official god

Chapter 1457 Behind the scenes, charge before the war

Chapter 1457 Behind the scenes, charge before the war

Many people don't even guess the beginning, so they don't need to mention the turning point in the middle, let alone the end.

Not only does Fan Ruiheng think that Gao Jinzhou will definitely veto his nomination, but also Wang Pengfei is ready to fight a hard battle. When Gao Jinzhou fully opposes it, he is ready to remove Peng Yunfeng's nomination as a concession - it is also a clever trick agreed by him and Fan Ruiheng in advance, which is designed to resolve Design.

In fact, there are two alternatives to the personnel adjustment plan.

First, if Gao Jinzhou's opposition is not too strong, he will remove Peng Yunfeng's nomination and remain as the secretary-general of the provincial government. In fact, even if Peng Yunfeng stays in office, it will not be too long, because Gao Jinzhou will then take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee. After Du Bangzhong takes office In a change, DuPont will definitely arrange a candidate he trusts.

Second, if Gao Jinzhou's opposition is too strong, he will nominate Peng Yunfeng as the secretary of the Niucheng Municipal Party Committee, which should be able to achieve Gao Jinzhou's satisfaction. The political competition was originally for you to give up. Since Fan Ruiheng made a huge concession and showed full sincerity, Governor Gao should also respect the authority of the leader.

It's just that I never thought that Gao Jinzhou, who had never been very ** on personnel issues, had another set of personnel adjustment plan under the sudden attack of Secretary Fan's personnel adjustment... Wang Pengfei's heart jumped, and an idea that he didn't want to believe and was shocked flashed in his heart - did Xia Xiang still participate? Have you formulated the layout of the plan for Fan Ruiheng?

Wang Pengfei chose to cooperate with Fan Ruiheng this time. He did have the idea of speculation, but he also had to do so.

First of all, Fan Ruiheng's strength made him unable to nominate Fan Ruiheng's candidate. Secondly, Fan Ruiheng was full of sincerity and took out enough chips to impress him. Finally, it was also the decisive factor for Wang Pengfei to make up his mind to let go. He thought that Xiaxiang would not fight against Zhu Ruile, Chen Tian It's not a question of whether you can win, but whether it's worth it or not.

In his impression, Xia wanted not take too much care of the direct line left in Yan Province, and seemed to have forgotten it.

As a result, Wang Pengfei's first wrong judgment was made.

Another reason why Wang Pengfei decided that Fan Ruiheng's last desperate move would eventually pass the vote of the Standing Committee is that Gao Jinzhou has always not ** or doesn't care much about personnel issues. Although Gao Jinzhou is about to take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee, the new governor Du Pang is not bad with him. He doesn' What did Gao Jinzhou do with him after he took office?

If the above is not enough for Wang Pengfei to believe that Fan Ruiheng will win, then the Standing Committee, which is not completely controlled by Fan Ruiheng, and at the same time, it is not completely controlled by Gao Jinzhou. Under equal circumstances, if the authority of the leader is finally recklessly revealed, there will be many standing committees.

Therefore, Wang Pengfei decided to cooperate with Fan Ruiheng for the last time under the situation that he could not retreat and was profitable.

The lack of in-depth understanding of Gao Jinzhou caused Wang Pengfei's second wrong judgment, which eventually became his fatal mistake.

Not only does Wang Pengfei think that Gao Jinzhou can't control the Standing Committee, but Fan Ruiheng also has the same idea. Moreover, Fan Ruiheng also believes that whether Gao Jinzhou will be angry about the demotion of Xiaxiang's direct lineage. It is hard to say that he will fight with the leader, and other members of the Standing Committee

Although he is about to leave office, it is not wise to compete with a leader in politics. It is easy to leave a political stain, and it is easy to leave a disgraceful stroke on his resume. And there is also a point that they are worried that it is difficult to shoot alone, and the gun will hit the first bird. If it becomes the target of his crusade, won't it be tragic?

It was also based on the above ideas and the psychology of the members of the Standing Committee that Fan Ruiheng determined that he would be the dominant member of the Standing Committee and successfully passed the vote.

After several adjustments, more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee of Yan Province have been adjusted. How many more people can Xia think he can talk? It has not been the era of Song Dynasty and Chen Feng for a long time. The newly appointed members of the Standing Committee, such as Xiao Yuanxin and Zhang Qian, have a little affection with Xia, but they are shallow. I'm afraid that Xia's face is not enough to convince them.

For example, Leng Yuecang and Li Feng not only have no love with Xia Xiang, but also have a little quarrel, and they will not talk to Xia. In fact, the weighty characters that Xia Xiang can influence are Gao Jinzhou and Hu Zengzhou. Therefore, Fan Ruiheng believes that with Peng Yunfeng in exchange for the support of Gao Jinzhou, Gao Jin will compromise on Monday, and Hu Zengzhou will leave Yan Province again. I'm afraid he will not be in the mood to help Xia think about anything more.

Even if Hu Zengzhou has the heart to help, it is difficult to support a single tree and unable to return to heaven!

I have to say that after discussing with Wang Pengfei, Fan Ruiheng's final strategy can't be said to be seamless and almost perfect.

Before taking Peng Yunfeng's nomination, Gao Jinzhou directly put forward another personnel adjustment plan. Not only Fan Ruiheng was shocked, but even Wang Pengfei was very puzzled. Whether it was the secretary of the provincial party committee or the governor, the introduction of the personnel plan did not conform to the procedure without going through the Organization Department.

