official god

Chapter 1686 At this time

Xia Xiang left the noise of the provincial party committee at this time and gathered with Liu Yilin, Wen Zixuan and Wang Qiangwei in a manor in the suburbs.

Of course, Xia Xiang won't accompany the three beautiful women alone. In addition to Sanmei, he also has Chen, Yang Wei and Wu Tianxiao.

Today's party is not a celebration banquet, but just a normal leisure, or an economic meeting of summary and outlook. In fact, according to the routine, Liu Yilin should not participate, but after Chen and Yang Wei took over Zhao Mudan's industry, Liu Yilin did a lot of convenience with the authority of the mayor, so she invited her.

Liu Yilin is very happy.

Since Xia wanted to enter the officialdom, she has experienced countless storms and waves. After each victory, she did not hold a celebration banquet to avoid pride and complacency. What's more, he believes that now is not the time for complete victory.

The sentence that Xia wants to keep in mind is the most gratifying text provided by Leyou Literature. Please remember Leyou Literature. It is to be in a desperate situation without despair, can be shocked without panic, and be in a hurry but not at a loss. The saddest thing is to celebrate the success of the first battle, be lonely and self-appreciate, proud and forgetful.

On the surface, He Jianghai's resignation took effect, the Central Organization Department put the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection together, and Wu Caiyang blamly challenged the authority against Yibi. Then He Jianghai was discharged from the hospital and would come forward with Zhou Yuyuan to relieve Sun Ximin. Everything went smoothly and successfully.

He Jianghai's discharge represented that he accepted the current situation, and his appearance showed that he accepted Xiaxiang's proposal and was ready to jump out of the vortex of the provincial party committee and go home for retirement.

and Zhou Yuyuan came forward to relieve Sun Ximin at the same time, which means that He Jianghai will transfer part of the power of the local forces in Qi Province to Zhou Yuyuan. There are various signs that He Jianghai will completely retire and will stop in an all-round way and no longer provoke trouble.

If you carefully analyze the current situation of Qi Province, if Zhou Hongji returns safely to solve the matter of Yang Yinhu smoothly, and Sun Ximin overcomes the crisis again and opposes that the first department can concentrate on the capital to resolve Qin Kan's economic offensive, in less than a month, Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji will regain their foothold, and Furthermore, if the new Political and Legal Committee [Book] is also against the manpower of the first department and the layout of the first department in Qi Province, it can continue to be very possible.

Of course, the reality of a beautiful assumption will be full of possibilities and variables, because behind a series of events, there is another person who has been standing still until now, and there has been no movement.

Yes, the person Xia Xiang is worried about is exactly what Qin Wei should say. Qin Kan, who lost the support of He Jianghai, must be alone without the help of the local forces in Qi Province, but he can't take everything lightly. Qin Kan has been in Qi Province for many years and has been in business for many years. Who knows how he is behind What kind of backhand?

At this point, others may think that Qin Kan may stop and admit defeat, but Xia Shang has always been not at ease, because Qin Kan is too calm. When Xie Xin announced the approval of He Jianghai's resignation, when He Jianghai and Zhou Yuyuan appeared in the New Energy Bus Group at the same time, and even when Zhou Hongji suddenly lost before, In the end, he looked calm, no shock, no joy, not even the performance that the executive vice governor should have.

proves that Qin Kan is either discouraged and indifferent to everything, or he is determined and has already prepared another backhand.

I hope it is the former.

Xia wants to sit among the crowd and enjoy the comfort of the breeze and the moon. Listen to Chen and Yang Wei talk about the development plan of Zhao Peony Industry. To be precise, it should be the industry of Chen, Yang Wei and Wang Qiangwei.

Liu Yilin laughed all the time without saying a word or looking at Xia. Wen Zixuan participated in the discussion. Although her views on the economy are not very profound and not far away, she looks at the starting point of the problem from a political perspective, and also added a lot of dead corners for Chen and Wang Qiangwei.

Liu Yilin saw several people discussing enthusiastically, and Xia didn't want to speak much, so he whispered to his side and asked, "Xia [book], why don't you publish your opinions?"

Xia wanted to wave his hand with a smile: "I'm the deputy [book] in charge of the party group and personnel. If I'm not the deputy governor who is mainly in charge of the economy, I won't be a layman to command the insider."

Liu Yilin smiled and said, "If the current leaders had the same self-knowledge as you, there would not have been so many decision-making mistakes. Over the years, the tuition fees we have paid in the process of economic development may be up to one year's gross national product.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that, but you can't say it. The main reason is that the government has too many things to do, which can directly interfere with the economy. The key is that most local officials are half-baked in the economy, and the result of the layman's command is the new energy bus project... Tens of billions of funds have been wasted, who will pay in the end? It is said that the government pays the bill. Where does the government's money come from? The common people."

"That's true, the wool can't come out of the dog." Liu Yilin said a wirful remark, tilted her head again, and said in a lower voice, "Xia [Shu], the situation should be peaceful in the future, right?"

