official god

Chapter 1505 Accidental Frequency Still

Chapter 1505 Accidental Frequency Still

Ye Tiannan's life in Lu City is not bad. The spring in Lu City is much milder than that in the capital. The most important thing is that there is no wind and sand. Except for not being used to eating too many green onions and garlic, everything else is at ease, which makes him a little unhappy.

While Xia Li, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, rushed to the Five Mountains in person, Ye Tiannan was having a meeting with Liao Deyi, the visiting Provincial Party Committee Organization Minister.

"Ye, please convey my greetings to the Prime Minister on my behalf." Liao Deyi's attitude was very respectful, and he really thought that Ye Tiannan was still in position.

To be honest, Liao Deyi really respects Ye Tiannan, and he believes that Ye Tiannan must have a comeback day. Sun Ximin was silent for two years and did not come out to be the governor. Ye Tiannan was at least the deputy of the provincial party committee a year later.

There are people in the court who are easy to be officials.

Ye Tiannan smiled and said, "The Prime Minister is very concerned about your growth." After a tried-and-tested routine, he did not continue to go deep into the topic, because sometimes it was more effective. "You have done a fruitful work as the Minister of Organization of Qi Province."

In fact, as Ye Tiannan's current identity, it is very inappropriate to say such a thing. Even if he is still the deputy of the provincial party committee, he is not the deputy of the provincial party committee of Qi Province. It is too much to evaluate Liao Deyi's work in a condescending tone.

Ye Tiannan is not unreasonable. He did it on purpose and has a deep political intention. He is not idle and bored. He really should come to Lushi for a leisure trip. If he has leisure time, it's better to study in the capital and walk around.

In addition to sticking to Sun Ximin and He Jianghai in Lu City, he also has a long-term plan to seek benefits for himself. Of course, the real idea in his heart is not enough for outsiders.

"I still have a lot of work that I haven't done well. Ye sees my shortcomings, although he criticizes me." Liao Deyi's attitude is really needless to say. The low state in front of Ye Tiannan is more respectful than that in front of Xiaxiang, as if he was not facing Ye Tiannan, but the Prime Minister in person.

That's right. That's what Ye Tiannan wants.

"Minister Liao is too modest. You want me to say that your work is excellent." Ye Tiannan met his psychological expectations for Liao Deyi and changed the topic in time, "In Qi Province, who is Minister Liao closely related to?"

Liao Deyi is not Ye Tiannan, but the person behind Ye Tiannan. He is very clear about what Ye Tiannan has done in Lu City, so he thought about it carefully and said seriously, "Exeputy Vice Governor Qin Kan and Propaganda Minister Xian Huawen."

"In the future, you can get closer to Hongji, and you can also report more to Governor Sun." Ye Tiannan directly point out the theme, "We need to unite more comrades. Now in Qi Province, the situation is becoming more and more serious."

"I understand." Liao Deyi nodded repeatedly. He didn't understand it in his mouth, but he really understood in his heart that the arrival of Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan made Qiu Renli's strength soar, and Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji's take office also made Qi Province's factions unprecedented. You know, just two years ago, Qi Province was still a situation

Today's Qi Province has been divided into several parts by all forces, and the local forces in Qi Province have also diverged, burying the hidden danger of division.

This Lu Chengliang incident may not be the trigger of a big event.

As the head of the organization, Liao Deyi is very clear that Qiu Renli, who is the leader of the provincial party committee, will have a personnel adjustment sooner or later. Listening to his words and actions, he dare not say how much he knows about Qiu Renli, but he still smells an unusual atmosphere.

After Qiu's momentum came from Xia, he gradually became more energetic.

Ye Tiannan smiled contentedly. Liao Deyi was more comprehension than he expected, but it was not possible to finally fall to the truth. Fortunately, at least the first step was very smooth. Regardless of whether his final idea can be realized or not, it is also a skill to sharpen the knife and cut firewood by taking the opportunity to lay the foundation of Qi Province in Lu City.

In case there is a day... Ye Tiannan is still looking forward to the change in a year.

No one thought that he would play a year's advance. He retreated. In fact, it is no different from not retreating, and there is even more convenience for people to ignore his existence...

What Ye Tiannan didn't expect was that he accidentally wanted to meet Xia in Lu City...


When Xia wanted to return to the office, Wu Tianxiao had already sat quietly on the secretary's seat and returned to the secretary's job very calmly, which was completely different from his performance in Li Dingshan's office just now.

As soon as I sat down, I received a phone call from Zhou Yuyuan.

Xia wants to have a general impression of Zhou Yuyuan, because Zhou Yuyuan is too cautious and conservative in everything, and perhaps there is also a factor of Xia Li. Last time he proposed to ask Zhou Yuyuan to send some coarse salt, and there was no follow-up afterwards.

Caution is a good thing, but it is necessary to have a reply whether it is true or not. In addition, Zhou Yuyuan's reaction to Lu Chengliang's incident is too slow and the political ** degree is too low, so Xia wants to prepare to exclude Zhou Yuyuan.

"Xia, I have something to report to you. Is it convenient for you?" Zhou Yuyuan's voice was respectful and earnest.

"Yu Yuan, say it if you have something to do." Xiaxiang's attitude is lukewarm.

