official god

Chapter 1804 First Impression

Xia thought about it again, or if he insists on it, what can the other party do with him?

Xia thought didn't go around. With the relationship between him and Gu Qiushi, and with the friendship that Gu Qiushi called in advance, he asked directly, "What do you think of Gu [book]?"

Gu Qiushi's laughter came from the distant capital. After being filtered by the microphone, it was still as clear as in my ear: "In charge of promoting cadres and handling cadres, it is equivalent to a carrot in the left hand and a big stick in the right hand. If you are obedient, hand over the carrot. If you are disobed Although carrots are delicious, some people still need to wake up, so after thinking about it, I still think you have to grab both hands to reassure me the most.

Gu Qiushi's answer was vivid and interesting, and showed his concern for Xia Xiang. Xia Xiang was warm in his heart and made a request to Gu Qiushi for the first time: "Gu [book], I haven't made any unreasonable requirements before. Today, I want to mention one..." Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by Gu Qiushi: " I know what you mean. Even if you really can't keep the seat of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you will buy enough time for you.

, "Thank you for the ancient [book]!" Xia wanted to say solemnly.

"Don't thank me. The people you want to thank are Zheng Sheng and Jiang Xuesong. Zheng Sheng suggested to the General Manager [Book] that you must keep your position of the Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book]. Jiang Xuesong was the first to make a speech in the Politburo, supporting you in one person and two positions.

Zheng Sheng supports him, which is understandable, because when he was in Hunan Province, he won the dazzling political achievements for Zheng Sheng as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to inside information, Zheng Sheng is expected to enter the Politburo after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China because of his anti-corruption achievements in Hunan Province!

Not surprisingly, after the change of office, Zheng Sheng will enter the main mountain city as a member of the Central Political Bureau.

And the Party Committee of the Shancheng Public Security Bureau [Book] has quietly changed. Although the director has not been replaced, it is associated with the action of the Song Dynasty, who was far away in the Jijiang River. The change of the director of the Shancheng Bureau is only a matter of sooner or later, and the new Party Committee of the Shancheng Public Security

The whole layout is ready to come out!

The change of generals recorded by the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau is obviously the front station for Zheng Sheng to take office. If you don't change others, change the power of dictatorship first." The intention is very far-reaching.

Jiang Xuesong was the first to support him in both positions, but he came out of Xia's accident, which moved Xia Xia slightly.

To be fair, there is also a friendship between Xiaxiang and Jiang Xuesong, but it is not deep, mainly because there are not too many opportunities to interact with each other. There is no intersection in work. Jiang Xuesong gave him a favor for nothing. Xia thought he couldn't take it calmly and had to pay it back.

Xia thought clearly that Jiang Xuesong was also optimistic about his prospects, especially because of the irreversible relationship between him and Gu Qiushi. Perhaps it is not easy for Jiang Xuesong to directly communicate with Gu Qiushi, so he can use his front affairs to let him remember it. Fortunately, if he has something to do in the future, through his transit, let the next proposed Beijing City Committee [book] Gu Qiushi properly take care of the power left by Jiang Xuesong in the capital.

The first night in Yangcheng, the night was late, but Xiaxiang was not sleepy at all. The two phone calls made him see the truth behind many fogs, and also made the whole situation clear in front of his eyes. The overall trend of the country gradually formed a general outline in his mind.

As an official, if you don't see the situation clearly, you will definitely lose. Especially when you go above the fainting part, you should follow the general direction of the center. Otherwise, don't blame others for falling behind.

The next day, the provincial party committee held the first standing committee after Xia thought of taking office.

The conference rooms of the provincial and provincial party committees are similar, and there is nothing surprising. Xia wanted to sit in the third position and sat with all the members of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee for the first time. It was a little strange.

It's not that the members of the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee are too innocent. In Xiaxiang's eyes, there is no difference between southerners and northerners. They are all [Chinese people]. They all say in Chinese dialect. They all have the same ancestor, but among the Standing Committee members here, there is a separate position of the

The ranking of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] is not low among the teams of the provincial party committees, and the independence is very strong, and the power is not small. Except for the jurisdiction of the Provincial Party Committee [Book] and the moderation of the Provincial Party Committee, no one has the ability to influence the decision-making of the Provincial Commission for Discipline When everyone's eyes fell on him again, Xiaxiang's youth and ranking once again nominated a fact that everyone must face up to. Xiaxiang, the youngest member of the whole provincial party committee, is a heavyweight who holds or even surpasses Mi Jihuo!

To be precise, he is a key figure of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

Xia's eyes were calm and nodded to everyone. As a newcomer, he showed a modest side. Although he ranked high, he still showed his humility to respect his predecessors.

Needless to say, Chen Haotian sat in the middle, his eyes were flat and his eyes were calm. Mi Jihuo sat in the second place. Maybe he had not fully entered the role. As soon as he sat down, he did not show the power and momentum that a governor of the province should have.

After Xiaxiang, it was the executive governor Kang Xiao.

After Kang Xiao, it was Shen Jiahou, the governor of the Standing Committee.

Shen Jiahou is also 50 years old. He is from Lingnan, fat and honest, at least his face is very pure and very happy. When Xia Xiang's eyes came, he smiled, his smile was very warm, and even a little sincere.

