official god

Chapter 1543 Xiaxiang's Worry and Backhand

Xia wanted to sit among several friends for many years, with a lot of emotions in her heart.

No matter where you go in your life, no matter how high you are in your position, you must have a few close friends who are always with you. Not only do you know your heart, but also the most reliable help in all aspects.

Friends walk together all their lives. They have both interests and common ground that transcend interests. Such friendship can last for a long time.

Needless to say, Xiao Wu is a friend of two generations and an absolute brother.

Although Yang Wei was a friend he accidentally met, he also experienced many things together. In Xia's mind, he also rose to the height of becoming a lifelong friend. However, Xiaxiang has never put Yang Wei into his economic team, but classified Yang Wei and Xiao Wu as the most hidden force that can be laid out secretly. It is also because Yang Wei once had a glorious years of bloody struggle with him, but also because Yang Wei and Sun Xianwei and others are simply different from business. He is indeed There are really some dark paragraphs.

Then it's Chen.

Oh, the relationship between Chen and Xia Xiang is much more complicated than that between Xiao Wu and Yang Wei. First, they are life-and-death enemies, and then they don't fight each other and don't know each other. Finally, Xia Xiang pulled him out of prison and saved his pair of precious daughters. Therefore, after Qin and Tang joined hands,

Oh, Chen is looking forward to a comeback. Of course, he wants to go ashore completely and no longer eat black and white, but as a hero who has dominated the underworld for many years, he does not want to harm others, but it is more than enough to guard against others from trying to harm him.

The last person is Yuan Mingliang.

For Yuan Mingliang, Xia's trust is far less than that of the above three people. However, with his understanding of Yuan Mingliang and Yuan Mingliang's dependence on him now, he has enough confidence to control Yuan Mingliang, and he also understands that Yuan Mingliang is a smart person, and smart people often talk about credibility and have a long-term Once you identify the goal, you will not easily change your original intention.

Therefore, Xia wants to take time to sit with a few people today, take the wine to the wind, and prepare to talk openly about the next layout.

Xiaxiang has a kind of worry. With the failure of the general inspection, He Jianghai, who has high expectations for the general inspection, will definitely feel frustrated. Coupled with Zhou Hongji's rebellion, the situation in Qi Province failed to develop in the direction of He Jianghai's expectations, and even went further and further in the opposite direction. He Jianghai Will you take disgraceful measures?

Xia's worry is not unfounded, because not long after he first came to Lu City, he was threatened once by a passing car on his way back from Daming Lake with Li Dingshan!

He is not afraid of some lightless means. After a lot of experience, why are he afraid of Xiaoxiao's tricks? But the main reason is that Li Dingshan has not really understood how terrible the dark side of human nature is, and the local forces in Qi Province are unusually entrenched, and it is difficult to keep people from doing irrational things.

At the same time, Yuan Mingliang's investment in Qi Province may not be smooth. The National Development and Reform Commission has passed well, and the local evil forces are difficult to deal with.

Speaking of the National Development and Reform Commission, Xia thought couldn't help but smile and sighed in his heart that Qin Kan was really a wonderful person.

Yes, Qin Kan took advantage of Sun Ximin's absence in Lu City to quickly complete a major event with a far-reaching impact - the Provincial Development and Reform Commission quickly and decisively approved the project application for investment by Dacai Group, and officially submitted the approval to the provincial government.

Compared with the approval of the investment of Dacai Group, the approval of the establishment of the Yuanliang investment project at the same time is just a matter of taking over.

This move is not only significant - under the circumstance that Sun Ximin's voice at the executive meeting of the provincial government to control the overheating of real estate has not gone away, the Development Committee and the Executive Vice Governor staged a drama of industrial real estate investment. Who can't see that the executive vice governor brazenly sang a counter tune It shows that the differences within the provincial government are becoming more and more obvious!

The news reached Sun Ximin, who was on his way back. According to Xia Li's description, Governor Sun's face was very ugly at that time. If it hadn't been for Secretary Qiu's presence, he would have expressed his opinion immediately.

Sun Ximin did not say anything. He Jianghai suffered a lot of blows one after another. Finally, he couldn't help saying, "Now the last big real estate project with an investment of 10 billion yuan is inconsistent with the central government's policy of controlling the overheating of real estate. Governor Sun, the spirit of General Li's speech should be

Sun Ximin was about to agree, but Qiu Renli said lightly, "It is rare to invest 10 billion yuan, which can pull the economy of Qi Province to take a small step forward. Besides, Dacai Group invests in industrial real estate, not ordinary real estate projects. It should be treated differently.

As soon as Qiu Renli spoke, Sun Ximin's words were difficult to say.

The secretary is the secretary. Usually, he may not ask specific things, but he is the leader. He can affirm or deny a thing, and can set the tone for a thing!

... The above specific situation is that Xia Li told Xiaxiang by phone on the way back. Xia Li's relationship with Xiaxiang now, after experiencing the general inspection incident, the relationship has taken a step further.

