official god

Chapter 1672 Continue to rise

The first surprising thing is that He Jianghai went to the hospital to visit the people of Cui!

Cui people came to Qi Province to investigate Pan Baohua's case, but who doesn't know that Pan Baohua's case has been settled. I'm afraid the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has already had detailed evidence, otherwise Pan Baohua would not have been taken down in the capital. In fact, even Cui people themselves know that his real intention to come to Qi Province is Sima Zhao's heart, which is known to everyone.

Investigating He Jianghai, He Jianghai also took the initiative to visit, which surprised many people. They all cast a questioning look at the hospital where Cui people were staying, and wanted to know what He Jianghai and Cui people talked about.

Of course, the outside world will not know what the private talks are about.

The second shocking and puzzling thing is that after He Jianghai, there was a discordant voice within the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. If only on the surface, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. It's just that Mu Zhengyi, deputy of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, asked for sick leave. Although he asked for a month, although he is actually in good health, he has to go to the capital to recuperate. But in general, if it is a normal period, no one

But now is not an ordinary period, but an extraordinary period, because now is the time for Zhou Hongji to be born again, it is the time for Zhou Hongji to be worried after Tang Shicheng and reconciled Shaohai's confession.

Thinking of Mu Zhengyi again, Zhou Hongji's greatest help in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Mu Zhengyi asked for sick leave at this time, and the meaning of avoidance could not be more obvious. Moreover, the aftermath of Zhu Zhenbo's death is still there. Zhou Hongji needs a competent assistant to deal with the legacy of Zhu Zhenbo's death.

In addition, Mu Zhengyi is a person from Qi Province who has the closest relationship with Zhou Hongji among the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It's okay that Mu Zhengyi just asked for sick leave. After that, a deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection went to the capital for further study, and one person had something to do at home and went back to his hometown. It is estimated that he can't come back after a week.

The above three people are the foundation of Zhou Hongji in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the three most recent deputy [books] of his relationship. They have direct leadership responsibilities in Tang Shicheng, Xie Shaohai and the trial of Zhu Zhenbo.

It is unknown whether the departure of the three people is threatened by the local forces in Qi Province, or whether they deliberately choose the current period to avoid the limelight. However, the direct consequence is that Zhou Hongji will be unavailable in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The above is not the biggest blow to Zhou Hongji. "Exeputy Deputy [Book] Ling Chuanzhi, Director of the Supervision Department, was suppressed by Zhou Hongji some time ago and couldn't raise his head. He adopted a low-key and forbearance attitude." Now his morale has been restored, and his walking posture is very different from The posture.

Zhou Hongji's position in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection cannot be said to have plummeted, at least the light has been greatly reduced.

At this time, Sun Ximin was once again under attack. The new energy bus project was published in the national economic journal by a senior reporter with an in-depth report of professional economic article, and also took advantage of the problems of the new energy bus project to deeply analyze the current local governments at all levels in the political achievements of the project. There are serious problems in the problem of face engineering. In order to be bright on the face, with the achievements of promotion, and for the false GDP, as long as you don't want to lose face, how much waste has been caused.

The views of the article are not novel, but the depth of the article is amazing." It analyzes the soil generated by the political achievement project and the great damage to the national economy from the positive and negative aspects. The consequence is that the image of the government is repeatedly reduced and lost points in the minds of the people.

Unfortunately, Sun Ximin was publicized as a negative image and regarded as a typical by reporters.

Now the media is much more developed than before. "News and the Internet can often show doubts about some provincial party committees [books] and governors". However, although this reporter's article did not name the name, it directly named the new energy bus project in Qi Province, and described it as a product of ignorance of the economy, which is very It was a serious slap in the face. Moreover, the article was published in well-known domestic economic journals.

proves that there are political pushers behind the scenes, and the level is still very high!

As a provincial party committee [book] or governor, no one wants to often appear in the news as a negative textbook. Especially on the eve of the change of the term, as long as the last negative news " will trigger many people's associations, of course" is a bad association.

Whether it is the work of the local forces in Qi Province or Qin Kan's handwriting, in short, Sun Ximin was very injured.

What is very different from everyone's imagination is that Sun Ximin flew to the capital without saying anything.

The current situation in Qi Province is very strange. Provincial Party Committee [Book] Remember that Qiu Renli went back to Beijing to celebrate Mr. Fu's birthday and did not return. The governor is not there, and in the hospital, there is still a provincial political and legal committee [book] and a deputy [book] of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The first or two leaders are not here. As the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, Xiaxiang has become a veritable person of the highest person in Qi Province. However, he has no consciousness of the highest person. Instead, after handling his official duties easily and leisurely, he turned a blind eye to the strange phenomenon of Qi Province and got off work

Because Fu Xianxian came to Lu City again.

