official god

Chapter 1597 Political Sniper War in the Economic Field

Chapter 1597 Political Sniper War in the Economic Field

In fact, after Carrefour Supermarket entered Yan City to acquire Jiajia Supermarket, the pace of progress has been very heavy. There are not only the conservative thinking mode inherent in the French, the inability to adapt to the overly active and open consumption concept of Chinese people, but also the arrogant factors of multinational groups that they think they are superior.

In a word, Feng Xuguang's Jiajia Supermarket has dropped its market share by three or five years after it was acquired by Carrefour. At the same time, it was the rise of Nanjia Supermarket in the past three or five years.

It's not easy for Carrefour to live in Yan City.

It is precisely because of the lesson of Carrefour's previous car that Wal-Mart, which has been interested in investing in the first supermarket in Yanshi, has been signed for three years, and the construction has not been started for a long time, but it is not optimistic about the future.

If you have to tell the truth, the experience of multinational supermarkets in Yanshi - the situation in Yanshi may not be universal, but it is not a special case. At least part of the problem can be explained - it is self-blame and self-fruit.

How to say? From the economic point of view alone, the tax is levied on all retail stores in China, and an army of urban management is dispatched to encircle and suppress scattered stalls. Behind the beauty of grease and powder, the city seems to be clean and tidy - well, how to survive on some farts who rely on stalls is not within the scope of discussion for Survival provides great convenience.

Then, major multinational supermarkets have landed in small and medium-sized cities, engaging on the end of the retail market. Because large supermarkets have economists, they can have reasonable tax avoidance methods, and have mastered the voice of the terminal retail market, so they can lower the price of manufacturers. Therefore, after multinational supermarkets settle in, they will have a price advantage in the early stage.

There is a saying - the good times are not long - yes, when many small and medium-sized stores close down one after another and are deprived of survival by their own taxes and the squeeze of large supermarkets, large supermarkets have fully mastered the retail market. Whoever controls the retail market has the pricing power, that is to say, for the source, pressure on the manufacturer's price, for the terminal, increase the sales price.

As a multinational group, after occupying the market, it shows a ferocious side. In addition to swallowing the profits of upstream manufacturers, it also rudely grabs profits from the final consumers. In an image metaphor, with the encouragement and permission of national policies, ride the manufacturer's neck to hit consumers in the face. .

In other words, in the market economy, foreigners turn up and downs, playing with upstream manufacturers and downstream consumers.

Of course, to put it worse, many local governments are also playing around - but no local government will admit that it is the same as a star who has been married for more than ten years and still refuses to admit marriage.

Fortunately, Carrefour's strategy in Yan City was successful at the beginning, but later it was defeated by the sparrow tactics of Nanjia Supermarket. After several false promotions were exposed and reported, its reputation plummeted and went downhill.

Nowadays, Carrefour Supermarket's life in Yan City is the old lady's New Year's New Year, year is not as good as year, but after all, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, and it can barely survive.

In fact, if Xia wanted to predict the situation, it was a big mistake for Feng Xuguang to sell his shares to Carrefour in those years, not to mention losing his controlling stake? Now I can only watch the booming Jiajia Supermarket. Since the carrefour brand was put on, the business has fallen sharply.

But Carrefour did not feel the pain, but continued to be tough, which really answered the old saying - poor.

It doesn't matter if you are poor. What matters is that Carrefour, whose profits have fallen sharply, does not want to increase its market share and win back consumers. Instead, it has become more and more aggressively exploiting suppliers and further squeeze the profits of suppliers, which is a little too thick-skinned.

And everyone calculates, even a few cents of vegetables per catty, even if it counts on Xiao Kun.

If the calculation is small, it doesn't matter. Xiao Kun will not bother Xiaxiang because of small things. As a result, Xiao Kun supplied nearly 10 tons of vegetables and 3 tons of high-end fruits to Carrefour in a few months, with a total amount of more than 5 million yuan, which suppressed the payment for half a year. When he went to check out, he was told that because of various charging items, such as the French National Day, such as the French holiday, such as the increase in the entrance fee, such as the increase in the loss rate, etc. In the end, Xiao Kun owed Carrefour 18,000 yuan.

Xiao Kun has been angry with local hooligans, industrial and commercial taxation, and urban management. He has really not been angry with foreigners. He has been tired of delivering goods. He has been busy for half a year, but he has to find Carrefour for 80,000 yuan. Does he really think he is a bastard?

I'm sorry, he doesn't have the consciousness of being a bastard. Whoever likes to be, just don't let him be the wrongdoer.

However, Xiao Kun knew that Carrefour was a multinational group and a key protection enterprise of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. In addition, he was a foreigner. He really couldn't fight. After thinking about it, he really couldn't swallow this evil, so he told Xiao Jia the reason for the situation.

Xiao Jia told Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to be angry when he heard about Xiao Kun's experience, and immediately said that he would take care of it.

It was not only Xiao Kun who was bullied a little harder that made Xia want to make up his mind to take action immediately. An important reason was that he had heard of the chaotic internal management of Carrefour and all kinds of bad behaviors in China, and he had also personally experienced a false promotion with low prices and high collection.