Zhou Yuyuan also felt the alienation of Xia's attitude, and he also knew what went wrong. He hurriedly said, "Actually, there are two things in total. The first thing is that the Secretary-General told Xia to order some coarse salt last time. As soon as I heard the instructions, I did it, but I haven't had So I wasted time. Please forgive me, Xia. The second thing is that Comrade Lu Chengliang had a problem in the Five Mountains. As the municipal party committee, I did not fulfill my due responsibilities. The Municipal Party Committee has instructed the Municipal Party Committee Office, led by the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and together with the Municipal Bureau, to jointly investigate the truth of the matter..."

Zhou Yuyuan's phone call was equivalent to a clear statement of position, implicitly revealing several problems, two of which caused Xia to think deeply. First, Zhou Yuyuan's control over Wuyue City was not enough, and the municipal bureau was under the control of Mayor Chi Linhe, and his words were not very useful. Second, the reason why Zhou Yuyuan did not send coarse salt was that Xia Li's message was late...

Zhou Yuyuan said very implicitly, but he still clearly conveyed a message. Xia Li did not tell him about the coarse salt at the first time, but deliberately delayed the time.

Xia Li... Sure enough, his mind was deep. After talking on the phone with Zhou Yuyuan, Xia wanted to change his impression of Zhou Yuyuan slightly, but he was more suspicious of Xia Li. When Secretary-General Xia broke up with He Jianghai angrily earlier, he involuntarily appeared in Xia's mind.

It is too early to conclude that Xia Li is in Cao Yingxin in Han, but it is not accurate to say that he is determined to Qiu Renli. Xia Li's current state makes it difficult for Xia to make a clear definition of him. Perhaps this trip to the Five Mountains will make Xia Li's tendency to appear more directly through the processing results.

When he got off work, Xia Li called to report his work, saying that he had just arrived at Wuyue and would meet Lu Chengliang in the evening...

Back home, Cao Shuyu has prepared dinner. It feels really good to have a woman at home. When a woman is at home, a man's heart has a place to rest.

Xia wants to forget about Lu Chengliang's matter. Anyway, there will be no result tonight. It's good to have a conclusion in two or three days.

Cao Shuyu branded his favorite pancake, cooked the most nourishing millet porridge, and prepared pickles for him. Xia wants to be tired of the big fish and meat outside for a long time. He would rather only eat porridge and pickles at night than go out to eat.

The warmth of home, in the golden hotel, is a warmth that can never be experienced.

While eating, he listened to Cao Shuyu talk about some things about Yan City and the capital. Xia Chang felt particularly relaxed. The fatigue of the day disappeared, and his mood suddenly felt much better.

After dinner, Xia wanted to go to bed early. There were still a lot of things to do tomorrow. Just as she was about to lie down, she accidentally received a completely unexpected phone call.

It turned out to be ancient jade!

It was not surprising that Gu Yu called. Unexpectedly, Gu Yu told Xia an amazing news, which made him unable to calm down for a long time, and even couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, didn't you disturb your rest?" Gu Yu's voice was low, as if he were a thief. "Is your wife there? If a woman calls you at night, will you be punished for kneeling on the keyboard?

Wherever it is, Xia wants to laugh. Cao Shuyan is taking a shower, and he is much bolder: "Okay, if you have something to say, don't sneak around. It's okay. If you make trouble, it seems that there is a problem of men's and women's style."

"Go, it's as if you're really okay." Gu Yu giggled and was obviously in a good mood. "I wanted to open a chain jade store in Lu City, but I suddenly found a new economic growth point. The profit is very rich and the prospect is very attractive. I just want to discuss it with you."

Gu Yu has also learned to play official accents. Women, it's been a long time. Xia wanted to worry about Cao Shuyu's sudden appearance, so he said, "Speak simply. Tell me what you've found in the new world."

"Sun salt."

With a bang, Xia thought of a gong in his heart, and he didn't even know whose idea it was without guessing. He was really smart. He not only prepared for a rainy day, but also made a big detour, trying to let Gu Yu block his way.

Or, he wants to gag his mouth with interests.

It's only a little windy, is it worth being so nervous? He hasn't really intervened in the salt industry yet. When he really wants to get close to the truth of the matter, how much resistance will God have?

Although the salt industry is a franchise, it seems that there is no possibility of individual investment, but Xia Xiang knows the inside story, can apply for approval, and then invest in a salt drying factory. As long as the salt produced is stamped by the Salt Industry Bureau, it can be legally sold to the market.

Invest in salt production, as long as the approval is obtained, as long as the channel of the Salt Industry Bureau is smooth, it is not only profitable, but also amazing!

Another difficult problem. Xia hesitated for a moment and said, "My suggestion is that it's better to engage in the industry you are familiar with."

Gu Yu was angry: "I knew you wouldn't support me. Several people said that you would object, but I don't believe it. I didn't expect that you really didn't care about my business at all.

Xia wanted to ask in surprise, "Who told you that I would object?"

"Who else can there be?" Gu Yu was a child's temper and said angrily, "Grandpa said it, Xu Guanhua also said it, and... Prime Minister!"

: The fourth update, please, please recommend the ticket. Brothers, give some sunshine, and give some encouragement and support. Lao He will continue to work hard for the fourth update tomorrow! How about it? RO