official god

Chapter 1589 There is a good plan

Chapter 1589 There is a good plan

If you only talk to Wen Zixuan in the government office, see the color, and ignore the performance of talking about business as lust and not doing decent work, it will be a big mistake. The government office has been in official shopping malls for a long time, and has seen all kinds of people, etc. Even if Wen Zixuan is beautiful in his eyes, even as A gaffe.

The reason why he deliberately did this is nothing more than showing weakness than Xiaxiang. He wanted Xiaxiang to despise him, and then he had the opportunity to win unexpectedly in front of Xiaxiang.

Another point is that the government doesn't want him to open his mouth to Xia to submit the change of conditions, but wants Sun Ximin to speak for him.

Judging from the current situation, he has achieved at least one of his two goals. As for whether Xia thought had determined that he was lustful and not doing his job, it was difficult to draw a conclusion first, but judging from Xia's expression, it seemed that Xia thought had despised him.

Then again, although there was a performance in the government, Wen Zixuan's amorous feelings really moved him. Women have their own advantages, and each has its own benefits. The taste of Wen Zixuan is a novelty that he has never experienced, and it really makes him almost unable to control himself.

Ya Nei's appetite for women has always been very good, and at the same time, his appetite for business is also surprisingly good. Xia guessed right. He really wants to take the opportunity to intervene in the Dacai Group. If possible, it is best to eat the shares of the Dacai Group to a certain extent.

At this time, the capital chain of Dacai Group is almost broken. It is a good opportunity to exchange funds for shares, so as to achieve the first purpose of becoming the owner of Dacai Group. If possible, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, he does not hesitate to exchange the shares of Qianjiang Group with Cheng Dacai, and he is not afraid of cross The vision of force and capital operation.

Unlike other real estate developers, after years of development, Dacai Group has formed a model management system from construction, design, property management and industrial real estate. It not only has a unique investment vision, but also has its own construction team. The construction capacity is not only first-class, but also more Effectively control costs. At the same time, the real estate projects of Dacai Group have a good reputation after delivery and use, because all communities under the name of Dacai Group are exempt from property fees.

Under the severe situation of the increasingly prominent contradiction between the owner and the property, every time Dacai Group builds a community, it will do a good job in the property work after it is put into use, and the property fee will be exempted for life, so that all owners have no worries.

Chang Dacai is a master with a very long-term vision. After decades of development, Dacai Group has built all the communities in Yan City, and the property management is very perfect. Compared with other developers who only care about the management mode of building houses, the contradictions and conflicts between countless owners and properties will make The owners are angry with the developers, and many developers have now tasted the bitter fruit.

And the reputation of Dacai Group rose against the market, and there was no need to advertise the new real estate, which invisibly formed a brand effect.

It has been coveting Dacai Group in the government for a long time. Although his Qianjiang Group has a strong political background and far exceeds that of Dacai Group in various parts of the country, in fact, from scale to efficiency, as well as internal management, there are also a series of operations, which are still far from each other. If the management level is not further improved, advanced models are introduced, and the pace of expansion is too fast, Qianjiang Group will eventually be dragged down.

The government is not a mediocre talent. In addition to being a little lustful, he is calm, forbearing, judge the situation, and has a long-term vision.

Therefore, this time, Qianjiang Group played the slogan of marching into Qi Province. The direction of a huge investment of 10 billion yuan is not to really want to be in Jiaoliao Shangma industrial real estate. What Jianfeng refers to is Dacai Group!

After listening to Sun Ximin's amazing appetite in the government, Xia was really stunned, because he did not calculate that the government wanted to take the Dacai Group for himself.

Of course, it is impossible to swallow Dacai Group in one gulp. There is no such strength in the government. Even if there is, Cheng Dacai will not let go. However, the gradual penetration of the cross-holding situation does not lose a long-term plan.

But... As a Xiaxiang who knows about Cheng Dacai, I know that this road may not work.

Dacai Group has developed to this day, and it is still the Dacai Group of Cheng Dacai. It can be seen that Cheng Dacai is a very conceited person. He refuses to let go of everything. Only by holding it in his own hands can he be most assured.

Xia doesn't want to understand commercial holdings and various equity models in depth, and he won't learn it temporarily. He just needs to know everyone's principles and bottom line. Things are man-made. If you master everyone's thoughts, you will master the direction of things.

"In my opinion, Qianjiang Group's industrial real estate project in Jiaoliao has a very commercial vision and a very broad prospect..." Xiaxiang did not directly answer Sun Ximin's question, but mentioned Qianjiang Group's investment.

Sun Ximin was slightly stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Xia's thinking to jump so fast. He looked at the government office angrily and finally couldn't help saying, "Mr. Gao, Xia is very concerned about Qianjiang Group's investment in Jiaoliao. Come and introduce it. Don't always talk to Secretary-General Wen alone

Half a joke and half a serious tone, it already shows Sun Ximin's impatience.

