official god

Chapter 1623 Unsurprising

As Xia thought, Wen Zixuan did come to report the progress of Zhao Mudan.

Wang Qiangwei agreed to Xiaxiang's conditions. "Although she was a little unhappy with Chen's cooperation, she also wanted to come forward to Xia in person and said, thinking that Xiaxiang would definitely give her some thin noodles.

But he was persuaded by Wen Zixuan.

Wen Zixuan knows that there are too many things to remember in Xia [Book] now. Zhao Peony's problem seems to be a big deal in her and Wang Qiang's eyes, but for Xia [Shu], who never makes mistakes on economic issues, "He never cares about how much money is left in the remaining industry and how it will Whether Cheng is reasonable and legal, and whether the final result meets his requirements.

In addition, it's better not to bother him with the small things in the corner. The big things in Qi province are enough for him to worry about.

Wen Zixuan persuaded Wang Qiangwei. "In the end, Wang Qiangwei is a smart person. She didn't agree without saying a word, and went to the market bureau to meet Zhao Mudan.

Wen Zixuan wants to report the conversation between Wang Qiangwei and Zhao Mudan to Xia.

Originally, Wang Qiangwei also wanted to report to Xia, so Wen Zixuan kept an extra attention and did not agree. "Wang Qiangwei was graceful, and even she couldn't help but be moved when she read it. As a woman, she always likes to think too much. Although Xia [Book] did not show excessive enthusiasm for Wang Qianwei

Xia Xiang, Wu Tianxiao and Wen Zixuan found a secluded farmhouse-style restaurant, but they didn't want too much food. They simply began to eat.

For Xia Xiang, he always likes a light taste, and he has always been open-minded in terms of money. At the beginning, Wen Zixuan thought that Xia Xiang was pretending to be high, just pretending. After a long time of contact, he didn't know that Xia Xiang's words and deeds were not hypocrisy and hypocrisy. It The world is sad about money, food and women. Women can't see the tendency of Xia [book], but I heard that Xia [book] remember that there is no shortage of beautiful women around her. Thinking about it, it is also "If Xia [book] is handsome, old and high, it is abnormal to have no beautiful women around her. It's just that [Book] The performance of the book is much higher.

As a beautiful woman rarely seen in officialdom, Wen Zixuan has seen countless officials like hungry ghosts all the way, and even some low-quality people dare to do anything directly on the wine table. After reaching a certain level, although he will not lose his temper on the spot, he will show too much enthusiasm and teasing side.

As for the insatiable demand for eating and drinking, the insatiable greed in money is even more different from Secretary Xia.

Xia [Book] is the most ideal image of a senior official in Wen Zixuan's mind.

Xia thought didn't know that in Wen Zixuan's mind, he raised his image a few feet. He buried his head and ate honestly. After he was full, he was not polite: "Zixuan, what's the matter?" He said quickly. There are still a lot of things to do in the afternoon.

Wen Zixuan likes the kindness of Xiaxiang's strength more and more." He replied, "Wang Qiangwei and Zhao Mudan saw that Zhao Mudan didn't want to die and wanted to take credit. The condition she put forward was to break money and eliminate disasters." Zhao Mudan wanted to live, which was really not easy to do. The main There are too many people who shouldn't be biting. Even if Xia wants to work together, it's not easy to find a breakthrough.

Wen Zixuan then revealed a more amazing inside story: "Zhao Mudan also said that someone sent a message to her that as long as she bit He Jianghai and didn't let him go, she would live. She doesn't believe anyone now. She only believes in Wang Qiangwei. I hope Wang Qiangwei will show her a clear way. Wang Qiangwei said that she listened to the spirit of Xia's [book] instructions.

Wang Qiangwei certainly doesn't know much about the political inside story of Qi Province. "But as an outsider, she has now become an insignificant but vital fulcrum of the situation in Qi Province, and it is also completely unexpected." It also fully illustrates a truth. Don't despise the role of anyone.

So Xiaxiang's current view is that the contradictions that can be resolved can be resolved as much as possible. Make friends as much as possible. Multiple friends may not have many roads, but multiple enemies must have more walls.

Zhao Mudan only believes in Wang Qiangwei alone. So Wang Qiangwei's message in the middle will have a decisive impact on Zhao Mudan's future fate.

Needless to say, the person who brought words to Zhao Mudan to let her bite He Jianghai to death was Zhou Hongji.

and Xiaxiang expected that Zhou Hongji has begun to do it. But on the other hand, Zhou Hongji's influence on the Municipal Party Committee is very weak, which can neither influence the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection nor affect the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Therefore, if Zhou Hongji wants to do things through Zhu Zhenbo's hand, he must use Chen Qiudong's suicide incident and Zhao Mudan's problem to finally complete the final en Force.

One side wants to use his hand to save He Jianghai, and the other side wants to use his hand to completely cripple He Jianghai. Now he is a bridge that no one can bypass. Only he supports which side has the possibility of a complete victory.

