official god

Chapter 1770 Take it

Unlike previous trips to Beijing, Xia wanted to come quietly when he went to Beijing this time. He did not disturb anyone or notify any official agencies.

The person who came to pick him up was Song Yifan.

During the National Day, Xia wanted to see Song Yifan, which was a small pity, so he only informed Song Yifan of the news of entering Beijing. Song Yifan exclaimed happily and immediately offered to pick him up at the airport.

He agreed.

Song Yifan drove a Beetle, and the yellow Beetle was very eye-catching in the traffic at the airport"

Xia thought he recognized it at a glance. "Step forward in a hurry" came to Song Yifan's side, and a big and attentive bony boy next to him stared at Xia Xiang with hatred and walked away unwillingly.

Maybe it's not easy to mess with at first sight, so the other party didn't dare to provoke.

It's the same. Today, although Xiaxiang has a firm pace and a calm attitude, because he has shouldered heavy responsibilities, he has his own momentum. If he has a little eyes, he can see the power of Xiaxiang's position for a long time.

Song Yifan greeted him like fire.

Song Yifan, wearing a white down jacket, under the gray sky of the cold wind in the capital, is like a piece of white and pure snow, so dazzling, so fresh and pleasant." It even added some color to the foggy sky of the capital.

In an instant, Xia's heart was hit by a feeling, because Song Yifan in front of him was so similar to Lian Ruohan when he was in Ba County! Whether it's a look or a dress, or a mischievous but gratifying smile, there is no place to move, no place is exquisite, and no place is fascinating.

Looking back on the winter in Ba County, in the ice and snow, Lian Ruohan went to see him before driving from the capital. "Indespising the snow and slippery road" and the danger of the mountain road, he was deeply affectionate, which made Xia want to be unforgettable.

The most precious and unforgettable, the most innocent and the most nostalgic. Now he is separated from Lian Ruohan. "Xia wants to see things and think of people" has no reason to miss Lian Ruohan strongly.

Thinking of Mei Ting, who immediately went abroad, I couldn't help sighing. He and Mei Xiaolin really don't have deep feelings, and they can't mention the love and miss for Mei Xiaolin, but for Mei Ting"

There is still a lot of guilt in his heart, but now the children are not around, and he has no time to care for anyone else alone, which is also his dereliction of duty as a father.

Since Mei Xiaolin thought that Mei Ting could grow up better abroad, he couldn't think of a better arrangement, so he had to let her.

When he came to Song Yifan, Song Yifan did not hug his arm as usual, but stood in front of him, picked up his toes and compared his height a few times." He couldn't help saying dejectedly, "I always think it can be a few centimeters longer, but it seems that there is no hope of surpassing you."

Song Yifan really knows how to laugh. She is not a few centimeters shorter than him. She stopped growing a few years ago, and she still wants to grow a few inches taller?

"If you want to grow a few more inches, it will be scary." Xia wants to stop Song Yifan's chaotic comparison 1

's hand opened the door, "Get in the car, it's so cold."

Song Yifan obediently got into the car, "but he got into the co-pilot. Maybe in her heart, Xia wants to drive for her." Whether Xia is the shy big brother in those years, or the now the majestic deputy of the provincial party committee [book].

Xia wanted to smile helplessly. He sat in the driver's seat and adjusted his seat a few times, thinking that the Beetle was really not a man's car. It was really too small.

On the way, Xia wanted to just say that he came to the capital to do some private affairs and what to do specifically." He did not tell Song Yifan.

Song Yifan didn't ask. She is a girl who can't keep things in her heart. She won't care about unrelated chores. She held her cheek for a while and supported her chin for a while, as if she was thinking about something. After thinking for a long time, she suddenly said, "Do you think I'm in Sister Wei's company" a vice president or a handyman?"

This question is really difficult to answer. In fact, if you think about the real idea in your heart, Song Yifan is indeed a handyman now. But then again, which newcomer doesn't start with chores first?

Just as he was about to answer, Song Yifan waved his hand randomly: "Forget it, I won't ask you. I know the case myself."

Xia wanted to smile, and Song Yifan was as cute as ever." He was relieved.

When he arrived in the city, Song Yifan remembered something: "Ah, I forgot to say that I was with my father during the National Day, and he also said that you were here..."

"What did you say about me?" Xia wanted to ask with great interest.

"Say you give up" say that you have a personality, and say something about you." I thought, "It seems that you have become mature, but you have lost a lot of **." He also said, in fact, sometimes you are not impulsive at all, because a group of old people are still there."

A sentence was like dialing the clouds to see the sun, which made Xia's worries in his heart suddenly disappear, and his mood was clear in the sky in an instant.

A good sentence, a group of old people are still there!

