official god

Chapter 1790 A Good Hand

The central government approved Sun Ximin's resignation application, which was expected by Sun Ximin, Xiaxiang's expectation, and Qiu Renli's expectation.

If Sun Ximin's resignation in public on the hall really shocked Qiu Renli, and he was very puzzled about the deep meaning behind Sun Ximin's move, then after that, at the internal meeting, Sun Ximin still insisted on resigning, and Qiu Renli concluded that Sun Ximin had made up his will.

However, at this time, Qiu Renli is still not sure whether Sun Ximin's resignation can be approved by the central government.

At the moment when Xia wanted to say that he respected Sun Ximin's personal decision, a knot in Qiu Renli's heart was instantly cheerful. He couldn't help saying that he was ashamed. Although he was much older than Xia, he also had more experience in officialdom for more than ten years. In fact, in the grasp of human nature and judgment of The vision is still one step away.

Sun Ximin took the opportunity to resign. I'm afraid it has been in his heart for a long time. It happened to take advantage of today's special period to put forward that it was not only the absurd act of cooperating with 120 deputies to nominate Qin Kan, ringing the last death knell for Qin Kan, but also allowing the central government to Pen!

Sun Ximin's resignation is not only an individual's willingness, but also shows the helplessness of being forced away by the local forces of Qi Province. It kills two birds with one stone, whether it is the general secretary or the family forces, it is bound to seize a good opportunity to approve Sun Ximin's resignation, resulting in a fait accom It is a good move to consider whether to take the opportunity to attack the local forces in Qi Province.

What's more, if Sun Ximin leaves his job, he can also make room for a place in order to better control Qi Province. Why not?

Under Xia's point, Qiu Renli sorcised the links. For example, it is not that he is not as keen and long-term as Xia, but that he is not calm enough in a hurry. It was also because Xia wanted to make an understated answer at the Standing Committee that made his impatient mind clear up a lot.

Qiu Renli sighed with a lot of emotions. It is a blessing to have Xia who wants to be around. It's a pity that Xia wants to be transferred from Qi Province. How good it would be if Xiaxiang's transfer order was issued two days later. Maybe under the operation, Xiaxiang took the opportunity to take over as governor.

Although there has never been a precedent in China for the governor, I believe that Xiaxiang is also qualified for the position of governor. With the appreciation of the general secretary and the strong support of the family, in addition, Xia wants to be the governor is also in line with the current situation of Qi Province. In addition to Xia Shang, who else has the fastest update group to update? Does it have a strong binding effect on the local forces in Qi Province?

However, on another thought, it may not be a good thing for Xia to go to Lingnan to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and make his deputy department go longer and more stable. Perhaps with the help of Xiaxiang, Chen Haotian became passive and actively increased the base code. Once Chen Haotian succeeds in entering the constant, then Xiaxiang's trip to Lingnan will be his gilded journey.

Although it is not very clear how Xiaxiang made a counterattack behind his back and let the four deputies of the National People's Congress jointly nominate Qin Kan, Qiu Renli's heart is like a mirror. Among the members of the Standing Committee of Qi Province, he can make the local forces of Qi Province obedient and ignore everything in public. Even Cheng Za The driving force is only Xia who wants to be a person.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that Qiu Renli couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. Chopping and Xi Min came to Qi Province for less than a year, and it ended up with an earth-shaking resignation, which was more or less regrettable and speechless.

After contacting Sun Ximin's experience of resigning in Yan Province, Qiu Renli knew that in addition, the way of resignation was too radical. From then on, Sun Ximin will completely bid farewell to the officialdom!

To be fair, Qiu Renli is basically satisfied with the team with Sun Ximin for less than a year. I don't know who will take over the position of governor after Sun Ximin's departure?

Qin Kan, it's impossible. Qin Kan has been sentenced to death politically.

Airborne? It is very likely. Qiu Renli thought about the direction in which the progress of the situation would eventually develop. What kind of new round of reshuffle will the situation in Qi Province face after this incident?


Qiu Renli pondered for a moment and dialed the phone in the capital.

Xia wanted to be silent for a moment and said to Sun Ximin, who was sitting opposite with a solemn face, "ge... Governor, I will visit the capital after a while."

Sun Ximin smiled and said, "I have been in the officialdom for decades, but I didn't expect that you knew me best in the end. OK, I will definitely wait for you at home.

After laughing, Sun Ximin's look became serious again: "Xia thought, cut the grass to get rid of the root. But in this way, it will be even more dangerous for you to go to Lingnan.

"There are some dangers, but compared with Governor Sun's courage, I feel that the burden on me is much lighter."

"Haha, if my foot in front of the door is still useful for you, it is equivalent to another heavy harvest." Sun Ximin smiled and hesitated slightly. Before Xia wanted to take the initiative to speak, he asked the key point, "Xia thought, just for the tacit understanding and cooperation between you and me, and I also want to sell you alone. You said, who do you think can be nominated as the candidate for governor can reach the satisfaction of all parties.

