official god

Chapter 1606 Great intention

Chapter 1606 Great intention

Personnel issues have always been the top priority.

In politics, who is more authoritative and prestigious than anyone is not who has appeared on the news many times, or who speaks well, let alone who is handsome, but who occupies more key positions.

People are the foundation of everything. Everything is man-made. Only when you have the power to use people can you achieve things. Therefore, the greatest power is not to focus on the economy or to control the power, but to focus only on personnel, to grasp the key points of all problems.

Wang Zhifu has committed a taboo in officialdom. Everyone thinks that he has no good life. He is either directly persuaded to quit or to make a major punishment. Anyway, there will definitely be a punishment, and there will be no explanation.

Although the problem of Wang Zhifu is not very serious, it is also a rare political event. Everyone thinks that the central government will have a consistent position on the issue of identifying Wang Zhifu. Unexpectedly... there is a difference.

And it's not a big difference.

How to punish Wang Zhifu is first put forward by the Organization Department of the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then submit it to the Politburo for discussion. The opinion of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was released soon. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhifu's behavior was of a bad nature, and he should be persuaded to quit.

If the Central Organization Department has the same opinion, basically the fate of Wang Zhifu will not escape the punishment and go home to hold the child.

However... the opinion of the Central Organization Department is that the problem of Wang Zhifu is not serious. He just told the truth, not fabricating facts. If Wang Zhifu is to be held accountable, he must also ask Comrade Sun Ximin to make a self-criticism to the Central Committee at the same time. As a senior leading cadre of the Party, it is difficult to take the blame for saying something that is not in line with his identity.

The opinion of the Central Organization Department is also very pertinent, and the reason is also very good.

However, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection did not give in, believing that the statement of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was not credible. Comrade Sun Ximin just said a slip of the tongue in a hurry, which could not be regarded as a big deal, but putting the recording on the Internet was an intolerable leak.

The Central Organization Department did not give in and insisted on playing 50 boards each.

After a stalemate for a period of time, he finally spoke on a semi-formal occasion.

"Qi Province has just taken a deputy governor, and now it is not appropriate to punish another deputy governor. Besides, it's not a big deal, and the opinions of the Central Organization Department are also very pertinent..."

In a word, the final punishment decision of the king's husband is - verbal warning!


After receiving the phone call, Qiu Renli was stunned, put down the phone, and announced the decision of the central government to several people at the meeting.

Today's office meeting discussed the personnel adjustment plan. There were not many participants. Sun Ximin, Xiaxiang, Liao Deyi and Xia Li were regarded as a small-scale meeting.

Although there were not many people, after Qiu Renli conveyed the spirit of the central government, several people couldn't help but look surprised. Even Xia thought was secretly shocked. The punishment of Wang Zhifu was really a big board, but in the end, it fell gently, which was completely a big deal.

Is there always any friendship between the king's husband?

Of course, guess, there are some things that can't be asked, but Wang Zhifu dealt with it lightly. Xia thought was still very gratified. He peeked at Sun Ximin. As expected, Sun Ximin's face was very bad.

Sun Ximin generously said several times that he would not hold Wang Zhifu accountable, whether it was to pretend or to put on a high posture. It is estimated that from the bottom of his heart, he still hoped that the central government would punish Wang Zhifu for what he had done. Unexpectedly, the final result still disappointed him. Isn't it also indirectly that the central government's strength to maintain him is very weak, that is to say, he is slightly dissatisfied with him?

Sun Ximin was at ease, and for a moment, he felt that even the discussion of today's personnel plan was dim.

"Since the central government has made a decision, the provincial party committee insists on supporting the spirit of the central government's instructions. This is the end of the Wang Zhifu incident." Qiu Renli set the tone of the Qi Provincial Party Committee. "Comrade Xi Min has always been tolerant and generous. I believe he can understand and accept the decision of the central government."

Sun Ximin can only show a high posture: "I personally disapproved of the punishment of Comrade Wang Zhifu. The central government's decision is very wise and in line with my personal expectations."

It was not very uncomfortable to swallow his teeth into his stomach. Xia wanted to see the loneliness and helplessness in Sun Ximin's eyes. As the only person who knew that Sun Ximin had gone through two bad luck, Xia wanted to have no other than deeply sympathize with Sun Ximin.

What can I do? A person can't always have good luck. In the same way, a person can't always have bad luck, but Sun Ximin's bad luck does not seem to have passed with him as governor of Qi Province. It seems that... the strong inertia of history is still influencing some objective laws.

After the central government made a punishment opinion on Wang Zhifu, it also announced a major decision to remove Pan Baohua Qi from the position of deputy governor of Qi Province. As a result, Qi Province officially vacated the throne of a deputy governor.