Wang Pengfei expressed his dissatisfaction in time. Although his tone was very tactful, he was obviously unhappy: "The Organization Department welcomes Governor Gao to also have a personnel adjustment plan, but the Organization Department has not received instructions from Governor Gao in advance, so it is not convenient for the Organization Department to put forward specific opinions on Governor Gao's plan."

The meaning is that if the Organization Department does not evaluate it, the plan does not conform to the established procedures.

Gao Jin and Zhou smiled slightly: "I don't know the personnel plan of Secretary Fan and the Organization Department in advance. As the first deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, I didn't know the specific content of the plan until I went to the Standing Committee. Is the work of the Organization Department not done well?"

Wang Peng's flying faceè a stagnation, slightly embarrassed

Everyone was shocked in the dark. Well, it was directly tit-for-tat. It seems that there is a big drama today. When Secretary Fan is about to leave office, when Governor Gao takes over, on top of personnel issues, a short-term takeover is inevitable.

Fan Ruiheng had to come forward. He took pressure on Wang Pengfei: "The personnel adjustment plan is basically my idea... Because the matter is urgent and it happens to be the National Day holiday, I didn't have time to discuss it with you. It's my mistake." Well said, it seems to have given way, but then said, "It's a good thing for Jin and Zhou to have a plan, but it's not in line with the norms to be directly mentioned to the Standing Committee without being reviewed by the Organization Department."

Everyone here understood that Fan Ruiheng meant that the plan was drawn up by the Ministry of Organization and China. As the secretary of the provincial party committee in charge of personnel, doesn't the leader have the power to draft the plan? On the contrary, as the governor, the head of the province is the administration. How can you do a good job? Is your hand too long?

Where are the rules for the governor to draw up the personnel adjustment plan?

"It's not in line with the norms, but the matter is relatively urgent, and it happens to be the National Day holiday, and there is no time to meet the Organization Department..." Gao Jin and Zhou Yi went to the gourd and learned Fan Ruiheng's words as they were.

Fan Ruiheng pretends to have self-restraint and tries to keep calm again. How can he become a scoundrel in Jinzhou?

Among the members of the Standing Committee, some people even bent the corners of their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

"But..." Gao Jinzhou turned around again in time. "I was relieved with Comrade Zeng Zhou in advance. Comrade Zeng Zhou fully agreed with my plan, and said that since it was too late, he would be the decision to go directly to the Standing Committee to discuss it. At the Organization Department, he worked for him."

Zhang Canyang, Minister of United Front Work, finally couldn't help laughing. His shiny hair was particularly vivid in the afternoon sun. When he smiled, his hair began to jump, as if mocking or sarcastic.

In fact, Zhang Canyang laughed inadly. The secretary of the provincial party committee and the minister of the organization joined hands, and the governor and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee joined hands. Good, very good, it was simply a match. It's really a good show. When he thought about it, he felt very funny.

But after laughing, he felt inappropriate. Many people's eyes fell on him. There were dissatisfaction, doubt, and anger, so he had to raise his hands and smile apologetically to express his apologies.

Gao Jinzhou's reasons seem to be sufficient, but it is still a little far-fetched. Admittedly, Hu Zengzhou is in charge of the organization department, but everything should be in an order. Even the candidate chosen by the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee must be nominated by the organization department, and the rules cannot be abolished. Hu Zengzhou is the leader in charge. He is not the Minister of Organization. He can't replace the Minister of Organization. Otherwise, what's the use of organizing the Minister?

Therefore, Gao Jinzhou's reasons make sense in general, and there are still some shortcomings in terms of procedures and organization.

But Fan Ruiheng can't blame Gao Jinzhou for details, because his personnel adjustment is unconventional. If he doesn't go through normal channels, he can't blame others for mistakes if he has problems. Fan Ruiheng feels like choking in a sip of water. He wants to cough, but he can't cough. It's Receive.

Hu Zengzhou knew that it was time for him to speak, so he nodded solemnly to Wang Pengfei: "The plan was indeed drawn up by Comrade Jin and Zhou with me. Originally, I wanted to discuss it with Comrade Pengfei, but at that time, Comrade Pengfei may have been busy drawing up a plan with Secretary Fan, so he did not disturb him

As soon as he said this, the Standing Committee almost laughed. He didn't expect that Deputy Secretary Hu, who was usually gentle and calm, also had such an uphement. What he said just now was not without ironic, pointing out that Wang Pengfei only focused on approaching the secretary of the provincial party committee and did not pay attention to the governor and the deputy

Wang Pengfei finally found it difficult to calm down again. His face was very ugly. He was about to open his mouth to defend a few words. Fan Ruiheng saw that the momentum was wrong and knew that he was entangled in the procedure and specific details. Maybe he was in the middle of Gao Jinzhou's plan, so he simply said, "There Now that Comrades Jin and Zhou also have a plan to put forward, let's talk to the comrades about it together. Stop the other details!" "

means that when you see the real chapter under your hand, don't shake your head, it doesn't work!

"Okay, Comrade Ruiheng is right." Gao Jinzhou suddenly changed his smile again, as if he had been waiting for Fan Ruiheng's words for a long time, "Comrade Zeng Zhou, please propose a plan to the Standing Committee."

: According to the usual practice, the third update on Sunday is at 23:56. Tomorrow Monday, I'm going to hit the recommendation list. Please prepare tomorrow's recommendation tickets, one person and two votes, do you have it? Thank you. Around midnight, at least two updates will be given away! RA