official god

Chapter 1536 Voices of Infgrection

Chapter 1536 Voice of Infgrection

Xiaxiang's level is not high. Usually, with his qualifications, he has no chance to face the national leader directly, but Xia's special status has invisibly raised him.

Because behind him stands not only the powerful family forces that are powerful enough to affect the domestic situation in both political and economic aspects, but also the general who strives to cultivate him.

Xiaxiang is not fighting alone. There is a huge political force behind him.

If coupled with the unknown economic strength of Lian Ruohan, Xiaxiang alone actually has the terrible hidden power!

Even if he is the prime minister, he only knows the real card of Xiaxiang, but it is only one of the family forces and general support, which must let him face up to see whether there is any support behind Xiaxiang's behavior.

The Prime Minister is right. Xia wants to pull Ye Tiannan down in Hunan Province. It is true that he can't tolerate what Ye Tiannan has done. Although to be honest, when he reaches Ye Tiannan's high-ranking provincial and ministerial officials in China, who doesn't want to make a big profit, even if he doesn't think about

At a higher level and at the level of national leaders, the level of pursuit will be different, but no matter how different it is, there is always-changing common, which is power and money.

Compared with power that is easy to become outdated, money in hand can give people a sense of security. In addition, based on the current situation at home and the progress and development of society, the country's political system will be reformed sooner or later.

The real long-term vision of the senior management has long discovered this and has begun a longer-term layout. Therefore, large and more large groups with monopoly status have emerged in China, constantly enforging the market and annexing the weak. In less than 20 years, it is expected to form countless commercial giants, or in a certain field. Capital giant.

Because all long-term politicians know that in the near future, the era of economy determining politics will come, and whoever has greater capital power in his hands will have a more weighty say.

Or more directly, when the election era comes, countless people are waiting for it, thinking that they have real democracy. Looking around, they suddenly find that all the people who have mastered the media and a large number of social resources are commercial giants, and all of them are the descendants of senior officials and dignitaries.

I won't wake up then. The rules of the game are still in the hands of the powerful. The election is just a more deceptive political farce.

At this stage, all politicians with vision have laid the way for a long-term plan and are focusing on cultivating the next generation as powerful capitalism. Because in the so-called democratic country, there is no possibility for an ordinary person to be elected president. It requires a lot of financial and material support to run for the election.

In fact, at a certain moment, Xia Xiang suddenly realized that after consulting the family and relatives of the country leader's family and relatives, she thought of the family power led by the Wu family. The so-called civilian power, the so-called family power, or other factions, are actually the same in essence. What they pursue is the control of political, economic and social resources. Whoever holds more resources, the winner is the winner.

Whether it is PetroChina, Sinopec, electric power, etc., etc., they are all in the industrial structure reform, bit by bit by people with intentions, and in the foreseeable future, they will one day become personal belongings.

The family power is just an earlier formation of powerful capitalism, and the later generations, on the one hand, regard the family power as the biggest opponent, on the other hand, secretly imitate the practice of the family power, little by little to take control of some of the only monopoly industries in China.

How difficult it is to break the monopoly reform in recent years. In fact, you can understand that it is extremely difficult to reform yourself and take money out of your pocket.

Xia Xiang saw through many things and knew that he could not change the status quo alone, but at least he could integrate and secretly push things to a brighter and brighter side, instead of intensifying the confrontation between classes.

"In Yan Province, I am in favor of the reorganization and structural adjustment of steel in Yan Province in order to pursue a fair market order, which offended many people at that time." Xia wanted to start with the previous situation. He offended the family forces by the integration of iron and steel in Yan Province. "In Qi Province, I touched the interests of the salt industry, and it was also out of the same starting point, hoping to promote the reform of the salt industry, so that the people can eat salt at ease."

The Prime Minister's eyes are very light and his tone is also very light: "It's not just a province that produces salt..."

"The salt production of a province in Qi Province accounts for more than one-third of the country. Qi Province is flat, and the world is determined."

"The State Council is working on a salt industry reform plan, which has been put on the agenda. Don't worry..." The Prime Minister was very patient and continued to explain.

"A petition from the Salt Industry Association can make the Development and Reform Commission refuse to submit salt industry reform opinions to the State Council. The reformers have been influenced by the reformers. I have to say that it is a very funny thing, and there is no follow-up for a year or two. In a year or two, how many people have eaten how much toxic salt? Xiaxiang's problems gradually deepened and pointed directly to the essence.

