official god

Chapter 1604 Raising tigers or farmers and snakes

The breeze blows, the bamboo forest shadows, the bamboo leaves claps, standing in front of the window, enjoying the natural coolness, there is silence around, in the dark, "I can't see the scenery in the courtyard, but the wind brings the fragrance of huā grass, which makes Xia Xiang enjoy it very much.

It's really a fresh and pleasant place.

Sure enough, they were all smart and quick-sighted political hands. When the wind blew, they immediately reacted quickly. "Xia thought for a moment and stood in front of the window, enjoying the coolness of the breeze, but his mind was not a little cool.

I have to say that the government's proposal was very close to the point. Among other things, at least one proposal to defeat He Jianghai made him excited.

But he is moved, and he also knows that "compared with the civilian department, the contradiction between him and the opposition department is more deeply rooted, and the proposal of the government is certainly good" is very operational. He really joined hands with Zhou Hongji and Pi Ximin, and then borrowed Qiu Renli's power to finally defeat He Jianghai's family. The problem is that "after the three-legged situation in Qi Province becomes a dual opposition, he and Zhou Hongji will still stand on the opposite side.

What's more, when He Jianghai falls, although his sphere of influence will be much larger, Zhou Hongji's strength will also grow.

The posture of the government seems to be full of sincerity, and it also seems to cooperate with him with the help of the supermarket incident, showing the aspect of judging the situation, and also giving way. In fact, after careful analysis, it is not the case. It is also the smartness of the government's move, or the smartness of the people behind the government

At present, in the situation of Qi Province, He Jianghai's stubbornness has been shown. Whether it is chasing the victory, beating the dog that fell into the water, or whether it is appropriate to chase the poor bandits, in short, "whether it is him" or Zhou Hongji, there is a common demand to completely weaken He Jianghai's

The reason why the government side used the supermarket incident to talk about things, showing a weak attitude, not only giving in but also forbearance. In fact, to put it bluntly, it still has the intention to confuse him and let him relax his vigilance. "let him be self-righteous, so that after the defeat of He Jianghai" he can

... In fact, looking at the reasons for the current situation in Qi Province, whether it is Ye Renli, Sun Ximin, or Zhou Hong's basic people, they have to admire Xia Xiang's vision and wrists, because no one can imagine that Xia Xiang will be the first to join hands with Zhou Hongji in the three-legged situation in Qi Province The difference above will have temporary comparative changes due to changes in the situation and changes in interests.

Xia's cleverness lies in the fact that he timely and firmly won Zhou Hongji's full use of the power of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and took advantage of Zhou Hongji's eagerness to open up the situation, so that He Jianghai paid a painful price for his arrogance.

Then again, it doesn't say that Xia wants to be completely using Zhou Hongji. The well under the common interests is always a win-win situation, otherwise there will be no basis for cooperation. Since it is a win-win situation, it is to use each other to get their own benefits.

But... Just like the Three Kingdoms, when the three parties are opposed, the cooperation between any two parties is very limited and beware of each other. "There will be no close comrade-in-arms-like cooperation, and there may be the possibility of parting ways and holding hands with the opposite side at any time.

Whether it's the government or the people behind the government's story, they put forward three seemingly sincere cooperation conditions through the supermarket incident. In fact, it is also to let Xia want to experience the determination of cooperation." In other words, it is to tell Xiaxiang that they will not change their mind until He Jianghai is completely disabled.

, it is indeed an extremely rare opportunity. Xia Shang had infinite emotions in his heart. Politics is indeed the most unreliable friendship. No matter what inside story is born in the capital, from [General Manager] called from the front foot, Zhou Hongji proposed to really join hands. Between the vicissitudes of the situation, it is really a response to The face is faster than turning over the book!

Xia has always been determined and decisive to do things, but this time, he hesitated and really hesitated.

Not to mention his long-standing good impression of [General Manager] Reason, although he has experienced a lot, he still can't be hostile to [General Manager] Reason for a while. He has never been cruel to him. His good impression of [General Manager] Reason is far greater than the opposition.

What's more, the opposing department once had a means to put him to death. His cooperation with Zhou Hongji is barely reasonable now. If he works closely with the government, at least it is not acceptable emotionally!

Xia wants to have no natural dislike for Zhou Hongji, but he has a natural hostility to the government. In addition, the government is now in the capital, and he has extended his black hand to Xiao Jia. If he cooperates with the government, how can he be at ease? How can he be willing?

But he rejected Zhou Hongji and let go of the current good opportunity. He is also deliberately angry. Politically speaking, he is not a mature politician.

A mature politician has always put private emotions and interests on both sides and never confuse them.

