official god

Chapter 1744 Summer wants to be a relief

The night is very beautiful, the climate is very pleasant, the capital in the golden autumn, the beautiful night, everything is intoxicating.

In addition to the appearance of an acquaintance at the end, which Xia didn't expect, basically today's meeting started very smoothly.

Xia wanted to wear a very formal dress. After all, today's meeting was invited by the government, which was a semi-formal meeting. He didn't wear a suit, let alone a maxilla, and only wore a semi-formal jacket.

When he saw that the last acquaintance was dressed in a long dress, not like his dignified dress in Lu City, he was relieved. Today's meeting should be relatively relaxed. In the final analysis, he didn't want to talk about any formal events with the chairman. It's not bad to just have a private dinner, but in fact, as for his heart, he really doesn't think there is any common topic with the chairman.

The current step of the government came to Xiaxiang and there were no scars on his body. The second injury was heavier than the first time. Unexpectedly, it was much better than the first time. It was also a miracle that he held Xiaxiang's hand very enthusiastically. Please note that it is not a grip, but a pull. The ravi grip is more

"Secretary Xia, come on, let me introduce you."

In fact, there is no need for the introduction of the government. Xia wants to know all the people who come.

The chairman came to Xiaxiang without panic. He smiled, kind and warm, making people feel the spring breeze one by one in the autumn killing. It can be seen how powerful the aura is. He stretched out his hand, and his broad and honest hand was held together with Xiaxiang's hand: "Xiaxiang, I have been thinking about you. Let's meet. Today's opportunity has finally come. It's not easy, it's not easy!"

As he spoke, he gently patted Xia's hand with the other one.

Of course, Xia thought gave his hands, and he looked eager: "It's an honor to meet the chairman. Zong Gao and I have known each other for a long time. I have always hoped to have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of the chairman in person. Today is really a good day.

"Good days are really good days." The chairman smiled and wanted to shake hands with Xia for more than half a minute. He was really enthusiastic.

Subsequently, the three skilled talents behind the chairman appeared in turn, namely Sun Ximin, Zhou Hongji and... Liu Yilin.

That's right, the person who made Xia want to eat is Liu Yilin.

Xia wanted to not know who Liu Yilin's backer was. At the earliest, Liu Yilin seemed to have a relationship with Mei Shengping, but a series of events since then showed that the relationship between Mei Shengping and Liu Yilin was also average.

Later, when Liu Yilin was suddenly transferred from the Minister of Yan's Weaving Department to the mayor of Lu City, Xia Yishi was shocked, and then the close relationship between Liu Yilin and Cui people of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made Xia think too much.

But all of the above is not as good as Liu Yilin's unexpected appearance, which shocked him.

Of course, it can't just show that Liu Yilin is a member of the chairman's department, but it also explains at least that the relationship between Liu Yilin and the chairman is extraordinary, otherwise it will not be a semi-private meeting.

Xia wanted to meet Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, which was much simpler. He just nod his head politely and said nothing, but the handshake with Liu Yilin was a little meaningful.

Xia Xiang is not like some old jaw guides holding the hands of female comrades. He held it hard and refused to let go, but just gently shook it and let it go. He smiled and said, "Unexpected, Mayor Liu's appearance is the biggest accident today."

Liu Liulin naturally understood what Xia thought said, and smiled and said, "Actually, there is nothing special. I wanted to make a phone call to inform in advance on the way, but then I accidentally forgot it."

Liu Yilin's answer was very playful and playful. Xia Xiang didn't care about it. After all, it's not a place to talk now. He just laughed and said, "It's a surprise whether you know it in advance or not."

After arriving at the elegant room upstairs and sitting separately, the chairman said again: "I'm very happy to sit with my friends today. Needless to say, Xi Min and Hongji. It's the first time that Xia and I have met face to face. It's a rare opportunity. Today, Zong Gao and Yi Lin are present again. Don' The party will be fine."

The chairman's words made Xia want to hear something, because the chairman compared Liu Yilin with Zong Gao, which obviously put Liu Yilin in the ranks of personal relations, and the relationship between Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji is completely different.

Xia wanted to take a look at Liu Yilin inadvertently. He didn't expect Liu Yilin to look at him and deliberately blinked his eyes. I guess he also heard the chairman's intention.

After the chairman's speech, he began to drink from the government. The chairman was also rarely happy and drank a glass of wine. At the current level of the chairman, who usually toasts is a big face if he can drink half of it.

It is said that it is not a dotempt. Not only Xia wants to deliberately maintain a respectful posture, but also Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji can't let go. Only Ya Nei and Liu Yilin are still a little casual, which makes Xia's heart a little brighter.