He can know the movements of the leaders of the provincial party committee at any time. He can only do it with the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, so he has a close relationship with Xia Li, which makes Xia Xiang feel like more eyes and ears.

Of course, Xia wanted to be in the provincial party committee, and he was not idle. In addition to straightening out the work of the provincial party committee, he also went to Qin Kan's office to drink tea in person, and then opened the door of the Development and Reform Commission for Yuan Mingliang.

In fact, Li Dingshan's speech can also affect the decision of the National Development and Reform Commission, but after careful consideration, Xia still wants to use this matter to test Qin Kan. Moreover, as the executive deputy governor, Qin Kan can perform the duties of governor on behalf of the governor when Sun Ximin is not in the provincial party committee.

Xia thought that Zhong Jianxue, the director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, turned out to be Qin Kan's direct line.

I didn't expect that Qin Kan promised Yuan Mingliang on the surface. As soon as he turned around, he also passed the establishment of the project of Dacai Group. The speed was so fast and efficient, which was shocking!

What shocked Xia Nian was not Qin Kan's influence on the National Development and Reform Commission, but Qin Kan's precise action to grasp the situation, or Qin Kan's first-standing position.

For a long time, Xia wants to be the most sure of Qin Kan's position. Now, although it is impossible to determine which side Qin Kan will prefer in the future situation because of an incident, at least it is certain that Qin Kan will not approach Sun Ximin.

The executive vice governor is not single-minded with the governor, plus Li Dingshan, a deputy governor of the Standing Committee, Sun Ximin's life in the government team has had a good time.

Thinking of Zhou Hongji's practice in this general inspection, it must have angered Sun Ximin. Even if Sun Ximin joins hands with He Jianghai, his work in the provincial government team in the future will be besieged on all sides.

It is estimated that even the general reason could not predict that his trip to Qi Province strongly promoted the clarifying of the situation in Qi Province, but it was not what he wanted. On the contrary, it was the clarifying that Xia wanted.

I believe that it's not good to make wedding clothes for others.

Since Qin Kan's proactive layout, Xia Xiang will not be stingy to take more hands. He secretly pushed the flames and introduced Li Dingshan and Qin Kan's further relationship to consolidate the consensus between the two, and set the tone after Sun Ximin returned.

Just when Xia wanted to meet with Xiao Wu, Yang Wei, Oh, Chen and Yuan Mingliang, Qin Kan and Li Dingshan also drank and drank in a suitable place at the right time at the moment.

"Today, everyone sits together. It's fate and friendship. It's hard-won. It should be cherished. Come on, I'll give you a toast." Xia thought that he was in a good mood today and took the initiative to toast. "A few friends here have known me for ten years, and the shortest one has been five or six years. So, let's talk less. Today's party is to drink and be happy."

Yuan Mingliang answered in time: "Thank you, Secretary Xia, for your care. I keep it in mind.

To be fair, Yuan Mingliang still had doubts about whether Xia thought would really help him, but less than a day after his words were said, things were done, and he could no longer describe his mood with surprises and shocks.

In addition, Xia wanted to invite him to a party with Xiao Wu and others tonight, he understood that Xia wanted to treat him sincerely.

However, what Yuan Mingliang never expected was that Xia Xiang had other arrangements for the long-term plan and careful layout after his project was established.

"The wind and waves are a little big in Qi Province. Mr. Yuan's business may be inadvertently hit by the wind and rain. I mean, Mr. Chen can go to Jiaoliao City with Mr. Yuan to provide peripheral support for Mr. Yuan's chemical factory." Xia wanted to continue to say, "Xiao Wu and Yang Wei can go to Wuyue to fight for the investment project of Dacai Group."

The meaning of playing the periphery is very rich, which can be understood not only to be responsible for some downstream industries around the main industry, but also to exclude external interference factors.

Yuan Mingliang nodded gratefully: "Secretary Xia is really thoughtful. If Mr. Chen doesn't mind the heavy responsibility of purchasing industrial salt, I will hand it over to you."

Procurement has always been a big deal and the most profitable link. Yuan Mingliang is very good at doing things, and directly handing over the most lucrative business to Oh Chen, which is not only a comprehensive acceptance of Xia's proposal, but also implicitly expressing his trust and gratitude to Chen.

Oh, Chen looked awe-inspiring: "Yes, just listen to Secretary Xia's arrangement."

Xiao Wu and Yang Wei also said with one voice: "Secretary Xia, please rest assured."

Xia wants to raise his glass: "Let's drink together!"

Xia wants to rest assured, Chen, and Yuan Mingliang is also assured, but he is not assured of Sun Ximin, because he knows that after Sun Ximin returns to Lu City tomorrow, there will definitely be a means of counterattack.

If it is an opportunity for him to take office in Qi Province, then the inspection of General Li is a start. Now, with Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin returning to Lu City, Qi Province has officially ushered in the most direct confrontation with the new situation of re-differentiating and pulling in after the inspection of Qi Province.