The Organization Department of the Central Committee has previously solicited the opinions of the Provincial Party Committee on the issue of candidates, so after the official announcement that Pan Baohua was exempted to the end, Qiu Renli raised additional questions when discussing the personnel adjustment of Qi Province: "The Organization Department of the Central Committee hopes that the Provincial Party Committee will report the two candidates, Xi Min "

Among the proposed topics, there is no nomination of a deputy governor, which is an unexpected episode. Although everyone knows that the provincial party committee has no right to decide on the appointment of deputy provincial cadres, which is just a routine procedure, it is also very particular about who to mention.

So Qiu Renli only asked Sun Ximin and Xiaxiang, not Liao Deyi and Xia Li, because Xia Li did not even have the qualifications for nomination - after all, he was just the housekeeper of the provincial party committee.

Sun Ximin was not mentally prepared. Before he came out of his lost mood, he just waved his hand and said, "I won't express my opinion and obey the decision of the provincial party committee."

In Sun Ximin's opinion, as the governor, he didn't say much. Xia thought that he should be more knowledgeable and shut up. Unexpectedly, Xia thought was really ignorant. Not only did he talk about it, but also proposed the nomination of candidates, which really surprised Sun Ximin.

"I really have an idea." Xiaxiang seemed to have no conscious consciousness at all and said seriously, "Comrade Chuanzhi, executive deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, has rich work experience. I suggest that the provincial party committee can nominate it."

Qiu Renli was shocked at first. He didn't understand why Xia wanted to nominate Ling Chuanzhi, because Ling Chuanzhi was one of He Jianghai's most effective assistants. If Ling Chuanzhi really served as the deputy governor, didn't Xia Xian create greater obstacles for himself?

Although the nomination is one thing, it is another matter whether the Central Organization Department treats it carefully in the end. It is not known whether the Central Committee has any ideas on the appointment of the Vice Governor of Qi Province, but Xia wants to nominate the order in public, which is very patient. The political signals that people are looking for must have a great mystery.

Then thinking about it, Qiu Renli seemed to understand something and smiled secretly.

Sun Ximin was more shocked than Qiu Renli. He didn't wake up at once. He didn't understand what was wrong with Xiaxiang. What was the intention of a good nomination order?

Sun Ximin's officialdom has been ups and downs for decades. Naturally, it is clear that everyone in the officialdom has a purpose in everything, especially Xiaxiang, as the fulcrum of all forces in Qi Province. When the cooperation between him and Zhou Hongji was getting closer and closer, he accidentally threw out the move to nominate Zhuan If Xia wants to sell someone casually, it will also be a big mistake - does Xia want to take the opportunity to get close to He Jianghai?

Sun Ximin was immediately wary of his mind.

However, no matter what his thoughts and attitudes were, Qiu Renli said without saying anything about Xiaxiang's nomination: "Comrade Ling Chuanzhi... is a candidate. Well, let's continue to discuss the revised draft of the personnel adjustment plan of the Organization Department.

The second draft of the personnel adjustment plan is generally close to Qiu Renli's intention, also reflects part of Xiaxiang's ideas, and takes due care of Sun Ximin's intention. It is mainly that all kinds of sharp and prominent contradictions have been resolved at present, such as the problems of the Dacai Group, such as the corruption case of the Salt Because Liao Deyi and He Jianghai are getting farther and farther away, He Jianghai's will is almost not reflected in the personnel adjustment plan.

He Jianghai seems to be more and more marginalized in the provincial party committee.

After some not too heated discussion, the second draft plan has basically reached a preliminary consensus. After some details are modified, it will be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion. Whether it can be passed by the Standing Committee in one fell swoop, and whether He Jianghai can have the power of veto in the Standing Committee is no longer a matter of suspense.

Through the office meeting, it can basically be concluded that after a series of events, He Jianghai has indeed lost his right to speak on personnel issues and no longer has the channel to speak at the office.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to step out of the office and turned around and was about to return to the office, but was stopped by Sun Ximin.

"Xia, do you have time? Sit down in my office. I have something to meet you.

The governor calls. If you don't have time, you have time. If you want to be respectful, it's better to obey.

When he arrived at the governor's office, after Xia wanted to sit down, Sun Ximin motioned his secretary Huang Chuang to close the door, and then came straight to the point and said, "Xia, Mr. Gao will come to Lu City tomorrow. He wants to sit down and talk with you again. This time, he is very sincere and has prepared

If the issue that Zhou Hongji and Xia wanted to meet and discuss before is a political offensive, then the condition proposed by Sun Ximin is economic interests. With both politics and economy, the government is really going to spend money.

Is it really because of the supermarket problem that touched his pain, or did he have other plans? If he really wants to cooperate sincerely, how can he still have time to try to annex Xiao Jia's industry?

What a complex and changeable government ya. Xia wants to sneer in his heart. Whether in the capital or in Lu City, he has prepared a big meal for the government, and he must let the government be full.

However, what no one expected was that He Jianghai, who had been silent for a long time before the arrival of the government, finally took action, and it was also a dazzling feast.

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