Although it is the key fulcrum, Xiaxiang is not happy at all, because in fact, he is bound to offend one of them.

After dinner, he returned to the Provincial Party Committee. Xia wanted to deal with his official business in the office for a while, met with several subordinates who came to report the work before, and briefly met Qiu Renli, exchanged the final conclusion of the [middle] Central Committee on the provincial problem, and implicitly mentioned the follow-up of Qiu Renli's

Qiu Renli and Xiaxiang agreed that He Jianghai's problem will not be until his resignation, because in his opinion, the more noisy Qi Province is, the more the local forces of Qi Province will complain too much about him. At the same time, it also makes [Zhong] Yang believe that under his governance, Qi Province does not have stability and unity,

and Qiu Renli almost reached a consensus. When Xiaxiang was about to leave, Qiu Renli sighed again: "Xia [Shu], Xu Feng just called." He said that he had the opportunity to go to Fu's house with you."

What to do in Fu's house is clear. Xia wanted to nod silently, knowing that I'm afraid the situation is a little more serious than what Fu Xian said.

sat back to the office and saw that it was almost time to get off work, so he decided to go back in advance. Fu Xianxian was still there. He wanted to accompany Fu Xianxian again to comfort and give her warmth.

Just as he was about to start, Zhou Hongji stepped in.

"Xia [Book], let's have dinner together in the evening." I have set the room. Zhou Hongji deliberately showed an inadvertent posture of intimacy with Xia, and did not leave a way out for Xiaxiang when he came up.

"What a coincidence, there is a social engagement at night." Xia wanted to say with a smile, very relaxed and casual, "Next time, I'll treat you next time. I'm sorry, Hongji." But Zhou Hongji refused: "Who invited you? Pushed, pushed. I finally found a good place, which is better than Xia Yuhe on the shore of Daming Lake. It has been arranged. If I don't go, I will really lose face. It's all agreed, and there are still a few people to accompany.

Xia wanted to accompany Fu first, but when he saw Zhou Hongji's posture, he knew that he couldn't pass today's pass. It's not good to refute Zhou Hongji's face too much. He had to agree: "Okay, I'll give you a show."

Zhou Hongji immediately smiled and said, "The friendship of Xia [book], I have written it down."

Xia thought didn't say much. After making a few phone calls, he followed Zhou Hongji to the so-called beautiful scenery and surprise place everywhere, but it turned out that it was just between the surrounding huā clusters, with more poetry and painting.

Since he came, he was at ease. Xia wanted to sit down under a vine with Zhou Hongji. Seeing that there were only him and Zhou Hongji, it was obvious that Zhou Hongji's accompaniment was just a prelude, so he smiled secretly and knew what Zhou Hongji was going to talk about.

Sure enough, a few plates of vegetarian dishes were served and drinks were served ~ From the arrangement of meals and no wine, Zhou Hongji's care can be seen. He knew that Xia wanted to have a light taste and was not poisonous to drink.

The sunset also has the last trace of afterglow, reflecting the "grape rack, wooden chair, square table" in the courtyard with the scenery like a small farmyard and a mountain villa in front of you, which is also a good place.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Brother Hongji has a heart. This place is really good, and it is most suitable for talking about some relaxing topics."

Zhou Hongji's eyes flashed and understood the allud of the relaxed topic that Xia wanted to say. He smiled and said, "Whether the topic is easy or not sometimes has little to do with the topic itself. It is mainly about whether the two sides have a common interest." Xia said, "It also makes sense. It's more than a word... Brother Hongji, just say what you have. We haven't known each other for a day or two.

Zhou Hongji waved his hand: "It's not the time to let me sell a pass."

Xia was stunned: "Who else are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for both people and waiting for the phone call." Zhou Hongji looked mysterious. Just as he wanted to explain a few words, the phone rang in time. He apologetically thought of nodding his head, got up and answered the phone.

A phone call lasted for more than ten minutes!

Although Zhou Hongji's ranking is only a little lower than Xia's, it's rude to leave the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee behind.

It also shows that the call received by Zhou Hongji must be very important. If you have to make an analogy, "the level of the caller is definitely higher than Xia's", which makes Zhou Hongji dare to leave Xia's mind.

Finally, after finishing the phone call, Zhou Hongji returned to his seat. First, he smiled apologetic and said, "I'm sorry, let Xia [book] wait for a long time." Then he raised the phone in Yang's hand, "I just received the spirit of instructions to authorize me to do three things, which is still a good thing for Xia [Shu]."

is coming, and it's true. I'm afraid the three things are still the same as He Jianghai's three conditions. Xia thought that between the opposition faction and the civilian faction, "because of the government affairs, in the problem of dealing with He Jianghai, the contradictions have intensified and the differences have finally risen to a political height.

Moreover, Zhou Hongji said another unexpected sentence, which also proved that the opposition faction finally realized his importance and began to step up the pull in to him.

"The government is coming. It will arrive in about half an hour. It's just the right time. We can take the time to have a good talk."