"I also hope that the world will be peaceful, but the reality may not be what I want. I can only say, let's see." Xia wanted to shake his head gently, and there was always a shadow in his heart. Although he knew that Qin Kan would not give up. I won't take action against him either.

But at this time, he has indeed been thinking about the problem at a certain height.

The so-called worry about the country and the people is exactly the same.

Because it was a casual party, Liu Yilin rarely wore a long casual dress, which looked very elegant. She stood up and waved to the summer: "I'll go there for a walk."

In fact, she wanted Xia to accompany her, but Xia wanted to sit and didn't move. She was not lazy, but still thinking about things.

Xia's thoughts fell on the problem of the government, because whether the government can swallow He Jianghai's evil spirit, according to the current situation, it has to be swallowed. With the return of the government to Beijing, when he concentrates on increasing his offensive against Xiao Jia's industry, he may find a scapegoat in the economy.

That is to say, it is estimated that the government will increase its efforts to annex Xiao Jia's industry at all costs.

To put it more clearly, the decisive battle with the government is about to be staged.

Thinking of the fact that after the government office was injured, he opposed to the unforgivable means of revenge. Xia can't help but worry about the economic confrontation in the capital and the trap of Cheng Dacai who jumped into the government office. Will he be aware of it in the government office, so that his old hatred and new hatred will come to his heart

Of course, Xiaxiang is not afraid of the means of the government and the power to oppose the first series, because he believes that no matter how storm the other party is, he can't shake his foundation, because after all, he is not as good as He Jianghai.

Without being caught by the other party, it is a guarantee that you can sleep soundly at any time.

The only thing Xia wants to worry about is that when Xu Guanhua intervenes in the economic confrontation, he will show his true face because of lack of experience, and then he will be pushed by the government, thus thinking of his shadow in it.

In the final analysis, Xia Xiang always pretends to be a good person, but he doesn't want the government to think that he is a bad person. In fact, he is indeed a good person. It's not that he doesn't dare to confront the government, but that sometimes he plays hide-and-seek with the government to succeed.

It's easy to say what happened in the government. Even if he knows the truth, he can only be willing to gamble and lose. After all, the economic confrontation requires strength and wisdom. Compared with political indom, there is more or less a market rule to abide by. What Xia wants to feel most uncertain now is that Qin Kan has been hiding in the dark. What on earth is he trying to do?

Looking up, I saw Liu Yilin walking alone. The text is provided by Leyou Literature. Please remember Leyou Literature. Not far by the water, under the light, she held her shoulders and did not have the image of a majestic mayor in front of the public at all. Instead, she was like a weak and helpless ordinary woman. Xia wanted to shake her head and smile. Before he could speak, Wen Zixuan had understood his intention and got up to accompany Liu Yilin.

At present, only a beautiful woman, Wang Qiangwei, is accompanying her.

Wang Qiangwei originally sat far away from Xiaxiang. As soon as Liu Yilin and Wen Zixuan left, she sat closer, next to the right side of Xiaxiang to make it easier to talk.

Today is a rare time to be idle. Xia wanted to see Wang Qiangwei was very interested, so she took the initiative to ask, "Rose, everything has been going well recently. Sesame Kaihuā, what do you think about the next step?"

Xia thought just asked casually. He didn't really care about Wang Qiangwei's ideas in business. Unexpectedly, Wang Qiangwei really had ideas, and it was something that Xia didn't think of.

"Xia [Book], I really have a question to ask you..." Wang Qiangwei smiled brightly and was a little mysterious. "Do you think Zhou Hongji and Yang Yinhu are really related?"

Wang Qiangwei is not a person in the officialdom after all. The questions asked by opening her mouth are completely out of the rules. No one will ask the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee [book] about the style of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book]. Whether it is a private occasion or not, it is a taboo.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to be tolerant and would not blame Wang Qiang for anything. She just looked at Wu Tian and smiled.

Wu Tianxiao secretly went to find out the address provided by He Jianghai and found out the fact that the house was indeed Yang Yinhu's house, but there was no scene of catching the traitor in the bed, and there was no Yang Yinhu in the house, which was empty. According to the neighbors, few people usually come to live here, and they have never seen a man or a woman come to hang out.

also reassured Xia. To be fair, he was really worried about finding out what adultery Zhou Hongji had.

If Zhou Hongji knew Xia's worries, he would definitely be grateful. He held Xia's hand and said excitedly, "Those who know me, Xia Gongye."

What does Yang Yinhuā look like? Xia Xiang has no impression at all, but he remembers that he seems to have heard Wu Tian laugh and said half-jokingly, "There are no beautiful women in the Qi Provincial Party Committee. Only Wen Zixuan is to say, Yang Yinhu is definitely not as good as Wen Zixuan

Wu Tianxiao knew what Xia [book] meant to signal to him. He was about to speak, but Wang Qiangwei waved her hand to prevent him from saying it. She opened her mouth and said something that shocked Wu Tianxiao and shocked Xia.

"I think I should know where Zhou Hongji is."

PS: The third update!