official god

Chapter 1878 The Bureau of Fortification

Lin Shuangpeng's attitude has always been vague, which is also one of the reasons why Xia wants to distinguish the real position of the Ji family.

Although he and Ji Rulan have had two contacts and several phone calls, and he also knows that Ji Rulan is equivalent to the head of the house of the Ji family, he also knows that the head of internal affairs and the head of foreign affairs is still very different.

Ji Rulan's position is not necessarily the real position of the Ji family. After all, Ji Rulan is a woman, and it is natural for women to be housekeepers, but when women preside over external affairs, it seems that the Ji family has no successor.

And the Ji family is now thriving, and there are successors. The so-called prosperity of people actually refers to the prosperity of men.

Although Lin Shuangpeng is the son-in-law of the Ji family and a foreign relative, he is also one of the core figures of the Ji family. His tendency should be more representative than Ji Rulan's position. However, in several small incidents, Lin Shuangpeng has been playing a silent role at other times, except for voting against Li Yifeng's appointment in the Standing Committee.

But today's incident, if he pretends to be different again, Xia wants to ask him, because although the Mufeng incident is wrong in Mufeng, it is obviously a trap set by man, and it is a tendency to deliberately make a big deal of the situation, and it happened on the territory of Yangcheng. Lin Shuangpeng, as the Yangcheng City Committee A clear explanation!

"Tianyun, you and Zhang Li will meet and find out the situation of the leaders of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government." Xia thought that he ordered in an aggravated tone again.

Tang Tianyun hesitated: "Leader, tension" tension has a relationship with the Ji family. He is not very clear about how deep it is, but it is also necessary to remind Xia [book] to remember it, so as not to let Zhang Li reveal the secret.

"Go and handle it quickly." Xia wanted to emphasize again, "It's just to let you meet Tension on a special way."

Tang Tianyun understood and immediately nodded to do it.

A few minutes later, Lin Shuangpeng thought about the office in summer.

Coming so soon means that Lin Shuangpeng is in the provincial party committee, and the municipal party committee is some distance from the provincial party committee"

No matter how fast it is, it will take more than half an hour.

"Xia [Book] Remember, what can I do with you?" After Lin Shuangpeng came in, he looked as if nothing had happened, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Shuangpeng, for six consecutive years, Yangcheng is a model city with double support" is striving for seven consecutive championships this year. How is the relevant work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government doing? Xia wanted to look directly into Lin Shuangpeng's eyes.

"All work is ready. Yangcheng, with a glorious dual-supported tradition, will definitely win seven consecutive championships this year. Please rest assured by the Provincial Party Committee and Xia [Book]." Lin Shuangpeng talked about the matter, but did not take the initiative to mention the Mufeng incident.

Xia wanted to be angry. What a Lin Shuangpeng pretended to be stupid in front of him. He was rude and directly mentioned the Mufeng incident.

"Shuangpeng" is about to select a model city with double support. If you want to have a good relationship with the localities and the army, you need a certain amount of political wisdom. It is wrong to drive after drinking, but the traffic regulations also stipulate that traffic police can't forcibly stop the car. You are the municipal party committee [book] " P>

Lin Shuangpeng thought slightly, as if he was hesitating about something. After a moment, he said, "I don't know much about this situation. I just heard about it. After I know more about it, I will report to Xia [Shu]."

Do you want to procrastinate? Xia wanted to turn the computer on the desk: "Look, it's obviously a man-made design incident. How can there be seven or eight traffic police officers on duty at one intersection? The traffic police on duty are very skilled in cooperating. The one who takes the key takes the key, the person takes the person, and the camera "Don't tell me it's an incident!"

On the computer's web page, the Mufeng incident has been spread to the Internet, and there is a very bleaking title: "You are driving a Communist Party taxpayer's car!

There are a lot of clicks, and the following netizens' messages are also full of righteous indignation. "I can't wait to get up at the scene and kick Mu Feng down, but no one points out why there is a group of traffic policemen around a soldier in the middle of the night. The soldiers did not resist, and the traffic police have been It seems to be a professional camera instead of a mobile phone shooting, and the problem arises again. The traffic policeman holds the camera in the middle of the night. What exactly does he want to do?

"Someone uploaded the video to the Internet as soon as it happened. Shuangpeng, do you think it's an accidental incident or a well-planned political event? Xia thought rudely directly points out the seriousness of the problem." "It's wrong for Mufeng to drink and drive. Just deal with it as drunk driving. If you have to put it on the Internet, it's a big deal. The double-supporting model title of Yangcheng has flown. As the municipal party committee [book], your face will be bright?"

When Lin Shuangpeng saw the video, his face changed. After listening to Xia's powerful accusations, his face was even more embarrassed: "Xia [Shu], I will definitely find out the truth of the matter and give Xia [Shu] a statement."

"It's not to give me an explanation, it's an explanation for the provincial party committee and the Yangcheng Military Region. Just now, the Yangcheng Military Region has called to express strong dissatisfaction. General Xu Guanhua has personally gone to the Municipal Party Committee and asked for immediate release. Xia thought that he patted the table lightly. "I will also pay close attention to this matter and ask the Yangcheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to thoroughly find out the truth of the matter. If someone deliberately creates an incident, it must be investigated to the end and the troublemakers must be severely punished."

