official god

Chapter 1611 Must suffer from chaos

Chapter 1611 Must suffer from chaos

After Cao Shuyu flew to the capital, she went straight to Xia Dong's school without stopping. She was extremely anxious all the way. How could she not be in a hurry?

Although she is not like a mother who spoils her child very much and can't stand her child's little grievances, after all, she is still not around the child, and it is inevitable to think nonsense.

A woman has two children in her life, and her son is a real child and needs maternal love. The husband is an older child and also needs to be cared for with love. Cao Shuyu was in the capital. As soon as he left Xiaxiang's side, he couldn't help thinking that Xia wanted to have another meal at noon, and he would definitely not listen to her and eat well.

Women are really inexhaustible.

But then again, if a woman does not have the awareness of raising her husband as a child, she will not run a marriage and does not understand men. Think about it. Sometimes Xia Xiangxia, who is full of power in front of people, is like a big child in front of her.

When he rushed to school, it was just after school. Before Cao Shuyan could enter the school, he saw Xia Dong leaving the school gate with a happy smile, holding snacks in his left hand and feeding the little girl beside him while eating.

The right hand also held the little girl's left hand tightly.

The little girl also laughed very happily. How could she quarrel with Xia Dong at all?

In an instant, Cao Shuyu couldn't laugh or cry. She came all the way and her heart was in her throat. The result was good. Xia Dong had been fine for a long time. Not only did he get back together with his granddaughter, but it also seemed that the relationship had progressed. It was really an enemy to fight.

Why did she suffer?

She ran thinly and broke her heart, but the result was that she had been happy for a long time, and she was worried to death - poor parents all over the world.

For a moment, Cao Shuyu even wanted to turn back. After all, there was a big child in Lu City who needed her to take care of, but he was still not cruel. Seeing that his son's eyebrows were more and more like Xia, he was extremely gentle to the little girl, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or helpless.

Forget it, since he came, he should be at ease, and he should stay with his son for a period of time. As for Xia, after all, he is an adult. Even if he is a child, he is also an older child. Let him go and believe he can take good care of himself.

Cao Shuqi's eyes flashed and found that Aunt Qi was waing to her in the distance. She hurried forward and talked to Aunt Qi.


Xia, the eldest child in Cao Shuyu's eyes, is estimated that no one will think that Xia is a big child except her. Everyone will think that Xia is a great leader, because whenever something big happens, Xia is the most calm and commanding one.

At this time, the provincial party committee compound has become a mess.

The panic was not caused by He Jianghai's crying. Although He Jianghai cried loudly, he was well-informed for a group of senior officials of the provincial party committee, and he also had immunity when encountering great things, or at least there was still some calmness on the surface. Therefore, He Jianghai's crying surprised everyone. Surprised, but no one panicked.

Of course, He Jianghai's crying is still very oozing, like a funeral, painful, and many people stare at him. I don't know why I want to ask what happened, and it's inconvenient or not to open my mouth.

It should be said that at this time, the provincial party committee compound, although the atmosphere was very strange under the crying of He Jianghai, and it was not clear what had happened. Even Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin were in the dark, but it was difficult to ask clearly, but in general, they basically maintained what they should be. Order.

The initial panic appeared after He Jianghai's crying was interrupted by an earth-shaking roar!

He Jianghai's crying was crying at first, and then turned into a choking cry, which made people feel sad. However, if the weather hadn't been good today and the sun was good, He Jianghai's crying would have been very penetrating. If he heard it when it was cloudy and rainy, he would definitely get goose bumps

But the earth-shaking roar was like thunder on the ground. Shengsheng covered up He Jianghai's cry, which shocked everyone in the provincial party committee compound. They looked at each other and completely lost their sense of direction.

What's wrong with today?

Think about the roar just now, it seems that Zhou is cursing? Those with sharp ears have come to a conclusion. Yes, the roar just now was indeed Zhou Hongji's shout.

But what's more strange is that Zhou's roar did not come from his office, but from Xia's office. What's the matter? Did Zhou and Xia quarrel?

Today's provincial party committee is really good-looking. He cried, Zhou roared, what happened to the hell?

It's really a big deal!

To describe Zhou Hongji's mood with an idiom is... twists and turns.

He originally came to Xiaxiang's office to ask the truth. As soon as he saw Xiaxiang's face, he understood that it was He Jianghai's handwriting, not what Xiaxiang did.

Since Zhou Hongji figured out the truth, when he turned around and wanted to go back, he received the news of a car accident in the government. He was stunned on the spot. Before he could react, He Jianghai's cry came out.

It is no wonder that the sound insulation effect of the main leading office of the provincial party committee is not good. The main reason is that the door was not closed, and the summer did not close the door, so the sound entered the ears unimpeded.

