official god

Chapter 1513 Starting from tonight

Interestingly, before Ling Chuanzhi, executive deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the Supervision Department, did not resign with Zhou Hongji, the head of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but secretly met with He Jianghai of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

What's more interesting is that Zhou Hongji was not idle, because Tang Zhengjie, the executive deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, did not ask the director He Jianghai for instructions, but talked to him in private.

It is more appropriate to describe each corner in one sentence.

Qi Province, which is calm on the surface, under the continuous promotion of the Lu Chengliang incident, has been surging and gradually forming a trend. Many people have realized that the situation of the provincial party committee is countless times more complicated than before. It is no longer a simple local and foreign opposition. Local and local, local and other places, and other places. The situation is so complicated and the situation is so changeable that people can't distinguish between east, west, south and south.

When Tang Zhengjie and Ling Chuanzhi set off, Wu Tianxiao stood in front of the window and waited for their motorcade to drive out of the Provincial Party Committee compound. He turned to report to Xia Xiang.

"Leader, the Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] shook hands with the executive deputy director of the Public Security Department, but the director of the Public Security Department shook hands with the executive deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Things are becoming more and more interesting." Influenced by Xia Xiang, Wu Tianxiao also liked to analyze the situation half-seriously.

Xia wanted to directly filter Wu Tianxiao's words. The matter was already in his expectation. Naturally, he didn't have to say anything more. He just smiled and said, "Xia Li called just now and has arranged a dinner, so you don't have to go at night..." The leader has a dinner without a secretary, which is usually not a good The estrangement began, but Wu Tianxiao smiled happily, nodded and said, "Yes, the leader has the final say." Xia wanted to be amused by his funny appearance and waved his hand: "Don't be out of shape. There are some things that have no way out. You have to know it yourself." Wu Tianxiao immediately changed his face: "Yes," Don't worry."

Not to mention, Xia is really a little worried.

After all, the time he and Wu Tianxiao have known each other is still short. Although he has recognized Wu Tianxiao's personality and ability, and he also knows that Wu Tianxiao is also superior in calculating people." But what Wu Tianxiao is going to do next is indeed a little dangerous. Inadvertently, Wu Tianxiao and Lv Weidong may

Because the power of He Jianghai in Qi Province is unexpectedly huge.

Although Ye Tiannan is more than He Jianghai's political skills and is several times more shrewd, his sphere of influence in Hunan Province is far from that of He Jianghai. Of course, to be fair, it is not that Ye Tiannan is not a good person, but because the political climate of Qi Province is very different from that of Hunan Province. The historical reason why the Qi people have been special to govern Qi is also one of the objective factors that caused He Jianghai not to pay attention to all outsiders.

The strength of He Jianghai is due to the narrow geographical division and xenophobic psychology of the Chinese people, and the people of Qi Province also like to be together, especially in the peninsula, and they have a strong sense of identity with their hometown.

In the past, when Qi Province was all Qi people, there was a division between the Peninsula Gang and the non-Peninsian Gang. Now the situation of the unification of Qi Province has been broken, and the Peninsula Gang is still strong, and the Qi people of the Peninsula Gang are no longer in the climate.

Xia thought about it for a long time, staring at the lush green outside the window, thinking that summer is coming. The summer in Lu City is more rainy than in Yan City, but it is not as good as the hot flashes of the Xiangjiang River. It really needs a process of adaptation.

I hope the process is not too long.

For the gradual clarifying of Xi Min and Zhou Hongji's position, and the arrogance of He Jianghai's refusal to take a step back step by step, Xia thought was actually very calm in his heart. He Jianghai was very calm. He Jianghai was strong in Qi Province and did not pay attention to him or Qiu Renli. At the same In the eyes?

It was when they realized that they could not take the initiative to cooperate with He Jianghai, but could become He Jianghai's vassals. Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji recognized the situation and decided to cooperate with him in a limited way.

Joint opposition to suppress the local forces led by He Jianghai is also a round-around strategy at this stage. As for what will happen in the future, no one can look so long-term." Just ignore it for the time being.

In the evening, Xiaxiang came as promised and came to the private room of the Ginza Hotel arranged by Xia Li.

It was already evening when Xia Li returned to Lu City. He only reported the work to Qiu Renli by phone. He did not enter the provincial party committee compound again, but went straight to the hotel to wait for Xia Xiang.

Xia thought about his hard work and said a few words with Xia Lihan. Without outsiders, the two of them would not pay too much attention to it, and the atmosphere was much easier.

At the same time, because Xia Li took a firm position on the Lu Chengliang incident, Xia wanted to greatly change his impression of Xia Li.

Next, Xia Li's words will make Xia want to look at him more with new eyes.

"Xia [Book], there is one thing I said, maybe you will look down on me. If I don't say it, I will look down on myself. So after thinking about it, today, with wine to strengthen my courage, I will say all the words that have been stuck in my heart for several years. Whether you think it's wine or nonsense, I'll say it anyway." Xia Li only drank three glasses of wine. Of course, he was not drunk, but he just talked about things with wine. "I'm older than you, so I'll call you brother, brother, my heart is very depressed..."

