official god

Chapter 1492 The tip of the iceberg on the shore of Daming Lake

Chapter 1492 The tip of the iceberg by Daming Lake

Lu City is known as the Spring City. Unfortunately, today, the scenery of hundreds of springs in the past is no longer flooded, and many springs have dried up.

The world-famous Daming Lake is located in the northeast of the center of Lu City and is a natural lake. There is no legendary summer rain lotus on Daming Lake in Lu City, only tourists coming and going.

In Lu City in mid-April, the temperature rises, which is a good time for spring to bloom. Compared with the dryness of Yan City, because of the proximity to the sea, there is a slightly humid atmosphere in the air. To be fair, the spring in Lu City is still relatively pleasant.

In the bustling crowd, one old man and two tourists are not eye-catching. The old man is in his 50s and is still very strong. His waist is straight and his footsteps are steady, but his eyebrows are locked.

The young man is about 35 years old. He wears a simple casual dress. He is not fat or thin. Every step he takes is very firm. Compared with the old man's solemn face, his expression is much more relaxed. It seems that he is really safe. It's just a relaxation and outing.

Walking to a wooden chair, Xia Xiang sat down with Li Dingshan and walked all the way. He was really a little tired.

The scenery of Daming Lake is not bad, but like all famous scenic spots, it is overcrowded, which makes people lose the charm of enjoying the scenery. Fortunately, it's evening, and there are fewer tourists, and it's starting to be much quieter.

More than half a day has passed since the disturbance in the Standing Committee, and the provincial party committee has returned to calm. No matter how fierce the quarrel is at the meeting, there will be no news outside the meeting. The rule in the officialdom is to close the door and quarrel, go out to the camera, and the news on TV and newspapers will always be peaceful and beautiful in the world.

Li Dingshan is still angry until now. Speaking of Chen Qiudong's person, he almost gritted his teeth.

"Who did Governor Li hear about Chen Qiudong?" Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan walked for about half an hour and didn't talk much. He wanted Li Dingshan to relieve his anger and nervousness.

Only when you are calm can you look at the problem calmly and rationally, so I haven't asked Chen Qiudong's question until now.

"Although I only came half a month earlier than you, a lot of things happened in half a month." Li Dingshan reached out his back and knocked on his back. "And before I came to Qi Province, when I was in the Ministry of Commerce, I had found many problems..."

... As the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, Li Dingshan is in charge of many stalls, including the Salt Bureau. As soon as he arrived in Qi Province, Lu Chengliang, deputy director of the Salt Affairs Bureau, took the initiative to find him and reported to him on his work, indicating that he was proactive.

It is said that at the level of the deputy director of the Provincial Salt Bureau, he is not qualified to report his work directly to the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, but Lu Chengliang is different. He knows Li Dingshan.

Lu Chengliang is also a native of Qi Province. During Li Dingshan's tenure as Vice Minister of Commerce, Lu Chengliang went to the Ministry of Commerce in the capital many times and met Li Dingshan.

Lu Chengliang is bold and upright, which is very in line with Li Dingshan's temper. Although the two are very different in level, they have gradually become friends because they have a common language.

The 45-year-old Lu Chengliang is not young, and he is also an old officialdom, but his many years of experience as an official has not changed his upright temper. On the contrary, the officialdom did not dye him black, but made him more and more jealous.

It was also because of the ungrouped side of Lu Chengliang's personality that Li Dingshan fell in love with talent and decided to nominate him as the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

The nomination of Lu Chengliang as the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is not to improve the level, but to find out some illegal facts reflected by Lu Chengliang that made Li Dingshan angry.

The Salt Bureau is the direct management agency of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. If Lu Chengliang successfully serves as the deputy director, he can directly intervene in the shocking dark scenes of the Salt Bureau from top to bottom.

As early as when Li Dingshan was the vice minister of Commerce, he noticed a strange phenomenon. In Yan Province, which is also a large salt-producing province, the salt sold in various cities is not produced in Yan Province, but the salt of Qi Province or Ontario Province.

At the beginning, Li Dingshan did not realize the huge inside story implied in it. Although he is the Vice Minister of Commerce, he usually doesn't care much about oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and salt is a state-controlled industry. It is impossible to smuggle or falsify. Moreover, a bag of salt is only one yuan. How

Who will care about the little thing of one yuan?

But later Li Dingshan found that he was wrong, because although the price of salt did not rise directly, it changed from the original one yuan of 500 grams to 400 grams, which is equivalent to a disguised price increase of 1.25 yuan 500 grams!

Later, when he came into contact with the amount of edible salt allocated in Yan Province at the Ministry of Commerce, Li Dingshan suddenly realized that he didn't care about bullying the people. Every year, Yan Province allocates 400,000 tons of salt in the national plan - the actual sales volume is much more than planned, and the specific amount is industry secrets, and the Salt Because of the stakeholder - in the preliminary calculation, a catty of salt has increased by one or two cents, which is equivalent to scraping more than 80 million yuan from the people every year!

However, this is the tip of the iceberg.

