official god

Chapter 1845 Anomaly

Zhang Guowei's timing is very accurate, and the entry point is also very clever. Yixia wants to know Zhang Guowei. Although he has a mind and vision, he does not have such a keenly high level of judging the situation.

Behind Zhang Guowei, there is a high-level guide.

It is self-evident who the man is.

Zhang Guowei approached Fan Ruiheng in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. As for how close his relationship with Fan Ruiheng was, Xia Xiang didn't know, but when Zhang Guowei opened his mouth to break Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan's plan, it made Xia Xiang happy.

Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan did not have the intention to guard against Zhang Guowei at all, so they let Zhang Guowei know their plan. Judging from this, Zhang Guowei, Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan are very close.

Xiaxiang has a more understanding of tension. He can grasp a key point from the chaotic situation and point Zhang Guowei to take action in time, so that Zhang Guowei quickly won his favor and recognition... Zhang Li is indeed not simple and has a lot of vision.

If Zhang Guowei wants to get close to him and get his recognition at ordinary times, it is difficult to make at least several times more efforts than now. But now, a piece of news at the critical moment, sending help in the snow, can get twice the result with half the effort.

Xia thought to himself that Zhang Li was recommended by the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee to Mi Jihuo as his secretary. Mi Jihuo quickly established a relationship of trust with Zhang Li. Does it mean that Mi Jihuo has been hinted by Gu Qiushi in advance?

"Guo Wei, if it's convenient for you today, come and mourn Mr. Fu." Xia Xiang sent an invitation to Zhang Guowei.

At the level of Zhang Guowei, it is not enough to attend Mr. Fu's memorial service, but as soon as Xia wants to open his mouth, he is equivalent to having the qualification to participate in the meeting, which is more equivalent to Xia wants to recognize and accept him.

Zhang Guowei was overjoyed: "I'll be there in a minute. Thank you, Xia [book]."

When I arrived at the Fu family, it was about 8:30 in the morning. The Fu family was solemn. The mourning hall had been arranged and the carpet was laid to greet the distinguished guests.

Because the Fu family is a family after all, although the guards in Zhongnanhai are in place, they are not as strict as the previous [book] travel, and they also properly obey the arrangement of the Fu family.

The head in charge of the guard also got to know Xiaxiang because of Mi Jihuo. As soon as Xia thought of it, he deliberately said a few words to Xia. Yes, in the past, when Mi Jihuo followed the general [book], every time the general [book] went on a trip, he and Ming Demou must go out to check the scene at the same time, and then he and Ming Demou nodded at the same time, and the total [book] will appear.

Therefore, which one of the guards around the general [book] doesn't respect the first red man around the general [book]?

And Xia thought that he and the general [book] also approached quickly. He met with the general [book] several times alone, and was deeply valued by the firearm of Mi Ji. Therefore, in the eyes of some Zhongnanhai bodyguards, Xiaxiang also showed signs of becoming the former celebrity of the general [book].

There are even rumors that it is possible for Xia to be transferred to the General Office and replace Mi Shaohuo as the director of the General Office.

Regarding this rumor, Xiaxiang really didn't know anything about it and didn't know where it came from.

Xia wanted to meet Fu Xianfeng first, listened to Fu Xianfeng's brief introduction of today's arrangements, and then comforted Fu Xian with a few words, "After Mr. Fu's death, Fu Xian has been out of water and rice for a few days, and non-Xia's comfort is useless.

Fu Xian was much more haggard, his eyes were dull, his appearance was thin, and even his cheeks were sunk, which was heartbreaking. Fu Xian and Mr. Fu had the deepest feelings, and Mr. Fu's death hit her the hardest.

Fu Xianfeng was present, and Xia thought that she couldn't say anything more, so she had to comfort her a few words, so that she could have a good rest and take good care of her health, so that Lao Fu's spirit in heaven could be gratified.

Fu Xian first listened to Xia's words the most. He nodded and wanted to say something, but shed two lines of tears, which made Xia Xiong feel sad for a long time. Life is impermanent, and life and death are also common. Besides, Mr. Fu is not an abnormal death, but it still makes people sad endlessly.

Fu left first, Xia wanted to whisper to the vanguard and said, "Do you still remember Zhang Guowei?"

Although Fu Xianfeng was sad, he was much stronger than Fu Xian. Xia wanted to suddenly mention Zhang Guowei. He was stunned and thought about it before saying, "I remember that I served as the mayor of Qin and Tang Dynasties in those years."

"He will also come to worship the master later. "What is he doing here?" Fu Xianfeng was puzzled.

"He came..." Xia wanted to pull Fu Xianfeng aside and whispered a few words. Fu Xianfeng's face was first angry, and then became grim and indifferent.

"Xiaxiang, if you have a heart, the Fu family will write down your kindness." Fu Xianfeng shook hands with Xia Yuan formally and seriously.

Zhang Guowei came fast enough. As soon as Xia wanted to finish talking to Fu Xianfeng, he arrived in a hurry. At his level, it was not enough to attend Mr. Fu's memorial service, and he was not qualified to come first.

Zhang Guowei respectfully came to Xiaxiang and Fu Xianfeng, said hello separately, and said sincerely, "Please ask Xia [book] to order"

Xia wanted to shake hands with Zhang Guowei and said politely, "Guo Wei, from now on, all your actions are under the command of Governor Fu."