The government finally looked away from Wen Zixuan's body, and there was a little reluctant to give up. After respecting Xia for a glass of wine, he said, "Xia, don't laugh at me. I have an advantage. I like to find the most beautiful side of all women. Haha, it's funny."

To be able to talk about lust so directly and as an advantage, the government should be regarded as the first person in a group of porn that Xia wants to know, which also makes Xia want to laugh: "Wonderful, witty words."

Seeing that Xia was also very cheerful, he said, "In front of Xia, I don't lie. Qianjiang Group's investment in Jiaoliao is ready to be halved. I mean, take half of the money out to help the Dacai Group pass the customs. As long as Xia brings the words, and as long as Mr. Cheng nods, I promise that there will be no shortage of Dacai Group's projects.

This is very big, which means that there will be no funding gap, and there will be no resistance that cannot be landed. But the government does have the capital to talk big. He wants money, power and power. Coupled with his huge background, if it were someone else, he would definitely be scared by him.

It's a pity that he is facing Xiaxiang.

Xia Cang will never be intimidated by big words, nor will he be fascinated by the interests in front of him. He took a sip of wine and smiled, "I usually don't drink much. Today, Governor Sun and Mr. Gao are here. I only drank a few more sips. It's an exception."

First, raise the importance of Sun Ximin and Ya Nei.

Then he changed the topic: "I really have a good relationship with Mr. Cheng, but I'm not good enough to make decisions for him. Besides, even if Mr. Cheng believes me and is willing to let me decide something for him, I don't dare, because I really don't understand the investment problem. "

is equivalent to finding a way out.

When Sun Ximin and Ya Nei's faces were both expectant and uneasy, Xia wanted to hang his appetite, and finally threw out the conditions: "However, according to my understanding of Mr. Cheng, if the following conditions are met, he will definitely be willing to let the construction team of Dacai Group build for Qianjiang Group, and is also willing to "

The government had previously played the role of a love saint for a long time in front of Wen Zixuan. Before he completely returned to the state of fighting wits with Xia, he was led by the nose by Xia. In an urgent mood, he blurted out, "What are the conditions?"

As soon as the Ya Nai said, Sun Ximin was helpless. Unexpectedly, he and Ya Nai came forward at the same time, but Xia wanted to take the initiative. It really shouldn't be!

"If the project of Qianjiang Group starts at the same time as the project of Dacai Group, Qiu and Governor Sun will come forward to cut the ribbon at the same time, which will definitely cause a lot of sensation. It is a great thing to align the province, to Qiu, and to Governor Sun."

Xia thought that he didn't seem to mention any conditions. In fact, there are two preconditions. First, Qianjiang Group's investment must be really in place. It can't be shot in vain, just to plot the talent group and not to really land. Second, the project of Dacai Group should be successfully implemented, and the provincial government can no longer block it.

Xia thought that he didn't believe the statement of halving the investment just now.

The conditions seem to be very simple. In fact, there is a hidden front, because the two conditions must be met, so it is possible for Cheng Da to sit down and negotiate. The investment of Qianjiang Group must be implemented, which is a necessary condition for whether the government will sincerely cooperate with Dacai Group. The investment is in place, the project is implemented, and Qianjiang Group can't play any more tricks.

Yes, no one can play tricks with tens of billions of investments. It's not playing tricks, it's playing tricks on others, it's playing tricks on yourself.

Ya Nei also realized that the gaffe just now was a little too inappropriate. When he heard the two conditions proposed by Xia wanted, he knew that his intention had been completely seen through by Xia wanted. Then he thought again, as expected, today was Xia wanted to be the east, and he had the initiative everywhere... By the way, Xia thought that Xia was really a

Xia thought's conditions were harsh and harsh, and it was normal to say that it was normal. Today, the government held the idea of eating Xia thought. Unexpectedly, he bit on the stone and almost squeaked his teeth, and his heart was very angry.

You can't admit defeat, otherwise it will be too shameful. The government affairs thought for a moment and said with a smile, "The project of Qianjiang Group will definitely be implemented, but it is not easy to guarantee that it will start at the same time as the project of Dacai Group. There are too many details involved, and I dare not believe it."

As soon as this was said, it showed that today's banquet did not receive the expected effect. It was almost different. Xia thought that he was not reluctant and said, "I'll bring the words first. What do you think about it? It's Mr. Cheng's business."

The unspoken meaning is to just send words, regardless of persuasion. In fact, it is a polite statement, which is equivalent to clearly saying that it doesn't matter who you love.

Since he couldn't talk about it, he refused to give in, and the government was not annoyed. He restored the morality of the people in pornography, and boasted about the glorious history with Wen Zixuan, and Sun Ximin no longer mentioned business, and wanted to talk about astronomy and geography with Xia.

Just a few words, Sun Ximin's mobile phone rang - the secretary was not around, and as the governor, he also brought his mobile phone when he went out. Sun Ximin also followed the trend of the times - he got up and answered the phone, and only listened to a few words and changed his color.

"Xia, Li Dingshan has done it!"

: The fourth update on the 4th, please subscribe. RO