official god

Chapter 1487 Opening

Xia wanted to gently squeeze the wine glass in her hand with one hand. The quality of the wine glass is good. It is as crystal as crystal, and the capacity is not large. It is a three-money cup.

Three qian glasses, as the name implies, a glass of wine is Lanqian, three glasses of wine is one or two, and thirty glasses of wine are one catty.

Xia thinks that in fact, he is an excellent drinker. In the last life, he often misses the occasion of Fengyue, accompanying countless corrupt officials of all sizes to get drunken money, crisscrossed, and practiced extraordinary drinking.

However, after rebirth, he was well aware of the harm of drunkenness. He changed his past, no longer drank too much, and did not drink easily, unless he took a few sip on occasions that could not be avoided, but one of the bottom line he insisted on was not to drink too much, let alone drunk.

With the improvement of his position, there are not many people on the wine table who have authority to persuade him to drink. Tofu's words, as his current deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, even Qiu Renli can't speak, let him drink as much wine. Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongji, who ranks lower than him, forced him to drink!

can't be regarded as persecution. After all, they also accompany each other in person. It is a way to kill the enemy for a thousand and hurt themselves for eight hundred. In other words, they can't fight against each other with false strength.

Xia thought that if he flinched, he would definitely fall into laughter!

What's more, Qiu Renli handed over his autonomy to him.

"Three glasses of wine per person, as soon as Brother Hongji opens his mouth, I will definitely listen to it, but I also have an unrequiting invitation..." Xia wanted to pause deliberately and looked at Zhou Hongji's face. Before he could say anything, he said, "You set the quantity, and I set the quality. How about it?"

The pun of quality depends on how others understand it.

Zhou Hongji saw that he and Xia wanted to be surrounded by people at this time. Now it is difficult to ride a tiger and can only fight. But then again, the current situation is not the result he wants? He smiled quietly: "It's easy to say, just like what Governor Sun said, just have fun."

Xia wanted to reach out to take the glass of water and pour out the water: "Govertain Sun said he would have fun. It's rare to have a drink with his comrades today. I'm very happy to integrate into the collective of the Qi Provincial Party Committee, and I'll have fun today. Just now, Hongji also said that I drank three cups, and he also accompanied me with three cups. He and I are the youngest, young, and we need to have a good drinking capacity and physical strength to do a good job.

As Xia wanted to say, he picked up the wine bottle and filled a whole cup. Compared with the original three-money cup, it is now three or two cups. Then in full view of the public, he drank it in one gulp and proudly put the glass: "A red heart to the sun, I dedicate my stomach to the party!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the second cup was full. He raised his neck and drank it again: "Men have something to do, don't do something, keep their word, and have fun!"

At the moment when everyone was stunned or even hadn't reacted, Xia wanted to have a third glass of wine in his hand: "Brother Hongji, I'm glad to have three drinks with you. You set the quantity, I set the quality, fair and just, please!"

A word "please" is out, and Xiaxiang's third glass of wine also blinked!

I drank three glasses of wine in one go, not three-one cup, but three or two cups, which means that the quantity has not changed, but the quality has increased tenfold!

Qiu Renli looked surprised, but the corners of his mouth clearly showed a polite smile.

Sun Ximin looked surprised, and his eyes showed an unknown shock.

Other members of the Standing Committee looked at each other and couldn't believe what had just happened. Xia Xiangxia drank a catty of white wine in one go, and his face did not change his breath. In addition, he had just drunk almost half a catty of white wine, and a catty and a half catty of white wine

As the party, Zhou Hongji was tongue-dropping and could no longer describe his mood. He wanted to take the opportunity to compete with Xiaxiang secretly, but he didn't think of it. He encountered a strong rebound and was forced into the corner by Xiaxiang!

Zhou Hongji's tongue was hard and his scalp was numb. He stared at the glass Xia wanted to drink, and lost his reaction for a moment.

Qiu Renli said in time: "The amount of wine can't be a little false. With real ability, Hongji, don't force yourself to drink as much as you can."

It's an advice, but in fact, it's still insinuation, and the focus is on the real ability.

Zhou Hongji suddenly burst out of pride, and it was also made in the same way. He took the water glass and poured it full. He hesitated slightly. Seeing that Xia wanted to laugh without saying anything, it seemed to be encouraging and mocking. He gritted his teeth, raised his neck, and drank it all in one breath.

After drinking, he only felt like a fire burning in his chest. Zhou Hongji knew that there was going to be bad things, because he really didn't have much drinking, but if he lost to Xiaxiang in the first round in full view of the public, and under the situation of his active challenge, how would he stand up in the future?

In the second cup, the double shadow began to appear in front of Zhou Hongji's eyes. Xia Shen's meaningful smile shook more and more fiercely in front of him, as if there were two Xia Chang, one laughing and the other sneering, and turning around him.

Afraid of Mao, Zhou Hongji didn't give up and drank the second glass of wine in one gulp.

If the first glass of wine makes his chest burn like a fire, then the second glass of wine is to add fuel to the fire and turn the stomach upside down. At the same time, Xiaxiang in front of him has changed from two to four, and the speed of shaking is accelerated, as if it is full of Xiaxiang's cynicism in front

Zhou Hongji staggered and picked up the third cup. Before it was delivered to his mouth, he was taken away by someone. He only heard the man's voice coming erratically: "Brother Hongji, it's just a glass of wine. There is no need to be overwhelmed with your body. Don't drink it. When Governor

Is it Xiaxiang's voice or whose? Zhou Hongji only felt that his body was light and weightless. He seemed to soar into the air, and then suddenly there was a whirlwind and lost consciousness.

