official god

Chapter 1484 Officially unveiled Ace Sword

At first glance, Liao Dezhai, the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee of Qi Province, looks like an old farmer, with wrinkles and vicissitudes on his face. Walking on the street, not to mention that no one thinks he is the head of the Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. One hundred people, I'm afraid there will be

The bitter hatred on his face is too obvious and eye-catching, as if he has suffered a lot from snacks.

However, at this time, the smile on Minister Liao's face is as bright as spring. It happens to be spring, and it happens that today's spring in Lu City is very good. In the spring of Lu City, Minister Liao's first impression on Xiaxiang is a smiling tiger.

Yes, somehow, Xia thought only looked at Liao Deyi and came to the above conclusion. Maybe Liao Deyi's smile was so bright and warm that the sun outside the airport was overshadowed.

The Minister of Organization is not as good as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and there is no need to smile brightly.

On the contrary, Xia Li, the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, who is the housekeeper of the provincial party committee, smiled gently and smiled, at least maintaining the due etiquette and Zhou Zheng.

Xia thought that he didn't mean to blame Liao Deyi, because he also saw that Liao Deyi and Xie Xincai had a personal relationship.

After the cold noise, Liao Deyi and Xia Lili invited Xie Xincai and Xia to get on the bus. Unable to sit in a car, Xia Li hesitated and said with a smile, "Secretary Xia and I took a car, just in time to talk about the family tree with me.

worthy of being the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, he not only saw that Liao Deyi and Xie Xincai had private words to say, but also took the opportunity to take the name of his family to get closer to Xiaxiang.

Xia Li and Liao Deyi both fell out, but compared with Liao Deyi, who has a face of vicissitudes, Xia Li, who wears glasses and has no messy hair, is like a university professor. It reveals three points of elegance.

After getting on the bus, the car slowly drove out of the airport.

Lu City is not coastal, and the climate is similar to that of Yan City. It is somewhat mild. In April, it is a good season for spring to bloom, and the trees on both sides of the road have burst into boundless vitality.

Although the greening of Lu City is not as good as the Xiangjiang River, it is much better than Yan City. Looking around, it is lush and refreshing.

"Sincerely welcome Xia Jing to work in Qi Province." There is a sense of sincerity in Xia Li's enthusiasm. As the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, he naturally has a good relationship with Qiu Renli, so he has a natural good impression of Xia, who is in the same camp as Qiu Renli.

What's more, he and Xiaxiang have the same surname.

The airport is a long way from the provincial party committee. Let's talk about some easy topics on the way. No one will talk about it for the first time.

As for a family 500 years ago, it was not easy for my family to get together. If you have time to sit together, etc., such polite words are naturally light and traceless. Xia Li spoke enthusiastically, and Xia wanted to respond easily.

To be honest, under the case of in-depth understanding in the first contact, Xia wants to have a good impression of Xia Li. Of course, it does not rule out the reason why he has heard Xia Li's position from Qiu Renli in advance, and there are also reasons for the same surname, but it is obviously not enough to affect his judgment.

When he was about to the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang seemed to remember it and casually asked, "Have you ever had any contact with the Secretary-General and Li Shengren?"

This sentence is very implicit. The work of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee and the deputy governor no longer intersects, and they meet almost every day. How can they not contact each other? But it was precisely because of the implicit and inexplicable question that Xia Li knew what Xia really wanted to ask.

To Xia's surprise, Xia Li was a little difficult to speak. After a moment's hesitation, he replied vaguely: "Gun Governor Li is very good, very serious and principled."

Xia thought suddenly jumped in his heart and immediately heard the meaning of the words. Seeing that Xia Li's eyes jumped, it was obvious that there was something to hide.

In fact, Li Dingshan did not appear at the airport today. Xia Xiang initially guessed that Li Dingshan might have something to do with him, and it was troublesome. Originally, he had a little illusion that he hoped that Li Dingshan would come to Qi Province for the first time, be steady and low-key. He didn't expect Li Dingshan to be

Since Xia Li is not easy to say, Xia doesn't want to ask too much. As soon as he looked up, the car has driven into the courtyard of the latent committee.

All the members of the Standing Committee of the Qi Provincial Party Committee, headed by Qiu Renli, lined up to welcome them.

As the third person of the provincial party committee, the young deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang ranked second only to Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin in Qi Province. All the members of the standing committee also met the meeting in line with the specifications, and there was Xie Xincai, deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee. The deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee went down to the local government and saw the official level. Qiu Renli came forward in person, which was an inevitable etiquette.

Shake hands in turn, and the necessary cutscenes and procedures must be performed at a glance, and there must be no mistake.

Xia wanted to hold hands with Qiu Renli and only said a few polite words. It was originally an open pass-by, and there was no need to say more.

I have not seen him for more than two years. Sun Ximin has not seen the old man, but shines brightly. Sure enough, people are happy when they are happy. After only two years of silence, Governor Sun has become a popular figure again, which is gratifying.

It's just that Xia thought maliciously that Sun Ximin in his previous life once resigned twice at the provincial and ministerial positions. I don't know if the strong practice of history has delayed the time, will he still move forward according to the established track?

