official god

Chapter 1626 Serious Misjudgment

After Xia wanted to leave, Zhou Hongji sat opposite the government and said for a while.

"Xia really agreed?" Ya Nei sat in a chair, felt panicked, and stood up again. Although he pretended to be seriously injured, he did be a little injured. Although it was not as serious as the public announcement, it was not uncomfortable now.

It is light to break one or two ribs. After all, he usually pays attention to exercise. He has a good physique and recovers quickly, but at that time, he did shock his internal organs and suffered a slight injury, and he was in a coma for a period of time, which is much less than the coma for a day and It's good to be able.

If it really damages his character, he must kill He Jianghai.

When the government heard that the mastermind behind the whole incident was not Xiaxiang, but He Jianghai, the mood at that time was not anger, but crying and laughing. He hated Xia for a long time, but he didn't expect to hate the wrong person. There was a feeling that he kicked him hard but almost missed his waist.

It's just... Could Lou be He Jianghai?

Ya Nei can't figure out how Jianghai was so bold that he insisted on killing him, but it doesn't matter if he can't figure it out. The important thing is that it has happened on the spot, and he is still lying in the doctor.

Therefore, the government office, who had never suffered such a big loss in his life, was furious and decided to get sick in the hospital to the end. When He Jianghai was finished and when he was discharged from the hospital, and agreed that the injury announced to the public would be more serious, in order to put pressure on all parties.

It's true that the strategy of the government has worked. It is not clear how many civilian forces have been injured in the government. After learning the mistake, they almost buried the government in the city of Lu City with a truck of slag alive. Knowing how serious the problem is, if you don't make a huge concession, it will be dead end.

Behind the scenes" began the rotation of competition and dialogue. The final result can be seen from the three conditions put forward by He Jianghai.

After Zhou Hongji put on the so-called conditions of three empty words for Xia, the intention of the opposition faction to take the great country of Qi Province empty-handed with the help of the government incident is obvious. Although the appetite is a little big, it must be admitted that the government is very smart to take advantage of the injury to create momentum, and has prepared a full reason for the people behind him to take action.

It's a pity that Xia thought that he did not work in politics.

It's a pity that I want to see it in the summer. Whether it's in the government or against it, they have made a big mistake, that is, they treat themselves too much as a matter of it!

It is true that everyone has the same problem, that is, they are self-righteous, self-centered, and think that heaven and earth are the greatest. But everything should be a person who is self-centered and does not take care of other people's emotions and feelings at all. Not to mention being a bad leader, there are not even a few friends.

People-to-people interaction may cross classes and races, but they can never cross an equal boundary. Therefore, many superior leaders should try to show an approachable side in front of the public, and behind the scenes, they will also put on a negotiable attitude.

Human beings are indeed interest-centered animals, but the reason why people are human is because they are rich in emotions and because they have feelings, beliefs and self-esteem. A superior wants others to follow, not only the power to hold everything, but also to have personality charm." There is also a convincing character. The government office is indeed injured, but the injury in the government office is not a big thing. It is necessary to think that once the government office is injured. The idea that everyone should make way for it is not only ridiculous, but also rude.

Just like Chinese people dote on their own children." They think that their children are the same as the whole world, but to tell the truth, your world is not someone else's world!

Therefore, the opposition to the injury of a faction borrowing from the government office and admits that he is standing at the highest point of virtue, righteousness and even everything, which is too high.

Do you just want to buy Xiaxiang with a little bit of the share price difference of Dacai Group? Xia wants not to say anything on the surface, but he can't stop laughing in his heart!

Not only because the government thought that money could handle everything, but also because of the inferiority of the government's unrepentant death, after Xia wanted to end the meeting in the government, he received a phone call from the capital, and the government's annexation plan of Xiao Jia's industry was intensified.

Xia thought that at this time, his heart turned into a sneer!

In fact, what you don't know is that in Zhou Hongji's opinion, in the government's opinion, they all think that the conditions offered to him are good enough, and they even think that it is very beneficial to him to defeat He Jianghai. Even if there are no favorable conditions, Xiaxiang will take the initiative to cooperate.

If you don't say that it's too self-centered, it's difficult to reach a consensus with everyone. I'm afraid that the civilian faction would rather let Yu Xia think about it, and would rather fight with the opposition faction in the He Jianghai incident and no longer give in, which shows that the opposition faction has played too far and regarded the It's weighted.

"Comprehensive into my understanding of Xia, coupled with the generous gift of your online talent, if Xia doesn't agree, she doesn't know the current affairs." Zhou Hongji also made a wrong judgment on Xia, and did not blame him. In his opinion, there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is power money, the other is a famous beauty, and one of the four money. Will Xia think not take it?

If you don't take it, you will be a saint.

