official god

Chapter 1750 First-class Key Person

Chapter 1750 Key People of First Class (Happy New Year!)

Dare to provoke trouble in public at Xu Guanhua's wedding is not how tough Shi Qishun is, how hot his temper is, or how ignorant he is. It is estimated that the accumulated anger that has been accumulated for a long time broke out under the oppression of today.

That is to say, there must be an unknown thing behind it and a major competition of personal interests.

Xu Guanhua was very happy with his new marriage, and he was proud of the spring breeze. In the collision with Mr. Wu, he gained the upper hand. Shi Qishun's bad mood is also reasonable. Xu Guanhua's youth and Xia Xiang's younger are also one of the reasons for Shi Qishun to take the opportunity to make trouble.

also indirectly explains one thing. Some people in the army have dared to challenge the authority of the old man head-on.

So, the anger of the old man can also be understood.

Xia wanted to straighten out his mind, and the middle-aged man who supported the old man appeared at Xu Guanhua's wedding scene, with a little more speculation and association.

It should be said that the person closest to him is not Zheng Sheng, Chen Haotian, or even Gu Qiushi, but Mi Jihuo.

Mi Jihuo, as the general personal secretary, is currently the director of the general office. He has followed the general wind and rain for 20 years and has never been far away from the general office for a moment. If anyone in China has the best personal relationship and general relationship, Mi Jihuo should be the first person.

He, together with Ming Demou, the current director of the Central General Office, is listed as the general right-hand man.

Mi Jihuo is now at the department level. There have been rumors that he may parachute into Gan Province as the deputy of the provincial party committee, with high positions and low positions. He intended to take over the current head of Jiangxi Province who is about to reach the point of age. However, Xia thought that it was unlikely. Even if he wanted to find

Besides, for Mi Jihuo, the deputy of the provincial party committee, although it is a high-level and low-level position, there is too much room for outside speculation, which is not conducive to the development of his local work in the future.

Some time ago, the rumors were very popular, but now the change of the provincial party committee in Jiangxi Province has been completed, and Mi Jihuo is still sitting in the capital, and the rumors are not broken.

Another point, Xia wants to think that although Mi Jihuo will step out of the capital sooner or later before the change of power, he should be in place in one step, at least the position of governor.

Mi Jihuo, as the most trusted confidant, is the most important member in Zhongnanhai. In every square kilometer of land in China, as long as there is any major wind and grass, it will have to be passed through his hand within two hours to submit the core of the highest power. Therefore, his importance is self-evident, and it A key person.

Mi Jihuo, who will not easily leave the total half a step. Although his reputation is not obvious, he has been very low-key for several years and does not show authority, but because of the particularity of his identity and the extremely close relationship with the president, he is generally recognized as the role of the general spokesperson. His appearance means that he will always be

People who knew Mi Jihuo were surprised after they noticed Mi Jihuo's appearance. Obviously, Mi Jihuo's appearance was completely unexpected.

Even Lao Gu was slightly surprised and nodded to Mi Jihuo: "Is Jihuo here? Why don't you say it in advance so that Guanhua can go out to meet you?

Lao Gu seldom pretends to be a color to ordinary people, and his attitude towards Mi Jihuo is very polite, which also explains a lot of problems.

Mi Jihuo's attitude towards Lao Gu is quite respectful: "What did the ancient say? I'm coming. How dare I disturb Guan Hua? He is the biggest official here today - the groom!"

Then his eyes fell on Xiaxiang again, and he smiled and said, "I even dare not lift myself even after running forward. Xia, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Mi Jihuo was so enthusiastic that he took the initiative to come to Xiaxiang and shook hands with Xiaxiang affectionately, which was completely different from the indifference he met last time at the Central Party School.

Mi Jihuo, who rarely appears in the media, has a smiling expression in a rare appearance, which shows that he is too serious and rigid. In fact, Mi Jihuo is also a person with seven emotions and six desires, and also has a warm and sincere side.

Of course, politicians are all multifaceted. The indifference in the party school does not prove that Mi Jihuo is not interested in Xia, and the current enthusiasm does not prove that Mi Jihuo is very interested in Xia. It doesn't matter whether you are interested or not. What matters is that the position or the prospect determines everything.

Xia wants to have neither good nor bad feelings for Mi Jihuo, because there is no in-depth contact. There is no feeling of evil. Naturally, it is because he has followed the president for more than 20 years and never gives up. He can always trust him until now, which also proves that Mi Jihuo is reliable and his character can stand the test.

Xia wanted to take over Mi Jihuo's enthusiastic hand, respectfully and eagerly: "Director Mi is here. I should go out to greet him. It's rude, it's rude."

Xiaxiang is not simply polite, but stands in Xu Guanhua's position, indicating that the relationship between him and Xu Guanhua is extraordinary, and also implies that he is the master. I believe that Mi Jihuo can understand the meaning.