In the wine market, after all, it is the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Although they are also members of the Standing Committee, in front of the deputy [book] of the Provincial Party Committee, the secretary-general of the provincial party committee will be at the next level. No secretary-general of the provincial party committee will be stupid enough to think that he can

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that Xia Li's brother's words just now violate the taboo of officialdom.

However, since Xia Li has been the secretary-general of the provincial party committee for many years, he has a good reputation. He must have a good personality and skill, let alone a coward who gets drunk and talks nonsense when he is drunk, otherwise he will not have been able to get along for a long time.

The reason why he talks about alcohol and wants to be a brother with Xia is actually his cleverness, which is to test Xia's reaction.

"Brother Xia, if you have anything to do, just say, I may not be able to help you solve it, but I can definitely be a qualified listener..." Xia thought, how can you not understand Xia Li's temptation? Xia Li had the idea of disclosure, but he was afraid that he would not be interested and accept it, so he had to find the steps first.

Xia Li seemed to really want to use wine to strengthen his courage. He drank three cups in a row, and then began his half-hour talk. It is also true to tell that Xia Li really seemed to be a confidant. He was drunk and hazy, spoke slowly, and his voice was low from the time he met [General Manager] Li. After he was appreciated by [General Manager] Li intentionally or unintentionally, he was determined to follow the footsteps of [General Manager] Li, and then changed from the He also talked about his mental journey around Qiu Renli, and the impact of his conscience in the Lu Chengliang incident, etc., he wanted to reveal his heartfelt words to Xia.

At the beginning, Xia wanted to hold the mood of watching how Xia Li perform. Although he knew that Xia Li's idea had changed, it was not enough to really understand what important decision Xia Li had made. Therefore, when he realized that what Xia Li said was not drunken words, let alone nonsense, but the truth... ...

Xia wants to be shocked!

is a real shock and relief. What shocked was that Xia Li confided to him not only the voice of his heart, but also the bitterness and helplessness of a little man who was completely disappointed by a big man. It was also Xia Li's firm position and expressed his true words to him and Qiu Renli.

Of course, Xia also understood that the reason why Xia Li chose to reveal his heart to him was not because he was handsome or because he was kind-looking, but because he was young and could go further than Qiu Renli.

One more thing, maybe Xia Li thinks that Qiu Renli is still not as easy to get along with...

However, thinking of Xia Li, who is a little older than him, revealed his heart in front of him, which also made him a little embarrassed. After all, on the wine table, anything that can be regarded as drunken words.

Xia Li summoned up the courage to say it. Seeing that Xiaxiang was still calm as before, he neither showed an incredible look nor laughed at his gaffe. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and finally completed a major event that determined his future. Finally, he was stuffed in his heart that he had never said to others, and most of it

Although not all of them were carefully selected by him, he could not only win the trust and favor of Xiaxiang, but also let Qiu Renli change his longevity method to him through Xiaxiang's mouth. No one will confess to others what they think. They are completely [true]. Even so, Xia Li still felt that his back was wet. Thinking about it, he felt afraid, and the bet was a little too big.

But he has taken the wrong step. Now that there is still time to turn back, he can't go wrong.

Xia Li got up and went to the bathroom on the pretext of drinking too much.

Xia wanted to help enthusiastically. He knew that Xia Li was going to ease his mood, and he wanted to give him a chance to stay alone for a while.

Xia thought that he usually doesn't drink much, because alcohol can numb his brain and make people think slowly. But today, as soon as Xia Li went out, he drank a few drinks in a row, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Because of one person... [General] Reason!

Xia Li has always had hope for [General Manager]. How is it similar to his previous self? Now he reveals his heart with wine in front of him. If he hadn't seen through some people and things, and not some people had completely disappointed him, why should he put down his figure and pretend to tell the truth after drinking to himself who was a teenager younger than him?

Xia Li's bitterness, helplessness and disappointment in his heart, Xia wanted to be completely clear, because he felt the same!

What Xia wants to know is that from now on, Xia Li will be completely single-minded with him and will fight with He Jianghai to the end. Thinking of the convenience of Xia Li as a native of Qi Province and a peninsula gang, it will be a great help for him to open up the situation in Qi Province.

It's just... [General] In the case that the mountain rain is about to come to Qi Province, he accidentally came to Qi Province for inspection. Obviously, the drunken man's intention is not to drink...

No, we must speed up the promotion of the various processes of Qi Province's work. If it is delayed, it will change. If it continues, there may be unexpected changes. The situation in Qi Province, which has initially formed a pattern, cannot be completely disrupted again because of an unexpected work inspection, so that all the previous achievements will be abandoned.

Just as Xia Li came back, the text message rang. It was sent by Wu Tianxiao, with only two words: "Okay!"

Well, Xia wanted to put away his mobile phone and smiled. From tonight, starting from the full-scale fall of Xia Li, starting from the secret of Wu Tianxiao, officially ignited the war.