official god

Chapter 1712 dazzling tricks

Chapter 1712 A dazzling trick (Ask for a monthly ticket again!)

The so-called new situation is actually the state of the previous events, which has rekindled.

First, the new energy bus is entangled in creditor's rights. This time, it is not the last land credit dispute - the land dispute has been completely resolved by Xiaxiang, and there is no possibility of resurgence - nor is it the successor of the electrocution of the student incident. The legacy of the electrocution of the student is also The sequelae have been solved. This time, the creditor's right dispute is a creditor's right dispute between investors.

After the last electrocution student incident was successfully resolved, under the pressure of all parties, the new energy bus project was suspended - in fact, it had been stagnant for a long time, because there was no investment in successor funds and no loan support. The main reason was that the technology was not up to standard, and it was completely a balloon blowing project.

When the balloon reaches the critical point, it will burst.

After the suspension, the new energy bus group is on the verge of fragmentation. The main reason why it has not completely broken up is that the provincial government will not sit idly by and will definitely save it. In the end, it will bring the project back to life through bank loans or capital injection. In this way, the original funds can be It's time to go back.

It is based on the above understanding that shareholders are patiently waiting for the final dawn.

Unexpectedly, someone suddenly said that the provincial government has decided to completely give up the new energy bus project. The next decision is to shut down and directly declare bankruptcy - it is bankruptcy, not even bankruptcy and reorganization, and there is no chance of reorganization. What else is there to sing?

Shareholders are angry and start to be restless. They are ready to sell land, sell buildings, and sell people. There is nothing to sell, even if they sell their faces. Anyway, everyone performs, and there is only one purpose - ask for money.

The new energy bus project claims to have invested tens of billions of yuan. In fact, most of them are loans, and only a small part of it is investment. After the land dispute is resolved, the land where the group is located has become the greatest wealth. Therefore, everyone exerted their own efforts and makes up and down, just to spend more than a cup of .

Political hooligans, commercial and commercial gangsters. People who invest in new energy bus projects are essentially a group of commercial gangsters and locals. They are much more able to toss things than the parents of students. For a while, they are full of trouble, dusty and earth-shaking.

At the same time, the performance project of the five golden flowers also revealed serious problems...

Six months ago, a female accountant and a male vice president jointly misappropriated 10 million yuan of public funds to speculate in stocks. Under the guidance of the fearless idea of making money and losing money to the public, they entered the insider stock market.

It should be said that I did make a little money when I first entered the stock market. Although it was not much, it was more than one million yuan. After all, it was an unexpected fortune. At that time, I ended up and at least I made a house.

But people's ability is limited, luck is countless, but greed is infinite, and desire is also infinite. If you get Long, then look at Shu. How can a million be enough? With a capital of 10 million yuan, you want to make 100 million yuan.

As a result, in the stock market** today, the dream of the joint stock speculation of the female accountant and the male vice president was completely shattered, and the money was lost in the end. Seeing that the matter was about to happen, the male vice president resolutely betrayed the female accountant and turned around and left. I don't know where he went to a foreign country.

The female accountant was arrested.

If you are caught, you will be arrested. Where is there no such thing as a greedy accountant who invests in stocks with public funds? But the problem is that after the female accountant was arrested, she revealed the inside story of the company. After being disclosed, it directly affected the listing plan.

This has triggered a series of chain reactions, such as false statements, such as false reports of performance, such as making fake accounts for the sake of listing, etc., which directly exposes the scene of the five golden flowers to the sun.

One stone hits a thousand waves!

In fact, generally speaking, according to the normal control, it is impossible for the female accountant to spread to the outside, but she flew away, crossed the heavy barriers in Qi Province, flew to the capital, to the whole country, and flew to the eyes of the news media who love to discover internal information. It goes without saying that everyone knows that someone deliberately spread the news.


When the above two things spread almost at the same time, I have to admire the long-term layout and good intentions of the characters behind the scenes. It is really a series of wonderful tricks. Even Xiaxiang secretly admires someone's virtual and real method.

At first, I thought that the two major achievements of the new energy bus and the five golden flowers were attacked was a practical move. Later, as soon as the meeting of the Standing Committee was held, it seemed to be a false move, but in the end, the spearhead returned to Sun Ximin, and then the two major achievements projects were mixed, and it became a

It's really a dazzling trick!

So far, Xiaxiang has completely concluded that Qin Kan's dagger has been seen, and the ultimate goal is to force Sun Ximin to comply. Because Sun Ximin is different from other governors, he has always been under the blame.

A governor who is burdened by the blame, once something happens, it is easy to be criticized by the media, misread by the masses, and disliked by the central government, because the central government does not like a governor who has an accident everywhere, let alone a governor who is eye-catching everywhere, not to mention the criticism.

In addition, the provincial party committee doesn't like to work with a governor who is often criticized.