Xiaxiang is not a saint, but Xiaxiang really doesn't care about a little money in the government!

The government stood in front of Zhou Hongji. Seeing that Zhou Hongji was still sitting still, instead of standing with him very politely, he frowned imperceptibly. Later, he wanted to have a lot of places to ask Zhou Hongji in Qi Province, so he acquiesced to Zhou Hongji's rudeness.

Although Sun Ximin is the governor, in the eyes of the government, after coming to Qi Province, he has been too mediocre. He is old, and it doesn't matter if he is not energetic. He doesn't even have sharpness, which is too disappointing. Basically, the pioneering responsibilities of Qi Province all fell on Zhou Hongji's shoulders.

While beating his waist, the government said coldly, "He Jianghai wants to retreat completely, thinking that everything will be fine if he takes the initiative to resign? It can't be too cheap for him. If he hadn't killed his son, maybe he would have had a car accident now.

Seeing the gloomy look on the face of the government office, Zhou Hongji's heart beats and thought that the government office in front of him was the [real] real government office. In those years, the government office was also a cruel role. However, in recent years, with the growth of age, because the business is getting bigger and bigger, the city

"The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has begun to secretly investigate He Jianghai's problem. Zhao Mudan and Zhu Zhenbo are the biggest breakthroughs. As long as Xia wants to cooperate with the work and the Municipal Bureau and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection pry open their mouths, He Jianghai will undoubtedly fall." Zhou Hongji was full of confidence in making He Jianghai lose his reputation in the next step, as if Xia thought had begun to arrange the next step at this time.

can't be blamed for Zhou Hongji's serious judgment this time. It is also his local political experience is not enough after all. Another point is that he has many advantages and disadvantages. The most important thing is that when dealing with the most complex situation, he still lacks a pair of insight.

"Turn around and tell Governor Sun that if Xia wants to make a successful match and Cheng Dacai is willing to come forward, he'd better sit with Cheng Dacai at that time. The governor came forward, and Cheng Dacai wanted to sell some face. There are two things that I can't forget most now. One is how He Jianghai died, and the other is how the Dacai Group was swallowed by him one by one. As for the industrial plan of annexing Xiao Jia in the capital, in his opinion, it is a small matter that has been captured and it is not worth caring about.

However, what the government doesn't know is that the annexation plan of the capital almost made him fall a big one!

Zhou Hongji didn't say anything, but nodded silently and remembered something. He said more: "I always feel that our conditions seem to be a little not good enough. I doubt that the other party will open a more favorable conditions. In case Xia wants to change his mind temporarily, our work in Qi Province will be very difficult." "How Will it be? The government laughed and said, "Let's not mention that had a salt war with the civilian side, which is a big gift I just mentioned on the net. Xiaxiang must be moved. Hongji, I used Zhouyi to acquire 5% of the shares of Dacai Group. In fact, according to the market value of Dacai Group, Zhouyi should be 6%. That is to say, if Xia wants to operate and cash out the 1% difference in the middle, he can make a net profit of 500 million.

Zhou Hongji nodded on the surface to agree, but in fact, he didn't think so, because he knew that the account could not be calculated like this.

Let's not talk about whether Dacai Group recognizes the market value of Dan M B. Different evaluation institutions have given very different evaluation results. What if Cheng Dacai thinks that the market of Dacai Group exceeds Qm B?

It is not known whether Cheng Dacai will sell the shares of Dacai Group to the government.

The government is too natural and wishful thinking.

Zhou Hongji was not easy to say anything, because although Xia thought did not agree, he did not refuse, which made him a little uncertain. Xia thought is not a pointless person, but in the He Jianghai incident, he always feels that Xia wants to be uncertain.

In fact, he also knows that the three conditions put forward by his side are really empty words and lack of sincerity. Only the real thing in the government is still a little solid, but it is also the foreshadowing for the annexation of the Dacai Group. Although politics is full of calculations and interests, isn't it that your side is too shrewd in the He Jianghai incident?

I hope there won't be any mistakes. Zhou Hongji is very clear about Xia's energy.

............In fact, what Zhou Hongji didn't know was that he thought he knew the energy of Xiaxiang, but in fact, he still underestimated the influence of Xiaxiang!

Not only him, but also the people behind the government and the government made mistakes in Xiaxiang's judgment, which led to the situation in Qi Province deviating from everyone's expectations.

Besides, after Xia wanted to say goodbye to Yannai and Zhou Hongji, he did not return to his residence, because he received a phone call from Fu Xianxian and Yan Xiao on the way, saying that something had happened and asked him to come over quickly.

Xia thought didn't care, because in his opinion, Fu Xian and Yan Xiao were together. He really guessed that ordinary people couldn't bully them. No one bullied them. They were going to bully others for him.