When Zhou Hongji tilted, Qin Kan was right beside him. Qin Kan, who was five or three rough people, reached out to hold Zhou Hongji in time, so that he would not get drunk on the spot.

Xiaxiang's first game when he first came to Qi Province shocked everyone present with his soaring momentum. Since then, no one has dared to challenge Xiaxiang at the wine table. The feat of drinking a bottle of liquor in one breath also made Xia Xiang establish a hard and unyield image in the minds of everyone.

Soon after, another incident that happened at the Standing Committee, which laid the place in the minds of all the Standing Committee members of Qi Province.

Zhou Hongji failed to challenge, and he was unfavorable. If he was defeated by Xia Shang, he would not be regarded as humiliating himself, and at most he would be regarded as a joke. However, some people noticed that at that time, in addition to Qin Kan's enthusiastic care of the drunken Zhou Hongji, Yuan Xuqiang, Secretary of the Lu Municipal Party Committee, also actively came forward to help.

Sun Ximin laughed and made a few harmless jokes about Zhou Hongji's drunkenness as a cover.

At the end of the banquet, everyone shook hands and said goodbye. If others may not remember who was there in the end, they all thought that after Xia wanted to drink a catty of white wine, although he was not drunk on the surface, he was probably seven or eight minutes drunk inside.

But Xiaxiang was still bright-eyed. He noticed an abnormal phenomenon that He Jianghai, Secretary of the Political and Legal Secretary and Director of the ** Department, quietly left after receiving a phone call when he was drinking...

As soon as the banquet was over, Xia Xiang called Li Dingshan's mobile phone, but turned it off, which made him even more uneasy. I wanted to go directly to Li Dingshan's residence to talk to him, but the wine was surging. After thinking about it, I gave up.

The next day, there was a drought, and Xia wanted to officially go to work.

Xiaxiang's office is located on the fifth floor. Wen Zixuan, his corresponding deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee, is a leading female cadre. At first sight of her, Xiaxiang was shocked, because she and Mei Xiaolin really have some similarities.

Wen Zixuan was very capable and spoke softly. Although he served as the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee in Qi Province, he was from Xiangjiang. Therefore, after a conversation, she had a good impression of Secretary Xia, who had work experience in Hunan Province.

In her good impression, it is not ruled out that the reason why Xia wants to become more and more mature masculine.

"Secretary Xia, the General Office has arranged a secretary for you." Although Wen Zixuan is out of his way, he is well maintained. A pair of phoenix eyes also has three amorous feelings and four points of charm. The body wrapped in decent professional clothes is plump and mature. "If you have time now, arrange for him to come over."

However, to Wen Zixuan's disappointment, she, known as the most beautiful and high-ranking official in Qi Province, looked like nothing in the eyes of Secretary Xia, completely ignoring her maturity and anger.

Then I thought so. In the eyes of the provincial leaders who fell for more than a year, she was a flower, but in front of the hard-working Secretary Xia, she was the eldest sister. Forget it, Wen Zixuan gave up. Not all men have the plot of the royal sister, and not all provincial leaders like to look at her charming body.

In fact, Wen Zixuan completely wanted to do something. Xia Xiang actually appreciated her careful dressing. In the uniform office yard, there was Wen Zixuan, a somewhat beautiful female official, which was a beautiful scenery, but he was not in the mood to notice Wen Zixuan's female characteristics now, because his mind was in Li Ding. On the mountain.

Li Dingshan is working upstairs. Xia wants to go up and ask, and today is his first day at work. He has a lot of things to do. It is impossible to meet Li Dingshan without starting work first.

The secretary arranged for him by the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee is Wu Tianxiao. The name is a little interesting. Xia Xiang is too lazy to choose again. He nodded and said, "Okay, please arrange for Wu Tianxiao to come over."

Wen Zixuan smiled, closed her hair and turned out. Xia thought that she didn't notice her back until this time. Compared with the woman in her age of age, she was indeed in good shape, plump but not fat. Between twisting, there was still three points of beauty.

The main reason is that her movements of closeting her hair are very much like Mei Xiaolin. Xia wanted to shake her head to dispel the fantasies in her mind. In addition to leisure, she also looked at her office a few times.

The layout is not bad. There is a kind of low-key luxury. The office of the leader of the provincial party committee is basically different according to the level and ranking. He is the No. 3 figure of the provincial party committee, and naturally it will not be bad.

After half a minute, Wen Zixuan led Wu Tianxiao to the office.

Wen Zixuan only made a brief introduction and left knowingly. Secretary Xia's secretary, Xia wanted to make a word. There was no need for her to add oil and vinegar.

Wen Zixuan's behavior attracted Xia's heart, which made him add a lot of impression to her.

Wu Tianxiao's conditions in all aspects met Xia Xiang's requirements, education, age, demeanor and speech. Just as Xia wanted to prepare to set it, Wu Tianxiao didn't know whether he wanted to pretend to be amazing or had ulterior motives. He abruptly said something that shocked Xia Xiang: "Please ask Secretary Xia It's..."