official god

Chapter 1518 Speed up the progress

Chapter 1518 Speed up the progress (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

Here comes the opportunity!

When Zhou Hongji learned that Chen Qiudong was arrested, his first reaction turned out to be inexplicably excited.

Then I thought about it and forced myself to calm down. How could I agree with Xia's position? What a strange thing. It's a strange thing.

But when he thought about it again, he couldn't help laughing at himself. There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Although he and Xiaxiang are opposites in the background, after he came to Qi Province, there was no conflict of interest between him and Xiaxiang. Why do they have to be hostile to Xiaxiang with a preconced opinion?

In fact, if you and Xia want to join hands to break up He Jianghai's local gang, it is also the most expedient in line with the current situation.

He Jianghai is a hurdle that Xia can't get around. Isn't it the mountain he must climb?

Thinking of this section, Zhou Hongji was a little excited. He stood up and was about to talk to Sun Ximin, but he saw Sun Ximin step by step and pushed the door in.

Before Zhou Hongji could speak, Sun Ximin seemed to know what he was thinking and said, "Yes, the opportunity is coming."

After closing the door, Sun Ximin changed his serious face again: "But there is another variable - the Prime Minister may come to Qi Province!"

"Prime Minister?" Zhou Hongji was surprised, "Isn't the strength a little too big and a little fuss?"

Sun Ximin waved his hand: "What is the intention of the senior management? Don't think about it first. The key is the present. Chen Qiudong's political life is over, but after he is saved to the end, whether he is dead or alive, which is the biggest thought that Xia wants to leave to He Jianghai, and it is also the wise backhand to let He Jianghai throw rat taboos.

"Is Chen Qiudong's problem so serious?"

"There is more than enough to die." Sun Ximin snorted, and then shook his head and said, "But he is dead or alive. It all depends on whether He Jianghai can do anything."

"Gourier Sun..." After experiencing several things, Zhou Hongji has matured a lot and keenly found opportunities. "Can Lu Chengliang and Chen Qiudong be used to merge into one thing. After the Commission for Discipline Inspection intervened in the investigation, and then with the help of Qiu and Xia, he... seize power within the Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Sun Ximin did not answer directly, but smiled implicitly: "If you have time, please study what Xia Xiang did when he was the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Zhou Hongji understood and nodded and smiled: "There happens to be something to report to Governor Sun... There is a deviation in the problem of Wuyue."

"What's wrong?" Sun Ximin was stunned, and then thought about what he understood, "Xia wants to keep his back hand?"

Zhou Hongji nodded: "I was negligent. I should have thought earlier that Xia would definitely not let go completely, and then let the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the provincial department go to the Five Mountains to investigate."

"I don't blame you. I was also cheated by him, haha." Instead, Sun Ximin laughed and said, "In fact, Xia is sometimes not so annoying. If you cooperate with him, you will find a lot of surprises. Of course, if you are his opponent, you will also be mad at his endless means.

Zhou Hongji no longer needs Sun Ximin to wake up. Now he has basically straightened out his position in Qi Province in the next step and knows what to do to maximize the benefits: "I have hinted to Tang Zhengjie to cooperate with Wen Zixuan's work as much as possible."

"It's an interesting thing. The Commission for Discipline Inspection hinted at the deputy director of the Department, instead of informing the Deputy Order of the Commission for Discipline Inspection." Sun Ximinming was joking, but in fact, the situation in Qi Province was complicated. "But I don't have enough confidence in Wen Zixuan."

"Gour governor Sun... You also make mistakes in judgment." Zhou Hongji made a joke, "Tang Zhengjie said that Ling Chuanzhi was stunned in front of Wen Zixuan. Moreover, Wen Zixuan has completely taken the initiative, and even... there may be a more amazing backhand!"

Sun Ximin really despised Wen Zixuan. Hearing this, he was surprised: "Really?"


Of course, it is true. Sun Ximin not only despised Wen Zixuan, Xia Li despised Wen Zixuan, and almost the whole provincial party committee despised Wen Zixuan.

It even includes Xiaxiang.

Xia thought that he was not a god, and he would not see Wen Zixuan's shrewdness and ability at a glance. At the beginning, he also thought that Wen Zixuan was the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee who relied on his face. But after several contacts, especially with his understanding of Wu Tianxiao, he became more and more aware that Wen Zixuan was unusual.

Because Wu Tianxiao was solemnly recommended by her.

Not long after Wen Zixuan went to Wuyue, Xia Xiang was surprised by her movements, her movements, and a series of hands and feet she quietly made in Wuyue. With Wen Zixuan's report calls one after another, Xia Xiangyuan was far away in Lu City, but as if she had visited Wuyue in person, she passed the current situation and situation of However, when he was in his mind, he knew that Wen Zixuan was a talent and a rare talent.

The reason why she is not valued is probably because she is too charming.

People have the habit of judging people by their appearance, but it is precisely because they have formed habits that they do not know it, which makes mistakes. Even Qiu Renli spent much longer time in Qi Province than Xia, and he failed to find Wen Zixuan's extraordinaryness.

