official god

Chapter 1795 Qi Province in the Post-Summer Thinking Era

Chapter 1795 Qi Province in the era of post-summer (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

In fact, at the beginning of the Qi Provincial Conference, Xiaxiang was no longer a member of Qi Provincial, so if you have to be serious, the whole meeting and what happened after it really had nothing to do with Xiaxiang.

Sun Ximin's resignation, Li Rongsheng's taking office, He Jianghai's digging corners, and the local forces of Qi Province, under the instugation of Cheng Zaishun, after a significant election, buried the hidden danger of division and disintegration, etc.

Even including the vital driving role played by the thick stacks of materials, Xiaxiang can also completely deny it and will not admit any accusations. Of course, no one will blame him, because those who know that there are pushers in it will not say it, and those who don't know do not understand what's going on. It happened.

Two stacks of materials, one stack is based on various materials provided by Gong Xiaojing, and the other is Zhu Zhenbo's masterpiece. Gong Xiaojing has gone abroad. Everything is safe. The precious political assets she left behind have fallen into the hands of Xiaxiang, which is summarized into a book and regarded as the killer of the decisive battle at the critical moment!

Although Zhu Zhenbo was dead, when he was the deputy director of the bureau, he carefully collected materials for the happy life of local forces or officials of large or small officials in Qi Province. During the period when he was double-regulated by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, after he transferred the materials abroad through the Internet, Xia wanted to use positive cages and side technical , and take it all as your own.

Two insignificant little people who have long been forgotten. What they do secretly may be instructed to protect themselves, but they didn't expect that falling into the hands of Xiaxiang would become the most powerful secret weapon to leverage the alliance between the local forces in Qi Province.

If Comrade Zhu Zhenbo knew it, he might also be glad that his efforts were not in vain. At least in the hands of Xia Xiang, he finally played its due role, although perhaps he did not want to see the killing of the local forces in Qi Province.

Originally, Xia Xiang did not want to take action against the local forces in Qi Province. In accordance with the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence, he had something to say and had something to discuss. However, after the meeting, when Sun Ximin resigned, he changed his mind, not only because the opportunity came, but also because the local forces in Qi Province were fanatically Under Zi's encouragement, he dared to challenge the central government and crossed the line.

In addition, when he goes to Lingnan, he must cooperate with the local forces of Lingnan or the frontal conflicts or sides, so it is very necessary to skillfully promote the break between the local forces in Qi Province. In addition, he is no longer a member of Qi Province. With smoke bombs outside the matter, no matter how kind he is, it is


On the plane, Xia wanted to sit side by side with Xie Xincai and spoke in a low voice.

It is said that Xia Xiang and Xie Xincai are already old friends. With Wu Caiyang's relationship and the election turmoil he just experienced in Qi Province, the relationship between him and Xie Xincai is now more advanced, and he speaks much more casually than before.

It was mainly because Xie Xin reported the election results of Qi Province to the Central Committee and was praised by the Central Committee. He was in a good mood. He knew that he happened to encounter the election storm when he came to Qi Province. It was really right to describe it in Xia's words. It was really the right time.

"Xia, the matter of Qi Province has come to an end. I wish you a trip to Lingnan!" Xie Xincai is now more and more like Xia.

"Thank you, Minister Xie, for your good words." Xia wanted to say politely, and suddenly asked inexplicably, "Minister Xie is 56 years old this year?"

Xie Xincai was stunned: "Yes, I'm a chicken, and I'm 20 years older than you."

Xia wanted to nod, ignored the questions in Xie Xincai's eyes, and said with a smile, "Minister Xie has been in the capital. Have you ever thought about doing specific work in the local area?"

Xie Xincai shook his head and smiled: "It's not easy to talk! Beijing officials want to put it out, but how can there be so many good seats in the place? I'm also familiar with you, so I dare to say a few more words. If not, I'm afraid that you will come to Minister Wu to sue me and say that I'm not at ease with my work in the Central Organization Department, hehe.

Xie Xin has had local political experience, but it is very short. He has been in the ministry for most of the time. He has been the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee for several years, and he is not very old. If he goes out of Beijing, he must find a good position. After all, the position of Vice Minister of the Organization

But as he said, the good position in the place is very limited. He stepped out of the capital and certainly did not want to turn around at the deputy level, but stepped into the front, unless he was the governor. The position of governor has always been reserved for the direct line and key training objects of major forces. With Xie Xincai's seniority, it is still a little short.

So if there is a good position at the appropriate level of deputy ministerial level in the locality, even if you work one more term, make some qualifications, and then wait for the opportunity to be promoted to the main department, I believe Xie Xincai will also be willing. It's better than continuing to serve as a deputy minister in the capital ministries and commissions, or being transferred to other unimportant ministries and commissions as ministers, and then retire smoothly.

Xia wanted to smile and didn't answer Xie Xincai's words.

