official god

Chapter 1574 Linkage

Chapter 1574 Linkage

"Okay, I'll go back to the office now to formally reply to the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection!" Zhou Hongji heard that Xia just mentioned it, so he immediately turned to Ya Nei and Sun Ximin and said, "Gunther Sun, Mr. Gao, I'm sorry, I can't go to today's dinner. There is an urgent official business, which involves cooperation between brother provinces. I must come forward in person..."

The face of the government has changed slightly. He is not a person in the officialdom, but he also knows politics, not a novice in the officialdom. He knows that the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection asked the cooperation of the Qi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Qi Province's enthusiasm or negative performance is in line with the norm. And Zhou Hongji's enthusiasm... is obviously a little excessive, and there is no need for him to come forward in person as a head of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It's good to assign a deputy of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to meet each other. What's more, the other party is as an intermediary through Xiaxiang, and also wants to take the dual route of both personal and business. So can it be said that behind Zhou Hongji's excessive enthusiasm is also because of Xia's face?

Thinking of this section, the government's face was not very good, so he turned his head and looked at Sun Ximin.

Sun Ximin's face was even worse, because he thought a lot in an instant.

Zhou Hongji doesn't want to eat with him... This is one of them. Second, Zhou Hongji did not want to intervene on the issues of Dacai Group and Qianjiang Group, and deliberately put on a central position. Third, Zhou Hongji has to pay close attention to the affairs of the Salt Bureau and has been looking for the most suitable breakthrough.

Zhou Hongji really wants to go all the way to the dark? What does Xia want to do to make him do the same? Sun Ximin was dissatisfied, but he also knew that he and Zhou Hongji were in the same department, and he was Zhou Hongji's boss in his position, but in fact, in the eyes of the boss, he was still not as important as Zhou Hongji. And he has no right to ask Zhou Hongji to do or not to do anything.

Even the government has no right to interfere with Zhou Hongji's decision!

Although the government is a guest, after all, he is at the highest level, and he must answer, so he has to say, "Well, Hongji, you go ahead."

When Zhou Hongji and Xiaxiang's back disappeared in the provincial party committee compound, the government withdrew his eyes and said sarcastically, "Hongji is really conscientious in Qi Province."

Although the government office is in the government office, one of the principles Sun Ximin has always adhered to is that it is best not to interfere in the affairs of the officialdom, so he did not accept the words of the government office, but said lightly, "Hongji doesn't go to eat, it's the same for us to eat."

A party broke up unhappily and was inadvertently disturbed by Xiaxiang. Sun Ximin and Ya are not in a good mood...

In contrast, Xiaxiang is in a good mood.

Chen Liben, deputy director of the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, told Xiaxiang a fact that the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was ready to make formal contact with the Qi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and requested the Qi Provincial Party to cooperate with the illegal facts of the Provincial Salt Bureau investigated by Yan Province. Because the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has grasped the exact evidence, it has been in charge of ** double regulations to the deputy director of the Provincial Salt Bureau!

The reason why the work of Yan Province has advanced so fast and decisively is of the fact that the salt system of Yan Province is indeed rotten, and it is also related to Qiu Xufeng's behind-the-scenes active promotion. Of course, the acquiescence of Zhang Qian of the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the nod of Gao Jinzhou

There is another reason that has to be mentioned. At the beginning, the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection really thought that the representative of the Prime Minister had any secret intentions in the issue of the Provincial Salt Bureau, but then the news was suddenly released from a certain channel. The representative Prime Minister pretended to be in Yan Province in the name. The wrongful thinking was very angry... As soon as the news came out, the strength of Yan Province immediately increased a lot, and the matter made a breakthrough.

In fact, the problem of Yan Provincial Salt Bureau has a long history, but it has not been solved until now. The historical reasons and legacy factors are needless to be said, but now it is quick to cut the mess. In the final analysis, it still has something to do with Wu Ruotian's interference in the salt market in Yan Province.

It was also Wu Ruotian's intervention. He wanted to get a share of the salt market in Yan Province. In the early operation approval, everything basically went well. After all, Qiu Xufeng said hello. Since there is a deputy governor in charge, there is no need to trouble Gao Jinzhou of the provincial party committee. In addition, the initial investment is not large, so Wu Ruotian did not intend to alarm Gao Jinzhou.

Yan Xiao then intervened in Wu Ruotian's business, responsible for the periphery, mainly dealing with the head of the Salt Bureau, and fighting for quotas - there are very few countries with quota systems in the world - because salt is a franchise, if there is no quota, there is no sales, no sales, no... profit!

Basically, it can be said that everything is going well. From the production link to the sales link, the channels have been opened. The remaining problem is that as long as the production is available, the profit will roll in. Salt production is not high-tech in the first place, and it is easier than farmers to grow crops, so the prospect can almost be predicted.

However, there are too many unscrupulous officials in China who have the right not to expire. Relying on the power in their hands, they are lawless, act reckless, and at the same time, they are timid. That is to say, they dare not do killing and set fire clearly, and they dare to come directly when they are drunk.

