official god

Chapter 1503 Don't be afraid of making a big deal

Chapter 1503 Don't be afraid of making a big deal

The situation is indeed out of control.

Lu Chengliang not only refused to cooperate with the investigation and evidence collection of the Wuyue Municipal Bureau, but also threatened to sue the Provincial Party Committee. Because his attitude was too indignant, he did not have the awareness of having to bow his head under the eaves of the people, and did not know how to detour and retreat as progress. The Wuyue police were so angry that they did not show mercy and directly reported his matter to the provincial department.

The provincial department immediately notified the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Zhou Hongji of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection personally gave instructions: "If the facts are true, the punishment will not be severe." Subsequently, two staff members of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were sent, together with the police of the provincial department, to rush to Wuyue.

A series of chain reactions confirmed Xiaxiang's speculation. The other party not only calculated carefully, but also knows Lu Chengliang's way well. It is determined that Lu Chengliang will not calm down after being framed. As soon as Lu Chengliang made a scene, well, the other party took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. No matter whether Lu Chengliang could reverse the case in the end, let's make a big deal of it now.

Anyway, it's Lu Chengliang who is ashamed.

Political wisdom is not the usual speech of five people on the stage, not a pretentious performance in the news media, but a calm response at a critical moment, a horizontal knife when the wind and clouds rise, and a force to turn the tide when the flood comes.

Lu Chengliang has a sense of justice and is willing to give everything for the truth, but the problem is that a sense of justice and courage alone is not enough, but also patience and wisdom.

Wisdom is the first element of survival in officialdom.

Xia thought did not have the panic and... anger that Xia Li imagined at all. On the contrary, Xia wanted to be more calm after hearing the joint action of the provincial department and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After sitting down slowly, he was silent for a moment and said something that shocked Xia Li: "The Provincial Party Committee believes that the Wuyue Municipal Bureau can enforce It won't create false cases."

Xia Li is very puzzled. Is Xia going to stay out of the matter?

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiang said another sentence, which made Xia Li immediately realize Xia Xiang's long-term skill: "I immediately asked Qiu for instructions to list the case as a major case supervised by the provincial party committee. It is suggested that the secretary-general of the provincial party committee should take the lead, be responsible for coordinating with the provincial commission for discipline inspection and the provincial The truth."

Xia Li almost sat on the sofa. The other party wanted to make a big deal of things. If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely try his best to cover the lid. Xia was good. The other party was stirring up trouble, but he added fuel to the fire, as if he didn't think it was not sensational enough.

After thinking about it carefully, Xia Li couldn't help taking a breath. Xia's wrist was really smart. The case was registered directly with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Department, and it had to be directly placed under the supervision of the Provincial Party Committee. It means that it was easy to make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the more it was, Not only did the director of the Wuyue Municipal Bureau resign, but also Zhou Yuyuan, the Wuyue Municipal Party Committee, was also implicated.

Xia Li knew very well that Lu Chengliang was framed.

The spicy side of Xia's wrist is that he is responsible for coordination - there are sufficient reasons, because the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee is the housekeeper of the Provincial Party Committee. As long as he represents the Provincial Party Committee, he can do things on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee - the meaning is that he is deeply dissatisfied with Zhou Yuyuan's .

After thinking about it again, Xia Li was even more excited. Could it be that Xia had doubts about his closeness and enthusiasm?

Xia Li didn't dare to think about it any more. He was the deputy of the provincial party committee, who was younger than him, and he was as calm as when he first came, but his feeling was very different. If Xiaxiang made him feel gentle and calm when he first came, then although Xiaxiang is neither angry nor excited, it is suddenly like a high mountain, with high mountains and deep clouds, which makes people unable to see the true face.

The nickname of the jade-faced killer Xia Xiang is really not a legend. It's really appropriate and image... Thinking of what Xia Xiang did in Hunan Province, Xia Li's heart fluctuated in an instant. Should he be more honest with Xia and save him from being blacklisted by Xia?

However, this idea just flashed by, and Xia Li immediately regained his composure. Before the time, he could not determine Xia's personality and ability based on one thing. Hearing is empty, and seeing is believing. He wants to see Xia's forward-going side with his own eyes.

"Do it according to the spirit of Xia's instructions." Xia Li nodded and agreed, adding, "I personally believe that Comrade Lu Chengliang will not mess around."

Xia wanted to nod slightly and said meaningfully, "Comrade Zhou Yuyuan's political ** nature should be improved."

Xia Li's heart skipped. Xia said this in front of him. Is it dissatisfaction with Zhou Yuyuan or him?

Then, Xia Li left and urgently reported his work to Qiu Renli. As soon as he left, Wen Zixuan came.

Wen Zixuan wore a medium-length skirt. Although the color was low-key, because her figure was very high-profile, the long skirt was not willing to be restrained and infinite.

Xia Xiang naturally had no intention to enjoy her scenery at this time. He was about to talk with Qiu Renli in person, so he asked Wen Zixuan directly, "What's the matter with Secretary-General Wen? If you're not in a hurry, let's talk about it later. I'm going to report the work to Qiu."

"No hurry, of course not in a hurry." Wen Zixuan smiled, and then she might think of something. She felt that it was not the time to laugh. She said quickly and seriously, "I'll just say a few words, which will take Xia a minute."

