official god

Chapter 1810 Interlocking

Chapter 1810 Interlocking (Ask for a monthly ticket, please vote.)

I went to Qi Province in order to settle the last balance of the provincial party committee's guest house project. Because Xia wants to be in Qi Province, she is interested in Qi Province and does not plan to continue to invest in Qi Province.

In the Qi province of the post-summer thinking era, the influence of the summer thinking has been ubiquitous. The project was previously handled by Li Dingshan, but later transferred to Li Rongsheng. Now Li Rongsheng has been promoted to governor, and Zhou Yuyuan has taken over.

In the past, no matter who took over and went to settle the bill an hour ago, it was a green light all the way, and no one stopped it, because the discerning people knew that Yan Xiao could directly take over the project from Li Dingshan. Thinking of Yan Xiao's experience in Yan City, and Li Dingshan was from Yan City, he would understand

The green light is not to fear Li Dingshan, but to respect Xia Xiang, who has a close relationship with Li Dingshan!

Now that Xia Xiang left Qi Province, smart people know that Xia Xiang's influence in Qi Province is still huge, and the shadow of Xia Xiang can be seen everywhere in the provincial party committee. But there are smart people and fools in the world. Unexpectedly, there are people who don't have eyesight who want to get a card in Yan Xiao. They not only want to get a card in the balance, but also have the idea of Yan Xiao's body.

I can't help it. Who makes Yan Xiao too beautiful?

The person who doesn't have eyes is called Pan Deshi.

Pan Deshi is actually not bad-looking and handsome, which is completely different from the idea that the bad guys must be ugly in the impression of ordinary people. At least he is sanctimonious. So he thought that with the power in his hand - if he didn't approve it, Yan Xiao would not get the last more than 1 million yuan - plus the plausible dignity, with a little hint, he would let Yan Xiao throw himself into his arms.

Women, in fact, like men, love handsome men and love money.

And Pan Deshi felt that Li Dingshan was no longer the deputy governor, and Xia Xiang had gone to Lingnan. Who would support Yan Xiao? The main reason is that Yan Xiao's thin waist made him salivate three feet. He couldn't rush up immediately and take good care of Yan Xiao. He also wanted to use his pair of big hands to measure how thin Yan Xiao's thin waist was...

Wine is strong and cowardly, lustful and stupid is bold, and Pan Deshi is fascinated.

When he made a hint to Yan Xiao, Yan Xiao agreed without hesitation, and even made a wink at Pan Deshi and made an appointment for the time and place.

Pan Deshi couldn't help but be happy. He dressed up carefully after work and happily went to the banquet. Unexpectedly, after going there, I found that it was not Yan Xiao who had dinner with him, but a dusty woman.

The dusty woman dressed up, and she was also sexy and charming. Although Pan Deshi was annoyed and played by Yan Xiao, she still couldn't stand the enchanting beauty of the dusty woman, drunk and melting.

As a result, the nude photo of Pan Deshi appeared on the desk of the leader of the provincial party committee the next day!

According to this, the matter should be over. After Pan Deshi finished playing, Yan Xiao left Qi Province unrestrainedly, but things often happened unexpectedly. Pan Deshi's matter fell into the hands of Zhou Yuyuan, and whether he was dead or alive depends on Zhou Yuyuan's words.

Zhou Yuyuan was furious. When he learned through a certain channel that Pan Deshi dared to fight the idea of strict hours, he was even more angry and immediately took out a handling opinion - ousting public office and party membership - double opening!

The consequences of double opening are very serious, which is equivalent to Pan Deshi's power in this life, which is equivalent to being completely insulated from officialdom.

Pan De was in a hurry and hurriedly pleaded with Zhou Yuyuan. Who is Zhou Yuyuan? It's Xiaxiang's direct lineage. It's strange that he is willing to raise his hand. Pan De was in a hurry and said something that surprised Zhou Yuyuan.

"Gun Governor Zhou, don't be yourself. Let me tell you clearly, I'm from He Jianghai. He Jianghai may become the executive vice governor at some point, and he will not look good at that time!"

He Jianghai secretly operates the position of executive vice governor? Zhou Yuyuan was suddenly shocked.

Qin Kan has gone on vacation. The central government's opinion on his disposal has not yet been issued, but it is certain that Governor Qin has become a thing of the past. As for who is the executive vice governor, there is no wind at all now... Unexpectedly, he never thought that He Jianghai, who had done something for Xia secretly, burned the fire of desire in his heart again!

He Jianghai's wolf's ambition cannot be trusted, let alone reused. Zhou Yuyuan made a conclusion about He Jianghai.

But the words come from Pan Deshi's mouth. Pan Deshi's words are somewhat true and false, which is really hard to say. If you directly tell Xia the original words of Pan Deshi, in case Pan Deshi talks nonsense, it will appear that he listens to the wind and rain, which is too unlevel. But if you don't tell Xia, if it's true, if it happens afterwards, Xia will also look down on him and think that he has done nothing in Qi Province.

What should I do? When Zhou Yuyuan was in a dilemma, his eyes turned to his mind. Yes, let Yan Xiaodai tell him, half formal and half rumors, as long as Xia know the news. As for how to decide, I believe that with Xia's foresight, he has his own judgment.


After listening to Yan Xiao's paraphrase, Xia thought for a long time and was speechless.

