official god

Chapter 1567 The Alliance Ten Years Later

Even Xia didn't think that the breakthrough of the matter was around. It's on the driver who drives for him! However, it is a little exaggerated to say that it is a breakthrough, and it is more appropriate to say that it is an entry point. Because although Si Chuanliang knows a lot about Pan Baohua, it is mostly hearsay and rumors, and there are also some inside stories circulating through private channels. Although the credibility is high, there is no real evidence.

But for Xiaxiang, it is enough, at least to let him have a comprehensive understanding of Pan Baohua's person without any effort, without having to bother to inquire about it.

Thinking of the two major generals on the side of the matter, Wu Tianxiao and Si Chuanliang, were all introduced by Wen Zixuan. Xia Xiang smiled and shook his head secretly. If Wen Zixuan had two intentions towards him, his every move would be in the hands of Wen Zixuan. Fortunately, he has confidence in himself and Wen Zixuan. At the same time, he is more confident in Wu Tianxiao and Si Chuanliang.

They are all smart people who know who has more decisive power and who will go further. Therefore, Xia wants to fully believe that Wu Tianxiao or Xi Chuanliang will not destroy the Great Wall. And Wen Zixuan has more scheming and long-term ideas. She has been tied to his warship in the Wuyue Incident. Now if she jumps off the boat, there will be no better result except drowning.

As soon as he arrived at the provincial party committee and sat down in the office, Wen Zixuan appeared as soon as possible. In the name of reporting his work, he wanted to report the movement of the provincial party committee to Xia.

Although Wu Tianxiao's report is first, Wen Zixuan's level is higher than Wu Tianxiao's. He has different visions and different perspectives on the problem. It is unknown that there will be other gains.

Sure enough, Wen Zixuan brought a clearer next step of Qi Province to Xia Xiang from another angle.

In midsummer, Wen Zixuan wore a mid-length skirt with a professional dress design. The calves under the black skirt ** are strong and white, emitting a luster that does not allow the girl's skin color, which is also surprising. It is not a big deal for a woman to have such a good figure, but the skin is still elastic and attractive

Perhaps some women are really naturally beautiful, just like Xiao Jia's natural charm. Wen Zixuan is born to be a woman who is easy to imagine.

Xia wanted to have no strange ideas about Wen Zixuan, but she was secretly surprised by her beauty. Somehow she thought of Mei Xiaolin in her heart. In fact, Mei Xiaolin, who is celebrating this year, is not much younger than Wen Zixuan. On closer attention, Mei Xiaolin does not look old. As a very rare dignified female official in There is a point with Wen Zixuan, that is, his manners are very generous and decent.

Women who are too beautiful have no soil to survive in officialdom. Mei Xiaolin was born in the family power. If she can have today, she also has certain background factors. Wen Zixuan relies on her own efforts and efforts. If she can achieve today, she must have something extraordinary.

Xia thought too much. In fact, he can't be blamed for his nonsense, because Wen Zixuan's beauty made him think of women like Wang Qiangwei and Zhao Mudan.

The same thing is that they are all beautiful-looking and extremely smart women who mix between officialdom and shopping malls. They all rely on men and take advantage of men to climb up. The difference is that Wang Qiangwei has at least the bottom line and principles, and Zhao Mudan, not only a popular lover, but also for the sake of self-injury Biting Li Dingshan is the type of snake and scorpion among beautiful women.

A woman can rely on and use men. Xia Can even accept her to play with men. Anyway, whether it is officialdom or the mall, it is a collision of strength and IQ, but he can't tolerate women in order to get what they want, shame, don't be ashamed, don't be physical, don't I don't want the principle, I don't even want to be a person at all!

Therefore, in Xia Xiang's mind, Mei Xiaolin, Wen Zixuan, Wang Qiangwei and Zhao Mudan are completely different types of women. In his hands, they will reflect different fate trajectories, and will eventually lead to a very different fate ending!

"Secretary Xia, a real estate developer in Beijing intends to invest 10 billion yuan to prepare industrial real estate projects in Jiaoliao City with the joint development of ports, coastal industry and leisure and residential development as the leader." The problem mentioned by Wen Zixuan was mentioned by Wu Tianxiao on the road but was ignored by Xia Xiang. Although Wu Tianxiao is Xia Xiang's secretary, he is still not as good as Wen Zixuan in terms of delicate thinking.

Therefore, as soon as Wen Zixuan opened his mouth, he immediately attracted Xia's attention.

Obviously, whether the investment of developers in the capital is the result of Sun Ximin's behind-the-scenes promotion or not, at least one thing makes Xia want to be immediately alert. This move is completely a frontal sniper against the Dacai Group project. It uses economic leverage as a means to hold high the banner of the same industrial Kill it in the cradle in one fell swoop!

Is Sun Ximin really going to work hard in order to attack the Dacai Group and protect the interests of the Prime Minister? Ten billion investment is not a joke, not a fighting spirit, but a decision that must be invested with real gold and silver and has market risks. Xia wants to jump in his heart. He didn't hear that behind Sun and Xi Min, there is huge capital support. Who has such courage?

