official god

Chapter 1532 Finally

Chapter 1532 Finally came (please recommend tickets!)

Although Xiaxiang's series of layouts did not start directly from the upper level, but only from Qisheng's point of view, even from an innoticable Wuyue City, the occurrence of a series of events did not make a lot of noise, and it was only the beginning, but it has shocked some people who knew the intention behind the incident... ...Still a big shot.

I have to say that Xia Shen's wrist is really smart. Although he was much milder than when he was the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the hidden killing was more deadly, the consequences were more serious, and it was more self-evident.

also proves from another perspective that Xiaxiang's political skills are more proficient.

It can't be impure. He is now the deputy of the provincial party committee, with different identities. He has officially entered the ranks of ministerial-level candidates, and the situation he is facing now is more complicated, and his figures are at a higher level, which must be round and impeccable.

When the political struggle reaches a certain level, it is actually a competition of layout. The competition is not only political wisdom, but also the influence of mobilizing political, social and economic resources.

Xia Thinker is a deputy of the provincial party committee, and there is still some distance from the governor, let alone the mountains of national leaders. He can only choose the conservative approach step by step to avoid being caught by loopholes.

And after all, it hasn't been long since he came to Qi Province, and he hasn't even stood firm. How to mobilize the resources of Qi Province to confront He Jianghai? Why do you say no to the boss very hard?

Although he is now a family force, he does not really come from a rich family, and he does not have the invincisive political courage to fight for the first place in the world.

Political courage can't be bullish if you want to be bullish. Without strength and power, the end of bullishness can only be avoided to the end and become a victim.

Before the Prime Minister came to Qi Province for inspection, Xia Xiang arranged a lot of backhand and thought of a lot of countermeasures, but he didn't expect that Lao Gu clearly told him that the Prime Minister had changed his strategy!

Of course, the Prime Minister changed his strategy. Xia thought that he would not naively think that the Prime Minister had given in, but that the Prime Minister reviewed the situation and quickly adjusted the deployment according to his layout.

In other words, he is about to face greater challenges.

The Prime Minister doesn't play cards according to common sense, and Xia wants to have already experienced it. When prices soared, the Prime Minister suddenly went to Yanshi for inspection. There was an emergency in a certain place, and the Prime Minister interrupted the meeting and rushed to express his condolences. And so on, in domestic political life, the Prime Minister always appears in the most needed places.

"Don't say half of what you always say..." Xia wanted to wait for Lao Gu's next sentence, but after Lao Gu only said one sentence, he smiled and closed his mouth, so he had to ask again.

"That's all I've said." Lao Gu stood up and came to the window with his hands behind his back. "Sun Ximin drank a pot of tea in my yard under the recommendation of the Prime Minister and talked for half an hour. As soon as he asked and answered the Prime Minister, he said the itinerary of the inspection in Qi Province, that is, to walk around Lu City and Pin City, and other places... I won't go.

Xia seemed to have some understanding, and asked, "Why does Governor Sun have to meet you?" Thinking about it again, he suddenly realized, "The Prime Minister wants to show his goodwill to Governor Sun and borrow your old hand to lay the groundwork for Governor Sun's next step."

Xu Guanhua smiled aside: "Xia, you are really amazing. You can guess everything."

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "I'm not distracted at all. I didn't guess it. It was implied by Lao Gu."

The chips of the Prime Minister in Qi Province are really not small!

At the beginning, Xia thought and wondered why the Prime Minister introduced Sun Ximin to Lao Gu. Sun Ximin was not a member of the Prime Minister's family. The Prime Minister's move seemed to be aimless, but because of Xu Guanhua's existence, Xia Xi keenly discovered a point, as one of the key figures in domestic politics. Reason, he won't do a meaningless thing. He led Sun Ximin to meet with Lao Gu in the idea of asking Lao Gu to introduce the military of Qi Province to Sun Ximin.

is a long-term game for Sun Ximin to take over in Qi Province.

The Prime Minister strongly supports Sun Ximin, who is not a civilian. It can be said that he has a long-term vision and good intentions. In other words, it really put all the chips on Sun Ximin, and it is believed that Sun Ximin will finally be able to correct it smoothly in Qi Province.

Sun Ximin got the help of the two forces. If there is no accident, it is really logical to help Zheng. In this way, Sun Ximin will certainly be grateful to the Prime Minister and spare no effort to safeguard the interests of the Prime Minister in Qi Province.

Xia thought couldn't help sighing. Even if Sun Ximin couldn't get Lao Gu's personal promise, but because of the Prime Minister's sincerity, he must always pay attention to the Prime Minister's affairs. No wonder on the issue of the Five Mountains, since he returned from the capital, his position has been much more conservative.

The situation in Qi Province will be more complicated. In case Sun Ximin continues to lean towards He Jianghai and then pulls Zhou Hongji over, then the previous efforts cannot be said to be in vain, and the previous achievements are almost abandoned. In other words, it will make him work hard for at least another half a year to recover the loss.

At present, Zhou Hongji's position has become the key.