On the eve of Sun Ximin's questioning tomorrow, things broke out, and the person behind him wanted to put Sun Ximin on the fire.

If it is only a sudden of the above two things, it can also show Qin Kan's means. At the same time, the two mining disasters that have already solved the aftermath problem, and there are also discordant voices.

The families of the victims are back again!

The reason for

is very simple. I didn't get the compensation!

As for which link there is a problem, it is still unknown, but Xia wants to believe that the compensation for the mine disaster is not in place, which is a difficult problem that will be encountered in all compensation issues. It is a coincidence that it is related to the incident of Sun Ximin being questioned, but it suddenly became a news event today, which is man-made

And the last incident finally made Xia want to calmly and calmly deal with Qin Kan's mentality, and there was inexplicable anger - the epidemic in Pindu suddenly had a tendency to spread!

At this time, Li Dingshan and Li Rongsheng have just arrived in Pindu and are handing over the final work. The epidemic suddenly spread at the beginning of Li Dingshan's rise, which is a blow to Li Dingshan's road to the Urban Committee!

The problem of new energy and five golden flowers is an objective problem, which is exposed and restores the facts. Xia wants to have nothing to say. The compensation for the mine disaster is not in place, and it has been hyped up. Xia wants to stand on a fair position, which is an attitude of approval. He also hates the black-hearted mine owner.

But if the epidemic can be controlled, it will be controlled, and if it spreads, it will spread. If there is no artificial reason behind it, ghosts will not believe it. Xia wanted to smile coldly. There are five questions. No matter how big Qin Kan is about the first four questions, he can stand on the position of asking for the people. He can be neutral, but the last thing is to joke about the lives of the people and use them as political chips. It is too shameless to have the bottom line of being a human being.

Xia must be killed!

In response to Sun Ximin's question, Xia wants to help out of the sake of maintaining the overall situation of stability and unity in Qi Province, and it is not the right thing. However, on the issue of the epidemic in Pindu, he should also take the initiative to take action, uninvited, and uninvited, both to the matter and to the people.

If he is asked to find out that Qin Kan's hands and feet are behind the epidemic, then I'm sorry. If he doesn't bring down Qin Kan, he will never take a step back.

After work in the afternoon, Xia wanted to arrange a party.

In a private room of Juxian Villa, God knows why the boss of Juxian Villa has such a strange name, Xia wants to sit in the first place, surrounded by four or five people, including Xiao Wu, Yuan Mingliang, oh, Chen, Wen Zixuan and Wu Tianxiao.

Now Wen Zixuan has almost become the core think tank of Xiaxiang, and basically she will appear on important occasions.

Today's party is a phased party. There is no major theme, just to connect feelings. In addition, Xiaxiang also has an important guiding spirit.

"Xiao Wu, you go to Pindu overnight tonight to investigate the source of the epidemic from the dark. Some people say that the epidemic in Pindu is fueled by foreign forces. Is it true? Xia wants to take a look at a few people. They are all trustworthy cores here, and there is no need to cover it up too much.

Wen Zixuan closed his hair and interrupted, "Xia, Ye Xiaotong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, has a good relationship with me. If Xiao Wu needs any official intervention, you can find her."

Wen Zixuan thought very thoughtfully. The level of the deputy secretary-general of the municipal party committee is high or low, and it is appropriate to come forward and deal with it. In contrast, in case Xiao Wu needs an official to come forward, it is not appropriate for Li Dingshan to come forward.

Xia wanted to nod in favor: "Zi Xuan's suggestion is very good. Xiao Wu turned around and met Zi Xuan."

Yuan Mingliang didn't know what his plan was. Maybe he also painstakingly put forward, "Xia, I happen to have some free time recently. I want to go to Pindu with Xiao Wu. When Xiao Wu completes Xia's task, I can help and inspect the market of Pindu by the way."

Yuan Mingming's words are pleasant to listen to. In fact, his original intention is to jointly inspect the market from the perspective of the people and the official, and draw a more accurate conclusion. Xiao Wu's trip is to both public and private. It is absolutely convenient for him to travel with him.

Xia thought he didn't object: "It's no problem, I just have to rush overnight."

"I walked too much at night, no problem." Although Yuan Mingliang is now full of gray hair, his body is really strong. His gray hair is not because he is over 70 years old, but because he is worried too much.

Yuan Mingliang's unexpected move secretly helped Xiao Wu a lot. Xiao Wu's trip to the capital also angered Qin Kan, allowing Qin Kan to open up a second battlefield while confronting Sun Ximin head-on, and had a direct hard-to-hard competition with Xia.

And Xia wants to take action from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, which directly promotes the historical process of Qi Province...

: The third update! Brothers, in the update, Lao He has really done his best. I hope the brothers can help more! There are 250 votes today - there are only dozens of votes left - today's fourth update, tomorrow's fourth update! RO