Xia wanted to nod and said acquiescence.

Wen Zixuan seemed to hesitate again. After a pause for three or five seconds, he summoned up his courage and said, "Xia, Wen Ziji, deputy director of Wuyue Municipal Bureau, is my brother..."

Well, a Lu Chengliang incident, all heard the news. Do you want to fish in troubled waters or take the opportunity to take the position? Xia wanted to stare at Wen Zixuan for a while. Although the woman in her 40s was slightly wrinkled, her skin was very white and her eyes were very bright. She must also admit that she was indeed charming, but it was not Wen Zixuan's appearance that Xia wanted to be interested in, but her mind.

Everyone has the idea of speculation. No matter men or women, as long as they are in the officialdom, they want to stand in some major events to show their position and determination. Does Wen Zixuan want to take a stand?

Xia thought for a moment and said, "Yes, sister and brother are very capable, Wen Ziji? The name is good, and the words are pearls. Then he got up and left. "I have a job. Let's talk about it later. I have something else to do."

Wen Zixuan respectfully opened the door for Xia and sent Xia to go out: "When Tianxiao is away, if anything happens, Xia can tell me."

When Xiaxiang's back disappeared at the corner, Wen Zixuan recalled every word Xiaxiang said just now, suddenly made up his mind and took out the phone: "Ziji, listen to me, your opportunity has come. You must seize it. If you stay in a small place all your life, don't blame your sister. I have a reminder for you..."

In Qiu Renli's office, Xia Li has reported the details to Qiu Renli. Qiu Renli has been silent without saying a word.

was silent until the appearance of Xiaxiang.

Although it can't be said that Qiu Renli is 100% understood, after all, as the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, there are the most opportunities to contact the provincial party committee. Xia Li knows very well what Qiu Renli's silence means.

In the past, Qiu Renli had an average relationship with the deputy of the provincial party committee. Although he had a good relationship with him, he was not very close. In his impression, it seemed that Qiu did not have a close relationship with anyone in Qi Province to a certain extent.

But the arrival of Xiaxiang has changed the pattern.

Xia Li thought that Qiu's behavior was like this. He was treated equally with everyone and kept a long distance. Because of the pride of the big family or other reasons, Qiu's performance in Qi Province was very calm and low-key. He did not vigorously cultivate power, did not form gangs, and did not engage in confrontation with local forces. The strength seems to have always been a gesture of forbearance.

What's more, Qiu Laiqi Province has not been used for a long time, and no personnel adjustment has been made. Is it because the local forces in Qi Province are too deep-rooted?

Xia Li couldn't understand what route Qiu Renli took in Qi Province. He even thought that before the change of office next year, or earlier around November this year, Qiu might be transferred from Qi Province. Didn't it mean that Qiu came to Qi Province, not only did he not cultivate the strength to cultivate his cronies, but also left nothing?

But the arrival of Xiaxiang has changed Xia Li's view of Qiu Renli, because Qiu Renli, who used to be so low-key that people can't feel the existence of Qiu Renli has disappeared, replacing the head of the provincial party committee who has hidden authority and seems to strike at any time!

Yes, Xia Li's feeling now is that Qiu Renli in front of him swept away the previous decadement, and suddenly burst out a chilling momentum, which made Xia Li's heart jump, as if he didn't know Qiu Renli.

Then I thought about it. How could Qiu Renli, who was also the helm of the Qiu family, one of the four major families in the capital, without momentum and courage? In the past, there was no exposure, and there was no difference in Qi Province, which was also the wrong time. Now the arrival of Xiaxiang has made Qiu's momentum soar. It seems that the pattern of Qi Province is about to change greatly.

Xia Li reviewed the situation. With his understanding of Qiu Renli and his close contact with Xiaxiang in the recent period of time, and then analyzed the current situation, he immediately came to a conclusion that Qiu and Xia will join hands!

The provincial party committee can not only oppress the governor, but also crush the head of the head of the organization. Qi Province... It's time to take a firm stand, because it's the first time for Xia Li to see Qiu Renli's dignified expression. He knew that Qiu must have full support for what Xia thought.

A strong idea suddenly popped up in Xia Li's heart. Will Qiu use the topic to make a drastic personnel adjustment with Xia Qi Province?

Maybe it's true!

When Xia wanted to knock on the door and come in, Xia Li got up to greet him. What surprised him more was that even when Sun Ximin came, he only owed his body to Qiu, and Xia Xiang also got up to meet him.

further confirmed Xia Li's speculation that the friendship between Qiu and Xia is far from being comparable to that of ordinary people, it shows that it will be the first close cooperation between Qiu and Xia on the issue of Lu Chengliang.

Things... It's really a big deal.

: A little emotion. When I got up early in the morning, I saw that the recommended tickets were not ideal, and I panicked. Is it really so difficult to ask for some and recommended tickets? Brothers, we have known each other for two years. Is it really so difficult to ask for some warmth and friendship? As of today, the official god has never treated his brothers badly in the update! When you need support most, I hope you don't forget all the efforts of Lao He's past, present and future!! Urgent and recommendation tickets, there must be four updates today. If there are 50, it will be updated four times for three days in a row! RO