"Secretary Xia, welcome, welcome." As the governor is big, it is natural for Sun Ximin to reach out his hand first, and let him speak first. After saying a cliché, he pretended to smile easily and said the old, "Yan Province said goodbye, and in Qi Province Baihui, the life encounter is really amazing."

is very magical. Xia wanted to laugh without saying anything, but just nodded, thinking that if Governor Sun knew the more amazing things that happened to him, I don't know what he would do?

"Remember, you owe me a pot of tea." Sun Ximin smiled and deliberately patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder to show his intimacy.

Qiu Renli did not squint and turned a blind eye to the interaction between Sun Ximin and Xiaxiang, but there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

After Sun Ximin, it was Qin Kan, the executive vice governor.

Xia Xiang ranked third in the provincial party committee, Qin Kan ranked fourth, and Zhou Hongji ranked fifth because of his seniority. He did not rank fourth as Xia Xiang in Hunan Province.

Qin Kan is from Shaanxi Province. He is tall and speaks in a loud voice. He welcomed the arrival of Xiaxiang: "Welcome Secretary Xia. I believe that the arrival of Secretary Xia will bring new vitality to Qi Province."

People seem to be rough, but their words are watertight.

After Qin Kan, it was Zhou Hongji, who has been known for a long time.

To be fair, compared with the previous leaders of the provincial party committee who are more than 50 years old, the mountain-old Zhou Hongji is really young, and because he is white-skinned and handsome, he stands tall. If he hadn't worn a gold-rimmed glasses on his face, he would have been too literate. Zhou Hongji is really a talented person.

Even in the eyes of some women who like small white faces, Zhou Hongji is more popular than Xia, but it is certain that in the eyes of Lian Ruohan or Gu Yu, Zhou Hongji looks too feminine.

"Secretary Zhou, you came a few days earlier than me. Anyway, you are half a host. Today's dinner, you invited me." Xia wants to take the initiative to shake hands with Zhou Hongji. In terms of ranking, he is ahead of Zhou Hongji and should take the initiative.

Zhou Hongji didn't expect that the first sentence Xia wanted to meet was a joke. His eyes hidden behind the lens contracted slightly, trying not to let his eyes reveal his real thoughts, but the change in his eyes still revealed his inner shock. Xia wanted to be younger, more handsome and more impactful than he thought!

Zhou Hongji believes that if he stays in the place for a long time, he will be contaminated with bureaucratic spirit. Although Xia wants to be young, even if he doesn't have a big belly, he will also be qi deficiency and floating. He doesn't want Xia in front of him to be healthy and refreshing, and his whole body is

"Secretary Xia opened his mouth, and I should obey." Zhou Hongji smiled and said the standard Mandarin characters with the taste of the capital. "Secretary Xia is a northerner. It's the right person to come to Lu City. The cuisine of Qi Province is very suitable for the taste of our northerners."

Zhou Hongji, who first came out of the ministry, behaved like Zhou Zheng and spoke calmly. Xia wanted to give a high score on his first impression. Although Zhou Hongji would unconsciously show his sense of superiority when he spoke, he worked in the ministry, in general, he was a deep and mellow veteran.

The first meeting is not a fight, but a test. Xia wants to believe that they have left a deep impression on each other.

When he and Zhou Hongji talked and laughed, it seemed to be relaxed and casual, but in fact, both of them had a lot about it. Long before they came to Qi Province, because of their respective positions and principles, there was no possibility of shaking hands and making peace between them, let alone cooperation.

From the moment he set foot on the land of Qi Province, Xiaxiang and Zhou Hongji began a long and arduous race. In the end, whoever wins or loses. The competition is not only endurance and physical strength, but also who has more wisdom and means when crossing the mountains in the process of long-distance running.

The next few members of the Standing Committee all shook hands with each other. It was not too late to get to know each other in the future. In front of Li Dingshan, Xia Xiang, who was familiar with Li Dingshan's temper, saw Li Dingshan's anger and dissatisfaction at a glance. Although he stood in the welcoming team, he was absent-minded Qin Kan and He Jianghai.

Is it possible that after half a month, Li Dingshan had a conflict with Qin Kan and He Jianghai?

Qin Kan is the executive vice governor, and He Jianghai is not a member of the general standing committee. He is the secretary of the provincial political and legal secretary and ** director, with the same power.

Xia wants to shake hands with Li Dingxiao: "G Governor Li, a few days early, do you have a lot of understanding of the situation in Qi Province?"

Li Dingshan said angrily, "Why don't you have a lot of understanding? I still know a lot about it! Secretary Xia, let's have dinner together in the evening. I have a lot to talk to you alone.

Xia thought about what to say, but he didn't think it was appropriate. He just nodded: "If there are no other plans in the evening, I'll come to you."

Li Dingshan nod his head slightly and said nothing more, but the indignation on his face did not go away, which made Xia Xiang secretly worry.

Xia Xiang's worry was right. When Li Dingshan first came to Qi Province, he intervened in a major event. In terms of morality and justice, his position and starting point were completely correct, but in terms of means and eagerness for success, he lost radicalism and impatience, and finally caused a terrible disaster.

also made Xiaxiang get involved in a huge storm before he arrived in Qi Province and gained a firm foothold.