official god

Chapter 1719 A Heavy Punch

After Sun Ximin arrived at the National People's Congress, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and it was not too late.

But I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Cheng Zaishun hasn't arrived yet, so he has to wait. Sun Ximin also knew that Cheng Zaismun was deliberately drying him!

Well, a deputy director dares to show the governor's face. "Some old comrades in the province are really relying on the old and selling the old.

Although he was not happy, Sun Ximin also made up his mind to make a gesture. He wanted to see how much Cheng Zaishun could make things difficult for him.

After waiting for half an hour, Cheng Zaishun came late, but to Sun Ximin's surprise, Cheng Zaishun did not look like he was determined to win, but his face was faintly angry and sad, as if he had encountered something unhappy.

Sun Ximin is not Xiaxiang. If Xiaxiang, he would probably say that Lao Cheng said that there was something unhappy to make me happy... Sun Ximin just looked at Cheng Zaishun indifferently and opened it. He said, "Director Cheng, I've been waiting for you for half an hour." Cheng Zaishun replied disapprovingly, "There is a traffic jam on the road. I'm sorry to chop the governor.

In fact, Cheng Zaishun is not a traffic jam, but a traffic jam.

The driver was beaten and hospitalized. Xia thought not only did not say anything, but also threatened him. Is it true that Lao Qi Province, who has been in an official market and has experienced ups and downs, is not a cadre? It's true that he is an old comrade, but he is not an old man!

Although Xia's threat was very direct and powerful, he directly hit his life, but he was not afraid that Xia wanted to do anything to him. With his foundation and power in Qi Province, Xiaxiang really can't shake his high mountain.

Xia thought he didn't know that He Jianghai was a big tree at best, but he was a high mountain. Big trees can fall. The high mountains are unattainable!

If Xia wanted to imagine that after Cheng Zuo went back, Zuo thought that it was not a good feeling. Who is he? Can he still be threatened by Xia? It's true that the older you are, the more backwards. What does Xia want to be?" He wants to work in Qi Province and shout at him. He is too arrogant.

Cheng Zaishun decided to ignore Xia's threat, not only to get justice for the problem of the driver being beaten, but also to make things difficult to the end.

Today, he didn't want to come half an hour late to dry Sun Ximin, and there was something wrong with his walking. He said accurately. After learning a piece of the news on the way, Cheng Zaishun was not very good. He asked the driver to stop by the roadside and called for a long time.

The news seems to have nothing to do with the threat Xia wanted to say. In fact, it is still something wrong with him that is not easy to get to the stage. The situation is not big, that is to say, it not only serves as a warning, but also makes him not jump in pain.

The meaning of

is already obvious. If he doesn't stop, the other party reserves the right to make a bigger deal further.

Cheng Zaishun is very puzzled. Why does Xia want to protect Sun Ximin's interests? What is difficult now is that Sun Ximin is not directly embarrassing Qiu Renli, let alone targeting him. Why is he so nosy? Besides, Sun Ximin is not in the same camp as him. Why is he flooded with a sense of justice or full?

Cheng was also extremely angry, ignoring the first point mentioned by Xia when he wanted to talk to him, which also led to the further expansion of the situation.

Cheng Zaishun came to the National People's Congress with anger. It's strange to have a good face. Although Sun Ximin is the governor, today's questioning will obviously not show any signs of friendship.

Subsequently, Cheng Zaishun, several deputy directors and more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee of the National Congress took turns to question the response measures taken by Sun Ximin on a series of problems in Qi Province, either did not actively respond, or failed to prevent or were passive, etc. In a word, no matter how Sun Ximin defended, the National People' The committee just doesn't accept Sun Ximin's statement.

The meaning of being difficult is clear at a glance.

In the end, Sun Ximin was impatient and left an angry sentence: "That's my explanation. If the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress thinks that my work is not good enough, or I am not competent enough," he can submit a motion of distrust of me, and I accept any form of supervision and inquiry from the National People's Congress "I'm sorry for the governors who are resistant to the work of the National People's Congress and do not pay attention to the legal construction of the deputies of the National People's Congress exercising their supervisory power." I'm sorry for this. If the governor continues to insist on his opinion, the work of the National People's Congress will not be carried out in the future..."

Obviously, he made things difficult for him first, but he took a bite, saying that he did not support the work of the National People's Congress and had seen a shameless one. Sun Ximin could hardly describe his mood.

But Cheng Zaishun did gag his mouth, which was really difficult for him to defend. The Constitution stipulates that people are much better than the government. As a governor, he really can't say anything against the Constitution, otherwise it will be more practical.

I didn't expect to be stambarked by someone. Sun Ximin was angry and angry. Once again, he realized the strength of the local forces in Qi Province, because in other provinces, it is impossible for the public to appear. The situation of the word!