When He Jianghai cried, Zhou Hongji and Xia wanted to look at each other and didn't know what had happened, which made He Jianghai cry loudly regardless of his image. However, it was not easy for anyone to say anything. Zhou Hongji nod his head slightly, motioned, and turned around to go back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the corridor, I received a phone call again. The car in the government house... Another car accident!

Zhou Hongji was dizzy. When he hadn't encountered so many things in a day, it was simply a series of shock waves, which really made him confused.

What really happened to Yanei in Lu City, he and Sun Ximin can't excuse himself from the blame. Although he doesn't really do anything to him, it's not a good thing after all, and... Yanei obviously came with sincerity. Why is it so not so smooth? Who is behind his back that he is endlessly afraid that the

Zhou Hongji did not go back to his office. He turned around and came to Xiaxiang's office again. As soon as he pushed the door in, he saw that Xiaxiang had just put down the phone.

Xia thought the first sentence was: "The situation is not very good. Mr. Gao is injured and is being rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment."

Zhou Hongji was shocked: "What's the specific situation?" The news he received just now is not detailed.

Xia Xiang looked sad: "I collided with a slag truck and was buried under a cart of dirt. Fortunately, Mr. Gao's car body was strong, so he survived, but he was in a coma and was being sent to the hospital for rescue. After preliminary investigation, the driver of the slag truck was suspected of illegal operation, and immediately abandoned the car and fled at the time of the accident, which does not rule out the possibility of man-made..."

Is it He Jianghai again?

Zhou Hongji's anger burned in an instant. It's too much. It's too much. Who is in the government? He Jianghai actually has the courage to kill the government?

It's tolerable, which can't be tolerable!

For the first time, he was pressed step by step and killed everywhere. Zhou Hongji really lost his mind and was furious. He couldn't help roaring, "He Jianghai!"

Fortunately, Wu Tian smiled quickly. At the moment Zhou Hongji's words came out, he closed the door in time, so that the people outside only heard the roar. They did not hear Zhou Hongji's roar clearly and shouted He Jianghai's name.

If it really spreads, it will become a joke.

But now, things have actually become a big deal.

... When the government office was rushed to the hospital, the capital heard the news at the first time.

Then, the phone called the provincial party committee and Qiu Renli's desk.

And just after Qiu Renli answered the phone, he looked cold and didn't even figure out what to do, the outside was already in a mess.

More than a dozen slag trucks lined up, Qi Qi crossed the door of the provincial party committee compound, and pulled out a banner, writing: "Strictly punish the perpetrators, and give justice to the people!"

"The privileged class is rampant, killing!"

"Severely punish the murderer of the airport high-speed car accident and redress the injustice of the innocent dead!"

The driver of the slag truck was not there. In front of the car, it was crowded with people who knew the truth. Some people raised banners, some people shouted with loudspeakers, and some people cried on the roof of the car for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

At first glance, it is not a family member, but an organized and disciplined professional team.

In Zhou Hongji's eyes, the scene in front of him was obviously the villain who sued first, but Qiu Renli did not know the truth of the matter at this time. He was furious and grabbed the phone and called He Jianghai, asking He Jianghai to immediately organize the police to maintain order.

Subsequently, Qiu Renli immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

It is impossible to be blocked at the gate of the provincial party committee compound. Usually, in order to prevent petitioners, there are always plain clothes and armed police on duty at the door. Today, there are no exception. There are plain clothes and armed police, but they are still successfully organized by the siege, not only because of plain clothes and armed police. Incompetence, but there are deep reasons for not being known.

Because of plain clothes and armed police, they all know the leading organizers. They are famous outlaws in Lu City, and no one can afford to offend them. The main reason is that the provincial party committee of Qi Province is different from other provinces. Not only are the senior officials of the provincial party committee mostly in the province, but also the doorman and plain clothes, they are basically people from the province, and even many of them are from Lu City. Therefore, they would rather be punished by their superiors than to stop them - it is still

Compared with Qiu Renli's anger, Xiaxiang's anger and Zhou Hongji's anger, He Jianghai was also shocked and angry, because... the second car accident in the government and the organized containment of the provincial party committee compound were not his order at all, and he didn't know anything about it!

It's over. It's really a big deal.

No matter how arrogant He Jianghai is and nonsense, he dares not organize people to encircle the provincial party committee compound. It is a more serious political event than Wang Zhifu's recording door, and he will not be so crazy.

Originally, he had a well-designed wonderful plan to settle the world, but now the situation is completely out of control. He Jianghai sat in a chair and finally couldn't stand it under the double blows of his son's death and the accidental outbreak of political events! RO