Just after Mr. Fu's birthday, Qiu Renli had not returned from the capital, but Fu Xianxian ran as soon as possible. I don't know what idea she had in her wild mind.

Xia wanted to meet Fu Xianxian, so she declined Liu Yilin's invitation again. Liu Yilin invited several times, but he couldn't leave because he had something to do, as if he refused every time on purpose. In fact, he really had something to do.

I don't know if Liu Yilin thinks he intends to escape from her?

I don't care." Anyway, one day, Liu Yilin will understand his intentions.

On the way to receive the payment first, Xia wanted to receive another call from Zhou Hongji. Forget it, it should be the third call from Zhou Hongji in the last two days.

"Xia [Book], are you still not free tonight?" Zhou Hongji's voice was very low. Under the shock, he is now besieged on all sides, and it is difficult to choose to move forward or backward.

Xia wants to fully understand Zhou Hongji's mood at this time, but Zhou Hongji is also worried about retreating and when he is happy. The situation is caused by himself. It's wrong to have to ask him to solve his worries.

Xia thought that if he fooled around, he would send Zhou Hongji a sentence ~ how to solve his worries? Only Du Kang, but he was fine. He didn't fool around and didn't sneer. He just ignored Zhou Hongji's repeated invitations.

"It's really not free." Today, an old friend came from the capital and couldn't leave." Xia thought didn't lie. Of course, there was no need to let Zhou Hongji know who came.

"I just want to ask Xia [book]..." Zhou Hongji's voice was even lower. "In Hunan Province, when Xia [book] could not continue the anti-corruption storm, did you ever think about it?"

Zhou Hongji asked him. Xia thought it was really difficult to answer Zhou Hongji's question. From the overall situation of Qi Province, of course, the sooner Zhou Hongji closed his hand, the better, but from the reaction of the government office he knew and the lack of response from the high-level officials of the capital to the injury of the people of Cui,

Cui Shijin broke his head, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was disgraced, and maybe some people would think that there was a shadow of him behind him. Besides, the affairs in the government are not over, but there have been a series of incidents such as Zhu Zhenbo's suicide, Tang Shicheng's reconciliation of Shaohai's confession, and Cui's people being beaten. Obviously, "the means of counterattack one after another" is very sharp and strong" is equivalent to resolving all the offensive of the Central Commission for Discipline

Moreover, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection obviously suffered a dumb loss. No matter how much Zhu Zhenbo committed suicide, he also made a fatal mistake. "It's not a good thing. In fact, now from Qi Province to the capital, it is agreed that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been defeated.

Now from Qi Province to the capital, the rumors about the forced death of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection during the handling of the case have spread. Although it has only spread on a small scale in the circle, it has made Longjia City lose its face.

As for whether Longjiacheng suspects that Xia really wants to participate in it, it is unknown. I believe that whether it is Longjiacheng or against the first series, they are all very unhappy now. Because they are very clear that the people who hide behind their backs laugh secretly and are proud is He Jianghai, who they can't help it!

But there is also reason to believe that the opposition to the first series has not reached an agreement on how to proceed next. The stranding of Cui people in Qi Province. Zhou Hongji's current confusion and Sun Ximin's stay in the capital show that there is a big difference in the opposition system.

What Xiaxiang is more willing to believe is that the people of Cui stayed in Qi Province and came out of personal reasons to a greater extent, not ordered to oppose the instructions of the first series.

At this stage, Xia Shang would rather cooperate with Cui people more than shake hands with Zhou Hongji, because he is worried that Zhou Hongji has offended the local forces in Qi Province, and no one will let him go.

"Hongji, in the process of anti-corruption in Hunan Province, because it conforms to the spirit of [Zhong] Central's instructions, because of the strong support of Zheng [Shu], it has been implemented very smoothly" and has not encountered an unsustainable situation. One of the principles I have always adhered to in the fight against corruption is "the right thing, not the right person."

Zhou Hongji silently hung up the phone. "I believe he understood Xia's advice. It's just that it's unknown whether he will learn lessons, and it's not a question that Xia wants to worry about.

Xia thought again and again, and I don't know whether the local forces in Qi Province will stop in time. Maybe He Jianghai also knows the principle of receiving it when it is good, but the question is, "Can the current local forces still listen to He Jianghai's command?

From the news spread from the creditor's rights dispute of the new energy bus project, it is obvious that some people want to attack He Jianghai's prestige and take advantage of his illness to kill him and replace him. The sharper the contradiction between the local forces and Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is, the more beneficial it is to Qin Kan, especially when Sun Ximin is now in a vortex.

... Xia wanted to guess. The local forces that had been inspired by anger were indeed out of control. "However, their main target was still Zhou Hongji, not Sun Ximin's leave of several deputy [book] of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection." Obviously, they received some hints in advance, because what happened later. In response to Zhou Hongji's second wave of impact, the strength is shocking.