official god

Chapter 1669 Sudden

Chapter 1669 Sudden

It must also be admitted that Liu Yilin's appointment as mayor of Lu City is really helpful to Xia. In the past, he had a good relationship with Li Tong, but as a local, Li Tong had his opinions. Unless he needed to disturb the major events of the provincial party committee, he would not come forward to inform him, let alone discuss with him and listen to him.

It was also Liu Yilin's breakfast exchange today that made Xia want to take the initiative and take the lead in the following events.

After the news that the people of Cui were ready to fully evacuate Qi Province came out, it shook up and down!

Zhou Hongji was even more annoyed.

But standing on the standpoint of the people of Cui, walking is the best policy.

What else can I do if I don't leave? Zhu Zhenbo died, and Tang Shicheng reconciled Shaohai to remake the confession. So far, the two have not been asked to change their mouths. Admittedly, as the old Commission for Discipline Inspection for many years, Cui people have a lot of ways to let Tang Shicheng reconcile and Shaohai to change their mouths. However, after figuring out the current He had to bring himself in in order to bring down He Jianghai.

Thirty-six tricks, let's go, it's always the best policy.

Cui people can leave as soon as they say, and they are also a straightforward person. Compared with Cui Xiang in those years, he is indeed much smarter, because he knows that if he doesn't leave, I'm afraid he will be trapped in a vortex.

But I didn't expect that I really couldn't leave.

He said goodbye to Qiu Renli early in the morning, and then greeted Zhou Hongji with courtesy - although he had talked about it once last night, he did not clearly say that he would fully retreat this morning - Zhou Hongji was stunned on the spot at that time.

Although Cui and Zhou Hongji knew each other, they couldn't talk about the friendship. He just shook hands with Zhou Hongji indifferently and said, "Hongji, take care. It is said that the capital is expensive, and it is not easy to live in vain. I want to say that if you want to be stable, you should not only have good health, but also have a long-term vision and learn to avoid the wind and rain in advance.

There is something in Cui's words. Of course, Zhou Hongji can understand it, but he can't listen to it at this time, because Cui's choice to take back to Beijing at this time is equivalent to declaring the complete failure of his plan!

How can he be willing!

When I was on the phone with the capital last night, I hadn't heard the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's instructions on Cui's departure and stay. How could I leave? He has begun to prepare a counterattack. The conclusion of the investigation team of the Provincial Party Committee on Zhu Zhenbo's suicide has been announced, proving that he did not die of torture to extract confessions. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection cleared the suspicion. It is a good time to fight back. Why should he leave?

Why do you want to leave?

Can't we turn defeat into victory? Why don't the people of Cui have any confidence?

Zhou Hongji's unwillingness, loss and dissatisfaction can be imagined. He also wanted to open his mouth to persuade Cui people a few words. Unexpectedly, Cui people seemed to have expected that he would have done this for a long time. He patted him on the shoulder and turned away without waiting for him to open his mouth.

Zhou Hongji's brain went blank in an instant!

After Cui's people left for a long time, he remembered something. Despite the fact that it was still early, he picked up the computer and called the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

After a few minutes of the call, Zhou Hongji put down the phone helplessly and accepted the reality helplessly and frustrated - yes, the official statement of Cui people coming to Qi Province was to investigate Pan Baohua's case. Although he was ordered to secretly investigate He Jianghai's problem, after all, He Jianghai's case was not officially filed, and You have the right to decide whether to go or stay, and you don't have to follow the instructions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Is it possible that He Jianghai has escaped and may be at large? Could it be that he tried his best to accept an endless result in the end? After leaving Xia, he really can't step on He Jianghai?

What made him more uncertain is that there is no further instruction spirit on what to go next. Do you want to let go of He Jianghai, or is it a slow plan? If you let go, will Tang Shicheng and reconcile Shaohai's case be closed?

Zhou Hongji's face was gray. He sat on the chair and couldn't move for half a day...

Subsequently, a small-scale meeting was held. Cui people officially announced the successful completion of the investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection against Comrade Pan Baohua in Qi Province. He expressed his gratitude to the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for their cooperation in the investigation work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, he expressed regret for Zhu Condolences.

Cui people said that after he went back, he would ask the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to give a satisfactory answer to the family of the deceased about the pension. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection bears a certain responsibility for the death of Comrade Zhu Zhenbo. Facts are facts and cannot be avoided.

Finally, Cui people donated 10,000 yuan to the family of Comrade Zhu Zhenbo on his behalf.

Xia wanted to look down and nod secretly. It's really an old officialdom with no details and no control everywhere. When Cui's people leave, they can also take all aspects into account. His approach is worth learning.

Whether it's sincere or a show, in short, it's reasonable. The people of Cui have nothing to say.

Since Cui people have taken the lead in donating money, it is not easy for the leaders of the provincial party committee to make a statement. Qiu Renli also immediately said that his personal donation was 8,000 yuan, Sun Ximin was 7,000 yuan, Xiaxiang was 6,000 yuan, and the rest of the provincial party committee leaders made their own words.

