official god

Chapter 1820 Wonderful Hand High Heart

Whether it is Xiang Minxin, Wu Gongzi or Wu Xiaoyang, there is no hatred in the distant future. Although the relationship has been fought, it is only a general friendship, and there is neither friendship nor contradiction.

Today, Mr. Wu came to make trouble. The intention was not to target him to Minxin. The focus of the conflict was still because of Ren Haibao.

Ren Haibao was arrested. The evidence is conclusive, the facts are clear, and it is in line with the legal procedures. Even if the provincial party committee makes trouble to the center of [inzhong], Xiang Minxin can be righteously not afraid of anyone's accusations.

But Wu Mouzi is not a reasonable person.

Judging from the situation of Shi Qishun's fierce killing with troops, Shi Qishun probably doesn't want to reason with him. Besides, Mr. Wu is still lying on the ground and rolling back and forth, which is no different from a shrew on the street.

If Shi Qishun insisted that he gave an explanation on the grounds that he beat Mr. Wu, and then pressed him with strength, did he bow his head or be stiff? If he bowed his head, his prestige in the municipal bureau swept the floor, and from then on, he was looked down upon by his men and regarded as a soft egg. If it is tough, with the momentum of Shi Qishun leading the troops, it is definitely not to scare people, but to take it seriously.

In case of a large-scale bloody conflict, Shi Qishun can be safe under the shield of Wu Xiao's rented hand, and the army's failure is neither news nor under the local jurisdiction, but he has to carry a big political burden, and may even be treated as a victim and directly removed from office on the spot!

Therefore, at the moment of receiving a phone call from Xia Xiang, Xiang Minxin had a kind of joy and relaxation. Although he did not have a good impression of Xiaxiang and no bad feelings, when he learned about Xiaxiang's decision and understood Xia [Shu]'s good intentions to reach out and pull him, in an instant, his good impression of Xia [Shu] rose to an unparalleled height.

Xia [Book] is the guiding light in his desperate situation!

It can even be said that Xia wanted to do this and save his political life!

With the spirit of Xia [Book]'s instructions, Xiang Minxin was eager to throw the hot potato away. He immediately asked the director of the faint to personally take people from the back door to send Ren Haibao to the provincial party committee. Then he regained his self-confidence and calmness and came to Shi Qishun with a calm pace.

"Minister Shi, do you want to train soldiers when you bring troops to the Municipal Public Security Bureau" or carry out military affairs? If you want to train soldiers, more than 300 [people] policemen of the municipal bureau will accompany you at any time. If you want to carry out military affairs, please show the relevant instructions. Xiang Minxin seized the opportunity and took the lead.

Shi Qishun's face was not good, but he was much more reasonable than Mr. Wu. He knew that if he offended Xiang Minxin, the Yangcheng Military Region would also be difficult to do anything in the local area. He waved his hand and asked people to help Mr. Wu first, and then reached out and shook hands with Xiang Minxin: " . It's his fault today..."

When Xiang Minxin heard that he breathed a sigh of turbidity in the dark, thinking that Shi Qishun had made concessions and was about to be happy"

But I heard Shi Qishun say again...

"Wu Gongzi was wrong first. You also beat the director. I can't explain to Commander Wu when I go back. In this way, everyone takes a step back, and Mr. Wu suffers the loss, forget it." I promise that he and Commander Wu will not have happened in the future, but Ren Haibao, please hand it over to the director first, and let Mr. Wu calm down. Otherwise, I promise that Mr. Wu will not agree either. If he doesn't agree, my soldiers won't.

It's nice to say, but in fact, it's still a threat inside and outside.

At this time, Xiang Minxin's gratitude to Xia Xiang rose to a new height, and it was also the first time in his life that he was grateful to a superior leader. He also understood that Xia [Book] proposed to transfer Ren Haibao to the provincial party committee in time at this time, which was to share his worries and cause trouble. Although he didn't know why Xia [Book] did this, no matter why Xia [Book] came out to attract his heart or had no intention, it made him to remember the kindness of Xia [Book].

Yes, it is a kindness that can never be forgotten.

Xiang Minxin is also an old official." He is very clear that if today's matter is not Xia [Shu] to help and the municipal party committee does not come forward to carry it for him, if Shi Qishun has to fight in order to flatte Wu Xiaoyang, even if he finally defeats Shi Qishun with a large number of people, his The full stop.

The blame must be carried by someone, and he is the first to be the best candidate.

Therefore, although Shi Qishun's words were full of threat, he was not very polite to him. He did not argue with Shi Qishun again, but gently held Shi Jishun's hand: "Minister Shi opened his mouth, and I will definitely give face. However, Minister Shi came a step late. Ren Haibao had just been taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Now... he should have arrived at the Provincial Party Committee.

Shi Qishun's face changed: "Mr. Xiang, now is not the time to joke."

Xiang Minxin is serious: "Minister Shi, you are all under the city. Am I still in the mood to joke?"

Shi Qishun looked at Xiang Minxin with complicated eyes for a moment and let go of his hand: "Shang Xiang, Gao."

Xiang Minxin smiled and said, "I'm so tall. I've been bullied. There's nothing I can do."

Shi Qishun knew that what he had just said was too early. If he knew that Ren Haibao had been transferred, he should leave some room anyway, instead of saying that he was dead now, he could only go back.

