official god

Chapter 1683 The actual helm of Qi Province

Chapter 1683 The actual helm of Qi Province

Xia thought that he was not a person who trusted others, but this time, he believed that He Jianghai did not lie, because He Jianghai did not need to lie.

But the idea provided by He Jianghai can find Zhou Hongji. It is not advisable to see it in summer, because He Jianghai still said that Yang Yinhua has a hidden house in the urban area from the starting point of determining that Zhou Hongji and Yang Yinhua are having an affair...

"Maybe Zhou had something to discuss with her, so he hurried away. If you go there quickly now, it should be just in time.

He Jianghai's words are euphemistic. In fact, he still has bad intentions. He clearly provides ideas, but in fact, he still digs a pit to let the provincial commission send people there and directly catch the adultery.

Although Xia Shang hated He Jianghai's fall into the well, he did not say anything, and he believed that Zhou Hongji was not as bad as He Jianghai said. Whether there is a problem between Zhou Hongji and Yang Yinhua, let's not forget it for the time being. Even if there is, Zhou Hongji will not even go to the Standing Committee to have a meeting with Yang Yinhua.

Yang Yinhua is not Pan Jinlian, and she doesn't have that much charm. Besides, even if Pan Jinlian is born again, it is impossible to confuse a deputy provincial senior official to such an end.

What's more, what Xia wants to know about Zhou Hongji's life is not so lustful that he ignores shame.

Xia didn't want to accept He Jianghai's words. It happened that he had something else to make it clear to He Jianghai: "Brother Jianghai..."

When He Jianghai heard Xia's tone, he didn't mention his position but in a personal tone, he probably knew what Xia wanted to say. He couldn't help but tighten his heart and hurriedly said, "Xia, I have always admired your person, fairness and credibility. It is because of you that Qi Province has maintained a stable situation. As Excited. If you have any orders, just say it. I will do it."

He Jianghai directly wore a high hat for Xiaxiang, high and the golden light. Unfortunately, Xiaxiang was unmoved.

"If I remember correctly, Brother Jiang Hai is from the peninsula. The climate of the peninsula is better than that of Lu City. After retreating, it is a good thing to go back to his hometown to recuperate. I have been looking forward to the day when there is a small farmyard, planting a few trees in the yard, opening a vegetable garden, raising flowers, and practicing calligraphy, which is the greatest stability in life.

He Jianghai's heart jumped, and Xia thought's hint was direct and powerful. He told him clearly that he should not only stop, but also calm down. Otherwise, he might even retreat unsteadily.

"Xia's idea is the same as I thought. I have long looked forward to the approval of my resignation by the central government." He Jianghai said haha, and felt that it was necessary to show his feelings to Xia, and stressed, "Recently, Governor Qin has been walking more frequently with me, but I have different ideas from him. He came, and I am a good tea treat. When he left, the tea was cold.

Xia wanted to see that He Jianghai was still playing Tai Chi, so he said unhappily, "He, I will only say it again. Personally, from the maintenance of Qiu's reputation, it will fall on the stability and unity of the whole Qi Province. I hope you can arrange your later life after retirement as soon as possible. The local forces in Qi Province are indeed huge, but they are not monolithic, let alone the way to rectify. In the resolution of the last credit dispute, I think you can also think of something.

Before He Jianghai could say anything more, Xia thought finally emphasized and hung up the phone: "He, I safeguard the interests of Qi Province, not the interests of a certain person or a certain power group. Please remember one thing, for the sake of the overall situation of Qi Province, the interests of any individual or group, It can be sacrificed!"

He Jianghai was stunned on the spot!

Indeed, Xia's words caused considerable shock and deterrence to him, because up to now, He Jianghai has understood an unbreakable truth, Qi Province, because Qiu Renli is single-minded in the top of the situation, because of Sun Ximin's weakness, the person at the helm is already Xiaxiang!

And thinking that Xia Xiang is already the most important fulcrum around all forces in Qi Province, and he can leverage the influence of the interests of either party at any time, making him the first person in Qi Province.

I'm afraid that Xia Xiang's authority in the Qi Provincial Party Committee and his influence on Li Tong and Zhou Yuyuan, and successfully used Zhou Yuyuan and Xia Li as bridges, and established a certain foundation of cooperation with the local forces in Qi Province, and even... Gong Xiaojing, who doesn't know where she is hiding, has also become Xia Xiang' It is not difficult to save clouds and rain.

He Jianghai forced Zhou Hongji to step back step by step. When he tasted the fruit of victory for the first time, he was poured down by Xia Chang's basin of cold water. He suddenly felt cold from head to to toe, and he couldn't afford to resist for a long time.

He has really fallen to the point where he is scared by Xia's words?

Yes, and no.

To be fair, if Xia thought that if he favored Zhou Hongji's position at the beginning, he is not dead now, but also half dead. How can he have a chance to lay out calmly and force Zhou Hongji to worry? Therefore, he must thank Xiaxiang for his central position.

But then again, if Xia wants to join hands with him at the beginning, not to mention that Zhou Hongji has already been defeated, even Sun Ximin is about to say goodbye to Qi Province. Why is Xia so stubborn and insists on sticking to the principle of righteousness and fairness?

The chaos in Qi Province is fine. Anyway, Qi Province is not his Qi Province. Even if a bunch of people die, none of them are his relatives, friends and fellow villagers. Why does he have to think about the people of Qi Province?