Compared with the last time the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection came to Qi Province, the final embarrassment in a heavy rain. On the contrary, when Cui and his party left, not only the weather was fine, but he not only did he stop in time, and at the same time said goodbye in a high posture, which won the favor of many people.

The team to see off is spectacular.

Cui people also waved goodbye. While he was on the car, Zhou Hongji separated the crowd and came to his side. He whispered a few words. Cui people shook his head slightly and replied a few more words.

Everyone saw that Zhou Hongji's face changed, as if he was unwilling, but in the end, he did not move forward, but had no choice but to watch Cui and his party get into the car and leave.

After Cui people's car disappeared at the door of the provincial party committee compound, including Qiu Renli, Xiaxiang and others breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that the biggest hidden danger in Qi Province was likely to trigger a chain reaction, so they left. The war that Qi Province may cause could at least be slightly calmed down, or even more optimistic. The counterattack in the brewing of the earth forces may disappear into the invisible.

Although Xiaxiang was still worried, he didn't expect that Cui and his party didn't even go out of the city... something happened!

And it's a big deal.

In advance, after learning that Cui's people had been evacuated, Xia wanted to ask the provincial and municipal bureau as soon as possible to arrange the police to protect Cui's people and his party from arriving at the airport smoothly, and to monitor Zhu Zhenbo's family and not allow them to commit excessive behavior. After all, Cui people is the deputy of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. If something goes wrong in Lu City, it is the joint responsibility of Shandong City and the Provincial Party Committee.

Whether it is the starting point of business or as a gift to the people of Cui, the deputy of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection must leave Qi Province safely.

Zhu Zhenbo's family's work has been completed, and under the supervision of the municipal bureau, he will not come out to cause trouble. When he thought everything was going well, something still happened.

It's not a small matter. Not only did Cui people's convoy unable to leave Lu City, but Cui people were also broken!

It's really a big deal, and it's a big joke!

But the problem is that the murderer has not been found, and the incident does not seem to be able to fight with Zhu Zhenbo's death, and it cannot be simply judged to be the local forces of Qi Province.

Things are entangled.

The deputy of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was beaten to death in Lu City, and his trip back to Beijing was also temporarily cancelled and urgently admitted to the hospital. When the news reached the provincial party committee, Qiu Renli was shocked.

Xia wants to be shocked.

Sun Ximin was shocked.

Zhou Hongji... Great joy!

After the news reached the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was an unexpected silence - no response to the incident was made, and no one called to ask Qi Province to ensure the personal safety of the staff of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The matter smelled strange.

Compared with the strange reaction of all parties after the event, the strangeness when things happen is the most confusing place.

Cui people and his party originally passed through Jingwei Road, but for the sake of safety, when the police car opened the road, they bypassed the bustling section, but I don't know whether it was intentional or coincidental. The motorcade passed in front of the new energy bus group company.

Maybe the incident happened suddenly, and the police did not receive a warning in advance. At this time, at the door of the new energy bus group, a large number of creditors who came to ask for an explanation gathered - the land creditor dispute of the new energy bus finally broke out!

If it does not break out early, it will not break out late, but it will break out when the people of Cui are about to leave. If there is any artificial means, it is unknown whether the advanced route of the motorcade is also arranged in advance.

The people were about to go in the car, and suddenly heard the noise on the roadside... Cui people began to ignore it, because he also saw the words typed on the roadside banners, which was obviously an economic dispute and had nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the police car didn't care about the way. When he arrived at the door, he was surrounded by a group of people. Many people even slapped Cui's car windows and asked him to uphold justice.

Cui people's officialdom has been ups and downs for many years, and there has been no heat of the ancient road for a long time. Besides, it is not his internal affairs, and he has no right to intervene in the internal affairs of Qi Province.

But the convoy was surrounded in the middle and couldn't move, which was not a way. Finally, when the police went down and was ready to forcibly push the crowd away, the situation suddenly got out of control.

"All out of the way, the central leader is sitting in the car!"

The angry crowd seemed to have found a person to vent, and the crowd was surging. First, they overturned the police car, and then they had to overthrow Cui's car.

Cui people were really scared. Under the cover of the secretary and the driver, they got out of the car in confusion. As soon as they got out of the car, they were hit by a pair of shoes. Before they could dodge, another black hand hit him on the head.

Supt a burst of blood.

Why is it so unlucky? Cui Shimin couldn't laugh or cry. When he just thought of whether it was a coincidence or someone deliberately blackmailed him, a sentence vaguely floated into his ears: "It's him, he killed Zhu Zhenbo!"

Then countless people flocked to take the opportunity to beat him up. After all, Cui people quickly fled the scene under the cover of several colleagues of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Although he was not seriously injured, Cui Shimin was furious and decided to be hospitalized - he still won't leave! He wants to see who wants to use him as a fulcrum behind his back. RO