Mr. Wu didn't do it. He had to settle accounts with Xiang Minxin. Shi Qishun took him and said, "If you continue to make trouble, it's not good for anyone. No one in Yangcheng is bigger than Commander Wu. There is also a member of the Politburo in Yangcheng!"

When Mr. Wu heard that Ren Haibao had been transferred to the provincial party committee, he immediately asked Shi Qishun to take him to the provincial party committee to rob people. Where did Shi Qishun dare to fool around again, he was ready to retreat. It's good to come to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. If it hits the compound of the Provincial Party Committee, it will be a big trouble.

When Mr. Wu was pulled away by Shi Qishun, he did not forget to rush to Minxin and shouted, "Tell the director, I have written down your friendship, and I will repay it twice in the future."

Xiang Minxin laughed and said, "I'll accompany you at any time."

When Shi Qishun's soldiers and Mr. Wu retreated like a tide, Xiang Minxin's heart fell into his stomach. He turned around and saw that Li Yifeng was about to get on the car. He hurried forward, grabbed Li Yifeng, and said kindly, "Yifeng, I have something to ask you..."

Li Yifeng didn't really leave. He deliberately lingered at the door of the car for a while, just waiting for Xiang Yixin to call him. As soon as he heard Xiang Minxin speak, he shouted in his heart that it was too good, and the opportunity finally came.

When Shi Qishun and Mr. Wu left the city, they wanted to take the troops back to the camp, but Mr. Wu didn't do it. He had to go to the provincial party committee to ask for people. Shi Qishun refused. Chen Haotian was sitting in the provincial party committee, like a towering mountain, and no one dared to climb it.

Mr. Wu is usually familiar with Shi Qishun. He usually listens to Shi Qishun's advice. Today, he was beaten and embarrassed. He made a scene in the municipal bureau. On the surface, he was aggressive. In fact, he still lost. Without getting something, he was angry and said coldly, "Uncle Shi By the way, I didn't have a lot of trouble with Xiang Minxin just now. You have to let me find the place, or I will be beaten for nothing today.

You take a lot of people, and it looks very lively. In fact, it's just a bluff, but it makes Xiang Minxin small

Look at us. You dare not go to the provincial party committee because you are afraid of Xiaxiang!"

Shi Qishun didn't want to hear Xia Xiang's name. He was excited by Mr. Wu and became angry again: "I don't care. If you want to go, just go. I want to ask Commander Wu for instructions."

Shi Qishun turned around and just picked up the phone, but saw that Mr. Wu had brought several people and drove in the direction of the provincial party committee. He shook his head secretly and quickly called Wu Xiaoyang's phone.

Wu Xiaoyang first heard that Mr. Wu was severely beaten in the municipal bureau, and he was very upset. When he heard that Ren Haibao was transferred to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in time, he guessed that he was afraid that Xia wanted to deliberately relieve the siege for Xiang Minxin. What he wanted was to put him in the provincial party committee. If you It's time to besiege the provincial party committee.

Wu Xiaoyang was getting angry. His son was beaten, and he was interrupted by Xia Xiang Pingbai. It was equivalent to being manipulated by Xia. His nose was to protect his shortcomings, and he didn't like Xia's eyes. Thinking of Xia's proud posture in the provincial party committee, he couldn't get along with it and couldn't let

"Qishun, you are like this" Wu Xiaoyang issued the highest instructions. "You take a few people to the provincial party committee to find Xia want people."

Shi Qishun was shocked: "Commander, the provincial party committee is important..."

Wu Xiaoyang smiled lightly and said, "Just ask for someone, and I'll be there later. Today, I'll go out in person to see how many pounds Xia Xiang has!"

Shi Qishun knew Wu Xiaoyang very well. As soon as he heard it, he knew that Wu Xiaoyang had made up his mind. It was useless for him to persuade him again, so he had to take three or five people and drive to the provincial party committee. With the premise that Wu Xiaoyang is about to come out in person, he is full of confidence. Today, he will see what else Xia Xiang can do under the strong pressure of Wu Xiaoyang.

Shi Qishun came to the provincial party committee one step later than Mr. Wu. When he was on his way, Mr. Wu had already arrived at the provincial party committee and had the first wave of conflict with Xia Xiang.

"Xia [Book], please come out. I have something to ask you.

" Mr. Wu did not break through this time. After registering according to the rules, he successfully entered the compound of the provincial party committee, went to the office building of the provincial party committee, and came to Xia Xiang's office, but was stopped outside.

Ordinary people want to see the provincial party committee [book], how easy is it? Mr. Wu would not think he was an ordinary person. Tang Tianyun blocked him from the door, and he stood at the door and shouted loudly. He was determined not to leave if he wanted to call Xia out.

Fortunately, Mr. Wu restrained a little more than when he was in the Municipal Public Security Bureau. He didn't take anyone with him, but went upstairs alone. He also felt good about himself and thought that he went to the meeting alone.

After shouting a few times, Xia didn't want to show up. Even Tang Tianyun sat back as if nothing had happened. When he didn't exist, the anger in Mr. Wu's heart was ignited.

, "Xia think, if you have the ability, come out and don't hide in it like a shrinking turtle. Today, I want to make it clear with you face to face, and settle the new and old accounts together!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door rang, and Shi Shiran came out of it. It was Xia who wanted to smile on his face. He was relaxed and said, "Mr. Wu, how to settle the new and old accounts together? No problem, do you want to fight in literature or in martial arts?