"No reform can be achieved overnight, and there is a lot of resistance. The State Council has also been trying to promote all aspects of reform, but the results are not great. The problem is not the implementation of the State Council, but that many problems are difficult to return. How can it be easy to promote them in one fell swoop?"

It must also be admitted that the Prime Minister's attitude is very gentle and his tone is also very sincere. He has almost equal dialogue with Xia Xiang. If only Xia Xiang himself is concerned, the Prime Minister's courtesy and virtuous behavior is his respect and admiration.

But if the family forces behind Xiaxiang are included, the Premier's attitude towards Xiaxiang is like face-to-face negotiations with the family forces.

"Since the Prime Minister also intends to promote the reform of the salt industry system, I use my thin force to push it from the bottom up in Qi Province. Isn't it also a good thing for the country and the people?" Xia Shen's voice was much lower, and he seemed to be moved by his feelings. "Prime Minister, I was born as a civilian, and I know the difficulties of the common people. The people struggling at the bottom of society, in the face of the injustice of the college entrance examination system, in the face of the oppression of high housing prices, in the face of the privileged cars They can all bear it. At worst, when they return home, they can't afford to hide. As soon as the door is closed, they can also live a stable life..."

"But if the people can't even live a stable life... Buying rice is poisonous rice, drinking milk is stone milk, and oil is genetically modified soybean oil. Well, put up with it, but there are also toxic additives in the essential salt of the family. Premier, Shengdou Xiaomin's plan is the body. Food is the most common thing for the people. When it is not safe for the people to eat, we ask the people to be patriotic every day, but how can the country be worthy of the people's love? What have you really done for the common people?

For the first time, Xia Xiang confided in front of the Prime Minister, with direct and powerful questions, pointing directly to the first person in the State Council today!

The Prime Minister was silent...

The sunset outside the window is gradually tilting to the west, and the afterglow of the sunset is very beautiful and touching. Unfortunately, it is a poem that the sunset is infinitely good, but it is near dusk.

It's not a short time to get to know the Prime Minister. Although I have met him several times, I haven't talked face to face together, let alone as I did today, I directly said what I thought in my heart and made a voice of uncompassed in my heart for a long time!

Xia wants to be in a high position now. All the things mentioned above have been far away from him. It can be said that he is now a member of the privileged class and can fully enjoy all the benefits brought by the privilege. And with his current ability, it is not a matter of effort to ensure that all relatives are not poisoned by toxic food, and even that all relatives and friends can enjoy certain benefits.

But Xia can't really think that he is a family force, and he won't forget his origin, because he was originally a commoner. Like countless people at the bottom, he is full of love and hope for the country and confidence in the future. But what has the country rewarded the people? The high tax is enough. I put up with it, but I don't even have a sense of security in food, clothing, housing and transportation. He can't help shouting from the bottom of his heart, my motherland, what's wrong with you?

No wonder as long as you have money and power, you will emigrate abroad. Looking at the celebrities on and off the stage, how many other people are of Chinese nationality? They are all descendants of Yanhuang who have foreign passports!

The silence of the Prime Minister made Xia Shang feel uncomfortable. Although he also knew that in fact, the Prime Minister had done a lot of practical things in office, there were too many containment of all forces in the country, and it was difficult to achieve anything.

After being silent for a long time, the Prime Minister sighed: "Xia Think, what I feel most about you is that no matter where you are, you can't change your feelings for the common people. I also have a deep understanding of your words. We all need to take a step back and think calmly about how to solve the problem better. Talk, not confrontation."

The Prime Minister's words are not only said to him, but also want to use his mouth to convey to his descendants.

In fact, the Prime Minister was really wrong. Xia wanted to get involved in the salt industry and did not ask Mr. Wu for his opinion in advance. He did it alone.

In this dialogue, Xia Can't be sure whether he has touched the Prime Minister. Anyway, his words have been made clear. What the Prime Minister said is to take a step back. Let's not talk about whether there is sincerity or specific actions. Now the key point of promoting the whole situation is no longer in his hands.

And in Zhou Hongji's hands!

... In this inspection, the Prime Minister neglected two points, which eventually led to a small mistake, so that the inspection work was far from achieving the expected results.

The first point is that the Prime Minister did not realize the change of Zhou Hongji's position.

The second point is that the Prime Minister did not expect Xia to have a dialogue with him today, which has a dual purpose. First, he really wants to have an in-depth conversation, and second, he delays the time for the layout of the old man.

Facts have proved that whether the first goal of Xiaxiang has been achieved or not, it is necessary to see the aftereffect, but the second goal has been successfully achieved. RO