Fu Xianfeng and Zhang Guowei also shook hands: "Guowei, thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Guowei has not been close to provincial and ministerial-level cadres for a long time, and his excitement is beyond words. What he knows more is that Xiaxiang and Fu Xianfeng are not the leaders of the provincial party committee of Yan Province, but the influence on Yan Province is so great that outsiders can't imagine it.

Of course, Zhang Guowei did not only look at the immediate interests and Yan Province for a while. Under the guidance of Zhang Li, coupled with his observation of Xiaxiang's rising power in recent years, he finally concluded that if he can enter Xiaxiang's eyes, he will keep up with Xiaxiang's pace, and the future is unlimited.

Zhang Guowei's heart is burning again with blazing fire and soaring hope. At that time, the motorcade of General [Book] had already set out. After receiving the news, the Fu family immediately mobilized all of them. The point was occupied, and the rice fire appeared.

In the past, the general [book] remembered that every place, Mi Jihuo always took the lead in the army, and always had to pave the way for the general [shu]. Now that Mi Jihuo has become the governor, he will definitely not do the internal affairs of the former general [shu] office director.

So Mi Jihuo appeared, not one person, but with two people. The companions, one is ancient and autumn, and the other is wise.

As one of the right-hand men of the general [book], he came to Fu's house in advance, and his intention was self-evident. Anyone familiar with the process knows that if you nod, the book will appear in more than ten minutes.

Xiaxiang and General [Book] have been familiar with Chen Haotian, Gu Qiushi, Zheng Sheng and Mi Jihuo one by one, and there is only one fate between Shan and Ming Demou.

The clear plan first checked the scene. Seeing that everything was right, he nodded. He nod his head, and someone immediately notified the general [book] of the motorcade.

With a calm step, he came to Fu Xianfeng and Xiaxiang, nodded slightly, shook hands with Fu Xianfeng, and then shook hands with Xiaxiang again. He smiled: "Xia [Book], I haven't seen you for a long time. I often hear Ji Huo and Qiu Shi mention you. You are so famous that you can make Ji Huo and Qiu Shi praise you endlessly, which proves that you are really young and promising.

Ming Demou is young this year. He is white, literary, and very bookish. Xia Xiang said a few words: "Director Ming is overestry. Governor Mi praised me because he is my leader. Gu [Book] praised me because I often invited him to dinner, which was all polite words of kindness"

Xia Nian's answer was very funny. He smiled, Mi Jihuo smiled slightly, and Gu Qiushi laughed.

After a few words of cold noise, there were not many common topics between Xiaxiang and Mingde. They only talked and laughed a few words and went to work separately.

Mi Jihuo also accompanied Ming to arrange the scene. Gu Qiushi pulled Xia to one side and said in a low voice, "I heard that you sat down with Song Chaodu and Chen Feng yesterday?"

Xia wanted to nod: "Drink tea to catch up with the past. I haven't gathered with two old leaders for a long time.,, smiled quietly, "Gu [book], yesterday on the phone said that you have inside information to reveal..."

Gu Qiushi smiled mysteriously: "Yes, I said, I also keep my word. The inside information is that not only Ye Tiannan will come today, but also Zong Gao and Mr. Wu will come"

Xia was speechless: "Gu [Book], this is not inside information. I have known it for a long time."

Gu Qiushi patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: "The real inside story is that the general [book] asked for my opinion. Who should be the appropriate person to be the executive governor of Qi Province? I recommended Xie Xincai."

Xia wanted to say happily, "Ancient [book] is wise"

"Don't flatter me.

"Gu Qiushi's face was heavy, "If you want to steal the beam and change the column, it is extremely difficult to let Ye Tiannan go to Lingnan. Because the general reason supports Ye Tiannan to go to Qi Province, it is not hard to say what the result will be in the end. If you want to achieve your wish, you must do something and actively promote it.

Xia wants to quietly nod: "Today, I will borrow the old man's spirit in heaven, and I will definitely do a few things to comfort him."

Gu Qiushi saw that Xia wanted to be confident, so he kindly reminded him: "There are several giants here today. Don't get angry."

"Please remember the ancient [book] and rest assured." Xia wanted to make a promise.

The time of speaking, the general [book] came to the general manager of the industry [book] today, there were only three cars. After getting out of the car, he dedicated a circle to the portrait of Mr. Fu and bowed three times. After the ceremony, he shook hands with his family, said a few words of relief, and then got into the car and left. The whole process took less than five minutes.

General [Book] Not long after he left, the chairman appeared.

In fact, although condolences have also been arranged in order, it is not an official occasion after all. Except for a few giants who appear strictly according to the ranking, the second wave of farewell ceremony can be followed by the order of attendance.

However, today's arrangement is still different from the usual practice. The previous practice is that several giants will arrive at the same time, dedicate huā circle in turn and say goodbye to the body. The whole process takes less than ten minutes. But I don't know what to say today. I always remember that one person arrived first and then left.

What's more unexpected is that after the chairman arrived, he did not get out of the car. After waiting for about two or three minutes, the general car also arrived. Subsequently, the chairman and the chief Li entered the mourning hall at the same time.

Many people have realized that there is an abnormal situation today.

In fact, the more abnormal things are still behind...