official god

Chapter 1595 Three-way Victory

Chapter 1595 Victory in Three-Afth

Finally, the Standing Committee reached a consensus. First, the Joint Office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will find out the truth. Second, the provincial government will implement the project of Dacai Group as soon as possible, and use the positive news of major measures to attract investment to guide the trend of public opinion. Third, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will hold a press conference as soon as possible to report the results of the problem handled by the Salt Bureau.

Finally, after Qiu Renli's summary speech, the special case was supplemented by Sun Ximin.

After expressing his gratitude to the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee for his trust and understanding, Sun Ximin specifically solemnly pointed out one point: "I specially remind some comrades that it is wrong to accuse others indiscriminately. I always think that Xia was not involved in the incident.

If Sun Ximin said the above in an understated tone, it would be the opposite, but he said it with a very serious and solemn expression, and made an extremely resolute gesture, which made many people wonder why did Governor Sun maintain Xia's prestige?

Whether they understood Sun Ximin's approach or not, the provincial party committee team identified a fact after the Standing Committee. When Xia was strong, it was really powerful. Not only was Qiu Renli silent, but also a tacit attitude. Even Governor Sun retreated and avoided his edge.

But then again, no matter whether Xia Xiang is sharp or not, and whether Xia Xiang's strength makes some people very uncomfortable, it is an indisputable fact that Xia Xiang won a complete victory in the Standing Committee.

Xia Li nodded secretly and secretly analyzed the trend of the situation in Qi Province since then. There are three places where Xia won. One is to take the opportunity to beat He Jianghai hard, so that He Jianghai, who has always been arrogant and never bowed, lost his face at the Standing Committee, which is equivalent to humiliating himself. The second is that Zhou Hongji can no longer hold on the issue of the Salt Bureau for a long time, and he must take practical actions to correct his name. The third and most important point is that the project of Dacai Group, which was delayed by Sun Ximin for various reasons, finally landed.

That's it... The dust is settled!

Xia Li came to three conclusions, which are three victories on the surface. As far as Xiaxiang is concerned, there are still hidden and deeper political factors. First, it will completely disrupt He Jianghai's series of layouts. Second, Yan Province reported the corruption case involving Yan and Qi provinces to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which is equivalent to kicking a hedgehog to the foot of Longjia City.

is a hedgehog, not a durian.

As for getting rid of the greed in the government, and slapped him lightly, it's just a matter of taking it.

Of course, Xia thought is not without worry. The game was successful, but he was not sure about the outcome of Wang Zhifu. The central government will definitely have a statement. Even if it is not announced, there will be internal processing!

Three days later, the provincial government officially announced that it had signed an agreement with Dacai Group to invest 10 billion yuan to build industrial real estate with the theme of geoparks in Wuyue.

At the press conference, news media and website reporters from all over the country flocked to ask various questions about the completion of Dacai Group's project. Although the recording door incident on the Internet has been calmed down at this time, and only Mars is in some places. Most journalists ask positive questions, and there are also a few reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They also linked the experience of Dacai Group and Sun Ximin as the governor of Yan Province, and asked tricky questions.

As a result, he was naturally politely invited out.

Subsequently, major media and websites reported a package agreement signed by Qi Province and Dacai Group in a prominent and prominent position, completely covering up the recent recording door incident. Although some media have deliberately clicked a little, it can no longer attract public attention.

A day later, the Qi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection held a press conference to report on the progress of the recent corruption case of the Salt Affairs Bureau. In addition to the director Tang Shicheng and the deputy director Xie Shaohai, who were double-regulated and handed over to the judiciary for disposal, the Provincial Salt Affairs Bureau also had a total of more than a dozen officials Deal with it. Basically, the cadres above the level in the system of the Provincial Salt Bureau have been swept away!

The throwing of the two major news has completely improved the positive image of Qi Province. For a while, the news media reported the news of Qi Province, which was full of positive content, so that several negative negative reports in the past period of time were completely washed away.

Although Sun Ximin's compromise and Zhou Hongji's ruthlessness are the victory of Xiaxiang in politics, to be fair, in terms of improving the positive image of Qi Province to save the passive situation of Qi Province, isn't it the victory of the Qi Provincial Party Committee and the people of Qi Province?

Therefore, although it was a helpless choice for someone to make the above decision, felt aggrieved and felt uncomfortable, and thought it was a major defeat, most of the Qi Provincial Party Committee still took a sigh of relief. It was because of Xia's series of measures that made the Qi Provincial Party Committee change the passive beating situation, and finally no longer be As a member of the provincial party committee, everyone feels relaxed.

After a series of events disappeared, the Qi Provincial Party Committee entered a relatively stable period. Behind the unknown, the departure of the government announced the investment of Qianjiang Group, which was temporarily stranded, and the government's attempt to reach out to the Dacai Group was shattered.

