official god

Chapter 1473 The Last Layout in Hunan Province

Chapter 1473 The Last Layout in Hunan Province

Although it is not the first time to participate in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, after all, it is the first time to participate in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Hunan Province. Tan Guorui is still a little excited.

Of course, he is excited not because the conference room of the Standing Committee of Hunan Province is larger than that of Yan Province, nor because the decoration is more luxurious, nor because the seats are more comfortable, but because his position is more prominent.

The deputy of the provincial party committee ranks much higher than the executive vice governor in the party. He is the third person in the provincial party committee who is second only to the governor. Tan Guorui, who sits on the third chair, is quite compladened by more than ten people under the two of them. Previously, he was swept away by the low mood of And power.

The magic of power affects the psychology of people's gains and losses in the officialdom all the time.

Just a ranking is not enough to make Tan Guorui regain his self-confidence, and because he first came to Hunan Province, he encountered two major events, and everything was very smooth. Compared with the work in Yan Province, it was carried out more smoothly, which made him full of expectations and full of his future work in Hunan Province.

Inadvertently glanced at Xiaxiang sitting next to him, Tan Guorui became more and more puzzled. How could he always feel that Xia was not pleasing to the eye in the past, and always felt that he was arrogant and radical, but now the more he looks at him, the more calm and moderate he is?

Was it that he didn't know people before, but now after contact, he found that Xia thought actually has many advantages, and he is also a friend worth making?

Exclhuing the factors of political position, people's psychology also has a strange side. Tan Guorui, who came to Hunan Province for the first time with frustration and loss, was even more frustrated after he hit a wall in the vanguard's place, but he was helped by Xia Xiang in time and regained his confidence. His impression of Xia Xiang has changed On the emotional weak side, it was precisely at this time that Xia wanted to send help in the snow to make him remember it.

But then again, whether Xia wants to give help or has other intentions, he has to say two words. The problem is that no matter what Xia wants to do, it is true that he has won the favor of Tan Guorui.

Without Ye Tiannan's Standing Committee, there is a more relaxed and casual atmosphere than usual, and because the situation in Hunan Province has gradually stabilized, everyone here is also relaxed.

However, it also indirectly shows that Ye Tiannan is really great. His departure can make many people feel relieved, and it also proves how tall a mountain his existence is.

If Comrade Ye Tiannan knows something in the capital, he should nod with a smile and think so.

As usual, the meeting was presided over by Zheng Sheng.

After a brief opening statement, Zheng Sheng made a briefing on the topic of today's meeting: "According to the regulations on the exchange of cadres in different places, three outstanding cadres from Yan Province will be transferred to Hunan Province. After research, the Organization Department has drawn up an appointment plan. Let's invite Comrade Xia Ning to speak."

Liang Xianing threw out the plan approved by Xia, Tan Guorui agreed, Fu Xianfeng nodded and Zheng Sheng acquiesced in. There is reason to believe that the plan approved by a total of five members of the Provincial Party Committee, including him, was discussed at the Standing Committee. It was just a formality, and no one would raise objections uninterest

As soon as Liang Xianing finished speaking, Zheng Sheng nodded and said, "The plan is basically in line with the procedure. Please express your opinions."

Generally speaking, although Zheng Sheng's statement is vague, people with a little political mind are clear that Zheng's attitude towards the plan is in favor of the plan. As long as it does not involve his own major interests, it is also the exchange cadres of Yan Province. They all know that there is a lot of inside information, and most Vote in favor.

But after that, there was a scene that should not have appeared...

Then, Fu Xianfeng said, "I basically have no problem. The nomination of the Organization Department is in line with the procedure."

One or two leaders have acquiesced in, and the tone has been set. Who will have objections?

Tan Guorui's speech was more supportive: "When I was in Yan Province, I knew more about the above-mentioned comrades. They were all very excellent cadres, and they could definitely make greater achievements in their new jobs."

Xia wanted to smile and said concisely, "I agree with the decision of the Organization Department."

So far, the top four heavyweights of the provincial party committee have expressed their approval, and people with a little political mind will choose to agree. Even if they are not convinced, even if they have their own nominations and can't win the opportunity, even if they are extremely dissatisfied, they must maintain enough political self-restraint and should not speak out their Because it is useless to oppose, it is better to save it and hide real thoughts.

But someone jumped out untimely and objected.

And there is more than one person.

The first person to object was Yang Hengyi.

"The three comrades Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong, Zhu Ruile and Chen Tianyu, did not say, meet the conditions for promotion, but the appointment of Comrade Peng Yong seems to be a little unconventional. Comrade Peng Yong is a person who has made a major mistake and has served as the executive vice mayor in one step. Is there any lack of consideration?

As the first member of the Standing Committee to raise objections positively, Yang Hengyi's speech immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Xia Xiang was very surprised. He did not understand whether Yang Hengyi's sudden jump out was based on his dissatisfaction with his defeat of the four-person alliance in Hunan Province, or for another political purpose.

It doesn't matter if there is a voice of opposition. The key is what kind of political considerations are hidden behind the voice.

