official god

Chapter 1652 Xiaxiang, don't be too shrewd

While Xia wants to meet with Zhou Yuyuan secretly, all forces are still working hard to push forward their respective processes, along their own roads, quickly moving forward.

First of all, in today's day, the number of vehicles going to Qi Province in Yan City has increased a lot. Of course, only from the monitoring of the highway, you can't see the hidden deep meaning in it. It is said that it has increased a lot. In fact, it is only a limited number of vehicles, but he still found strange places Whether it's from Lu City, from Pindu, or from another place, the place is different, the time is different, but one thing is the same...,...

They are all new cars.

The brand-new new car has just left the factory, and there is no new car with a license plate.

Someone reported the abnormal situation to Ma Jie.

Ma Jie is also the director of the Public Security Department, not the director of the National Security Department, but he still heard Xia want to mention the abnormal situation that may occur in advance. After receiving the report, he immediately issued several orders.

So, in the streets and alleys of Yan City, by the Xiama River, around the Qi Building, strangers with ordinary people with Qi provincial accents, secretly inquired about the final result of the car accident that happened in the Xiama River a few days ago.

Some people even lived in the Qi Building, took the opportunity to talk to the waiter, and asked about Gong Xiaojing.

After a day of four inquiries and unannounced visits, as well as the news summarized through their respective secret channels, the final conclusion was that Gong Xiaojing was indeed in the car at that time, but now she is still alive and dead.

However, it's not without any gain, at least the driver found it.

The driver was not dead. He was rescued at a play point downstream. The rescued place was one kilometer away from the accident site, and the driver was rescued the next day.

As for why the driver floated in the river for a day and a night, it is a mystery.

The important thing is not the driver's magical rescue. The important thing is that according to the driver's personal admission, Gong Xiaojing did lose Gong Xiaojing's figure after falling into the water in the car.

The mysterious person in Qi Province stayed in Yan City for a day. In the end, whether he believed it or not, he basically believed that Gong Xiaojing was probably dead. Besides, even if he was really not dead, he could not find anyone.

What happened in Yan City was the search for Gong Xiaojing, which was about the life and death of a waitress. What happened in Lu City is also related to a person's life and death, but she is not a waitress, but a branch of Qi Province.

Zhao Mudan's case, after careful investigation by the Lu Municipal Public Security Bureau, after several months of investigation and evidence collection, now the evidence is conclusive and the facts are clear, and it is decided to be officially transferred to the procuratorate.

According to the evidence provided by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, after taking over, the Municipal Procuratorate decided to file a public prosecution with the Municipal Court for the crime of economic fraud.

It is not too shocking to say that Zhao Mudan finally prosecuted for economic fraud, but the amount involved in the indictment makes people see a fact that Zhao Mudan can't die!

Not only can it not die, but it may also be a light sentence, because there is a big gap from the original rumored fraud amount of up to 30 million, the amount involved in the indictment is only 3 million!

It's ten times worse!

And it was only prosecuted for the crime of economic fraud, that is to say, other things about Zhao Mudan were covered up. Unexpectedly, the sentence came out in three or five years at best.

However, after hearing the content of the subsequent supplement in the indictment of the procuratorial organ, it is clearer that Zhao Mudan will be sentenced to three or five years, not to mention a suspended sentence at most.

"In view of Zhao Mudan's active cooperation with the trial in the trial process, and handed over 10 million stolen money, coupled with the fact that she had previously funded the good deeds of hope that primary school and charity, she has a good attitude of pleading guilty and meets the conditions for light sentencing, please ask the court to give due consideration when sentenc

The Zhao Mudan case was quite noisy and dragged on for a long time. When the dust was finally settled, everyone found that there was really a rainbow after the wind and rain.

Who is behind Zhao Mudan's back?

is Xiaxiang, not Xiaxiang.

said it was Xiaxiang, because it was indeed Xiaxiang who contributed to Zhao Mudan's light sentence. It's not him, because his starting point is not to keep Zhao Mudan safe, but to consider the overall situation and completely from a political perspective.

Before, after Oh Chen received his call, Chen came to Lu City in more than ten hours in the morning than he expected.

Peers, and Yang Wei.

Oh, Chen and Yang Wei knew the purpose of coming here, and did not disturb Xia, but met Wang Qiangwei directly.

is also a reunion of old friends, and they talked happily. After a simple opening statement, Zhao Mudan soon reached an agreement on the industrial division.

Subsequently, Wen Zixuan also participated in the meeting. After another discussion for half an hour, all parties were overjoyed.

Wang Qiangwei came forward again and met Zhao Mudan. Zhao Mudan agreed to the conditions proposed by Wang Qiangwei, went through the procedures through the lawyer, and the industrial transfer was announced to be completed.

Zhao Mudan only said one sentence to Wang Qiangwei: "After I came out, I only asked for a mouthful of rice. I hope Sister Wang's promise that my dividend can be given to me on time. If I starve to death, it won't be fun."