Xia wanted to smile knowingly and guessed his intention. He knew that he was not here to comfort him, but for the long-term future of Qi Province and the position of governor.

Before coming to Sun Ximin's office, Xia wanted to make a phone call with the capital again.

At this time, although the capital is still in urgent consultation, it agrees with Sun Xi that the wing update group will be the fastest to update. A consensus has been reached on the resignation of the people. The reason why it has not been officially announced to the public is that the successor to the governor has not yet been agreed by all parties. At this time, Sun Ximin's nomination is crucial.

Because of Sun Ximin's resignation, although it was sudden, after the central government was furious, it would re-examine the in-depth analysis of the situation in Qi Province. I believe that in half an hour, the central government would conclude that Sun Ximin's resignation was abruptly abruptly, but in fact, it was hard It's a good time to break the situation in the province.

Therefore, no matter which force is, it will sell Sun Ximin's favor alone, and the candidate for governor nominated by Sun Ximin will definitely be given priority. Of course, Sun Ximin repeatedly said that he nominated Qin Kan at the General Assembly and the Standing Committee. It was just acting and digging a pit, and no one would take it seriously.

When Xia Xiang was on the phone with Wu Caiyang, Wu Caiyang repeatedly told him to persuade Sun Ximin to let Sun Ximin nominate candidates other than opposition forces and civilian forces. Although it was extremely difficult, Wu Caiyang was still full of confidence in Xia Xiang.

"Xiaxiang, it's a pity that you missed the opportunity, or it's an excellent opportunity to enter the main department to create a legend, but your transfer order has been issued. No one expected what Sun Ximin said... If he knew in advance, he would have to issue an order one day late and bet on it. Wu Caiyang said with regret.

Xia Xiang smiled easily and was very open: "Minister Wu, in fact, I think it was because of my departure that the situation suddenly became clear. If I stay in Qi Province, it will be a real person. Just leave, and you don't have to miss it, let alone look back. The world of Lingnan is broader. Don't worry, I will have a good talk with Governor Sun.

Xia Xiang was clear in his heart that it was rare for Wu Caiyang to worry about his future. As long as Wu Caiyang had a heart, he really said what he said in his heart, but he was full of expectations for his trip to Lingnan. Of course, there will be a big reshuffle in Qi Province before leaving.

"Actually, to tell the truth, all parties are the most satisfied when nominating me." Xia thought about every joke.

Sun Ximin didn't smile and patted Xia on the shoulder: "My determination is still a little late. If I take the next step early and discuss the countermeasures with you in advance, I won't miss a good opportunity. Seriously, Xia Xiang, I really want to see what direction you will lead Qi Province after you take the position of governor. I have great confidence in you."

"Thank you, Governor Sun, for your praise. I think I can't take on the responsibility of the governor." Xia wanted to say politely. From beginning to end, he did not ask the real idea behind Sun Ximin's resignation, because it was better not to ask some words that should not be asked. "In fact, the reserve candidate for the governor had already seen the beginning of an important personnel adjustment some time before the opening. Now the opportunity has come. If Governor Sun nominates him, I believe it will reach a balance.

Sun Ximin suddenly realized and patted his forehead: "Xia Think, you really have a clear view of everything."

Xia wanted to laugh, but Sun Ximin's words were insincere, because with Sun Ximin's eyes, he could not see the arrangement behind the adjustment? He is just a good person to do it, and the wing update group is the fastest to update. In the end, people's love is sold to the end. It made Xia think that he sighed secretly in his heart. Unexpectedly, in the end, Sun Ximin still could not escape the resignation of the main position twice, but compared with Fang Di and helplessness in the previous life, Sun Ximin in the present world had a more tragic and independent side.

Xia wanted to fully understand Sun Ximin's thoughtful thinking behind his resignation. Not to mention the sacrifices he made for the central government to open up the situation in Qi Province, that is, he was repeatedly frustrated in Qi Province, and his prestige has been reduced to the freezing point. Instead of being an incompetent governor again, it is better to have a tragic

In addition, it may also be related to the decrease of Sun Ximin's support for him by 20 degrees.

Xiaxiang has no intention to guess Sun Ximin's real motivation. There will not be only one motivation. It must be very complicated, and it has calculated all aspects of gains and losses. He just wants to tell Sun Ximin face to face. He respects Sun Ximin's courage to be the first in the world.

After Xia wanted to leave Sun Ximin's office, Sun Ximin called the capital again and officially nominated the governor to the central government to take over.

Overnight, the courtyard of the Qi Provincial Party Committee was brightly lit, and the whole provincial party committee team and many workers were completely sleepless, waiting for the spirit of instructions from the central government to come. As soon as it was dawn, the phone on Qiu Renli's desk rang quickly.

After Qiu Renli, who didn't close his eyes for a moment, answered the phone, he replied firmly with a serious face: "Yes, resolutely implement the spirit of the central government's instructions."

"The vigorous reshuffle of Qi Province is here.