Xiaxiang is very clear about Lingnan's special action. On the surface, it has two meanings, one is the right name, and the other is the political achievements. As for the deeper meaning, it is difficult for him to guess, but there must be.

Lingnan is not as good as Qi Province, because the level of Lingnan Provincial Party Committee is a national leader. It is certain that Chen Haotian's major special action must have been nodded by the central leadership in advance.

Compared with the huge and strong local forces in Qi Province, the local forces in Lingnan are as large and united. However, the local forces in Qi Province were exposed and dared to directly confront the central government. The local forces in Lingnan secretly united, and the way of acting was hidden and unpreventable.

Xia Xiang's greatest achievement in Qi Province is to maintain the stability and unity of Qi Province, escort the economic development of Qi Province, and split the close unity between the local forces in Qi Province.

According to Xiaxiang's private speculation, Chen Haotian's special action is a good name and political achievement to the outside world, and a heavy attack on the local forces in Lingnan.

Admittedly, there are local forces in every place, and the concept of fellow villagers and local protectionism are inevitable realities. It does not mean that all local forces must strike, but once the local forces rise enough to affect the overall situation of a city and a province, and even the policy of one city and one province, it must intervene. Take Lingnan Province as an example, just like a female mayor, who has not left the local area from prosperity to growth. It is a unique exception in China. However, before Chen Haotian takes office, if the provincial party committee wants to arrange for the municipal party committee to go down, it must ask for her consent!

When the local forces are allowed to sit down, and finally the tail will not fall, there will be signs of danger. Even in the United States, which claims to be the most democratic, although states have extremely broad autonomy, there is a general premise that the policies and decisions of each state cannot conflict with the federal constitution.

There are opponents hidden in the dark, and there are unpredictable political situations outside. Not long after Xiaxiang people in Lingnan, they have deeply felt the climate of Lingnan, which is really complex and changeable.

Not to mention the hostile forces in the Yangcheng Military Region that are staring at each other.

In the last game of Qi Province, Xia wanted to use the hand of He Jianghai to defeat Cheng Zaishun, and secretly supported He Jianghai to strengthen his power. In terms of technique, it was called killing with a knife, but from a political point of view, it was still a replica of the Qi people's governance of Qi. However, at the beginning, Xia thought did not defeat the idea of Cheng Zaishun to support He Jianghai.

Of course, there is no intention to support He Jianghai's re-operation of the executive vice governor.

Unexpectedly, after He Jianghai tasted the magic of power, he rekindled and wanted to return to the provincial party committee again, but he actually stared at the throne of the executive vice governor? It is more appropriate to say that he is delusional or light, and it is more appropriate to say that he is overreliable.

Xia wants to believe that Pan Deshi is telling the truth, because he knows He Jianghai too well.

Although Xia Xiang is a good person, he is not a good person. Before he reused He Jianghai, he had already thought that if He Jianghai was not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, and then had an unrealistic idea, he must have the corresponding means to strangle it.

Sometimes, it is not the owner's ruthlessness to kill the donkey, but the donkey's self-working hard work, which has an unrealistic fantasy, thinking that a donkey can become a horse, and then walk flat, and the horse turns into a dragon and soar to the sky.

Xia wanted to shake his head helplessly. I'm sorry for He Jianghai. Don't blame me for being cruel to you. You really crossed the border! The position of the executive vice governor is not reserved for you. If you think about it, you are wrong, not to mention operating secretly?

Xia Xiang picked up the phone and called Wu Tianxiao: "Tianxiao, what I said to you last time can start."

For a few days, Wu Tianxiao has been trying to call Xia to think about it, but he was afraid that Xia would be too busy. His phone call would cause trouble. Suddenly, he received a call from Xia in person. He couldn't help but be happy.

Hearing Xia's kind voice and firm orders again, Wu Tianxiao immediately answered: "Yes, please rest assured and make sure to complete the task."

Xia Xiang's phone call once again greatly pushed the situation in Qi Province forward, so that the situation in Qi Province, which was temporarily deadlocked, was seen in the clouds, and the division and reorganization between the local forces in Qi Province suffered heavy losses!

and directly brought an incalculable impact on Lingnan's special action.


The next morning, as soon as Xia wanted to enter the office, Tang Tianyun handed over a copy of the material and said, "Xia, I have sorted out some information for you to have a look."

Just saying that the information did not specify what the information was. Xia thought he looked at Tang Tianyun with some doubt. Tang Tianyun just smiled respectfully and did not explain further, but poured a cup of hot tea.

Xia wanted to sit down and took a sip of the right tea that was not hot or cold. He picked up the information in his hand. After just a few glances, he looked surprised. After a few more glances, he couldn't help but tighten his heart and shouted, "Okay! What a Tang Tianyun.

If Tang Tianyun's secret report to Chen Haotian yesterday made Xia want to take a high look at him, then today's material makes Xia want to look at him with new eyes.

Xia wanted to be convinced by Chen Haotian's vision now. The taciturn secretary he chose for him not only has a look and can do things, but also can be one step ahead of everything.

He is thirsty, and Tang Tianyun will send tea. He needed evidence, and Tang Tianyun handed over the materials in time.

Xia wanted to stop hesitating, so he immediately got up, picked up the materials and went to Chen Haotian's office. There was only one thought in his mind - to break the situation. RO