Wang Qiangwei's smile is like a huā: "Peony, you and I are all suffering. Women will not embarrass women, and suffering will not be difficult. Don't worry, I, Wang Qiangwei, have nothing to say yet.

Behind the scenes, Zhou Hongji knew nothing about it, but once the news about the progress of Zhao Mudan's case came out, it was like a blow to him!

At this time, Xiaxiang was not in Lu City, and the meaning of deliberately avoiding was clear at a glance, which made him immediately understand that Xiaxiang had actually maintained a certain distance from him on He Jianghai's problem!

Originally, he hoped that Zhao Mudan would bite He Jianghai. If he did not bite He Jianghai to death, at least he would bite He Jianghai all over his body. Why did Jianghai's fall add a bargaining chip, and he had been waiting for Xia to take action.

............I don't want to. Xia wanted to take action, but it was the result he didn't want to see. Zhou Hongji was disappointed.

In addition to disappointment, it is the anger and unwillingness of being deceived.

If Xia wants to be in the provincial party committee, he may immediately drag it to Xia to think and ask clearly in person. But even if Xia wanted to be out of town, Zhou Hongji still dialed Xiaxiang's mobile phone in anger, but the prompt could not be connected.

Zhou Hongji knew that Xia really wanted to climb Mount Tai. By climbing the mountain, it showed an attitude to stay out of the matter.

When he slowly calmed down, Zhou Hongji woke up a lot and knew that he was still too impulsive after all. Fortunately, Xia thought he was not in the provincial party committee, and fortunately, Xia thought he didn't answer the phone. Otherwise, he might have an unpleasant quarrel with Xia, and the final result was that the losses outweigh

Because Xiaxiang can completely perfunctory him without knowing it, it is also. It is originally a problem of Lu City. Xiaxiang is the deputy [book] of the Provincial Party Committee, not the [book] of the Municipal Party Committee of Lu City. What does Guan Xia think?

If Xia wants to prevaricate with him, she can find a lot of prejury at any time!

Zhou Hongji withdrew his mind and knew that anger could not solve the problem. While Xia was not in Lu City, he saw if he could reach his hand to the public prosecution and law system of Lu City. After the trial process, he made several phone calls one after another.

As a result, all hit the wall!

Either euphemistically refused, or asked three questions, or was told that the case handling stage was strictly confidential and there was no comment.

Zhou Hong's fire, which has basically been suppressed, almost broke out again. There is no comment that he is an outsider, not to him. He is a dignified Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book], not an outsider.

But it can't be done. Zhao Mudan's case was mainly arrested by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, not the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. If it is the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, he can still reach out directly, after all, it is the same system.

However, the public security and law system of Lu City refused or perfunctory attitude without exception, which made Zhou Hongji see a fact that his influence in Lu City is really limited.

Is there only one way to go with the help of Xiaxiang's power?

Zhou Hongji was uncertain. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xia wanted to be neutral in the He Jianghai incident. So can it be said that the previously reached cooperation framework between Yannei and Dacai Group was just Xia wanted to alleviate the lack of funds of Dacai Group.?

Xia thought, don't be too shrewd.

Zhou Hongji sneered, because he knew very well the fundamental intention of injecting capital into the Dacai Group. Of course, it was not to relieve the Dacai Group. The government was not a philanthropist, let alone a relative of Cheng Dacai. What the government was aiming for was the whole Dacai Group.

Xia thought that if he thought he had a plan, he could not only get cheap, but also didn't have to work hard, then he was very wrong. Zhou Hongji even laughed a little at Xia, who wanted to be blind to the forest, and even felt that Xia wanted to be short-sighted and well-known, but in fact, it was not in line.

In fact, everyone's starting point is based on their own cognition. If Zhou Hongji thinks about it in the opposite direction, he will not be ashamed of the behavior of Yannei to deceive Xiaxiang and Dacai Group? Didn't he feel that he was just using Xiaxiang to achieve his goal from beginning to end?

Not only did he use it, but he also wanted to kick Xia Xiang away after using it, and then annex Dacai Group... In the final analysis, in his heart, he was much more sinister than Xia Xiang, who did not blame himself.

Of course, from the perspective of political mutual use, no one is more noble.

But from a noble point of view, it is unreasonable for Zhou Hongji to accuse Xia of what he wants to do.

But then again, politics is never a place to be reasonable. Everything depends on strength, and of course, wisdom.

Since he can't get involved in Zhao Peony, Zhou Hongji is not discouraged. Isn't there still Zhu Zhenbo? He will forcibly use the authority of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to bring Zhu Zhenbo to trial from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. If he doesn't believe it, he can't open Zhu Zhenbo's mouth.

Yimu Tang Shicheng, a Zhu Zhenbo, two-pronged approach, no need for Xia to think, he can also call the wind and rain in Qi Province!

Zhou Hongji made a major decision to bypass Xiaxiang and take action again.

Xia thought that he was still in the Five Mountains at this time, drinking and talking happily with Zhou Yuyuan, as if he did not know Zhou Hongji's behavior...

PS: If there are too many tickets, we will continue to update four.