official god

Chapter 1767 The episode of discord

To be honest, the confrontation between the government in the capital and Xiao Jia is indeed a protracted economic war. Over time, the government has even given the illusion that Xiao Jia's side is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and wants thirty-six tricks... It is the best strategy.

Unfortunately, among the thirty-six tricks, there is no procrastination, only escape.

But now, Xiao Jia can't escape even if he wants to escape. He is too deep. The tearing of the two sides is like two entangled nets. You have me, I have you. In the end, there is only one result. Either you die or I live.

Except for annexation, there is no second way to choose. Whether the government annexed Xiao Jia or Xiao Jia annexed the government, anyway, until now, it is impossible for both sides to retreat calmly.

When the government is in the competition with Cheng Dacai, he is still a little uncertain. He thinks that only by economic means, he may not be good at Cheng Dacai. Cheng Dacai has been in the mall for decades, and it is not comparable to the juniors who have not made his debut for a few years. But he is better than having a strong political backer.

Although the relationship between Cheng Dacai and Xiaxiang is irreversible, no matter how rebellious the relationship is, it is also vulnerable in the face of strong political power. Xiaxiang is not a hot-blooded young man. When he dragged the Dacai Group out of the quagmire, Xiaxiang may take action against the Ladacai Group, but if he insists on eating the Dacai Group at all costs, I believe that Xiaxiang will not risk of offending him and take a strong action.

I have to say that Ya Nei overestimated his strength, underestimated Xiaxiang's determination, and raised his own wisdom.

In the economic war with Xiao Jia, the government never thought of losing. Not only because of his careful investigation, he found that the biggest reliance behind Xiao Jia was Xu Guanhua, but he also believed that Xiao Jia was just a single woman, so he bullied her. Who can do anything about him? It's good that he doesn't have both wealth and sex. It's particularly ungrateful to be able to only take money and let Xiao Jia go.

Knocking on the widow's door and digging a desperate grave, the government naturally disdains to do it, but bullying a rich single woman is still an extremely beautiful single woman, and he is still willing to try it.

Although Xiao Jia's sister Cong Fenger is Xu Guanhua's new wife!

Xu Guanhua is a young man in the army and has a future, but in his eyes, Xu Guanhua's weight is not as good as Xia, even as Qin Kan. Admittedly, the influence of the major general in the army is very limited in the local area, and it is reasonable for the government to despise Xu Guanhua, not to mention that there is a high-level father in the government.

Another thing that makes the government not afraid of Xu Guanhua is that Wu Xiaoyang and Shi Qishun are now secretly competing with Xu Guanhua. Although Xu Guanhua has the support of the old man, there is also reason to believe that the old man's appeal in the army is still there, but there are talented people in the country, and the influence of the old

Moreover, the fulcrum of Xu Guanhua's competition with Wu Xiaoyang and Shi Qishun is the Yangcheng Military Region with the weakest strength of Lao Gu!

The last scene at Xu Guanhua's wedding was also heard, and he smiled secretly for a long time. He secretly cheered for Wu Xiaoyang and Shi Qishun to provoke Xu Guanhua. Although he was also shocked for a long time because of Xia's thought, in the end, it confirmed his speculation that Xu Guanhua fought against Wu Xiaoyang and Shi Qi Under it, even if there is Lao Gu's support, he is at a disadvantage.

makes the government more proud. How long will you stay if you don't bully Xiao Jia at this time? What's more, in the confrontation between the government and Xiao Jia, he invested a lot of energy and money, which made him entangled for a long time, because he did not expect that Xiao Jia was not only difficult to deal with, but also full of resilience, just like a slippery ball, which could not be kicked or bitten, which really gave him a headache

Before negotiating with Cheng Dacai, the government had made up his mind. After solving the problem between Cheng Dacai, he immediately began to fully close the net, took Xiao Jia in one fell swoop, and completed the two most important links in his series of plans.

Yannai originally thought that even if Cheng Dacai was not easy to deal with, under the premise of his selling or transferring shares, he will inevitably make appropriate concessions, and may even propose exchange conditions. At that time, he can take the opportunity to sell his backhand and further negotiate the composition of equity.

No, Cheng Dacai readily agreed. He also came up with several plans for him to choose one by one. No matter which plan it is, the situation is very favorable to him. Only then the group can invest in acquiring his shares. In addition, several major shareholders within the group also have the intention to acquire. In addition, there are even a few Other companies and natural persons also have the idea of acquisition, and even the letter of intent has been drawn up.

Yanai was shocked at that time.

In the final analysis, the original intention of the government is not to withdraw funds from Dacai Group one by one or to withdraw shares more accurately, but that he believes that Dacai Group now has problems in its capital chain and is facing his aggressive offensive. Even if Cheng Dacai has the power to fight, it is just a bluff. Unexpectedly, Cheng Dacai has What came out was the gesture of his going.

He is a bluff. Is Cheng Dacai playing real boat?

