official god

Chapter 1587 Full Strike back

Chapter 1587 Full Strike back

After actively approaching Qiu Renli, Liao Deyi thought that he had almost touched Qiu's intention. After carefully preparing the revised draft of the personnel adjustment plan, he reported it to Xia Xiang.

I thought Xia wanted to look at it in time and give instructions. Unexpectedly, Xia thought just put it on the table and said, "Put it down first and take a closer look when I have time."

Liao Deyi felt very strange, because after several close contact with Qiu Renli, it seemed that Qiu Renli was very dissatisfied with the slow progress of personnel adjustment and intended to speed up the progress. How could Xia raise high and put it down gently, with a round attitude?

What puzzled Liao more was that after Xia wanted to put down the personnel adjustment plan, he asked other irrelevant questions: "Minister Liao, sit down, don't stand."

Xia Xiang's attitude has changed a lot from before. He smiled happily and said, "There is something I want to ask Minister Liao for advice."

Liao Deyi said politely, "Xia, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"It's not an order, it's just a casual chat." Xia remembered to come to Liao Deyi and sat side by side on the sofa with him - the leader's preferential treatment of his subordinates was to sit side by side with his subordinates - he patted Liao Deyi on the shoulder, "I heard that you and Lu Huacheng are classmates?"

Liao Deyi's eyelids jumped. Xia's question was not a casual question, but a big mystery.

"Yes, it's a classmate, but a primary school classmate. I haven't contacted him after graduating from primary school. Later, he was in Lu City. When we talked together, he recognized his classmate again." Liao Deyi answered truthfully. He knew in his heart that Xia must have known the truth a long time ago.

"Then I have something to ask you. I hope you can tell me the truth." Xia's face suddenly became serious again.

"Please give instructions in summer." Liao Deyi's heart was confused and didn't understand why Xia talked about Lu Huacheng again.

"If you can nominate Lu Huacheng as the executive deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the director of the Supervision Department, do you think it is feasible?"

"..." Liao Deyi originally thought that Xia would ask about Lu Huacheng's age, because he first started with his classmates. As a classmate, he should know best how old Lu Huacheng is, and Lu Huacheng is now struggling with the concealment of age. Unexpectedly, Xia actually wants to promote Lu Huacheng?

It is true that Lu Huacheng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Political and Legal Committee, and is also the main hall. He has further served as the director of the Provincial Supervision Department. The level has not been promoted, but the power and prospects are much better. It is a bright road to rise smoothly.

But... Does Xia really want to mention Lu Huacheng, or is he deliberately testing his position? Or use his mouth to convey a political signal to Lu Huacheng?

Liao Deyi is not the first brother of officialdom. He is also very thoughtful and thought of all kinds of possibilities in an instant.

But no matter which possibility, he has only one choice, that is, he must answer Xia's question.

Facing Xia's expectant and gentle eyes, Liao Deyi did not dare to let Xia Jiu wait, saying, "Personally, I think Comrade Lu Huacheng has outstanding ability and high initiative in his work..."

Xia wanted to nod and seemed to be satisfied with Liao Deyi's answer: "Qiu also agrees with my opinion."

Liao Deyi returned to his office, and his mood was difficult to calm down for a long time. Whether Xia intended to use his mouth to spread the word or hint to Lu Huacheng, he had a very good attitude towards him today, which made him feel trust and kindness. After Qiu recognized him, Xia's approval greatly increased his confidence.

Although he knows, Xia's attitude may have something to do with He Jianghai's frequent actions recently.

No matter what others think of He Jianghai, anyway, he has made up his mind to keep a certain distance from He Jianghai. He Jianghai is too adventurous, but he doesn't, so it is difficult for him to synchronize with He Jianghai.

After hesitating for about half an hour, Liao Deyi still called Lu Huacheng.


Xia's guess is right. He Jianghai is fully counterattacking and is carrying out a series of counterattacks.

First, he showed his goodwill to Zhou Hongji, had lunch with Zhou Hongji, and talked for an hour or two. Although there are no specific details of the next step of cooperation, the general framework has basically been established, and Zhou Hongji clearly replied that he will consider it carefully.

He Jianghai is also an old official. Of course, he will not believe Zhou Hongji and have high expectations as soon as he says it casually. However, at all, at least Zhou Hongji's attitude makes him very gratified, because Zhou Hongji's words also show a strong intention to cooperate with him.

At the same time, Zhou Hongji showed concern about the cooperation with Xiaxiang from time to time, which made He Jianghai think that with the last game being broken, the final dust of the Salt Bureau's problem was settled. Although he was defeated, it also marked the collapse of the foundation of the cooperation between Xiaxiang and Zhou Hongji.

He Jianghai couldn't help but feel a little complacent. He lowered his posture and took the initiative to show his goodwill, which made Zhou Hongji take the opportunity. It can be seen that his charm is still not small, and as the leading figure of the local forces, his prestige is still there, and the authority is still prominent.