"It's good to know, it's good to know!" Lao Gu said with a smile, "Let's go out to eat."

The early arrival of the ancients revealed a major and amazing news to Xia.

But Xiaxiang is Xiaxiang. He will not be flustered by unexpected changes and calmly accompany Lao Gu to dinner. Lao Gu also said to Xu Guanhua on the way, "Guanhua, although Xia wants to be younger than you, he is still calmer than you."

There is always a solution to the problem, and it is useless to worry. Although Xia wanted to hear the news that was not very favorable, he went into battle lightly, which also made Xu Guanhua secretly praise him.

As Xia expected, Lao Gu really had an ambush. During the meal, two soldiers came, one was Hu Cunfu, the deputy political commissar of the Lu Military Region, and the other was Fei Zhidong, the commander of the Qi Provincial Military Region.

Regardless of whether Xia wanted to agree or not, Xu Guanhua enthusiastically introduced Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong to him. Xia wanted to have contact with the military, so he had to shake hands with them politely and enthusiastically.

Hu Cunfu, as the deputy political commissar of the Military Region, is the rank of lieutenant general, but he is not young, only 56 years old. Not surprisingly, he is expected to be promoted to the political commissar of the Lushi Military Region.

Fei Zhidong is younger, less than 50 years old, with the rank of young general. As the commander of the Qi Provincial Military Region, he was unable to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee because his seniority was slightly younger than Nie Jianhao, the political commissar of the Provincial Military Region.

Both of them are very enthusiastic about the arrival of Xiaxiang. Whether they are sincere or not, their attitude at least shows how influential Lao Gu is on them.

The ancient times are another guiding light on the road of Xiaxiang's life.

After they all sat down, Lao Gu sat in the middle, just with a smiling expression on his face. He didn't talk much. Only Xu Guanhua introduced a few people from them and mobilized the atmosphere.

Xia wants to go through the relationship with Xu Guanhua and the life-and-death journey with Zhang Xiao, and has many years of experience in dealing with Lao Gu. Now he has a lot of experience in making friends with soldiers. In a short time, he has become friends with Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong.

Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong's recognition of Xiaxiang's etiquette from the beginning to a conversation, they initially established a good impression, thanks to Xu Guanhua's spare no effort to promote Xiaxiang. Of course, if Xiaxiang has no deeds, he will not be praised. It is mainly Xia's experience of being chased and killed all the way. Even Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong are extraordinary things that have never been experienced personally. They have to let Xia want to talk about the details in the middle.

Xia wanted to see the two of them full of appetite by him, so he chose the most thrilling part to talk about it. He only heard Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong applaud, and even said that it was too wonderful and exciting.

The atmosphere has reached **.

I ate a meal for more than two hours.

Eating for a long time proves that the conversation is speculative. If you don't talk too much, if it's cold, you will break up long ago. From beginning to end, he was like Jiang Taigong sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. He only watched a few people fight together, and he was as motionless as Mount Tai.

Today's dinner is not a meal, but a drama carefully arranged by the ancient times.

Xia thought about how much he guessed something, but he was not sure. At the end of the dinner, Xu Guanhua finally nodded: "It is estimated that Xia can stay in Qi Province for three or five years. At that time, Political Commissar Hu will also go to the deputy, and Commander Fei has enough qualifications. Qi Province is a good place."

Xia wanted to look at Lao Gu with a subtle smile. Lao Gu responded to him and nodded slightly. Only then did he wake up and feel moved. The Prime Minister clearly came forward to let Lao Gu take care of Sun Ximin. He didn't know how Lao Gu replied to the Prime Minister, but there was no need to know, because Lao Gu had proved everything with .

It can be said that Lao Gu put his most effective network in Qi Province in front of his eyes through today's dinner, which is to tell himself that he hopes that he can go further in Qi Province. It may be a little far away to serve as the provincial party committee, but it should not be too far away to go directly on the main road in Qi Province. Objective.

With the support of military personnel, at least he can have more confidence and cards when facing the introdation of local forces in Qi Province.

After shaking hands with Hu Cunfu and Fei Zhidong and saying goodbye, Xia thought about sending Lao Gu back. Lao Gu waved his hand and said, "No, go to work. I still have something to do. I have to go to Pindu and get things done before the Prime Minister arrives."

Lao Gu went to Pindu, did he go to the North Sea Fleet? Doubt flashed in Xia's eyes, but Lao Gu waved his hand and smiled, "Don't guess without you."

What's the matter that you have to leave overnight? Besides, the Prime Minister didn't come until two days later, and it was completely in time. Xia wanted to see Lao Gu pretending to be mysterious, and it was not easy to ask again, so he had to wave goodbye.

But what happened after that really echoed the old saying - Jiang was still old and spicy. Lao Gu went to Pindu overnight and returned early the next morning. The prime minister, who was originally scheduled to come to Lu City two days later, suddenly came to Qi Province one day in advance for inspection.

After a series of events, when all forces emerged one after another, the Prime Minister's visit once again pushed the situation in Qi Province, which had already seen the dawn for the first time, to an unknown level. RO