There is another point: Xiaxiang still knows two stories, one is to raise a tiger for trouble, and the other is a farmer and a snake.

Zhou Hongji saw that Xia wanted to fall into silence and did not say anything. He sat in his seat and meditated, because he knew that Xia wanted to take time to digest the amazing news he conveyed, and also needed to straighten out his thinking and calculate the gains and losses. Therefore, he had to leave enough space for Xia to think.

And he has reason to believe that with Xia's means and political wisdom, he will inevitably agree to join hands with him. Whether he will turn against each other in the future or not, at least now he will temporarily reach a consensus on the goal of dealing with the common enemy.

If people have no foresight, they must have immediate worries, but when it comes to the bright place, "No one will see the future, and the immediate interests are the most important.

Besides, the more Xia thought about it, the more reassuring Zhou Hongji was. If Xia wants to respond without thinking, he will worry about whether Xia wants to have another plan behind his back.

Zhou Hongji believes in Xiaxiang's character. As long as Xiaxiang nod, he will not regret it, and he will not cut it on both sides. That's why he thinks that the cooperation with Xiaxiang has a foundation of trust. And for He Jianghai, he has never been able to truly trust.

Xia thought about it for five minutes. In fact, the real time spent thinking was not very long, but the reason why it was deliberately delayed for a longer time was also to show solemnity.

Xia thought of actually thinking of the historical story that Cao Shuxun had told him, which was a way for Qing officials to punish corrupt officials, and his heart suddenly became much more enlightened.

Back to his seat, Xia wanted to take up the glass: "Hongji" and start a glass of wine." Zhou Hongji smiled: "The last glass of wine must have a toast." The meaning of the word is to make Xia want to say a statement in person.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Deep feelings, a mouthful of boredom."

Zhou Hongji was overjoyed. So, did Xia think he agreed?

Xia thought that he promised part of Zhou Hongji's cooperation, but did not agree to all of it. Of course, the promise was also silently agreed in his heart, and did not speak to the surface. As for the last sentence "deep feelings" and a mouthful mouthful of boredom, how does Zhou Hongji understand it as his business? He can only think of it as a toast, just a humble sentence in the restaurant, what can it represent?

That's good. Xia thought really played tricks. To be precise, he played tricks.

But playing tricks is also for a better tomorrow, and Xia wants to comfort herself very scoundrels. Maybe one day Zhou Hongji will accuse him of not being able to keep his word. At that time, he can also say righteously, "He actually didn't say anything."

... It's true that you can't say anything!

Back home, Cao Shuxun had already dreamed. He curled up and slept like a poor kitten, which made Xia Xiang feel pity. He gently helped her cover the towel quilt, quietly came to the study and turned on the computer.

Xiao Jia is really online.

Xia wanted to ask in detail what kind of resistance Xiao Jia's business encountered in the capital.

The more you listen to it, the more frightened you are. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the first time that Xiao Jia has encountered a positive and comprehensive major sniper in the capital for more than ten years. It is an organized all-round seizing operation, leaving no hindrets and retreat. What he wants is to It is not a small thing to do, but it never shows a lot of background and background, which creates the illusion that Xiao Jia's success is accidental. Coupled with Xiao Jia, a mysterious single woman, it makes many people chase her beauty and wealth.

In the early years, Xiao Jia successfully repelled a lot of wild bees and butterflies, but in recent years, as Xiao Jia retreated behind the scenes, few people have chased.

Now it is unknown whether the government wants to take Xiao Jia with people and wealth as his own, but the viciousness of his methods and sinister intentions make Xia think that he is angry.

Among several women, although Xiao Jia is the most charming and amorous, she is the most willing to be behind, willing to be unknown" is the most thorough and straightforward of all women. Gu Yu may have a day to fly away. Fu Xiantian's horse may also turn around and leave, and even Yan Xiao is waiting for him. Ten years later, there may be a heart-wred parting time, but Xiao Jia will never leave him.

Xia wants to recognize the three women who always have a harbor where he can rest at any time, one is Cao Shuxun, the other is Lian Ruohan, and the other is Xiao Jia.

Of course, some extreme situations will not occur, but in Xiaxiang's mind, Xiao Jia can be a woman who can share difficulties!

For many years, Xiao Jia has always been the forest behind him. He wants wind and wind, rain and rain, and has never let him down. Now, the government has put the idea on Xiao Jia's head, and the means are extremely omniseverance. Xia Nang's anger is more and more disgusting to the government's office.

If you take into account the accumulated grievances of Niu Linguang in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, it's time to settle the account between him and the government!

After careful consideration, Xia wanted to end the chat with Xiao Jia, and then dialed Xu Guanhua, Yang Wei and Oh Chen's phone number in turn "...