official god

Chapter 1500 There can only be one marshal in Qi Province

Chapter 1500 There can only be one marshal in Qi Province

"Since all the comrades agree, I have no objection, so it's settled." With the conclusion of Qiu Renli, the convening of an office meeting marked that Qi Province has officially entered the stage of melee between all parties.

In the end, there is no doubt that Lu Chengliang became the only candidate to enter the next round of voting on the Standing Committee. Basically, Lu Chengliang's appointment has become a fore conclusion.

In fact, Xia Xiang had mixed feelings about Lu Chengliang's appointment, and his psychology was very contradictory, because he had no direct contact with Lu Chengliang. Although he also believed in Li Dingshan's vision, he always felt uncertain and didn't know how Lu Chengliang's ability was.

Being a person is on the one hand. If you don't have the ability to push him to a high position, he may not be able to make a difference.

However, it is not easy to ask Li Dingshan directly about Lu Chengliang's personality and ability. After all, he is the person recommended by Li Dingshan. Xia Xiang must take care of him.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to stay, because he still had something to say to Qiu Renli.

"Qiu, I heard an unconfirmed news that Ye Tiannan is now in Lu City..." Xia wanted to not only tell Qiu Renli to know, but also to test. He wanted to know whether the anonymous phone has an indirect relationship with Qiu Renli.

Qiu Renli was obviously shocked: "Ye Tiannan?" Then he shook his head and smiled, "People are not idle. He must have come to you when he comes to Lu City."

Is it possible that Qiu Renli really doesn't know? Xia thought had an idea in his heart and decided to continue to point out his position: "Qiu, Governor Sun's performance today is a little abnormal. What do you think?"

"He Jianghai invited Sun Ximin several times but did not invite him. Sun Ximin sat firmly on the Diaoyutai to raise his value. Zhou Hongji came forward to the front, which also showed his attitude and let He Jianghai see the possibility of cooperation. However, if I say it comes together, Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji can't shake the interests of He Jianghai and the group of people around him. If Sun Ximin wants to cooperate with He Jianghai, he must let He Jianghai be the master.

Qiu Renli looked calm and said his judgment on the situation in one breath. It was also the first time he deeply analyzed the situation in Qi Province in front of Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to nod silently. With the relationship between him and Qiu Renli for many years, some words can indeed be said directly, and there is no need to hide them. Qiu Renli said the situation in Qi Province openly today. What he expected was also because of Ye Tiannan's accident.

"What if Governor Sun and Zhou add a Ye Tiannan?" Xia wanted to ask this question on purpose.

Qiu Renli smiled and said, "No matter how high Ye Tiannan's wrist is, it is impossible for He Jianghai to give in obediently. He has to show his real skills. But then again, with Ye Tiannan's help, Zhou Hongji and Sun Ximin are really like tigers. Even if they can't subdue He Jianghai, it is not impossible to achieve a limited cooperative relationship.

Before Qiu Renli came to Qi Province to take office, the Qi Provincial Party Committee was completely under the world of Qi people. The provincial party committee and governor were all held by Qi Province. Among the more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee, there were only one or two outsiders, which was basically a unified situation. After Qiu Renli, Xing Duantai came to Qi Province again, thus breaking the strange phenomenon of the Qi people governing Qi.

But the situation in Qi Province is too special, and the people of Qi Province are very exclusive. Years of Qi's rule of the Qi people have allowed them to develop a closed habit, so that they will not succumb to the leadership of an outsider. Therefore, when Xing Duantai is in office, his political achievements are mediocre. Qiu

Xia Xiang only knows the Peninsula Gang led by He Jianghai, and he also knows that in addition to the Peninsula Gang, there are other local forces in Qi Province, but they are not as strong as the Peninsula Gang, so he now doubts the real intention of Xia Li to break away from He Jianghai and approach Qiu Renli. .

At the same time, I also doubt Xia Li's far-reaching intentions to introduce Zhou Yuyuan and his acquaintance.

"If Ye Tiannan serves as a military division, Zhou Hongji is a vanguard officer, Sun Ximin sits firmly in the military tent, and finally joins with He Jianghai's two armies, Qiu, our situation will be embarrassed." Xia wanted to say something serious, but there was an indifferent smile on his face. He didn't know whether he was serious or alarmist.

Qiu Renli stared at Xia for a moment and laughed: "Xia, there is only one Chinese military account in Qi Province, and there is only one marshal in the Chinese military account."

Xia figured it out and laughed: "I'm afraid that Uncle Qiu will still remember the unpleasant things when he integrated steel. In case he can't come out to block the wind for me when I need a backer most."

Qiu Renli laughed and teased Xia, "Are you teasing Uncle Qiu for being timid, or you don't have confidence in yourself? Otherwise, if you think that Uncle Qiu has been in Qi Province, you will feel that Uncle Qiu has been dozed? Naking is not old, but squinting to refresh yourself.

Xia smiled thoughtfully. Qiu Renli was also a fierce tiger, but he hadn't shown his claws and fangs yet.

If Qiu Renli also sits firmly in the Chinese military account, then he will have two positions. He is both a military division and a vanguard officer, while Li Dingshan is an ambush.