In addition, this matter also made Xiaxiang keenly find an entry point, that is, when the family forces tighten the layout of various monopoly industries in China, major multinational companies have also penetrated the economy in China, and the depth of the strong layout must be vigilant, otherwise, the economic pricing power and terminal sales The sales market is completely in the hands of others, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Where is the economic lifeline? It is not tens of billions of real estate, nor is it the longest and most toll road in the world, but the terminal sales market, which is the retail market for the most ordinary people, because the people are the cornerstone of the country, the foundation, and the most basic part of the national economy and people's livelihood.

The people in China are very poor. In addition to the fact that wages do not rise and water and electricity bills rise year by year, it is said that they are far lower than those in foreign countries. However, the National Development and Reform Commission has never mentioned that the average national income in the world is faster than the positive number. A country hovering on the line of poverty charges more than developed countries in Europe and the United States every day. It is so thick-skinned that it can be said.

The people's life is far less beautiful than the data released by the state. It can be concluded that the people can immediately cover their wallets as soon as the prices of grain and vegetables rise.

If the final pricing power is in the hands of others, whether it is agricultural and sideline products, vegetables and fruits, food is the most important thing for the people, and a rise is a great event, which will seriously affect the healthy development of the national economy.

If you don't believe it, if vegetables are tenfold, meat and eggs are tenfold, not to mention that house prices will fall in response - because no one has bought it - all domestic consumer markets, including large consumption such as cars, will be depressed in a blink of an eye!

Of all consumption, eating only one is the most basic and necessary consumption. If the cost of eating and daily use is too high, the resulting consumption crisis will be very harmful.

As the supermarket with the closest contact with residents, it determines the price to a considerable extent.

So at this stage, not only Carrefour is blooming all over the country, but Wal-Mart is also unwilling to fall behind in attacking the city and plundering the land to seize the highest point. Today, the number of branches of the above two multinational groups in China exceeds 200!

Xia wants to know that with his own strength, he can't affect the country's decision-making, nor can he stop the expansion of foreign investment and the pace of encinging the domestic market, but like the salt problem, he can seize a point and use his current power and influence to have a political sniper war in the economic field!

Another inconvenient idea is that you don't have to think about it that the pace of expansion of multinational groups in China is so fast, and it is overwhelming in various places, which is bound to be inseparable from the support of high-level officials.

Which force is hiding behind it as a supporter of transnational groups rampant in China? Xiaxiang is not known for the time being, but I believe that with his involvement in the Xiao Kun incident, as long as he takes action, it will inevitably cause a rebound.

And wait and see...

If there was only one thing for Xiao Kun, Xia thought would not have rushed to Yanshi. Another thing happened, which prompted him to leave immediately and return to Yanshi from the highway with Cao Shuyan.

It was a little accident that Xia An's promotion came out.

Xia An's promotion has always been smooth. Xiaxiang didn't worry much on the surface, but in fact, he has always kept it in mind. At this time, the key link of Xia An's promotion to the deputy hall, if something goes wrong, he can't say it if he doesn't come forward again.

It was mainly someone who bullied Xia An, thinking that Xia An had no backing in Yan Province, so he wanted to squeeze out Xia An's quota, and he went. After learning the news, although Xia wanted to be angry, he still smiled. Before he said anything, Cao Shuyan quit and said angrily that if Xia couldn't think of a face, she would go back to Yanshi to find someone.

Cao Shuyan has always cared about Xia Xiang's family, and has the awareness of Xia's daughter-in-law. Her angry look fell into Xia Xiang's eyes, which made Xia Xiang both funny and moved, because Cao Shuyan has never been anxious in front of Cao Shujun's affairs. Now for Xia An, she is really anxious.

As the daughter of the provincial party committee, Cao Yongguo has been an official in Yan City for many years. Cao Shuyu also knows some middle-level uncles in the provincial party committee of Yan Province, but most of them are not leaders. The weight of his speech is not very heavy. In the final analysis, Xia has to come forward in person.

Back to Yan City, Cao Shuyan really left Xiaxiang and went to the provincial party committee. Xia has wanted to know Cao Shuqi for more than ten years, but I really haven't seen her ask for anything. I wanted to stop her, but later I thought it was also her friendship, so I let her go.

Xiaxiang did not go to the provincial party committee, but came to the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee and met the Yanshi Municipal Party Committee.

When he received a phone call from Zhou Hongji, he was sitting leisurely and drinking tea with Yu Fanran. As an old friend for many years, he had not met Yu Fanran for a long time, and there was no sense of strangeness when he met him.

After drinking tea, gossiping, and talking about the past, Xia thought to get to the point: "Yu, I have something to ask you for a favor."

: Three things, first, there are not many recommended tickets, urgent, thank you. Second, laggard and eager to ask for it. Please understand Lao He's progressive heart, which is indeed for better renewal. Third, I didn't update one chapter yesterday. I'm sorry. I'm going to update five today! Brothers, please cheer for Lao He! Finally, bow and thank you! RO