It was only the first step to attract Zhou Hongji and dig a big corner of Xiaxiang. The second step is to strengthen the belief that "as long as the hoe is well waved, no corner can't be dug down", and continue to dig deep into every corner of Xia Xiang. In time, the situation carefully arranged by Xia Xiang in Qi Province will collapse.

The next key corner is Lu Huacheng.

He Jianghai also knew that the main concern of Lu Huacheng's defection was that the age problem was discovered, and there was a lesson from Zhuoyun, so Lu Huacheng suddenly turned around. In addition, his attitude was too impatient at that time, and he was on the airstent, which led to Lu Huacheng's sharp slide to Xia The position is also one of the objective reasons for the failure of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the stormy incident at this time.

He Jianghai decided to change his strategy, at least pretending to be low. Besides, he also summed up the reasons for this defeat and came to the conclusion that it was not how powerful Xia was, but that he made a fatal mistake.

In other words, if he no longer makes superior mistakes, how can Xia have a chance of winning in the next great changes in Qi Province?

Therefore, after having lunch with Zhou Hongji and receiving the expected results, He Jianghai dialed Lu Huacheng in person.

"Hwaseong, I'm Jiang Hai. Do you have time to sit together in the evening? I haven't chatted and played cards together for a long time. I found another good place, which is very suitable for several old friends to sit together, drink tea, play cards and chat. He Jianghai's tone was very tactful, not a condescending invitation tone, but a consultative tone.

Lu Huacheng obviously felt He Jianghai's sincerity. He and He Jianghai have been old friends for many years. How can't he not hear that He Jianghai has lowered his posture? After all, we have been friends for many years, and if we turn against each other because of the moment's conflict of interest, we won't be old, so we hesitate for a moment and agreed, "Well, why don't you say anything? It's not good not to go."

"Ha ha, what, it's your brother He." He Jianghai said hello again before telling Lu Huacheng the location of the meeting.


For a whole day, Yan didn't contact Xiaxiang. Xia wanted to take the initiative to call, because he didn't hear that there was something to do in Lu City when Yan was a child. He was afraid that she would be bored alone, so he cared about it. Unexpectedly, he didn't make a phone call. He couldn't help but wonder.

But he had so many things to do that he was left behind in a blink of an eye.

Xia Xiang first heard the news that He Jianghai continued to speed up his activities, but did not make a specific response. He just asked Wu Tianxiao to continue to pay close attention to it.

Then, he received another call from Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu and Yang Wei carried out peripheral activities in Wuyue, contacted suppliers, and paved the preliminary work of the Dacai Group's landing in advance, eliminating many hidden dangers in the local area. For example, the Salt Affairs Bureau is preparing to organize a group event. For example, the local villagers are ready to go to the streets to oppose the Dacai Group under the Eyes, wait.

It is precisely because Xiao Wu and Yang Wei have rich experience in dealing with village bullies, road bullies and various struggles that Wen Ziji commanded well, killed all the hidden dangers in the early stage, deliberately encouraged the salt industry system and local villagers, and took the opportunity to erase all the attempts of the provincial government to prevent the landing of the Dacai Group, and also It has further consolidated its position in the municipal bureau, and its position has gradually stabilized.

In addition, Zhou Yuyuan of the municipal party committee and Lou Xindong, the new mayor, are inclined to the position of Xiaxiang. With the support of Wen Ziji, Xiao Wu and Yang Wei's work has carried out very smoothly. All the obstacles of Wuyue have been cleared, waiting for Sun Ximin's final clap.

Sun Ximin has been procrastinating for a long time. Xia wants to behave slowly, and so is Dacai Group. After Shen Lichun returned to Yan City, he only submitted a letter of intent to the Qi Provincial Government once, and there was no follow-up. Qiu Renli only asked Sun Ximin at a meeting, and never mentioned it again. It seemed that he was very patient.

In fact, it has only been a month or two from the investment intention put forward by Dacai Group, to the contact with Wuyue, and the discussion at the executive meeting of the provincial government. Every major investment operation has a long time span, and it is normal for half a year and more than a year. People in the officialdom are not high-ranking officials if they have no patience.

The higher the

level, the greater the patience.

Of course, behind the patience on the surface, the dark competition has been in full swing.

Xia Xiang is not worried about the landing of Dacai Group. He is only worried about whether Li Dingshan's patience is enough, because recently, he found that Li Dingshan seemed to be a little impatient.

Although Li Dingshan is specifically responsible for the project of Dacai Group, it is promoted by him. He has also been waiting for the opportunity. Political matters sometimes need to pay attention to the right time, place and people. Li Dingshan has lacked communication with him recently, as if he is planning something secretly.

It shouldn't take long to break the situation. I hope Li Dingshan doesn't have extranecess.

... Li Dingshan is indeed an extraordinary thing. Although his unexpected action has a positive and positive impact on the situation, it still disrupts the overall process.

In the evening, Xia Xiang held a big banquet to entertain Sun Ximin and Ya Nei - it was a separate meeting - just while he shook hands with Ya Nei, Yan Xiao was sitting with Li Dingshan to discuss a major matter. RO