official god

Chapter 1899 Facing the Wind and Waves

Up to now, not only Kang Zhi and Tai Chufeng have completely confused their minds. They don't understand how in a blink of an eye, the people who should come have come, and those who should not come have also come. Xia has been in front of him for a moment. Who arranged everything behind the scenes for him?

Even Lin Shuangpeng and Tension were stunned. When did Mou Yuanhai and Xiang Minxin also come?

What surprised Lin Shuangpeng even more was that what happened to Sha Dabao? It looks like he's dead. No, he should not be dead, but he is weak all over, and his legs and feet are obviously broken!

Why did you make such a fierce hand?

At this time, Lin Shuangpeng did not know the threat of Sha Dabao to Xia, let alone what happened behind the whole incident, but he finally understood that in fact, Xia wanted to invite him to come, not to relieve the siege, but to invite him to the play. It is estimated that at the same time as inviting him, there may not be any provincial party List of invitations.

In the name of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, he issued an order to look at the whole Lingnan, except for Chen Haotian and Mi Jihuo, who dares to dissu?

Or, in fact, Xiaxiang has secretly deployed everything and invited him to come, just to ask him to make a statement and be a fulcrum.

Looking behind Mou Yuanhai and Xiang Minxin, he was calm and idle. He was not young, but he was very old and heavy. His pace was calm, and he even looked like a smile. It was not someone else, but Tang Tianyun.

Oh...Lin Shuangpeng somewhat understood something. It must be Tang Tianyun who arranged everything behind his back under the order of Xia, but... Lin Shuangpeng was puzzled that why didn't he find that Tang Tianyun still had such a certain command ability before?

Lin Shuangpeng really guessed right. It was Tang Tianyun who deployed everything and arranged it properly.

Xia wants to travel, unless it is a business, it is generally easy to take a secretary for private affairs. Compared with other deputy provincial senior officials, he is very personalized.

Just after he and Fu went out first, under the reminder of the bald head, he immediately informed Tang Tianyun, asking Tang Tianyun to bring people to the Huake restaurant, and specially told a few notes.

Although Tang Tianyun has not been around Xiaxiang for a long time, he is calm, has his own opinions and moderation, and he has a very thorough understanding of Xiaxiang's intentions. In addition, he knows what the way to be in Huake Restaurant, so he first notified Zhu Genghua and Lin Shuangpeng as soon as possible.

Then after calling Xiang Minxin, he personally knocked on the door of Mou Yuanhai's office.

Secretary Xia's personal safety was threatened. Mou Yuanhai did not dare to neglect at all, so he immediately went straight to Huake Restaurant with Tang Tianyun.

Mou Yuanhai walked in a hurry, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Inadvertently, he forgot to bring someone here. On the way, he patted his head and said, "I forgot to bring people."

Tang Tianyun smiled indifferently: "I don't have to work with the secretary. I have brought people to the bureau first. The police of the municipal bureau are more handy to deal with the evil forces than those of the provincial department."

Mou Yuanhai was nervous for no reason. How come Tang Tianyun's tone and confident expression were the same as Xiaxiang. How long did he learn Xiaxiang's style?

Although he was slandered in his heart, he still had to be calmly arranged everything properly by Tang Tianyun. In the past, he really underestimated Tang Tianyun, and at the same time, he was also surprised. When did he want to get closer to Minxin and Xiangxia?

Xiang Minxin is not only close to Xia, but also very close.

After receiving a phone call from Tang Tianyun, Xiang Minxin summoned several ** at the first time, rushed to the Huake Restaurant as soon as possible, and quietly ambushed around according to the established plan.

Since the last time Mr. Wu made a scene in the market, under the introduction of Li Yifeng, Xiang Minxin quickly approached and approached Xia Xiang. The close relationship between him and Xia Xiang has been known to few people because of the appropriate confidentiality measures!

It must be admitted that Xia Xiang can gain the trust and close to the new people, and Li Yifeng's response in the middle is indispensable.

If it were normal, Xiang Minxin would not have cleaned up Sha Dabao. After all, he and Sha Dabao had no holiday. Although Sha Dabao did misdeed in Yangcheng, he knew all of them, but there were people on Sha Dabao. Since Sha Dabao did not offend him, and there was no high-level speech to destroy him Something to please?

In fact, it can't be blamed for Xiang Minxin's inaction as the director of the public security bureau. Many situations in various cities in China are similar. The growth of the evil forces, if there is not an umbrella of the upper level, or the umbrella of the public security bureau. The two must be one of them. Otherwise, there is no soil

Although Xiang Minxin did not act, at least he did not shelter the evil forces and did not act as a disgraceful umbrella. It was for this reason that he was appreciated by Xia Xiang.

Today's matter, Tang Tianyun repeatedly stressed that Secretary Xia's safety is all due to Xiang Minxin. Although Secretary Xia also asked Mou Yuanhai, Secretary Xia specifically pointed out that the municipal bureau only asked the police force.

Xiang Minxin was very moved by the trust of Secretary Xia.

As soon as the net was put out, someone threw himself into the net. It was a big bag of sand.

