official god

Chapter 1787 Witness a moment of history

Sun Ximin's words were not loud, nor were they a strong treasure tossing loudly. Just like his usual speech, he was gentle and slow. He said word by word from his mouth. After being amplified by the loudspeaker, they echoed in the synagogue.

The sound is not loud, but it is like a flat thunder.

No, it's more shocking and unbelievable than flat thunder!

Qiu Renli stood up in shock. Due to his excessive movements, he turned over the water cup and the information on the table, and the water cup fell to the ground with a "pop" and smashed it.

The information slipped off the table and floated all over the floor, and even several of them were blown under the stage by the air conditioner.

What's wrong with Sun Ximin? Is his brain hypoxia or angry? How can he announce his resignation in public? The resignation of the governor is a big deal. Before the approval of the central government, a governor has no right to resign directly to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress!

Sun Ximin will not understand politics, and he is not angry for a while, because in public, in the venue of the plenary session of the National People's Congress, it is a very serious political event to resign in public.

It's not a joke, it's not a nonsense, but a [word] theory that must bear the real consequences!

Not only Qiu Renli got up in surprise, but also the main leaders of the provincial party committee, such as Qin Kan, Feng Renlong, Zhou Hongji, Li Dingshan and Li Rongsheng, were also shocked and stunned. They all got up together and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

It's too unexpected.

In domestic political life, there has never been a similar incident. If Sun Ximin has been approved by the Central Committee of the Central Committee to resign, the candidate for succession will be drawn up in advance, and the discussion and appointment of the Politburo will have been approved before the National People's Congress is held. However, everyone knows that the provincial government of Qi Province has been replaced. According to the established constitution, Sun Ximin is still the governor, and basically the abandoned team is still the original.

So no matter whether there is a motion of no confidence in Sun Ximin, whether it is the nomination of Xia as the candidate for governor or the nomination of Qin Kan, everyone knows it. It's just a farce, but the way to convey political signals in the center is not really to force Sun Ximin to step down. Besides, although the local power in Qi Province is very large, it is believed that Sun Ximin was elected as the result of the final election.

No one dares to make trouble in the end. If you really want to make a group incident of the deputies to the National People's Congress at the Adult Congress, it will make a big deal. Even if it succeeds for a while, [Zhong] Under the rage, it will not only not compromise, but also flatten the power behind the scenes little by little.

Everyone thought that the most serious consequence of the matter was to forcibly push the vote under the anger of Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin, and then Sun Ximin was elected, and then the matter was over, and the performance of the jumping clown was also over, and then... there was no more.

I didn't expect that things would turn into what they are now. It turned out to be the current governor Sun Ximin who announced his resignation in public!

The domestic officialdom system is easy to go up and difficult to come down. To put it more deeply, after you tried your best to go up, you suddenly didn't want to do it, and it's not easy to think about it. Because you want to go up, it's not up to you. Well, it's not up to you to come down.

Sun Ximin is the governor, and the governor of a province will be registered in the heart of every giant in [Zhongzhong]. If a governor wants to resign, at least half of the giants should nod. Sun Ximin announced his resignation today. Did he report to [Zhong] Centrally in advance? It can be said for sure that there is no! To take a step back, if he made a resignation report, [China] will the central government approve it? It can be said for sure that it will not!

It happened so suddenly. Sun Ximin's expression was calm and his eyes were firm. He was not joking, nor was he angry. After announcing the decision, he met the stunned eyes of Qiu Renli and others and said affectionately, "Qiu [Book], everyone I am ashamed of your trust and love for me. During my tenure as the governor of Qi Province, the provincial party committee team, including Qiu Shuji, gave me too much help. At the same time, the warm and kind people of Qi Province also left a deep impression on me. However, I have to regret to announce that for my own physical reasons, I have officially proposed to resign as governor to the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, and I implore all representatives to approve my resignation. Thank you.

In Sun Ximin's words, there was a [true] part, which was also an insincere polite word, but he was obviously moved. The corners of his eyes were slightly warm, his expression was slightly moved, and his tone was also low: "Although I haven't been in Qi Province for a long time, I have a deep impression of Qi Province I also want to do more for the Party's cause at work, but the conditions in all aspects really don't allow it. Although everyone has been very tired and busy over the years, being busy is also an opportunity. After a little bit, there is no chance to be busy, so I just want to give you a sentence. We must seize the great opportunity of life, the great opportunity of the situation, and do more valuable things.

, "That's all I've said. Thank you again." Sun Ximin bowed deeply on the stage. In an instant, his face was pale and vicissitudes, and he didn't know what he remembered. He squeezed his lips tightly and resisted the tears. He looked up at the sky and was speechless for a long time.

Under the venue, there was a moment of silence, without a sound.

Perhaps Sun Ximin took the opportunity to resign, not a moment's painstaking effort**, but a self-excited belief in his heart, or perhaps Sun Ximin sighed at this time. He was disappointed in some people or something.