One thing that is farther away from the public's sight is that He Jianghai accidentally stopped a lot and depressed a lot. It seemed that he was seriously ill, and his whole body was listless for a long time.

Later, after going to the capital several times in a row, I heard that I met with Ye Tiannan secretly, and finally regained my spirit, and I was much more energetic.

After Zhou Hongji came to the provincial salt bureau for a cleaning, as expected, he went to the capital twice in a row within the next half of the month. Of course, the statement was to report the case to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and dock the anti-corruption case of the Salt Bureau of Qi and Yan's two provinces, but everyone knows clearly that Zhou The second way to report on the work is to explain the difficulties to the State Council.

Needless to say, Zhou Hongji has his own channels to communicate, and he does not care much about the attitude of the State Council like Sun Ximin - when he went to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to report his work for the second time, he did not contact the State Council, but directly entered the office in Longjiacheng.

At this time, the capital is already the hottest season in summer, which is a little hotter than Lu City. Although the artificial cool environment created by the air conditioner can temporarily escape the extreme heat, after all, it is a small artificial environment. After staying under the air conditioner for a long time, it is still uncomfortable.

The most refreshing thing is the breeze of nature.

The office of Longjiacheng is located on the second floor, which is just at the vent. He asked someone to specially modify the ventilation. The breeze from the window can pass through the hall, then go around the office for a week, and finally dissipate from the door.

It happens that the outside of the window is covered with green trees, and the climbing tigers are all over the wall, which gives people a very cool feeling. Longjiacheng is in the natural breeze, talking with Zhou Hongji.

"The air conditioner has been blowing for a long time, and I have a headache." Longjiacheng saw the faint beads of sweat on Zhou Hongji's head and said with a smile, "When I was young, I couldn't stand the heat. Now that I have experienced a lot, I finally understand that one sentence is really right - calm and naturally cool!"

"However, many truths should be understood, not felt. The perception is not real. Only when you realize it can you have a real physical experience.

After a few big words, the topic of Longjiacheng finally fell to Xiaxiang: "Xiaxiang gave me a good gift. I thought that the last time thing was over. Think about it, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was sent back with gifts and returned without success. If it is spread outside, others will have a bad opinion of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Unexpectedly, last time it was a small cold dish, but now it's an appetizer. It's really his. It really gives me a headache.

Zhou Hongji just smiled, because when Longjiacheng spoke, although he frowned slightly, the smile on his face was still hanging, which proved that he was angry. In fact, he was still more helpless than angry.

Indeed, Xia wanted to use the joint case of the salt bureaus of Qi and Yan provinces to send a good gift to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. To be more precise, it was to Longjiacheng.

Zhou Hongji is naturally clear about the past and enmity between the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Xiaxiang. It is not possible for him to express his views on Xiaxiang's counter-hand-hands from a fair standpoint!

Perhaps from the bottom of his heart, he even vaguely supported Xia's practice, because even he couldn't see the heavy rain in the Qin and Tang Dynasties - although what happened in those years was not all the intention of Longjiacheng.

The problem of the Yan Provincial Salt Bureau investigated by the Yan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the number of fallen officials is no less than that of Qi Province, and the linkage between the two provinces is not small, which has aroused the strong attention of foreign media. Unfortunately, the domestic media have collectively lost their voice for some reason.

It was supposed to be a vigorous corruption case, which should have had a huge impact on the domestic salt industry, but the public knew little about it because of the absence of the news media.

Although the public did not know the truth, Xia Shang still contributed a great job. Zhou Hongji started from his heart and still admired Xia Shang's behavior, especially when he knew Xia Shang's fair starting point.

Because of Wu Ruotian's intervention, the fall of countless corrupt officials in the salt system, and the direct impact of the corruption case of the salt system in Qi Province, now the salt industry in Yan Province has been reshuffled, and the salt factories that were originally suspended have started construction one after another. At the same time, the share of salt allocated by

From the perspective of Qi Province, the capital of Qi Province has certain economic losses, but from the perspective of Yan Province, or from the interests of the bottom salt workers as the starting point, reducing the allocation of "private salt" in Qi Province is conducive to the benign development of the salt industry in Yan Province and allows hundreds of thousands of workers to survive.

While hundreds of thousands of workers have hope for life, it is accompanied by nearly 20 or 30 corrupt officials in the salt systems of Qi Province and Yan Province!

Corrupt officials, exploitation and embezzlement are clearly the property of the state. In fact, in the final analysis, it is still the blood and sweat of the people at the bottom.

When Zhou Hongji found out the truth and found that Xia wanted to have no self-interest in the whole incident. It was completely out of justice, he had no way not to admire Xia wanted to be a person.

... However, back to the situation in Qi Province, Zhou Hongji also had a headache, because he was very worried that the next counterattack of He Jianghai, who had lost one after another, would be desperate! It will even... do whatever it takes. RO