Xia thought had not regained his composure from his meditation, and Hu Ding made a speech.

"I don't think there is any principle in the appointment of Comrades Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong. Instead, Comrade Zeng Zhuo has stepped too far as the deputy mayor. Comrade Zeng Zhuo has been engaged in the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He has no government work experience and has served as a deputy mayor, which may not be beneficial to his future growth. Please study it carefully in the Organization Department.

Well, in the former four-person alliance of Hunan Province, there were only two people left, one against Peng Yong and the other against Zeng Zhuo. At a glance, it can be concluded that each has its own division of labor and has been premeditated. It is an action to block Xia Xiang with a clear goal and a clear purpose.

Xiaxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, but he did not look at Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding, but casually looked at Zheng Sheng.

Zheng Sheng's eyes were calm, his expression was calm, and he did not say anything about the speeches of Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding.

Xia Shang's eyes fell on Zheng Haiqi again.

Zheng Haiqi also tried to keep calm, but his political level was obviously not comparable to Zheng Sheng's. The jumping excitement in his eyes still revealed his true thoughts.

Xia Xiang was indeed a little shocked. It was not to shock Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding's opposition, but to shock the behind-the-scenes pusher to take the opportunity to prove something. What he did not expect was that after Ye Tiannan left, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, which was expected to restore calm and order, Speculators may fall back into serious confrontation.

Xia couldn't help but feel a little helpless and disappointed.

Subsequently, Liang Xianing, Minister of Organization, expressed his support. Vice Governor He Zhineng, Minister of Propaganda Xie Xincai, Minister Yu Shoucheng and Commander of the Provincial Military Region Zhang Xiao all voted in favor.

Zheng Haiqi, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Gu Jianxuan of Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee, have successively expressed their doubts. Although the voices of opposition are not very strong, coupled with the previous voices of Yang Hengyi and Hu Ding's opposition have also formed a trend and torrents, which has brought a certain degree of impact to the nomination of

Even Fu Xianfeng's eyes flashed, obviously showing dissatisfaction, because Hu Ding has been trying to get closer to him, but now he has made a different voice from him, and occasionally makes a different sound. The key is that Hu Ding has the same attitude as Yang Hengyi, who is actively approaching Zheng Sheng, and the subsequent opposition. It's Zheng Haiqi and Gu Jianxuan, and the meaning of the target is more obvious.

Because Zheng Haiqi is Zheng Sheng's former celebrity, and Gu Jianxuan is also Zheng Sheng's direct line. Although Zheng Sheng expressed his support as soon as he came up, his cronies and direct line objected at the same time. People can't help but doubt the real intention behind it. Is it tempting or implicitly expressing something?

Perhaps Xia wants to believe that Zheng Haiqi wanted to take the opportunity to show his authority and existence under Zheng Sheng's acquiescence, but in Fu Xianfeng's view, it was Zheng Sheng who took advantage of this personnel appointment to openly declare war on him.

Fu Xianfeng's face turned cold.

Zheng Sheng finally made a concluding speech: "Although some comrades have put forward different views, in accordance with the principle of democracy, the Standing Committee unanimously voted to adopt the personnel plan of the Organization Department!"

The adoption of the

plan is expected, and it is not surprising that there are voices of opposition, but a personnel nomination still exposes many problems, which also makes Xia Xiang's expected desire to achieve a balance and harmony in the future. What disappointed him was not the voice of opposition, but behind the voice of opposition. If it was promoted by Zheng Haiqi, what role did Zheng Sheng play?

Or is Zheng Sheng really taking the initiative to provoke trouble to show authority, or is he just using this to remind everyone of his prestige as a leader?

If possible, it is still necessary to have an in-depth conversation with Zheng Sheng. Xia doesn't want Zheng Sheng and Fu Xianfeng to fall into a serious confrontation again. At that time, it will not only be detrimental to Hunan Province, but also make it difficult for him to choose.

After the appointment of the Standing Committee was approved, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee immediately reported to the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and the Organization Department of the Central Committee notified the Organization Department of Yan Province. A week later, Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong came to Hunan Province to take office accompanied by the relevant personnel of the Organization Department of Yan

What is not known is that just as Zhu Ruile and others took office, Xia Xiang's economic team also took the opportunity to arrive at Xiangjiang, and at the same time, Fu Xianxian also came to Xiangjiang.

Xia Xiang's economic team arrived in Xiangjiang. The people were Qi Yannan, Li Qin, Yan Xiao and Cong Feng'er. Yes, Yan Xiao was stimulated and decided to come to Hunan Province to broaden the market. After Cong Feng'er and Yan Xiao got acquainted with each other, they also thought that there was a lot to do , came to Hunan Province...

Xiaxiang first introduced the economic team to Fu Xianfeng. As the governor, investment attraction was also a political achievement, and then introduced them to Mei Xiaolin. After that, the economic team followed Zhu Ruile, Chen Tianyu and Peng Yong to the city to inspect the market.

Xiang Province ushered in the last layout of Xiaxiang. RO