"I am very happy to see the cooperation between Sun Ximin and He Jianghai. Sometimes there is no interest without cooperation. If there is no interest, there is no difference. If there is no difference, there is no conflict. Politeness is a friend, and noisyness is a husband and wife. In the end, there are many couples who divorce and turn against each other in the officialdom. Qiu Renli said his thoughts in a calm and relaxed tone, as if he were as deep-minded as a philosopher, and even more like a profound Taoist... he was scheming.

Xia wanted to be convinced, and then did he know that Qiu, who seemed to be sleeping all the time, had actually been quietly waiting for the opportunity with one eye half open, full of patience and self-restraint.

Walking out of Qiu Renli's office, Xia wants to breathe a sigh. As long as Qiu Renli is in town in Qi Province, the sky will not collapse. As the helm of the Qiu family, one of the four major families, he doesn't even have the ability to control a province, which is too incompetent. Xiaxiang was very gratified and very happy. As long as he confirmed that Qiu Renli had been standing behind him and the support of the Provincial Party Committee, he had enough confidence.

A day later, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee officially passed a vote to nominate Lu Chengliang as the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

After the approval of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government held an executive meeting of the government and officially announced the appointment. As a result, Lu Chengliang successfully took a step forward.

Li Dingshan was very happy. As soon as the appointment was announced, he came to Xia Xiang's office and was deeply satisfied with Xia Xiang's efforts.

"Xia, after Chengliang becomes the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, things will enter the fast lane, and his work still needs your support. In the Standing Committee, my words are not very strong. In front of Xia Xiang, Li Dingshan not only maintained a certain degree of humility, but also a gentle attitude.

"Gendurendant Li..." Xia wanted to have no joy of victory for Lu Chengliang's smooth arrival. On the contrary, he also knew that the competition had just begun. "It's a good thing for Lu Chengliang to take office, but from another perspective, it is also a hidden danger, because he has become a It may be overturned.

In fact, Xiaxiang still has no confidence in Lu Chengliang's ability. It's okay not to go to power. There is no power to check behind the scenes of the salt industry. As soon as you go to power, you will have more power, but correspondingly, the greater the responsibility you will bear.

If you really accidentally fall into Ye Tiannan's elaborate layout, the first step will not only not bring benefits to Lu Chengliang, but may also hurt him.

"Cing Liang is very reliable and has a sense of justice." Li Dingshan heard the implication of Xia Xiang.

"Gun Governor Li, conduct is one aspect. The most important thing is, does Lu Chengliang have the ability to shoulder a heavy burden?" There is no gap between Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan. To be honest, "He has risen to a critical position. If he can't grasp it, he may hurt him."

"I believe in Lu Chengliang's ability." Li Dingshan's attitude was very firm, "I also hope Xia can believe in my vision."

Xia Xiang had nothing to say. Li Dingshan's words have come to this point. If he doubts again, he will be hurt and has to change the topic in time: "Gend Governor Li, I received an anonymous phone call saying that Ye Tiannan has come to Lu City. What do you think about this matter?"

"Anonymous phone call?" Li Dingshan thought for a moment, "The situation in Qi Province is too complicated. In addition to the Peninsula Gang, there is another local force in Qi Province. I guess the other party doesn't want He Jianghai and others to sit up... Well, what's your impression of Li Rongsheng?"

Li Rongsheng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee. As one of the two standing members of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Rongsheng is much more low-key than Yuan Xuqiang of the Lu Municipal Party Committee.

At the same time, he is much younger than Yuan Xuqiang, because he is only 49 years old.

When it comes to Li Rongsheng, Xia Xiang was shocked and realized that he ignored a very important detail. Li Rongsheng is also from Qi Province, but he is not from the peninsula. If the above does not surprise him, the most eye-catching thing for him is that Li Rongsheng has served in the Central Committee of the League.

And before going to the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, he had been serving in the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of Qi Province.

There was a regiment around him, which made him accidentally neglect. Xia thought he was still a little annoyed. If you think about it again, you will be relieved. Li Rongsheng is a member of the Municipal Committee. He is usually not in the provincial party committee. In total, he has only met Li Rongsheng less than twice. Of course, he will not have a deep impression.

It is very important to think about the strategic location of the city. The base of the North Sea Fleet is in Pindu, which also proves that Li Rongsheng is also deeply used.

Thinking of this, Xia Xiang was much more relaxed. Li Dingshan was more mature than he thought and had enough understanding of the situation in Qi Province. He did not just take action with enthusiasm and indignation.

Xia wants to have confidence in Li Dingshan, but it does not mean that Li Dingshan is really knowledgeable. In fact, you can't blame Li Dingshan. It's just that Lu Chengliang is too confident.

A person who is too confident but lacks ability, if he is ambitious and eager to do something big, the consequences can only be counterproductive - less than a week after Lu Chengliang took office, he once again intensified the contradictions and triggered the first frontal confrontation in Qi Province, which led to the emergence of all forces of all parties to divide the camp.

: In the name of Chapter 1500, please. In addition, there will be two chapters updated around midnight. Please look forward to it. There will be much less things next week. It should be guaranteed three updates and work hard for four updates. Please strongly support the recommendation ticket tomorrow. It is related to a week's morale and can't relax. Thank you. RO