How Sha Dabao threatened Secretary Xia's personal safety. It is not known in detail to Xiang Minxin. However, when he saw Sha Dabao fleeing in a hurry, he still decisively gave the order to shoot.

If you dare to threaten Secretary Xia personally, you would rather kill the wrong than let it go! What's more, Xiang Minxin has long wanted to crack down on one or two evil forces, deter the big and small gangs in the increasingly rampant Yangcheng, so as to show his responsibilities as the director of public security.

Of course, Xiang Minxin will not kill people indiscriminately. It was a rubber bullet that hit the big bag of sand.

After grabbing Sha Dabao, Sha Dabao was still very hard-mouthed and refused to say anything. Just as the bald head just called Kang Xiao for help, as soon as he came out, he was caught by Xiang Minxin again.

The bald head was caught, and Xiang Minxin was not polite. He was about to clean up the bald head. The bald head was much more cowardly than a big bag. He immediately told the story and told the matter, and even Xia wanted to finally slap him on the shoulder and say that his secret had saved his life. He quickly said He was beaten like a big bag.

After listening to the bald words, Tang Tianyun's face was gloomy and scary, and he only said a word to Xiang Minxin: "Xing Bureau, today's matter is a great opportunity. Secretary Xia is going to take the opportunity to stand up. Special action, if from a large point of perspective, Ren Chang is a breakthrough. From a small point of perspective, Huake Restaurant is a breakthrough.

Xiang Minxin understood that Tang Tianyun's hint is that it can be cruel. Today's matter is as big as possible.

Xiang Minxin gave an order to turn the sand bag into sand... As a result, the sand bag was stuffed into the police car next to it, and soon broke his hands and feet!

When dealing with some garbage-like goods, they can't talk about benevolence and human rights, because when they are cruel to innocent people, when they are forced to sell ** by sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls, they have no trace of humanity in their hearts.

For things that are inhumane, talking about human rights is tantamount to talking about American people and freedom to pigs!

Xiang Minxin also knows that if there is a public trial, Sha Dabao will be raised to be white and fat, and it will be delayed for another year and a half, and finally sentenced to more than ten years, and then it may come out again after three or five years. Instead, it's better to let him exercise private justice first.

Sha Dabao has done something unreasonable. Xiang Minxin knows better than anyone else that he also hates Sha Dabao to the bone, because the existence of people like Sha Dabao is contempt and satiration of him, the director of public security. But he didn't dare to touch the sand bag, and he couldn't afford to offend higher-level figures.

Now it's all right. Secretary Xia sheltered him from the wind and rain in the provincial party committee. In addition, Sha Dabao dared to threaten the personal safety of deputy provincial senior officials, so he repaired Sha Dabao for Secretary Xia's guard.

After repairing the sand bag, Mou Yuanhai arrived in a hurry.

In fact, Mouyuan Haiben walked with Tang Tianyun. On the way, Tang Tianyun deliberately took a step ahead and came a few minutes in advance, in order to arrange a matter more conveniently. Mou Yuanhai was happy to push the boat. He had the idea that the less he knew, the smaller the responsibility he would bear, and he planned to minimize the impact of the situation as much as possible.

It's just that Mou Yuanhai's political wisdom is still slightly inferior to Lin Shuangpeng's. Until now, he didn't realize that Xia wanted to invite him to come, but he didn't invite him to watch the fun, let alone let him watch it on the wall, but would put on a very difficult choice but had to choose a multiple choice

However, Mou Yuanhai is also an old world after all. Before seeing Xiang Minxin rushing to his arrival, he had been cruel to Sha Dabao and almost repaired Sha Dabao. He was surprised. Xiang Minxin has always wanted to do something in Yangcheng and was powerless. Now he has finally found a fulcrum and wants to show his skills. Question mark

Xiang Minxin is too naive. Xia wants to leave Lingnan sooner or later. He is now following Xia Xiang's pace and offending the local forces of Lingnan. When Xia wants to leave, can he be transferred to the capital?

While thinking, Mou Yuanhai casually pushed open the door. The moment he entered the room, his eyes fell on Xia's hands in handcuffs, like a dazzling light shining on his eyes. He widened his eyes and was stunned in disbelief!

Seeing Bai Qi and Chen Guang, who was still sitting on the ground and standing reluctantly, as well as Lin Shuangpeng, who looked embarrassed, and even... Governor Mi's secretary Zhang Li. Mou Yuanhai felt that his mind was confused and couldn't turn around. He didn't know what happened, let alone what would happen.

From the moment Mou Yuanhai and Xiang Minxin entered the room, the small Huake Restaurant now has three members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and a member of the Municipal Party Committee. At first glance, the Secretary of the District Party Committee and a Director of the District Public Security Bureau can hold a small-scale expanded meeting.

Sure enough, under everyone's puzzled eyes, Xia Xiang said something that shocked everyone present: "Comrade Kang Xiao should also arrive. When he arrives, he will hold an on-site office meeting to study how the special action should be carried out. Question."

Lin Shuangpeng and Mou Yuanhai looked at each other and were shocked. Finally... Things rose to a political level. Xia wants Secretary Xia to take the opportunity to set off a storm?