After returning to the provincial party committee, Sun Ximin was still indignant, because he knew that the matter was far from being finished. Cheng Zaishun did not have a clear intention to let go now, but it was obvious that when the plenary session of the National People's Congress was convened in January next year, he might slap him hard

If he loses the election, he will become the first provincial governor in China, and the joke will be a big joke. Coupled with the experience of resigning in Yan Province, as the only person who has lost his official twice after the founding of the new [China] country, he will be famous in history.

What should I do? Sun Ximin picked up the phone and called the capital.

While Sun Ximin was on the phone, Xia wanted to make a few phone calls after hearing Sun Ximin's treatment at the National People's Congress, because he knew that sometimes he didn't have to be strong. Without calling some people's pain, things could not go in the right direction, because some people just didn't see the Yellow River and didn

After the phone call, Xia was in a much better mood. "I stretched out and received a call from Cao Shuxun who was about to return" and was in a better mood. It's time to come back. The National Day is coming soon.

When he got off work, Xia wanted to think about whether to have another lunch meeting with Zhou Hongji. Just as he was about to go out, the phone rang inappropriately. Generally speaking, there is nothing important on the phone when you are about to get off work. Either it's an invitation to dinner or it's not a good thing.

Xia wanted to answer the phone, because he glanced and found that the call number was from the capital.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a strange and familiar voice.

"Xia [Book] Remember, why don't you come?", Ye Tiannan's voice penetrated thousands of kilometers" reached Xiaxiang's ear, still as clear as in his ear, making Xiaxiang stunned for a moment.

It is not Ye Tiannan's call that is stunned, but the timing of Ye Tiannan's call. It's really too ** and because Ye Tiannan is now in his eyes, Ye Sanbian has become the same meaning as Liu Yong's Liu Sanbian, but means that Comrade Ye Tiannan's position has changed again and again.

It's no wonder that Ye Tiannan has become Ye San's change. The situation is really stronger than people. Unless it is a real irreconcilable contradiction between the enemy and us, there will always be only eternal interests and no eternal friends.

Ye Tiannan called at this time. Did he want to act as a lobbyator or make a condition? Xia wanted to respond indifferently, "It turned out to be Brother Tiannan. I haven't seen him for a long time. Last time I said goodbye to Lu City, Brother Tiannan should be in good health, right? A few more months have passed in a blink of an eye..."

Xiaxiang actually met Ye Tiannan in the capital not long ago. He deliberately deliberately forgot the meeting in the capital and only mentioned the wrestling in Lu City, which was deliberately disgusting Ye Tiannan.

Ye Tiannan also heard something and smiled embarrassment: "Xia [Shu] joked. I called, and there was something I wanted to invite Xia [Shu]." He said to the people who were not as good as his ranking in those years for instructions. Ye Tiannan's cultivation skills were really gone. However, it cannot be completely attributed to self-restraint. Sometimes it is also a survival skill to compromise to the situation.

"It's not appropriate to ask for instructions. Brother Tiannan has something to say directly." Xiaxiang said faintly and tastelessly.

"I mean, when will Xia [book] take time to come to the capital? Some words need to be discussed in person to show sincerity." Ye Tiannan was very polite and his attitude was very correct. "Or if it's not convenient for Xia [book] to come to the capital, I can also go to Lu City."

Xia figured it out that Ye Tiannan was going to spread the message. He didn't have to think about it. He wanted to win him over and let him choose to be neutral, so that he could get his convenience to bring down Sun Ximin in one fell swoop.

After Sun Ximin's fall, can Qin Kan really rise to power smoothly? It's not like this!

Although politics is sometimes for the sake of taking power, the means will be extreme, or in order to crack down on the prestige of the predecessor, as soon as he takes office, he will completely overturn the policy of the predecessor and eliminate the forces left by the predecessor in one fell swoop. But what happened somewhere else, Xia thought he would ignore it, but it happened in Qi Province, so he couldn't stand idly by.

What's more, he is not a person who can sit idly by and ignore the overall situation of Qi Province.

Ye Tiannan ignored him before and immediately appeared when he showed obvious signs of action, which was too realistic and utilitarian.

"Sorry, Brother Tiannan, I really don't have time recently. I will inform you in advance when I have time to go to the capital.

" Xia thought that he didn't leave any thoughts for Ye Tiannan, so he directly refused.

Ye Tiannan was very disappointed: "It's a pity" I really want to have a good chat with Xia [Book]."

Ye Tiannan's call made Xia think firmly in his determination to continue to attack, because the other party has increased the bet, which proves that he has the intention to win. That is to say, except for a decisive victory or defeat, negotiation can no longer be the solution.

Okay, let's go and fight.

A day later, Cheng Zaishun first received a message that made him confused, saying that Ye Tiannan and Xia wanted to talk to him. Did he want to have an interview or a peace talk with Xia? He has no heart.

Then, he received another message that annoyed him. "Son Cheng Yiyang called from abroad, saying that his business was blocked" and the loss exceeded 10,000 US dollars!

What a heavy punch!