Xia wanted to ask a question unexpectedly, and suddenly ended the abnormal behavior of the conversation, which made Xie Xin's heart move. He thought, did Xia have any inside information? Although he is the deputy minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, he knows better that he has a good relationship with Wu Caiyang, but he is still not as close as Xia and Minister Wu, let alone Xia, who is deeply valued by all forces.

Xie Xin forgot one thing. He is not as long-term as Xia, and he is not as accurate as Xia's speculation and grasp of the situation. He was still thinking, where exactly is Xia? Is it Lingnan?

Looking sideways, Xia Shen has closed his eyes to refresh himself.

In fact, what Xie Xin didn't know was that although Xia Shang was rapidly far away from Qi Province at this time, he was far away from Qi Province, and people also flew to the sky over Lingnan Province and was about to be appointed as the deputy of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee. In fact, Xia Shang's thoughts are still in Qi Province.

Lingnan's affairs have not yet arrived, and Qi's provincial affairs have not yet come to an end. At this time, the first stage of progress should begin.


After the meeting, Li Rongsheng took office. Jia Cube wanted to replace Xia as the deputy of the provincial party committee. Although the Qi provincial party committee team only changed two people, because both of them were in a key position, it was equivalent to a big change of blood.

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, Qiu Renli presided over a standing committee. First, he made self-criticism of the accidents and emergencies of the election, and then put forward very severely that behind the nomination incident, it was someone else who deliberately created trouble for his own self-interest and in order to achieve stainable political purposes. The movement represents a serious political event that openly and the central government intends to fight against. The provincial party committee will definitely strictly investigate the behind-the-scenes black hands and return to a politically clear atmosphere in the province.

Qin Kan complained of illness and did not attend the meeting.

In the afternoon, the new plenary session of Qi Province also held its first plenary session, which elected Yang Jieyin and Hua Ziyu as deputy directors of the Standing Committee of Qi Province. As we all know, Yang Jieyin and Hua Ziyu are Cheng Zaishun's old enemy. They have been at peace for many years. The two were elected as deputy directors of the Standing Committee, which further weakened Cheng Zaishun's control over the province.

is the first step to further reduce the influence and unity of local forces in Qi Province.

Subsequently, after Li Rongsheng took office, he immediately held an executive meeting of the provincial government. At the meeting, he first talked about a set of words as usual, and then looked forward to and deployed the next work of the provincial government. He proposed that according to the relevant policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the economic structure of Qi

seems to be some big and empty clichés, but the discerning people can see that if the province's additional election of two deputy directors is regarded as the first knife in the calculation after the autumn, then Li Rongsheng's practice of using the economic structure to adjust the overhead Qin Kan is the second knife.

The third knife was cut by an unexpected person - Zhou Yuyuan.

Zhou Yuyuan is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, ranking third in the provincial government. Everyone knows who his direct line is, but he is also a native force in Qi Province. Therefore, his knife is even more eye-catching and thought-provoking, marking the official break between the local forces in Qi Province. The beginning!

Zhou Yuyuan proposed to the provincial government to set up a retirement life advisory group for veteran cadres. As a supplement to the activity center for veteran cadres, he is mainly responsible for ideological work outside the life of veteran cadres, such as ideological exchange, such as conveying the spirit of the central government's instructions, such as explaining the new trends and measures of the provincial party committee It is a broad concern for the later life of veteran cadres.

Zhou Yuyuan's proposal is very targeted. In fact, it is to strengthen the ideological control of retired veteran cadres, do a good job of guidance, and let the veteran cadres continue to unite ideologically around the provincial party committee. If his proposal only made Qin Kan feel like a man on his back, then the first person in charge of the advisory group nominated by Zhou Yuyuan made Qin Kan immediately feel that his scalp was numb. Like sitting on a needle, he knew that Zhou Yuyuan's move was to completely break the unity of the local forces in Qi Province.

What the local forces in Qi Province yearn for is the governance of the people of Qi, and Zhou Yuyuan's strategy is also the governance of the people of Qi. The former refers to governance, and the latter refers to rectification.

Because... the person nominated by Zhou Yuyuan is He Jianghai!

At this time, Qin Kan suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Xia wanted to be like an arm, and overturned the clouds and rain, which destroyed the big plan carefully planned by him and Cheng Zaishun. It turned out that in addition to the positive force, there was also the biggest traitor He Jianghai behind Xia and did all the bad things.

A Zhou Yuyuan, a He Jianghai, and two Qi provincial cadres born and raised in Qi Province, turned their arms out to help Xia want to rectify his own people. They are really scum! Qin Kan was so angry that he hated his teeth, but there was nothing he could do, because he knew that he had completely lost his power.

Ye Tiannan couldn't get through. He reported his work to the State Council and always waited for the notice. In front of him, it was dark in front of him.

Compared with Qin Kan's near despair, Cheng Zaishun's situation is more difficult, because he was forced to a dead end by He Jianghai.

... The Qi province of the post-summer thinking era is staging a vigorous tearing at the moment when the summer wants to land in Lingnan.

: Today, it's normal to have two updates. If you don't want Lao He to rest, just throw 30 or 40 more, just three updates. That's it. RO