It doesn't matter if you can't figure out Xia's choice, but if Xia thinks, He Jianghai must treat it carefully, because he believes that with the sword of Gong Xiaojing in his hand and the bridge of Zhou Yuyuan, Xia Li and Li Tong, Xia Xiang can gradually break into the internal forces of the local forces in Qi Province, divide, The local forces are really disintegrative, but it is not impossible to weaken to the point of marginalization.

And he really wants to annoy Xia. If he wants to spend his old age in peace, it's probably impossible...

What should I do? He Jianghai pondered for a long time and finally made up his mind and made a phone call to Qin Kan: "Gourney Qin, I'm afraid the things we talked about last time have changed a little..."


Beijing, Central Organization Department.

After answering a few phone calls in the office, Wu Caiyang bowed his head and thought about it for a while, and then called Gu Qiushi. After talking with Gu Qiushi for a few minutes, he picked up the phone again and called Xie Xincai directly without the secretary's handle.

The call with Xie Xincai is much shorter, less than half a minute.

After the call, Wu Caiyang saw that it was almost noon when he got off work. He looked through the window at a leafy sycamore tree outside the window. He saw the sun jumping on the wide leaves of the sycamore tree, forming one mottled spot after another. He didn't know what he thought of and smiled happily.

In his eyes, Xiaxiang is like the sycamore tree in the eye, which is deep-rooted and vibrant.

What comforts him most is not that Xiaxiang has grown into a big tree that can resist certain wind and rain. Although this big tree is not enough to have a cross-rooted power network, it can stand proudly among countless big trees, outstanding, with unique uprightness and self-reliance.

In the intricate situation in Qi Province, Xiaxiang no longer moves forward as boldly as before, but responds in the center, takes action left and right, knocks on whoever passes the border, and pulls in who is obedient. He fully has the potential that a reserve force should have. It also proved that the old man did have a long-term vision and did not see the wrong person. Long before Xia wanted to enter the deputy hall, he had recognized Xia Xiang's quality and helped the Wu family.

If there is Xia, after the three generations of the Wu family, it can be safe.

Just as I was thinking about it, the phone rang, which was a rare number. But since the secretary picked it up without asking for instructions, it must be an important call, so Wu Caiyang answered.

On the phone, there was a long-lost voice, and the first sentence brought him a huge surprise.

"Dad, I'm Ruohan..."

Lian Ruohan, who rarely took the initiative to call, didn't make a phone call after going abroad, but today he called for the first time, which made Wu Caiyang, who had practiced very little joy, was hit by a huge sense of happiness and smiled...


Wu Caiyang smiled happily, but Longjiacheng was full of anger.

Because Qi Province's successive defeats made him very angry, and because the government quietly returned to Beijing, the voice of the faction's intensified attack on He Jianghai increased a lot. They all agreed that by forcibly filing the case of He Jianghai's problem, the deadlock in Qi Province could be resolved.

Sun Ximin was forced to the corner of the wall. Zhou Hongji was disgraced and faced with the point of losing the whole game. There are only two ways to go, either to be ruthless or abandon your son to admit defeat.

The problem is that if you admit defeat, you will not only lose the adult, but also can't guarantee that He Jianghai and Qin Kan will stop at the same time. That is to say, if you admit defeat, you may be beaten into the water.

In politics, there is no sympathy. Of course, if the opponent is Xiaxiang, Longjiacheng must believe that Xiaxiang will stop in time. Unfortunately, in the officialdom of the people he knows, few people in the officialdom can adhere to the most basic position and principles as Xiaxiang.

Thinking of Xia Xiang, Longjiacheng's heart is full of mixed feelings, and there is even a regret in his heart. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, perhaps Xia Xiang's position in Qi Province would have slightly favored Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji. With the power of Xia Xiang, Sun Xi

At present, we can only forcibly file a case. Longjiacheng decided to hold a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the afternoon to officially put He Jianghai's problem on the surface. The political significance expressed is that there is no need to shoot secretly, but directly use the knife.

The meeting was about to be held. Longjiacheng looked at the time and was ready to step out of the office to the conference room, but the secretary came in and told him two amazing news. First, the Central Organization Department has officially decided to approve He Jianghai's resignation. Second, at the Standing Committee, Cui Minmin should submit report materials on several issues of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji.

Longjiacheng had already walked to the door, but he withdrew his footsteps and ordered with an extremely solemn face: "Stop the Standing Committee and let Cui come to the office immediately."

The following is free: four chapters of 12,000 have been updated!

700 days, brothers, 700 days, day and night, endless typing, a whole month of hard work hard to update 12,000 words a day, at the end of two years, brothers, can't do hard, so that Lao He can finally be sunny?

For two years, brothers, I haven't had a Saturday or Sunday in two years, I haven't taken a day of sick leave in two years, I haven't been lazy for two years, and I haven't had a full sleep in two years.

For two years, brothers, even if they are sick, they only dare to be sick for half a day. Even if they go out, they have to hurry up and have to come back in the afternoon to code. Even when eating, you have to think about updating the plot, and even the update has to count the time, in order to take care of most brothers' work and rest time.

Is it really easy, brothers, not a day, a month, a year, but a whole two years...

At the end of the year, brothers, you have year-end bonuses, holidays, and shopping plans. What do you have? Lao He has no prize, no one approves to ask for leave, and there is no shopping and travel plan. Lao He has only!

Brothers, that's all!

It's been two years, brothers. At the last moment, I don't count on you. Who else can I count on? Please, please subscribe! RO