The reason why Xiaxiang dares to reuse Wen Zixuan is that he is not afraid of people's words, and it really has something to do with his youth.

It's funny to think about it. A somewhat beautiful female official is not used in the provincial party committee, just because he is too eye-catching, and I don't know whether it's sad or unfortunate. Then again, there are not many beautiful female high-ranking officials in the officialdom.

Mei Xiaolin is a special case. She has a good background and a prominent family background, and no one dares to think about her.

Therefore, on the other hand, it is not simple for Wen Zixuan to achieve her current position. As for how she used to rise to the position, Xia didn't care. He only applaud for Wen Zixuan's wrist.

So, it was logical to leave Wen Zixuan to continue the layout in the Five Mountains.

With Wen Zixuan taking care of him in the Five Mountains, Xiaxiang can free his hands and lay out in Lu City.

In fact, it can't be regarded as his layout. To be precise, it is his tacit approval. At his current level, basically what he wants to do is just a hint that someone will do everything.

I have to admit that Wu Tianxiao is indeed talented in some aspects. All the events were not only seamless, but also received unexpected results - the person who took the initiative to lead the team to capture Du Qiudong was actually Dai Jichen.

To be honest, Xia wants to prefer Dai Jichen's personality. He has a righteous side and a cheating side. He is a useful person. And Li Tong also had an interesting person. The scene of kicking Dai Jichen down also left a deep impression on him.

Of course, if Xia wants to know that Sun Ximin guessed his next step, he will also admire Sun Ximin a little. Indeed, according to the evidence collected by Wu Tianxiao, Chen Qiudong deserves to die!

But it is really not so easy to let Chen Qiudong die. Once a person is involved in all forces, he becomes a fulcrum. Whether he is dead or not depends on the competition of all forces.

In politics, sometimes there is a change of word, who speaks first, who speaks later, and how many times he appears in the news media, and even walks behind half a body or a body, all of which have political connotations and political significance.

In other words, sometimes after some officials fall from the horse, it depends on the strength of the party who wants to die and the determination of the party who saves his life.

In addition, it has to be said that Wuyue and Lu City started at the same time, and obviously accelerated the progress, much earlier than the original plan, all due to the credit of Gu Yu.

Gu Yu proposed to come to Qi Province to dry salt. Although Xia Xiang objected, he could not control Gu Yu's idea, and he could not explain anything clearly to Gu Yu. He could not tell Gu Yu that the matter of drying salt was related to the confrontation between him and the prime minister? In the political struggle, it is better to stay away from the simple ancient jade.

However, Gu Yu put forward the proposal to bask in salt, and reminded Xia from the side of the fact that he had not really touched the inside story of the salt industry, which had already alarmed some people and caused an extreme reaction.

also indirectly shows that the salt industry's plan is related to the fundamental interests of some people and cannot be touched.

In fact, in the final analysis, Xia Shang didn't want to turn the sky upside down with his own strength. He just wanted to gradually bring the inside story of the salt industry to the world, so as to promote the reform of the salt industry from the bottom up. It is a major event related to the national economy and people's livelihood. He does not have the right to make decisions from the top down, but he has the ability to leverage some chain of interests from the bottom up.

It's just that someone is unhappy before they touch it.

Compared with the monopoly industry of the huge family power, the annual profit of the salt industry is not so alarming. But then again, food safety is related to the lives and health of the people, and there is no possibility of compromise. All Xia wants is justice and truth.

Maybe some people will disagree with his minimum requirements.

It's time to step up the layout of Qi Province. Originally, he wanted to start the big plan of Dacai Group after half a year.

Shen Lichun has arrived in Lu City and is in talks with Li Dingshan to discuss investment matters. Next, he also wants to meet Shen Lichun, but now, he still has to meet Gu Yu first.

Gu Yu came as soon as he said it, and he already lived in Guihe Holiday. Almost at the same time as Gu Yu came to Lu City, there were also Xiao Wu, Yang Wei and... Oh, Chen.

That's good. Oh, Chen Qin came to Lu City automatically. He wanted to meet Xia and prepare for Chen's next step and asked Xia about his plan. And Yang Wei also came here to open the market in Lu City and Qi Province with the help of Xiaxiang.

Opportunity is coming, maybe everyone's opportunity, but behind the opportunity, there are also greater challenges.

Since someone wants to use the hand of Gu Yu to dry salt, Xia wants to do the opposite, and also uses the hand of Gu Yu to promote his layout. Anyway, Gu Yu wants to invest and play more than to make money, then he let Gu Yu play well in Qi Province. There are many things to play in Qi Province, not just drying salt.

When he was about to arrive at the hotel where Gu Yu stayed, the phone rang unexpectedly.

It was Dai Jichen who called.

"Summer, major situation, major situation!" Dai Jichen likes to exaggerate. He is a little overexcited. "Chen Qiudong's case has made great progress. He not only confessed the facts of many middle school students, but also embezzled and bribed more than 3 million yuan, and he also confessed He Jianghai!"

Xia wants to jump in his heart. It's not good. The fermentation of things is the expected result, but now it's fermentation... The timing is not right! RO