official god

Chapter 1662 Miaotou

Zhou Hongji was really panicked.

It was also the first time since he took office in Qi Province that his confidence was shaken, the first time he felt inner panic, and the first time he had an unsustainable sense of powerlessness.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongji never thought that how could a person not be afraid of death and have to fight with death? Since he is not even afraid of death, why didn't Zhu Zhenbo bite He Jianghai to death?

Besides, what happened to Zhu Zhenbo may not necessarily be the death penalty. It's better to live than to die. It's better for others to die than to die by himself. How can he be so stupid that he doesn't even want his life?

Of course, Zhou Hongji can't understand Zhu Zhenbo's approach, and he can't ask Zhu Zhenbo clearly. He just finds it difficult to accept such a reality.

However, the more difficult reality is still to come...

Capital, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Longjiacheng received a phone call from Ziye Renli.

Next year, Longjiacheng will definitely retire. Therefore, now it has basically begun to close in an all-round way. Those who should be mentioned must be mentioned. Those who should step on it must step on it. For the new generation of forces that can't suppress the rising forces, it is also time to abandon the tentional opinion and make peace.

When you download it, you need to have the awareness of being prepared. No one can sit on the stage forever. Now that you are on the stage, there will be a day to step down.

Suddenly, looking at the lush green shade outside the window, Longjia City actually had a trace of understanding.

People who have conflicts with others can shake hands, but they can't. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that the other party doesn't want to.


Since Longjiacheng knew that he served as the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, there have been countless people who have offended him. Although he can't think that he has a clear conscience, he also knows that no matter where he sits, he will always offend many people unless he jumps out of the officialdom.

Don't be afraid to offend others, even if you offend an evenly matched opponent, you will be afraid to offend a reserve force recognized by all forces.

A heavy rain in the Qin and Tang Dynasties has also been lingering in the heart of Longjiacheng, because he has also been in contact with Xiaxiang several times, but he still doesn't know much about Xiaxiang's person. And Xia was not sure whether he was still worried about what happened in the Qin and Tang Dynasties and what revenge he would take.

Xiaxiang is a reserve force, but he has not been able to control his fate in three or five years, so he is not worried about what Xiaxiang will do to him when it is Xia's world in three or five years later, because it will be a long time to change, and whether he is still in the world.

But in the eyes of Longjiacheng, Xia wants to be very different from others. Others may have to wait for the position to pose a threat to him, but Xia thinks differently. Xia thinks that it may have a negative impact on him now!

may not cause harm, but it is possible that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been slapped in the face. The beating of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is equivalent to his being beaten. Maybe the people of the world don't know it, but in the eyes of people in the officialdom, it is very clear that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection went to Lu City last time, and failed and returned in confusion.

This time I went to Lu City again. Although there was a deputy of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Longjiacheng was still a little uneasy for some reason. Perhaps since Xia wanted to serve as the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, he has become much more mature. Not only is everything round and impeccable. Unlike in the past, he has changed his strategy and hid behind his back, making people unable to catch his shadow, but he can clearly see other people's omissions.

Longjiacheng is very worried that Xia wants to be in the middle on the surface, but will dig a pit in the dark to let Cui people jump in. "Because Xia Xiang's means always make people unable to prevent it. In fact, Longjiacheng guessed half right. Cui's people did jump into the pit, but the Dig it.

is equivalent to jumping into the pit.

Since the last time the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection returned in Lu City, Longjiacheng realized that Xia thought that he would always return the hatred of the heavy rain in those years, and he had never forgotten it at all.

However, if it is too cowardly if the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has a case to be handled because of Xia in Lu City, it will be too cowardly. In the end, Longjiacheng still sent Cui people to Lu City, and the long-decided He Jianghai case is ready to draw a successful end.

Cui people are not compared with Cui Xiang's half-way member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book]. He has been working on the following Discipline Inspection Commission, from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book]. He has handled countless cases, has rich experience and his skills are also very smooth. I believe that if

When the phone suddenly rang, Longjiacheng had put aside the affairs of Qi Province and was approving the documents. After the secretary answered the phone, he transferred it in time.

If it is the phone number of the general provincial party committee [book], it is impossible to call Longjiacheng directly, but Qiu Renli is not the general provincial party committee [book], and he has known Longjiacheng for many years and has a little personal friendship.

After Longjiacheng answered the phone, as soon as he heard Qiu Renli's voice, his heart beat a few times first. To be honest, countless major cases have been handled, and there has never been a case that has caused him a headache like Jianghai's case. It would be better if it was just because He Jianghai is a civilian. The problem is that Qi Province has a Xiaxiang who has an unclear attitude and is staring at him.

"Ren Li, what's the matter?" In front of Ye Renli, Longjiacheng did not dare to support it. He asked politely.