After Shen Jiahou, it was the Pengcheng Municipal Committee [book] to remember the ordinary.

As the forefront of reform and opening up, Pengcheng is extremely important in Lingnan and even the whole country. The ranking of the Pengcheng Municipal Committee [Book] is not only much higher than the Yangcheng Municipal Committee [Book] in the provincial party committee, but also ranks sixth, and even higher than the Minister of Organization and Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

It's not that Pengcheng's position in Lingnan is so important, but that the extraordinary impocity makes him rank at the top.

Although Chi Pingfan's name is ordinary, in fact, he is not ordinary at all. Today, at the age of 54, he has entered the faint department as early as 466. At that time, he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Wu Metropolis Committee. For more than 20 years, none of the high-level officials in Wudu have been sang because of corruption. Wu has been called the "Integrity Special Zone" in China.

At the age of 46, he became a senior official at the ministerial level, and served as the Wudu Municipal Committee [Book]. It can be seen that the late ordinary is not ordinary, and there is something extraordinary.

Of course, he has a lot of aura on him, such as steady and handsome, scholarly official, violin master and other titles. After he served as the Pengcheng Municipal Committee [Book], he was gradually forgotten. People only remember that Chi ordinary face was full, absolutely heroic, with a handsome face no less than a movie star, and And his steady and upright behavior, coupled with the experience of his former doctoral supervisor, will become the focus of attention wherever Chi Pingfan goes.

Nowadays, under the more powerful aura of Xiaxiang, the light on Chi Pingfan's body, which has always been seen by people, is also a little dim. Despite his high education, proud political achievements, and versatile literary and artistic cells, under the sun-like light of Xiaxiang's 36-year-old brother of the Provincial Party Committee [book] and the Commission for Discipline Inspection, everything is hidden.

In officialdom, education is very important, but the next sentence is the most critical point. Age is a treasure!

In addition to the superficial education and age, there is also the most fateful point, which is the official fortune that many people don't want to mention but secretly admire. Just like people have luck and national luck, there is also official luck. Otherwise, the ancients would have given words to the officials.

Behind the official fortune, it is actually a pair of wise eyes that can distinguish the chaotic situation. Without the ability to judge the situation, without the tact to distinguish right from wrong, no matter how capable and capable it is, no matter how hard it is, like Chen Feng in the previous life, it is difficult to escape the end of the scapegoat.

Xia Xiang has official luck, but he also relies entirely on his own hands and wisdom to recognize the direction little by little, and finally has the initial ability to control his own destiny!

Xia Shen's eyes and Chi ordinary eyes slightly looked at each other. Chi ordinary nodded and smiled. His smile was very flat, with no enthusiasm and sincerity, and no resistance, but the peace in his eyes made people feel very comfortable.

After Chi Pingfan, it was Chi Yongli, the Organization Minister of the Provincial Party Committee.

Chi Yongli is the only woman in the provincial party committee. She turned a blind eye to Xiaxiang's eyes and did not respond.

Xia didn't care. He had a panoramic view of the members of the provincial party committee. It was not a military parade, but just to strengthen his impression. Because he knows that Chen Haotian will announce an important work arrangement next, and then there may be opposition.

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you take the next step. What he wants is to establish the first impression of everyone in his mind.

Ranked behind Chi Yongli, it is Si Ying, the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee.

Si Ying is from Qi Province. She has a square face and big eyes, and her appearance is very powerful. She has the obvious characteristics of a big man in Qi Province, but one thing is that her eyelids are always drooping, which makes people feel very arrogant.

Si Ying also turned a blind eye to Xiaxiang's eyes.

After Si Ying, it is Mou Yuanhai.

As a Political and Legal Committee [Book] and Director of the Public Security Department, Mou Yuanhai's ranking is still behind the Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, which is very strange. As one of the real figures in the provincial party committee, such a low ranking is bound to affect Mou Yuanhai's right to speak in the provincial party committee.

will also affect his control over the political and legal system.

After Mou Yuanhai, it was Qin Xiaohua, the commander of the provincial military region.

Qin Xiaohua is about to retire. He has been absent-minded when he joins the Standing Committee.

After Qin Xiaohua, he was Ren Chang, the head of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Xia Xiang has no impression of Ren Chang, because Ren Chang looks average and has no characteristics. In addition, the work of the United Front Work Department and Xia Xiang are a little far away, so it is difficult for him to care about him.

Behind Ren Chang is Liu Jinnan, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

The last person in the ranking of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is Lin Shuangpeng of the Yangcheng Municipal Committee.

The reason why Lin Shuangpeng ranked last is not because of the light weight of Yangcheng, but because of Lin Shuangpeng's youth! Lin Shuangpeng, 48 years old, is one year younger than Gu Qiushi. He is the only post-60s generation in addition to Xiaxiang, among the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

The leadership team of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee was taken a panoramic view of by Xia, and each member of the Standing Committee left a deep or shallow impression in his heart. Xia figured out that no matter how urgent the situation is, he must first stand firm in the provincial party committee, which is a down-to-earth first step.

Then, with the disclosure of Chen Haotian's work deployment, Xia wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make the first punch in Lingnan Province.