official god

Chapter 1833 No mercy

Although Mr. Fu is critically ill, he is still alive. At this time, the people who appear in the Fu family are either the best of the Fu family, or the political allies of the Fu family, ordinary people, etc., and the Fu family will not invite them.

Fan Ruiheng is not the political ally of the Fu family, nor the good of the Fu family. His appearance surprised Xia for a moment and was puzzled.

What surprised Xia was that Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan also appeared at the same time.

Xiaxiang and Fan Zheng haven't met for a year or two, and they haven't been in touch with Gao Jianyuan for almost ten years, let alone meet.

Ten years have passed. In those years, the prominent provincial party committee [book] Ji Gongzi, now has a lot of vicissitudes. The prince brother in those years is now a middle-aged man with a slightly hunchback and slightly bent legs.

Although it is not the image of a beard, the dress looks clean and neat, and he also tries to stand straight, the vicissitudes and heaviness in his eyes are not comparable to the emptiness when he was in his mood.

Men can only be truly mature after experiencing the pain of life. After maturity, there are very few people who are either generous and steady, cold and evil, or smooth in the world, and really infatuated after the vicissitudes of life.

If Xia Xiang still does not change his original intention after experiencing the vicissitudes of life, and the Song Dynasty is more generous and stable after he is mature, then Gao Jianyuan has gone to another extreme, gloomy and cold after experiencing great changes in his life.

Yes, as soon as he appeared, he stared at Xia, and the gloomy and coldness in his eyes made people shudder.

Xia Xiang was never afraid of a person's vicious or insidious eyes. His eyes could not kill people, and he would not cause any psychological pressure on him. He just looked at Gao Jianyuan indifferently and regarded him as a passer-by who did not know each other.

Yes, it's not even a passer-by.

Fan Zheng is a little calmer than Gao Jianyuan. When he sees Xia, he should just turn a blind eye to it.

Compared with Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan, Fan Ruiheng is much more generous and takes the initiative to say hello to Xia: "Xia [book], what a coincidence. Long time no see. It seems that you are in good spirits. Yes, you are young and promising, and the future is boundless. Everything must be satisfactory.

"For the good words of Fan [book], everything has really gone well recently." Xiaxiang didn't know whether he was deliberately angry or seeking truth from facts. His face was quite complaent. "I just arrived in Lingnan and served as my brother [book], and also served as the Discipline Inspection Commission [book]. I was a little busy."

Fan Ruiheng is now idle at home. Fan Zheng is also a light person, and Gao Jianyuan is a jobless person in the officialdom. He can't be idle. When he is idle, he is idle, but he is neglected.

Fan Ruiheng's face turned gloomy, but then he returned to normal and reluctantly smiled: "Xia [Book] is in the middle of the year. Of course, I have to be busy. I'm busy. Anyway, there will always be busy and some people are idle. However, we should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. In recent years, many young cadres have died at work, which is not only a loss for the country, but also sad.

The former provincial party committee [book] will also be sarcastic? Xia wanted to smile: "Thank you, Fan [book] for your concern. I'm still young and my body can't stand it. Fan [Book] Remember that when you are old, you should pay more attention to your health. You usually take more walks, do [luck], practice calligraphy, and cultivate the way of huā literature and martial arts. Only by one can you prolong your life.

Fan Ruiheng's face turned gloomy again and again. He wanted to satirize Xia, but he didn't know when Xia had become sharp-toothed. He had nothing to say and felt embarrassed.

Fan Zheng helped, and said with a sneer, "Xia [Book] The official fortune is prosperous, but I don't know if I will have a nightmare if I step on others? Definitely not. With the character of Xia [book], even if you send others to prison, you will definitely sleep soundly. People with no heart and lungs are good"

Before Xia wanted to return the mouth, Gao Jianyuan endured his anger for a long time and finally burst out. He came to Xiaxiang in a few steps and snorted coldly: "Xia Da [Book], do you still remember me as an old friend? Thanks to your care, I have been in prison for several years. During my imprisonment, I am grateful to you every day.

The enemy's road was narrow, and they met on a narrow road. As soon as they met, the three of them joined hands to bombard Xia.

Fu Xianfeng suddenly turned cold.

Qiu Xufeng also turned black.

Xia thought still seemed to be calm and shook his head with a smile: "First of all, Fan Zheng, whether I am official or not has nothing to do with you. Besides, even if you step on the position, you can't reach the current position, because you are too low. Secondly, Gao Jianyuan, what you haven't figured out so far is that I didn't send you to prison, but you sent yourself to prison. It's a pity that you've been in prison for a few years. It doesn't matter if you fall alone. What's important is that you don't understand if you fall, you're stupid. There is a saying that is right. Remember to eat and fight.

Fan Zheng didn't have anything yet. Gao Jianyuan was furious and took another step forward. He pointed to Xia and thought, "You... Xia think, don't be too rampant. There will be a day when you are defeated!"

In fact, with Xia's usual temper, he may not fight with the three people, but today is the day when Mr. Fu is critically ill. Fan Ruiheng and the other three of them are not clear. Obviously, they are not sincere to greet them. They must have ulterior motives. Because of the bullet intimidation letter incident, Xia thought that he had not troubled Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan. Fortunately, they were righteous and blamed him.