Lin Shuangpeng was really angry when he saw that Xia wanted to move, so his momentum was a little lower. He was also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and a deputy provincial cadre. However, compared with Xiaxiang's Provincial Party Committee's faint [book], there is still a certain gap. Xia Shuangxiang can represent the provincial

Seeing the strong side of Xia, Lin Shuangpeng's mind was a little messy. Although the matter happened on the boundary of Yangcheng, he should indeed be responsible for it, but Xia wanted to characterize the incident, which made him very uncomfortable, too domineering and arbitrary. It's just that I have to put up with it even if I feel uncomfortable. Who makes Xia think that he is a superior leader? Who made Xia want to be reasonable?

Everything has two sides. Whoever is reasonable and occupies the highest point can take the initiative. Moreover, according to Xiaxiang's momentum, he must have been supported by Chen Haotian and Mi Jihuo.

Lin Shuangpeng's head was big. When he returned to the office, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He picked up the phone and called Ji Rulan.

"What's going on?" Lin Shuangpeng tried his best to suppress his anger and not let his emotions get out of control. "Rulan, you are too aggressive. Why did you take Mufeng to open the knife?

"A wooden wind, a Li Yifeng, the east wind and the west wind are all the wind of Xia Xiang. Presumably Xia Da [Shu] Ji is now in a hurry. Lin Shuangpeng, after Xia wanted to take office, he said that he had been dealing with it passively. Now as soon as I take action, I hit the weakness of You are jealous of my talent!" Ji Rulan did not answer kindly.

"You" Lin Shuangpeng was so angry that he almost dropped the phone immediately. He put up with it and said, "Playing tricks with power. You are not Xia's opponent. Rulan, stop making trouble. Things are big. In the end, it's not easy for the Ji family. In the matter of Mu Feng, do you think that online public opinion can affect Xiaxiang's judgment? Li Yifeng's matter, sesame and mung beans are big. Do you think Xia Xiang won't cover it up? Political things are not as simple as housework. You are too naive"

Lin Shuangpeng said patiently, thinking that Ji Rulan could listen to it a little. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Ji Rulan was angry: "You just think I can only manage housework, don't you? OK, Lin Shuangpeng, from now on, don't worry about me!"

Lin Shuangpeng also lost control for a moment and dropped the phone angrily.

After a long time, he picked up the phone again and typed a number: "Sir, please restrain Ji Rulan. If she continues to make trouble, it will be very unfavorable to the Ji family."

When Zhang Li heard that Tang Tianyun asked him to understand the situation of each leader of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee, his heart skim.

Honghuā Municipal Party Committee fainted [Book] He also heard about Li Yifeng's "ten thousand yuan storm". He also knew a little about what happened behind the incident. When he was in a dilemma and didn't know how to report to Governor Mi, Tang Tianyun appeared in time.

It's coming so fast! Although Zhang Li looked at Xiaxiang from the beginning, he didn't expect that Louxiang's backhand was fast and sharp, which made his heart beat faster and he couldn't speak for a moment.

But another sentence from Tang Tianyun made him deeply appreciate the higher brightness of Xia's wrist.

"Just now, Lin [Book] has gone to Xia [Book]'s office and reported to Xia [Book] what happened last night. At the beginning of the special operation, Xia [Shu] did not allow any discordant voices to appear. If it affects the development of the special operation, it will not hesitate to fight hard and crack down on the typical.

Tang Tianyun also knew that there was also a friendship between Zhang Li and Xia, so he took out the carrot: "Xia [Shu] remembers great importance to you, and he also agrees that you are a trustworthy member of the provincial party committee, so he sent me to meet you. Secretary Zhang, I hope you don't live up to Xia [

Secretary No. 2 and No. 3 of the Provincial Party Committee, the first head-on confrontation, each showing their own skills!

After being silent for half a minute, he lowered his voice and said, "Honghuā Municipal Party Committee [Shu] Ji is the direct line of Kang [Shu] Ji, the mayor is Lin [Shu] Ji's cronies, and found that the dizzy secretary-general of the envelope was Mou [Shu] Ji. In addition, the Mufeng incident is related to Wu...

Tang Tianyun smiled with satisfaction. The first three of the above situations, and the last one he really didn't expect that the first three said it from the tension mouth. The meaning is very different, indicating that the tension is the center position in this matter, and the meaning of Xia [book] is also intended to use the tension mouth to convey a clear message to the If you don't stop, you will bear the consequences!

When Tang Tianyun returned to the office, Xia was not there.

Xiaxiang is reporting in Chen Haotian's office.

"Chen [Book], I have three ideas to report."

Jing Haotian nodded slightly.

"First, about the Mufeng, please write it down and criticize it at the Standing Committee without naming it. Second, the Li Yifeng incident was handled coldly by the provincial party committee. The day after tomorrow, I will go to Honghuā to inspect the work as a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Third, the Mingjiang Municipal People's Congress incident, heat treatment!"

Three ideas are equivalent to three counterattacks, and they are all direct and powerful!

Chen Haotian's hand stopped in the air, stunned for a moment, and said meaningfully, "Xiaxiang, you have only been in Lingnan for a few days. Are you really ready to fight a hard battle?"