The government's heart was uncertain, coupled with the failure of the previous expectations, it was inevitably a little short of breath, and the words were not very mellow, and a few excessive requirements were put forward. Cheng Dacai had a smile on his face, but he had no room to give up, so he let the government choke well.

"Mr. Cheng, I'm here with sincerity. Your attitude makes me very disappointed."

The government said harsh words.

The government office is the highest-level government office that Chengdacai has seen in the shopping mall for decades, but whether it is a high-level government office or a low-level government office, one thing in common is the lack of patience. Compared with walking to today's Chengdacai with its own strength, the opportunistic route taken by the government office has When he encounters a major problem, he does not think of solving them with wisdom and ingenuity, but with politics and toughness.

"Mr. Zong, the conditions I put forward are also very sincere. Recently, the profit expectations of Dacai Group have decreased, coupled with the negative impact of the national macro-control, and the market value of the group has shrunk. If you choose to sell stocks at this time, you must depreciate a lot..." Cheng Dacai does not call Call his surname, but the name of "Mr. Zong" always sounds awkward. No wonder the government likes others to call him Mr. Gao.

The meeting between Ya Nei and Cheng Dacai has lasted for nearly two hours, which has almost exhausted the patience of the Ya ya. Cheng Dacai is still calm and slow, which really makes him unable to hold back his temperament: "I can't say that, Mr. Cheng, at that time, my funds just solved the urgent needs of the Dacai Group Rich. Besides, even if the funds of 100 million yuan are put in the bank, there will be a lot of interest in a few months.

Cheng Dacai is still unmoved: "Mr. Zong, in business, human kindness, I will pay you back in the future. But with the withdrawal of capital, you have to go through the procedure. Dacai Group is a formal group company with the company's articles of association.

"Isn't it negotiable?" The government is angry.

"Isn't it being discussed?" Rong Dacai was unmoved at all.

"All right, that's it for today, Mr. Cheng, and I'll see you later." The government got up and left, with an angry face.

Cing Dacai also enthusiastically sent the government building downstairs, and even politely helped the government building open the door to watch the government building leave.

The more enthusiastic Cheng Dacai is, the more polite he is. On the contrary, the more he sets off the sting of the government, which makes Cheng Dacai calm down. He should have taken the initiative, but how could he become Chengda to master everything?

Thinking carefully in the government all the way, it is true that in the whole process of the meeting, the rhythm has always been in the hands of Cheng Dacai, and he has never taken the initiative at all.

I still underestimated Cheng Dacai!

But the question is, can Cheng Dacai really take out a drop of 100 million? Ya Nei wanted to take the opportunity to extort Cheng Dacai. He wanted the original value of Yi to be appreciated to Ji Yi, but Cheng Dacai categorically refused and proposed that the shares of Ya Nei were now only worth 100 million yuan. He found a buyer who was willing to buy it at the original price based on the friendship between his friends.

Yannai really didn't expect that the matter would turn into the original 100 million yuan for him and Cheng Dacai to bargain. Now it is still the problem of 100 million yuan or 3 yuan. The result he wants is that Cheng Da can't find a buyer who is willing to pay 30 B. He took the opportunity to propose additional investment, and then further control Da More shares of the group..."

When I returned to the hotel where I stayed, I was still angry in the government. I really couldn't figure out where the confidence came from. Taming Yi is not a small amount of money. Isn't it a large amount of money that can be taken away? Does Cheng Dacai really have a buyer, or is he bluffing to trap his true intentions? However, what makes the government has no choice but to say that if he really wants to withdraw his capital, it's okay. However, he is indeed a false shot. Is Cheng Dacai sure about his mind?

No, you can't let Cheng Dacai fully master the initiative. Continue to negotiate tomorrow, continue to increase the pressure, and be sure to let Cheng Dacai show the card.

After talking on the phone with Qin Kan and Cheng Zaishun respectively, he was worried about the network collection operation of the capital, and specially commanded the Internet remote control. After learning that everything was going well, he slept peacefully. He wanted to have a good sleep, refresh himself, and strive to win back the game tomorrow when he and Cheng Dacai.

The government is not simple. After being frustrated, he can still sleep very sweetly. Of course, if he knows a series of things that are about to happen in the capital, not to mention that he will sleep sweetly, I'm afraid he will jump up and return to the capital overnight.

However, many times things do not depend on personal will.

On the surface, the economic war between Yannai and Xiao Jia seems to be the main theme. In fact, it is not the case. For Xiaxiang, his progress in Qi Province and the political situation of maintaining stability and unity in Qi Province is the main theme. Whether it is the attempt of Yanei to annex Xiao Jia or the conspiracy of the merger of the talent You have to pay attention to the big things that you have to focus on.

Helping Xiao Jia and safeguard the interests of Dacai Group is the starting point for protecting their own people. In fact, for Xiaxiang, it is only regarded as a discordant episode... However, the progress of the matter is beyond Xiaxiang's expectation, beyond the expectation of the government, beyond the expectation of some people. !