mouth, the effect is even better than Cao Yongguo's opening his mouth.

It's not that Xia wants to be arrogant. His influence in Yan Province is indeed much greater than that of Cao Yongguo.

After the cold noise, Cao Shujun talked to Cao Shutong for a while and saw that the time was up. The two families went to the Qi Building together.

Originally, Xiao Wu was coming to greet him. Xia didn't want to give up. He didn't have a long way to go. Why did he work on others? He never paid too much attention to showy.

However, Xia thought that he didn't care about false etiquette, which doesn't mean that others won't. Xia thought of going to meet his family at the highway. His father didn't let him say that he didn't want to make too much noise. He was not a senior official. Xia thought that he didn't go. He knew that his Nan thought about it. After dealing with Xiao Wu and Zhu Hu, he made a bold decision privately: he personally led the team to lead the luxury team to welcome the summer.

Qi Yanan's proposal received a unanimous response from Sun Xianwei, Shen Lichun and others. Anyway, they are businessmen, not officials, and they don't have so many scruples. Therefore, at the exit of the highway, there was a scene that countless Yanshi people would like to talk about: a team of more than a dozen luxury They all thought they were welcoming important VIPs or some major figures. What surprised people was that a Santana 2000 got off the highway, was surrounded by a luxury convoy, and escorted all the way into the market.

No, how come? A low-end car with more than 100,000 yuan in Santana Ztian was greeted by more than a dozen luxury cars and stars. Which Huangmei play is this?

Compared with the courtesy of Xia Cheng's party, Cao Yongguo, the governor of the Western Province, and his party were deserted and no one to answer after getting off the highway. However, after Cao Yongguo learned that Xia Tiancheng and his party had been treated with courtesy, he smiled easily and was very relieved that Xia didn't give him a move.

Cao Yongguo is clear that he is the governor of the Western Province. When he comes back to Yan City, he is in a private capacity. If he is popular, he has shocked the provincial party committee and provincial government of Yan Province, and he will not leave. He has long been used to the scenery of people before and behind. When he comes back during the holiday, he wants to be quiet. He doesn't want to have a social engagement, and he doesn't want to have positive contact with officials in Yan Province. After all, it's a holiday, and he wants to have time to rest.

Sitting in the Santana car and seeing the luxurious running and BMW team outside, Xu Ning said to Xia An enviously, "Xia'an, our Santana is too shabby and humiliating. It's not as valuable as many wheels. Later, I'll ask my brother to help us change a good car."

Xia An was driving, Xu Ning sat beside him, and Xia Tian Cheng and Zhang Lan sat behind the car.

When he came to Yanshi for the party, he was in a good mood, because he hadn't sat down with his brother for a long time. He wanted to communicate with Xia for some official experience, and he also wanted to ask for his brother's opinion on the next step.

It was a good thing that a motorcade came to pick him up, which made him feel that there was light on his face, and he was also very proud of his brother's current achievements. When he was happy, he heard that Xu Ning was angry again. Suddenly, he was angry. Regardless of his parents' presence, he slapped Xu Ning

Xu Ning was knocked unconscious. He covered his face and stared at Xia An. After all, he didn't dare to fight back and cried.

Xia An continued to scold Xu Ning: "Be content, let alone forget the original. The current car is given by my brother. I have always felt guilty that I haven't done anything for my brother. You are good at it. Why do you want it when you open your mouth? I'm embarrassed to ask my brother for anything. Why are you so thick-skinned? Did my brother give us less? He has done enough for our family. Without him, I wouldn't even be the section chief now! You still don't know enough. Why are you so shameless?"

"Xia An, how can you talk!" Although Zhang Lan didn't like Xu Ning's small and snobbishness, she still had to scold Xia An in a way, "You can beat people at any time. You have great official prestige now, don't you?"

Xia An doesn't say anything.

Xia Tiancheng said with a serious face, "I want to emphasize again that the boss doesn't owe this family anything, he doesn't owe me as a father, and he doesn't owe you to be a brother and sister-in-law. You should be content and self-reliant!"

Xu Ning had a lot of ideas when she came here this time. She wanted to mention it to Xia in person and asked Xia to speak to Secretary Zhu and arrange for her family to a better unit. Now she was woken up by Xia An in the face and scolded by Xia Cheng. She was ashamed. She bowed her head and didn't even dare

At noon, the Qi's Building was full of friends again. In summer, one family and Xia'an's family, Cao Yongguo's family had all arrived. Xiaxiang's family and Cao Shujun's family had been waiting for a long time in the Qi's Building. The five families gathered together and began the second grand event.

Xia wants to smile and enjoy the happiness of family with his family.

At the same time, Ye Shisheng also smiled and talked and laughed with several people on the bank of the Shimoma River. If one of them was Ma Jie and did not surprise Xia, the identities of the other two shocked Xiaxiang's inexplicable influence of Ye Shisheng in Yan Province, which was much greater than he thought!