Fortunately, after a few glasses of wine, the government office was active in the middle, and the atmosphere finally eased a little. The main reason was that the chairman's aura was too strong. According to Xia wanted to imagine, even if Mr. Wu or Lao Gu were present. A few people will not be so unyed. It can be seen that it is also the upper position, whether it is the power is revealed, or the breeze of returning to the truth is also very different.

Although the chairman has been trying to show a peaceful and easy-going side, the effect is not very good. Xia wants to be fine. He interrupts a few words from time to time. Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji speak very little, and I don't know whether they respect the chairman too much or are afraid.

Almost the atmosphere, the chairman asked Xia to think a few words about the parents, and finally mentioned the topic: "I heard that Haotian wants to transfer you to Lingnan? What do you think?"

Although Chen Haotian's behavior was not very quiet, in the capital, he naturally knew it at the level of chairman. He asked this question, which was also expected by Xiaxiang.

Xia thought it was also clear that whether he went to Lingnan was not only about his personal interests, but also about the big plan of the province, and it was closely related to the chairman.

Political matters have always been pulled by the whole body. Xia wants to go to Lingnan. On the surface, it seems to be related to Chen Haotian's personal sharpness. In fact, Xia's desire to Lingnan means standing firmly on the team. He stands on Chen Haotian's position and maintains a high degree of consistency with the regimental system Therefore, while taking advantage of the power of the family, it is completely opposite to the anti-one series and the civilian series.

If it is really because of Chen Haotian's entry into normal, Xia wants to go all out to wave the flag and help him in Lingnan, which will affect the selection of people who oppose the first series or the civilian series. It is not good news for the two series.

Admittedly, Xiaxiang alone does not have much energy, and it is impossible to really affect Chen Haotian's entry into the ordinary. The problem is that behind Xiaxiang is a huge family, and Xiaxiang is almost the only person who can unite the family forces. Therefore, if Xia wants to go to Lingnan, not to mention the practical significance, the symbolic significance is very significant.

will make the outside world misjudge that the family forces fully support Chen Haotian.

Regarding the influence of this layer, Xia thought that it was not that he was not smart enough, but that he was not arrogant enough and did not think that he would be regarded as the spokesperson of the family forces. He also knows that the family's power is on top of the major events, and there must be a demand for rest, and at least two or three seats should be guaranteed. In addition, whoever supports the permanent position is the greatest luck.

The reason why the chairman personally moved and asked face to face is that Xia Xiang's identity is too special. If his every move is only in Qi Province, it can be sent to his personal behavior, but if he is suddenly transferred to Lingnan at this time, it will be a great political event.

Xia thought for a moment and did not hide anything. He told the truth: "As far as I wish, I am still willing to stay in Qi Province and finish all the work in my hands. If it is really needed at noon, I will also obey the arrangement of weaving.

The chairman nodded slightly: "Good deeds are good deeds. I also think you should continue to work in Qi Province. Qi Province needs you, and you can't live without you."

When the chairman said this, he looked at Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji.

Xia thought that today's banquet was a Hongmen banquet, but the chairman's attitude showed that the appearance of Xi Min and Zhou Hongji should be used to persuade Xia to stay in Qi Province. If Xia wanted to agree to go to Lingnan.

What a feast. Around the fact that Xia wanted to go to Lingnan, it not only shocked several members of the Politburo, but also the General Secretary and Chairman, as well as an important person who hid behind the scenes and would not walk to the stage. That is to say, the transfer of a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee directly shocked the top It's a relief!

Although it is also because the aura of the family power attached to Xiaxiang is too dazzling, it is also inseparable from Xiaxiang's own strength. To this day, when he entered the capital at the beginning of the year, he looked around the desolate Xiaxiang, which has become the fulcrum of close attention of all forces, and it is each The focus of Fang's attention.

The chairman was really happy at today's meeting, because he heard Xiaxiang's real thoughts with his own ears. He believed that it was Xiaxiang's heartfelt, because he had his own channels to know that the result of Chen Haotian's efforts to attract Xiaxiang was unsucciful, which made him a little more about the next step Heart.

In the same way, Xia is also very happy about today's meeting. His happiness was not only because of the presence of Sun Ximin and Zhou Hongji, which showed the importance he opposed to the situation in Qi Province, and the chairman's personal appearance also proved whether he went to Lingnan, only at the sub-provincial level, which attracted the attention of the highest level.

Xia Shang was once a civilian, and his parents were still ordinary people in Shancheng at this time. From the original secretary of the county party secretary to today, what a rare glory and shocking prestige!