In a word, his true confession, the [true] expression of his feelings, and his posture of staring speechlessly for a long time have been fixed in the hearts of everyone present for a long time.

Sun Ximin's over-invested emotional speech infected the deputies of the National People's Congress, which made many people distracted for a while and ignored the far-reaching impact behind Sun Ximin's resignation.

Yes, not only the impact is far-reaching, but also the political pattern of the province will bring an incalculable impact!

After a long time, Qiu Ren abandoned the dagger and applauded first. Qiu Renli applauded, and the thunderous applause burst out like a tide.

Under the thunderous applause, Qiu Renli left Cheng Zaishun and asked him to strictly block the news and do a good job as a deputy to the National People's Congress. Then he and several main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee left in a hurry. Anyway, although Qiu Renli guessed that Sun Ximin might have made up his mind, the situation was

When he arrived at the conference room in the back, Qiu Renli ignored the etiquette and pressed Sun Ximin on the chair: "Xi Min, what's the matter with you?"

In the face of a group of provincial party leaders who surrounded him, Qiu Renli, Feng Renlong, Zhou Hongji, Li Dingshan, Li Rongsheng, Liao Deyi, Li Tong and others, Sun Ximin's eyes swept over everyone's face. After about a minute, he slowly opened it. "It's better to work hard than to 〗 Although life work is important, you can't even want your life for the sake of life work.

Please approve my resignation from the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee. Please forgive me for not explaining the situation to the Provincial Party Committee in advance.

Qiu Renli saw that Sun Ximin refused to tell the truth and did not force it. He said, "I want to report to [Zhongzhong]."

, "I'll be with you." Sun Ximin followed Qiu Renli closely and went to another office.

Li Dingshan sat aside and thought a lot. From Xia Xiang's departure, the NPC deputies jointly nominated Qin Kan, and then to Sun Ximin's sudden resignation, a series of things were dazzling. One after another, he was so nervous that he couldn't breathe. He is very clear that the political struggle around the sword and shadow of the National People's Congress is completely a challenge against the central authority initiated by the local forces of Qi Province.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to get out in time, which was the most gratifying point for him. Xia wanted to always have a magic pen. Not only did he get out of the siege smoothly, but he also directly returned to the other party. However, he was slightly sorry that Xia thought was fine, but Qin Kan, who made trouble, was not punished, which made

Qin Kan is a powerful gun. If he does not completely cripple Qin Kan, he will continue to shoot and hurt people.

Just as Li Dingshan hated and had no choice, the incident of nominating Qin Kan as the candidate for governor suddenly appeared. His first reaction was that it must be Xia Xiang's handwriting. OK, that's great. Xia wants to take action.

Unexpectedly, before he could think deeply about the inside story and mystery, Sun Ximin took the opportunity to announce his resignation and directly shocked him on the spot.

It was so sudden that there was no sign at all!

Li Dingshan immediately analyzed the situation in depth. If Xia wants to give a tooth for a tooth for the nomination farce, which makes it difficult for Qin Kan to ride a tiger and loses his reputation, then Sun Ximin's resignation is to cooperate with Xia Xiang's means to play a sad card, the purpose is to make [Zhong] Yang understand the It has reached the point where it may get out of control without heavy punishment.

Looking at the back of Sun Ximin disappearing at the door, Li Dingshan strengthened his guess. Xia Xiang and Sun Ximin have a tacit understanding!

Li Dingshan guessed one-third "...

In a private office, Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin urgently reported the emergency to [China].

General [Book] was shocked.

The chairman was shocked.

[General] Li was also shocked.

A few minutes later, the spirit of the instructions came from the Central Committee. For the time being, he did not agree with Sun Ximin's resignation, and the meeting of the Qi Provincial People's Congress was postponed for one day. Sun Ximin is not allowed to publish any more [words] about his resignation. All the cadres of the Provincial Party Committee of Qi Province are waiting for the spirit of further instructions from the Central Committee.

It is of great importance. The general [book] took office in person and held an emergency meeting to study the major changes in Qi Province.

Subsequently, Nian Renli solemnly announced that the meeting would be temporarily suspended for half a day, postponed the closing ceremony by one day, and raised the incident to a political height. No one is allowed to disclose information to the public for any reason. Violators will be dealt with party discipline.

After that, he immediately informed Xiaxiang, who was picking up the person at the airport, and asked him to rush back to the provincial party committee as soon as possible to attend the emergency meeting.

Xia Xiang just picked up Xie Xincai at the airport. After learning about the unexpected incident, he was first shocked, and then made a phone call in a hurry and called Mr. Wu.

After talking to Mr. Wu for half a minute, Xia wanted to put down the phone and said to Xie Xin, "Minister Xie, Qi Province is going to change a lot. It's time for you to come this time, and you will witness a historical moment."