Of course, Mi Jihuo understood, but he didn't answer. He smiled and said, "I also heard that Xia escorted the bride in person, so I decided to come here at the last minute. There is something to meet Xia."

In Xiaxiang's impression, Mi Jihuo is low-key and calm, indifferent but estranged. Although he met him at the Central Party School last time, for him, Mi Jihuo is still a name and symbol, and does not implement a living image in his mind. And he also believes that Mi Jihuo may not be impressed by him. Even if he knows him, it is just a very weak impression.

But what he said just now made Xia want to eat a lot of surprise, because he thought that there was no topic to communicate with Mi Jihuo, and there seemed to be no intersection. Although he and the president also established a private relationship, he did not feel that it had anything to do with Mi Jihuo.

"What is the guiding spirit of Director Mi?" Xia wanted to ask politely.

Mi Jihuo waved his hand and said with a smile, "Where is the spirit of instruction? I just want to talk to you. All right, now bless the newcomers first, and we'll talk about it later.

Because of Shi Qishun's unexpected attack and Mi Jihuo's unexpected appearance, it disrupted the order of Xu Guanhua's toast and disturbed Cong Feng'er's mood.

Cong Fenger was originally full of feelings. She was grateful to Xia for her care and help all the way. She wanted to take advantage of today's occasion to respect Xia and express her inner feelings. At the same time, it was also to commemorate that she was no longer single and married as a woman, which destroyed all her dreams as a woman. I think that from today on, she will say goodbye to yesterday.

will also usher in a new life.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qishun was old and disrespectful. He jumped out to cause trouble, which made Cong Feng'er's happy and sad mood disturbed all of them. He suddenly became chaotic and hated Shi Qishun so much.

It's better to offend a villain than a woman. Although Cong Fenger is not a bad woman, the impression Shi Qishun left her is so bad that she still remembers it many years later. As long as Shi Qishun is mentioned in front of Xu Guanhua, Cong Fenger has no good face, let alone good words, and also makes Shi I tasted countless bitter fruits.

The subsequent wedding was held very smoothly and successfully. All the guests were full of blessings. No one dared anymore. It was also the anger of Lao Gu and the presence of Mi Jihuo, which shocked everyone. Needless to say, Mi Jihuo is the general celebrity in front of him. He is present, just like he is always in person. No matter which side of the army is the force, whoever wants to imitate Shi Qishun and make Xu Guanhua uncomfortable, he has to weigh his own weight first.

After the wedding, Xia thought that he had no plans in the afternoon and wanted to continue to stay for a happy gathering. After all, Xu Guanhua and Cong Fenger were not outsiders. It was necessary for him to stay and continue to play the role of relatives and friends.

Because of his stay, Mi Jihuo also stayed.

Mi Jihuo is a busy man. His work corresponds to the summary of news from all over the country. There is almost no free time. It's good to find time to show Xu Guanhua's wedding. He didn't want to stay for a long time, but he actually stayed in the afternoon, which was indeed a big surprise to everyone.

Everyone... Excluding Xia Shang, because Xia Shang faintly felt that Mi Jihuo came here to attend Xu Guanhua's wedding. He had great intentions. On the surface, he held Xu Guanhua up, but it seemed that he was still coming for him. Does Mi Jihuo's next step have nothing to do with him?

Xu Guanhua has a lot of relatives and friends. Although there are not many people left in the afternoon, there are nearly a hundred people. Everyone comes and goes. It's so lively. Xiaxiang didn't sit down for a long time.

After finally having free time to sit down, Mi Jihuo found a gap and sat next to him. There was no one around him. Mi Jihuo came up and asked, "Finally, I have a little free time. Xia, I heard that you will return to Lu City early tomorrow morning?"

In fact, Xia wants to find time to sit alone with Mi Jihuo, which must be no problem, but he has never taken the initiative. He just wants to wait for Mi Jihuo to take the initiative to speak, because Mi Jihuo's patience determines the size and importance of things.

"Go back tomorrow." Xia wanted to nod and said with a smile, "Director Mi has been waiting for a long time. If you need anything, just tell me."

"You're welcome, Xia..." Mi Jihuo said sincerely, "Qi Province needs a stable and united political situation. It's a good thing that you can stay in Qi Province. I hope you can do your best to maintain the stable situation in Qi Province after returning to Lu City."

After saying that, Mi Jihuo solemnly shook hands with Xia Xiang, and didn't say anything more. He waved his hand and left, which made Xia Xiang very puzzled. He didn't understand what Mi Jihuo's real intention was, because it was obviously inappropriate to say the above words as Mi Jihuo. In addition, although he is the director of the general office, he has never and will never say the above words on behalf of the president.

Xia thought was very puzzled. Mi Jihuo came solemnly, just to say a cliché? Unless there is a deeper meaning behind the nonsense.

Unless it is... the stability and unity of Qi Province is related to the personal interests of Mi Jihuo!

Xia wants to be shocked...RO