Wen Zixuan's subsequent answer answered Xia's question: "The developer of the capital is Qianjiang Group, and it is said that the backstage is very hard."

Qianjiang Group? Xiaxiang's eyes suddenly opened up. It turned out to be the handwriting of the government. No wonder the momentum was magnificent and extraordinary!

For Qianjiang Group, a listed company with major projects in dozens of large and medium-sized cities in China, although the investment of 10 billion yuan is not small, it is also a piece of cake. But the question is, is this move based on the starting point of retaliation against him, or is it to push Sun Ximin hard so that Sun Ximin can take a key step in Qi Province?

No matter from which aspect, the government's move is very sharp, very close to the point, and extraordinary. Even Xia wants to admire the vision of the government. It is indeed not in vain. The decision to invest in Jiaoliao industrial real estate proves that the government is by no means a person in vain. In terms of investment strategy, he is also a A very discerning talent.

Because the decision made by the government office is the location of the investment project of the last Dacai Group. Although the scale and way are different, the place you are interested in the same place, which also shows that the government office is not completely painstaking efforts to get angry with him, but also to make a lot of money and fight for political interests!

So far, Xia wants to know that his trip to the capital has played a positive and proactive role in promoting the future political direction of the province, which has brought a mixed process of joy and sorrow. But no matter how difficult the road is and no matter how bumpy the road is, he has to go forward. What's more, he is not alone now, but from top to bottom. From the capital, he has enough strength and mastered a huge resource. Who wants to challenge him, he can, but after showing all his strength, please do everything. Prepare, because whoever wants to step on his shoulder to win the victory has to be mentally prepared for a big fall.

"Zixuan, let's put aside the matter of Qianjiang Group first. There are two other things that I want to emphasize specially." Qianjiang Group is not a huge thing that Wen Zixuan can deal with. Since it is for him, it's up to him to come forward in person. He has other things for Wen Zixuan to do. "Not to mention Tianxiao's work. I'm very satisfied. Even the Si Chuanliang you introduced is also very good. You have a heart."

Xia Xiang not only showed an attitude, but also hit Wen Zixuan secretly, lest she had the bad idea of surrounding and using him with the help of Wu Tianxiao and Si Chuanliang. Whether she had any signs or not, what Xia wanted was to strangle everything in the cradle. Because he needs the people around him to be alert and sober at all times, otherwise in the next series of conflicts, in case the people around him are in chaos, he will definitely be defeated.

Wen Zixuan's face was obviously stagnant, and then he gently closed his hair and hurriedly said, "Leader, you're welcome. It's all my business. It should be. Please rest assured, I will definitely do my job well.

After emphasizing the internal affairs twice, Wen Zixuan firmly stated his position to Xia.

Xia wanted to be satisfied and nodded: "Ha ha, for many years, there have been no reliable and capable female comrades around me. You are the first."

Wen Zixuan was very moved by another sentence. He wanted to say something, but Xia wanted to wave his hand.

"There is one thing you need to find out. As long as you know it in your heart, you don't have to open your mouth." Xia thought that she must completely subdued Wen Zixuan, because Wen Zixuan was very critical in his next plan. "Zhao Mudan's starting experience and her network, the more detailed the better."

As soon as Xia thought finished speaking, Wen Zixuan immediately stood up: "I promise to complete the task!" Then he turned around and left, not dragging his feet at all.

With personality and witty, Xia wanted to look at Wen Zixuan's amorous back. What she thought in her heart was not the beauty of her figure, but the merits of her personality.

The first layout has been buried, and it's time for the second one. Xia thought about it and picked up the phone.

At present, the problem about Pan Baohua is still in the stage of strict confidentiality. Pan Baohua is still working normally. Everything is as usual. There is no rumor in the provincial party committee. Xia Xiang will not reveal a trace of rumor to Li Dingshan. It's nothing else, but I just don't want Li Dingshan to increase the psychological burden, He was worried. Let Li Dingshan continue to work wholeheartedly to promote the project of Dacai Group. The behind-the-scenes competition and tricks will be handled by him and Song Chaodu, and the situation will be controlled!

Xia wanted to call Song Chaodu first and briefly explained the situation in Qi Province and the latest progress he had just verified. After listening to it, Song Chaodu only said one sentence: "It's still the same as last time.,,

The last time referred to the scene where he and Song Chaodu joined hands to knock down Gao Chengsong in Yan Province more than ten years ago. Song Chaodu's words instantly ignited the long-silent fighting spirit in Xiaxiang's chest!

Qi Province, because of Li Dingshan, because of the Pan Baohua and Zhao Mudan incident, has finally become the focus of the attention of the Song Dynasty. There is reason to believe that with the action of the Song Dynasty, the situation in Qi Province will definitely further slide in a more unknown direction...