"Long [Book], Qi Province now has signs of people's confrontation. I hope that the case of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will be handled on the premise of not affecting the stability and unity of Qi Province." Qiu Renli took the initiative, because he did keenly discover the possibility of chaos in Qi Province from Zhu Zhenbo's death. "Cui [Shu] During the handling of the case, Zhu Zhenbo, deputy director of the Lu Municipal Public Security Bureau, died unexpectedly after being arraigned twice by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Now the provincial party committee is making Indignant, the people have different opinions, and the provincial party committee is now very passive...", ... After listening to Qiu Renli's brief introduction of Zhu Zhenbo's death, Longjiacheng was shocked.

Why is the umbrella... such a big thing happened?

How could it be after the accident? It was not Cui people who reported it as soon as possible, nor did Zhou Hongji report it as soon as possible. Instead, it was Qiu Renli who called first and directly questioned the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which was equivalent to directly making him unable to get off the stage!

Longjiacheng is speechless and angry!

Who did the hands and feet behind his back?

Who is deliberately smearing the image of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection? Obviously, it is to let the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection lose again. Obviously, it is to let the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection sweep the ground in Qi Province, and there is no authority to speak of!

Qiu Renli really has a way. As a provincial party committee [book], he called at the first time, not only expressed his dissatisfaction with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee of Qi Province, but also a euphemistic criticism of the unfavorable work of Cui people and other investigators of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

But... Longjiacheng's anger returns to anger, and he must also take care of Qiu Renli's emotions. The face of the feudal officials must be taken care of. Besides, Qiu Renli is not an ordinary provincial party committee [book]. His next step will also enter the sequence of national leaders.

What's more, the fact is in front of him. The deputy director of the Lu Municipal Public Security Bureau did die under the eyes of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Although Longjiacheng did not dare to suspect that it was Xia's handwriting, he knew that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection could not pass the barrier if it did not make a gesture.

"Ren Li, I'm also very sad that such a thing happened. I will personally call Comrade Cui's people and ask him to pay attention to the working methods and suspend the investigation until the truth of the matter is told." It is impossible for Longjiacheng to let Cui's people withdraw from Qi Province immediately, otherwise it seems too embarrassed. Besides, it is not in line with the rules to start before the investigation is clear.

After receiving Qiu Renli's phone call, Cui Shijin and Zhou Hongji called in one after another.

In the situation that it has fallen one step behind Qiu Renli, it is useless to discuss the aftermath countermeasures, because the initiative has been in the hands of Qiu Renli. However, when Longjiacheng heard that the Qi Provincial Party Committee not only took photos and kept the scene, but also took over the right to investigate, and was led by Xia, he was more sure of his speculation. I'm afraid that behind the matter, there is really something to do with Xia.

Fortunately, when he heard that Cui Shimin and Zhou Hongji affirmed that Zhu Zhenbo had committed suicide, and that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection did not have any forced confessions in the process of handling the case, he was relieved. He thought that although Cui Shimin was caught off guard, he believed that under the response of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, You can still regain the initiative.

Zhu Zhenbo fights to the death, what can the people and Zhou Hongji do? It's just tossing a little wind and waves, blowing a whirlwind, and then the clouds disappear. It should be said that it will definitely die in vain.

It can't be said that Longjiacheng is too optimistic, nor can it be said that Cui Shishi and Zhou Hongji are shocked. After anger, they are more determined to fight to the end. It can only be said that they still lack the vision of the essence through the phenomenon.

Then again, in fact, it's not no wonder that they have no eyes. In fact, they were fascinated by Xia Xiang and believed that Xia Xiang took action behind his back. In fact, they were all wrong. Zhu Zhenbo's death really had nothing to do with Xia Xiang!

It was neither Xia wanted to be instructed, nor did Xia wanted to know anything about it in advance. For Xia wanted, it was also a complete accident.

It is said to be an accident, but in fact, isn't it inevitable?

After Xia wanted to take over the responsibility of investigating the truth of Zhu Zhenbo's death, he immediately asked the Provincial Public Security Department to control the scene, and asked the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee to block the news to prevent further expansion of the situation. The preventive measures that should be taken must be taken. Although he also knew that the fuse had been Stop the development of the situation.

After completing the procedure, Xia Xiang went to the municipal party committee in person and recorded the emergency meeting held by Li Tong in the municipal party committee. Xia Xiang presided over the meeting, put forward the spirit of the three instructions of the provincial party committee on Zhu Zhenbo's death, and asked the municipal party committee and the municipal government to mobilize, strictly prevent the further ** Besides, they are all strangled in the cradle as much as possible.

It can be said that Zhu Zhenbo ignited, and Xia thought had to temporarily act as a fire extinguisher, carefully deployed, strictly guarded, and prevented the spread of things. Although Xia wanted to know, I'm afraid that within an hour after Zhu Zhenbo's death, the war in Qi Province was fully ign

Sure enough, it was safe that night, and there were signs early the next morning.