He is not a prince, nor is he a government, but a civilian, but he is of a civilian origin. He can't prevent a group of old people from loving him like a sapling and protecting him like an eye! Although he has been in the position of deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, although he is in the complex political environment of Qi Province, step by step, he is still young, energetic and sharp. He is not afraid of making trouble or making mistakes. As long as the sky is not leaked, no one of old people will not protect him!

Even the general [book] can't do anything about him. If you scold him a few more words, can you punish him?

It's just a trick between him and the government, but it angered the chairman, and there was nothing great about it. After annexing the industry in the government, the chairman was angry. Can it still affect his future?

What's more, now Xu Guanhua and Lao Gu are fighting. Why should he be afraid of his hands and feet and dare not eat the hand that can be stretched out too long in one bite? What are you afraid of? Afraid of death is not a member of the Communist Party!

Forget it, if you don't go, no one will be gone. Continue to promote the progress of the matter. At the economic level, there is Yuan Mingliang in charge, and at the political level, there is an ancient action. What can the government and the chairman do?

No matter how bad it is, there are also Mr. Wu, Mr. Qiu, and Song Chaodu are right. Several old people are all old people who protect their shortcomings. Anyone who wants to touch one finger must first see whether several old men agree.

He is not an iron man, but there is an iron wall in front of him. No one can move him if he wants to.

Xia thought about it for a moment, but he didn't expect that he wanted to come to the capital to learn more about the progress of the matter, and then arrange the follow-up matters to try not to hurt the harmony. Now it seems that there is really no need to do anything else.

Yes" Let him go. He has been honest for too long, which will make several old people think that he is really mature to the point of dusk. When it's time to make trouble, he has to make a scene. The crying child has milk to eat. Since the old people have taken the initiative to take the matter, he It's better to stir up trouble, and then encourage an old man to pay attention to this matter, and see if the government dares to make a big deal!

"All right, that's it." Xia wanted to laugh and said to Song Yifan, "Where do you want to go to play? I'll be with you."

Song Yifan was shocked and his eyes widened: "Brother Xia, don't scare me. I'm timid.

What beautiful thing did you think of just now? Why did you say you want to play with me? Don't you have something to deal with?

"It's all right now. Today's task is to accompany you."

"Ah...that's great." Song Yifan stretched out a thumb and said, "Don't go back on your way."

Xia wanted to hook up with Song Yifan without hesitation.

But soon he regretted it, because Song Yifan asked him to accompany her to Happy Valley, but it turned out to be good. After more than half a day, he was so tired that he almost couldn't move, but Song Yifan still refused to let him go.

No one thought that Xia thought that Xia Da [book] flew to the capital urgently, but just played a circle and returned to Lu City. I didn't see an important person. I didn't make a key call, and I almost came here for nothing... It's not right, except to accompanying Song Yifan.

When night fell, Xia wanted to return to Lu City. As soon as he landed, he got on the special car and returned to the provincial party committee.

After making a few phone calls in the office, Xia wanted to smile with relief.

It really responds to a sentence, "starve to death" "starve to death timid, the confrontation in the capital, because of Xiaxiang's tacit attitude, because of Xu Guanhua's strong support, and because of Lao Gu's words, after the first wave of political forces intervened, it is ready to carry out an all It was completely blocked, but before he could fight, he quickly withdrew his hand.

The ancient power, in the capital, is an amazing power that even the chairman is afraid of.

Xia wants to be satisfied, but in addition to satisfaction, there are still some dissatisfactions. Oh, Chen's steps are too conservative.

After Yuan Mingliang swallowed the funds invested in the early stage of the government, he took the opportunity and extended his tentacles into several less important industries in the name of the government. Between turning over, he successfully controlled the loopholes in it. As long as Chen and Yang Wei nodded, they could turn their hands and annex them at a very small price.

Oh, after seeing the powerful political power of the other party, Chen and Yang Wei retreated, thinking that it's better to stop it when it's good, and it's not appropriate to make a big deal. Although Xu Guanhua's action scared the other party off, after all, the other party was too big.

Yuan Mingliang is too deep into the play now. He only cares about success or failure, not about the struggle on the political stage.

If he is allowed to fully attack the industry in the government, he will take action without saying a word. At this time, he is already a sharp sword out of the sheath. In his eyes, there is only economic tearing, and there is no political sword and shadow.

Xia called in time when he thought of the phone call. The instructions were very clear: "Continue to attack" but slow down the offensive is mainly based on dipping and intimidating. It can be swallowed a little bit, but it can't make the other party feel that he wants to fight for a dead net."

Under the spirit of instructions, Xia wants to be afraid that the world will not be chaotic." He called Mr. Wu again and said that he had not called the old man for a long time to ask for questions. Usually, the situation was to explain the intention as soon as the interview came up.

"Old man" has such a thing, you see..." The old man has almost no hesitation" and simply replied: "Why don't you do something reasonable? Economic struggle, if you don't compete with the territory, you have to fight for every inch of land? Take it down!"