The country's control over salt has always been very strict, and it seems that there has never been a phenomenon of private salt. The agency that controls salt smuggling is the Salt Bureau. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the tax bureau, the Industry and Commerce Bureau and other bureaus are the good places with rich oil and water. In fact, it is the Salt Bureau that is really rich but not famous.

The people put food first, food put salt first, and master the taste of the people's mouth. The salt bureau is really sitting on the ground to collect money, stamp and charge fees, and the profit is so rich that it is unbelievable.

Based on a bag of 400 grams of salt, the price per ton is about 2,500 yuan. However, the ex-factory price of the salt drying farm that is really in the lowest layer is clearly stipulated by the state not to exceed 500 yuan per ton. Please note that the state also stipulates that it is also stipulated by the Salt Bureau - to be precise, it State-owned enterprises - after sub-packing, the retail price does not exceed 1020 yuan per ton.

What is the technical content of the salt company's packaging? How much does it cost? To be honest, it is just to open a large bag of 50 kg and pack it into small bags of 400 grams. At the same time, about 20 yuan of iodine should be added per ton. The cost of the small bag is 300 yuan per ton. That is to say, after each ton of salt is passed by the salt company, the cost has increased by less than

Based on the ex-factory price of 500 tons, plus the middle cost of 350 yuan, if the salt company calculates 1020 yuan per ton as stipulated by the state, the profit is still about 170 yuan per ton. Based on the annual planned consumption of 400,000 tons in Yan Province, the annual profit of the salt company is more than 30 million.

It seems that the profit is not very much, but it should be clear that the salt company has no risk, because it is a franchise, or more precisely, because it is a second-way dealer, it does not need any investment.

But another bloody fact is that the purchase price of the salt company is not the same price, because all salt must be stamped by the Salt Bureau to be regarded as private salt. When it is then sold to the market, it did not follow the price stipulated by the state, but increased the price to more than 2,500 yuan per ton, or even more.

In this way, the profit of the salt company has soared from about 170 yuan per ton to 1,650 yuan per ton, and the profit has also changed from 30 million to 640 million!

Compared with all the profiteering industries in the world and salt franchises, they can only sigh, and they can't catch up.

If it is just the above facts, it is not enough to make Li Dingshan indignant and angry. After all, it is a national policy, and no one can do anything about it. However, after Li Dingshan studied the relevant data, he found a more infuriating fact. Yan Province's annual allocation plan is about 400,000 tons. As a high-quality salt-producing province, the salt fields along the Bohai Sea can fully meet the province's salt needs, but Yan Province allocates more than 200,000 tons from Qi Province and An Province every year. The salt.

As a result, the salt field in Yan Province is abandoned. The salt field workers can't even get basic living security. They are heavily in debt, and the machines are idle and rusty. The more infuriating fact is that it is not that the quality of salt in Yan Province is not good, but there is another inside story.

Yan Province is a famous salt-producing province and the second largest salt-producing area in China. However, most of the salt on the market in Yan Province comes from Qi Province and Ontario Province. Although it is also sub-packed by Zhongyanyan Provincial Company, which is regarded as a formal channel salt, it is no different from private salt from other provinces without completing the provincial allocation plan.

It's just a lawlessness under the legal appearance.

Why would you rather let the salt fields in Yan Province be abandoned than take care of the salt fields in the province and have to be allocated from other provinces? Fortunately, Qi Province is also sea salt, and most of the salt in Ontario is well salt and mineral salt, which may not be in line with the taste of the people of Yan Province.

After Li Dingshan found the problem, he conducted a special in-depth investigation and visited the major supermarkets in Yan City and found that, as it was true. Almost all the bags of salt sold in supermarkets came from Yan Province, and almost all of them came from Qi Province and An Province.

Li Dingshan even visited the salt-producing areas in Yan Province. A shocking fact is that large areas of salt fields are barren, many salt field workers are unemployed, and they don't even have a few hundred yuan a month to live.

In contrast, the Yan Provincial Salt Bureau still earns more than 600 million yuan a year, including the salt industry companies under its jurisdiction, which not only have an annual salary of hundreds of thousands or even millions of middle-level cadres, but also have good benefits, so that each person is only needs to pay a villa.

Just when Li Dingshan learned about the salt industry, but he suffered from the lack of real power and could not interfere in the affairs of Yan Province, nor ask about the affairs of Qi Province or Ontario Province, a paper order transferred him to Qi Province.

It was precisely the deputy governor who was responsible for contacting the salt system, and Lu Chengliang, the deputy director of the Qi Provincial Salt Bureau, came closer. Li Dingshan talked about this matter with Lu Chengliang in the conversation, and Lu Chengliang told him more behind-the-scenes facts.

The more he knew the inside story, the more shocking Li Dingshan was, the more angry he was and decided to take the shady story of the salt industry. Although he also knew that since the salt industry is a national monopoly, there was a huge backstage support behind the scenes. He could not move the root, at least within his ability to return justice to the

Not only for the people of Yan Province, but also for the people of Qi Province.

... After listening to Li Dingshan's words, Xia thought for a long time and was speechless, and his inner shock was beyond words, because he knew which side of the salt industry franchise was the foundation of which force and could not move. There must be a strong rebound. It may be light to lose the official, and maybe someone will die... RO