Guan** is also obsessed with sex. After contacting Yan Xiao several times, he was fascinated by Yan Xiao. Seeing that Yan Xiao was exquisite on all sides, he thought Yan Xiao was a good woman. Although he also knows that Yan Xiao is the nephew of the former provincial party committee Fan Ruiheng, Fan Ruiheng has no influence in Yan Province. The phoenix is not as good as a chicken. Besides, a shake in his hand can make Yan Xiao earn tens of millions or 10 million in a year, and he can't buy Yan Xiao in one night?

No star in China is worth this price!

Gun** tried several times. He thought that Yan Xiao would agree implicitly, but Yan Xiaoyan refused, and claimed that if he had any more indisproportionate thoughts, he would bear the consequences - he angered Guan**, and he immediately used the power in his hand to jam the neck of Wu Ruotian Salt Factory.

To be honest, Wu Ruotian came to Yan Province to intervene in the salt industry and did not expect to make much money. With the power of the Wu family, will he care about a salt factory with an annual output value of less than 10 million yuan in Yan Province? The plan is just to experience Wu Ruotian and let Wu Ruotian have something to do.

I don't want a small deputy director of the Salt Bureau to dare to get stuck in the neck. Do you really think that the Wu family can beat if they want to? It's really a long life! In anger, before Wu Ruotian could ask Gao Jinzhou to come forward, something happened again.

Guan** did not give up after being rejected by Yan Xiao. Seeing many news reports on the Internet that cadres in various places have drunk female subordinates and then implemented it. After most of them succeed, the female subordinates dare not say anything. They reported that it is only one of the very few. He is itchy and is really greedy for Yan Xiao. I decided to take the risk.

So, it's true that a person must go crazy before he dies. Guan ** invited Yan Xiao to the banquet with full sincerity, saying that he wanted to solve the quota problem. Yan Xiao came happily. During the banquet, Guan ** frequently advised him to drink, trying to get Yan Xiao drunk, and then took the opportunity to do it.

Who is Yan Xiao? How can he not understand the ugly mind of Guan**? She would not let Guan**'s conspiracy succeed. While being perfunctory, she secretly recorded Guan**'s dirty words and secretly notified Wu Ruotian.

Wu Ruotian is about to find trouble to manage **. He doesn't want to worry about **'s life. How can he be polite? He directly dispatched the police in Yanshi through Yu Fanran, brought people to the hotel, saved the drunken Han Xiao, and caught the manager who was about to do it.

The ** of life has come to an abrupt end, and from then on, it has completely entered a trough!

Guan** is also a coward. As soon as he entered, he told all kinds of scandals in the past, and even bit out his immediate superior, Director Zheng Feng, without hesitation.

As a result, the anti-corruption storm of the salt system in Yan Province kicked off.

Guan** not only confessed the director's illegal behavior, but also revealed the inside story of the Yan Provincial Salt Bureau's deployment of edible salt from Qi Province and Ontario Province. There is not much to say about Ontario Province, but between it and Qi Province, it is a complete interest, because the price of salt in Qi Province is not only more than that of Low, and the rebate is larger... Because Qi Province has subsidies for salt production, the price can be lower.

Gao Jinzhou of the Yan Provincial Party Committee made important instructions after listening to the report of the case. Therefore, Yan Province immediately operated at full speed and cut the first knife to ask the salt service system.


Xia wanted to accompany Zhou Hongji back to the office and connected the phone in Yan Province. After some negotiation, it was preliminarily determined that the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection would send a special task force led by Chen Liben, deputy of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, to Qi Province to dock with the corruption case of the salt system in Qi Province, which is It is carried out in this state.

Zhou Hongji was overjoyed and immediately made a promise that Qi Province would send a task force led by Mu Zhengyi, deputy of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, to connect with Yan Province to jointly handle the major cases related to the salt system of the two provinces.

The wind starts in Qi Province and affects Yan Province. Two important salt-producing areas in China are working on the salt industry system at the same time. The two provinces are linked, and the wind is continuous. I don't know what will anyone do after it reaches the capital? Is it possible to go to Yan Province for inspection or research work?

Yan Province is the world of family power. Thinking of the inspection of Yan Province, the family power will not stop it, but when it comes to the ugly words, it is not more embarrassing than the inspection in Qi Province.

Of course, the same method will not be used again. As for what some people think about the anti-corruption storm of the salt industry system in Yan Province and Qi Province, it is no longer under Xia's consideration. He does things with his own heart, only wants to have a clear conscience, and only wants to live up to the people. What do some people think It's in charge.

Because someone let him down first, he has no obligation to be responsible for some people!

At noon, Xiaxiang did not go home for dinner, but went to the canteen with Zhou Hongji to deal with it again. People who know the inside story secretly speculate that Zhou Hongji does not eat with Sun Ximin and Ya Nei, and He Xia wants to go to the canteen. What's the mystery?

It doesn't matter whether there is a mystery or not, because then another big event happened, which attracted everyone's attention - in the afternoon, the news finally came from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Pan Baohua was arrested.

: Not surprisingly, in December 2011, it may be the last month of the official god to hit the list. The official god who has accompanied his brothers for nearly two years is about to come to an end after December! Therefore, while the official god is still there, while there is love in his heart, and while the summer is still cute, please cast the most precious one in the last month of 2011, as a permanent memorial before the end of the official god! RO