Xia wants to admit that he owes a little love, but he doesn't owe Fan Feng and Gao Jianyuan a penny!

Fu Xianfeng finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Speaking of which, in Yan Province, there was still a friendship between Fu Xianfeng and Fan Ruiheng, so he didn't know anything about Fan Ruiheng today. Although he was unhappy, it was difficult to say anything. After all, the other party came to visit the disease, and the starting point was good.

Unexpectedly, he not only became an uninvited guest, but also quarreled with Xia as soon as he came, which ignited Fu Xianfeng's anger. Now is the time for the Fu family to need Xiaxiang the most. In contrast, Fan Ruiheng and his son and Gao Jianyuan are angry. From his point of view, in fact, they don't want to pay attention to Fan Ruiheng and Fan Zheng at all, let alone Gao Jianyuan.

He had no power, no job and was useless. He didn't know himself. In the seat of the Fu family and the Fu family, Bin Xia wanted to quarrel, and Fu Xianfeng had an attack.

, "Fan [Book], if you come to visit my old man, then welcome. If you want to take the opportunity to make trouble, if you are unhappy with Xia [Book], it is the unwelcome guest of the Fu family.

Fu Xianfeng's words are very rude, which is almost equivalent to a direct eviction order.

Fan Ruiheng's face is a little unstoppable. At least he was famous in those years. Now he is greatly neglected when he gets off the stage. He is also expelled by Fu Xianfeng in his face. He is extremely depressed. He wanted to leave as soon as he wanted to leave, but he really wanted to turn around Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan said, "Wait for me outside, and I'll greet the old man."

Fan Ruiheng entered the door of the Fu family, leaving Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan waiting outside the door.

Qiu Xufeng pulled Xia to think about it, and said in a divination voice, "Don't have the same experience as them. Let's go, and we'll go in."

Xia wanted to nod, turned around and left, thinking that it was over. Unexpectedly, Mei Xiaolin fell to the end. She turned back to Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan and said, "Those who respect others, respect them. Learn more about how to deal with people, and know what to do and what not to do, which is good for your future growth.

According to Mei Xiaolin's words, there was no sarcasm at all. She said it very politely. I don't want Fan Zheng to know whether he was overwhelmed by anger, or Fu Xianfeng's behavior of favoring Xia to humiliate Fan Ruiheng just now made him very embarrassed. He actually scolded Mei Xiaolin rude

If it's just Fan Zheng's very levelless bullshit, Xia Shang won't be furious. Unexpectedly, today someone sincerely made him uncomfortable. Gao Jianyuan sneered at Mei Xiaolin and said, "A woman who gives birth to a child without marriage, she is not self-respecting, and also teaches others what to do what not to do Shame!"

"What did you say?" Xia Xiang was extremely angry, "Gao Jianyuan, you apologize to Mei Xiaolin immediately."

Gao Jian's vision finally angered Xiaxiang and said complaantly, "What, is she your woman? You protect her so much? Xia Think, you are a slang for me. Don't point fingers at me. In my eyes, you are not even a fart..." Before he finished speaking, Qiu Xufeng suddenly became furious.

At least Mei Xiaolin was also Qiu Xufeng's fiancee in those years. Although she failed to get together in the end, Qiu Xufeng also had feelings for Mei Xiaolin. In addition, Xiaxiang was also the best friend he cared about most. He insulted the woman he once loved and his current buddies face to face. He was no

Qiu Xufeng belongs to the character of a donkey kicking to death. Usually, he may not say a word. If he really provokes him, how serious is the consequences? Qiu Xufeng rushed over with an arrow, grabbed Gao Jianyuan's collar, pulled it down hard, and then raised his knees to hit Gao Jianyuan's face.

Judging from Qiu Xufeng's series of movements as fast as a rabbit, he was probably a good fighter in the capital when he was young.

Gao Jianyuan was hit by Qiu Xufeng. Suddenly, his face was full of huā, nosebleeds, howled, covered his face with his hands and squatted down, and scolded: "Qiu Xufeng, you are a running dog"

Qiu Xufeng couldn't help but kick it away and kicked Gao Jianyuan to the ground on the spot!

Fan Zheng rushed over, and somehow there was an extra brick in his hand, and smashed Qiu Xufeng's back fiercely. His eyes were red, and it was estimated that he was also stimulated by Qiu Xufeng's violent behavior, or regarded Qiu Xufeng as Xiaxiang. Anyway, he was crazy.

Crazy is crazy. In this era, who is afraid of whom! Sometimes when he encounters something, it's useless to just play with his mouth to protest. If you want to move, you have to be serious, because there are some rubbish. If you don't beat him up, he doesn't know what power is!

Before Xia wanted to do it, he saw a man rush out, holding a long thing in his hand and gently touching Fan Zheng's body. A flash of lightning flashed, and Fan Zheng twitched and fell to the ground like polio.

Jing Xian clapped his hands gently and raised his little face: "It's done!"

There is a set. Xia wanted to give a thumbs up before he could rush. Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded: "Why is someone lying on the ground? What happened?"

Xia's heart was shocked, [General] It's reasonable...