official god

Chapter 1915 One Step Away

The shot that killed Hong Fei was fired by Mr. Wu.

After witnessing Wang Fu being killed on the spot, Mr. Wu knew that today's events were not easy to end.

Hearing Hong Fei shouting again, he drew his gun in his hand in anger and shot Hong Fei with one shot.

Kang Zhi was so scared that he didn't know that Mr. Wu would carry a gun with him!

Mr. Wu calmed down to learn from the Hong Kong police and gangster film, blowing the barrel and said lightly, "Don't worry, just say that it was killed by the police. As long as you don't betray me, no one will know.

Kang Zhi now knows that Mr. Wu is really a crazy dog. He regrets that he has been with Mr. Wu. Killing is not a small matter. It is a dead end if he catches it, but he can only say against his heart, "What kind of person am I?" But things are not easy to do. Why don't the people in the army come?

Mr. Wu also believed that Wu Xiaoyang would come to save him. He patted Kang Zhi on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, no matter how powerful the police are, they can't beat the soldiers. Believe me, in a few minutes, the soldiers will come in and beat the police inspectors,"

Seeing that Mr. Wu was still blindly confident, Kang Zhi had no idea in his heart for a long time. He looked out and saw the police rushing in like the tide. He was immediately scared that he shrank his neck, quickly closed the door, picked up the message and called Kang Xiao.

"Uncle, help!"

After the police entered the Hetian Health Center, they searched one room after another, and did not let go of a dead corner. Strangely, all the hands-held machines and camera equipment of all guests were confiscated and indisputable. If there is no resistance, it's okay. As long as you resist, you will be handcuffed.

In a short time, the police had finished searching the first floor and advanced to the second floor.

The first floor is the female guest area, not the point. The two are the male guest area, and Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi are all on the second floor, including important figures such as Ye Tiannan, Zhang Li and Ji Rulan. Therefore, the approaching of the police is obviously making Mr. Wu feel great pressure.

Because there are many separate rooms on the second floor, the environment is very complicated, and the police dare not rush forward. They are all arranged in an orderly manner and carefully advance.

Suddenly, one of Wang Fu's men rushed out of a room, fired three shots in a row, and shouted wildly at the same time, "I'm fighting with you."

A police officer was shot and injured. Several police officers shot and counterattacked at the same time. Wang Fu's men were shot more than a dozen shots in a row, and his whole body was full of smoke. One of them fell down, just like the poor cultural pervert Hong Fei, who smashed a car but lost his life. He fell straight from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor

Wang Fu and Hong Fei's other men huddled in a room and trembled with fear. Usually, they are reckless and lawless in Yangcheng because the iron fist of the people's dictatorship is not held high. Now when they taste the power of the iron fist, they know what kind of evil forces and what kind of underworld are vulnerable in front of the dictatorship.

After the return of Hong Kong, a gangster in Hong Kong said wildly that the mainland did not dare to do anything to him. As a result, he soon had no place to stand in Hong Kong. After escaping to the mainland, the end was a barren mountain.

What should I do? Is it to resist stubbornly to the end, or will it be killed on the spot in the end, or will it disarm and surrender? Do you insist for a moment and then come to the rescue? After all, Mr. Wu has a senior father.

Recalling the ruthlessness of Mr. Wu just now, the person who wanted to surrender hesitated again.

Hearing the footsteps of the police closer and closer outside, Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi's room was also closed, and the last moment came.

Inside the Hetian Health Center, there are swords and shadows, and outside, it is also a sword!

**Break the door and enter, break through the window, and there are continuous gunshots inside. You don't have to think about it, you must know that many people must have died inside. Will you accidentally hurt Mr. Wu? Or did you see any instruction to deliberately target Mr. Wu? Wu Xiaoyang didn't even dare to think too much. He almost pulled out his gun and rushed straight in.

It's just a pity... Lin Shuangpeng somehow guarded the door with a hard heart today, and he didn't give up. Moreover, he looked indifferent and did not pretend to be Wu Xiaoyang at all. It seemed that unless Wu Xiaoyang stepped over from him, he didn't want to take a step into the Hetian Health Center.

If Lin Shuangpeng was transferred to the municipal party committee of Yangcheng, before Wu Xiaoyang was in a hurry, he would even rudely kick Lin Shuangpeng and scold him for not blocking the way, but Lin Shuangpeng is not a provincial department, but the representative of the most powerful Ji family in the Lingnan three series, and he is also the son-in

Wu Xiaoyang did not dare to act rashly, because he really dared not offend the Ji family. Nothing else, just because of the unparalleled influence of the Ji family in the Military Commission!

Ji's family motto, not in contact with the military, is actually a pretentious posture, in order to reassure every provincial party committee in Lingnan! With the influence of the descendants of the founding generals of the Ji family and the prestige of the ancestors of the Ji family in the army, the Ji family has an unfathomable influence in the Military Commission and even several military regions in China.

Wu Xiaoyang is not afraid of Lin Shuangpeng, but the old man behind Lin Shuangpeng who lives in plum blossoms!

But... Wu Xiaoyang endured again and again. Under the circumstance that his son might face the disaster, he was finally about to attack... Just as he was about to rush directly, Kang Xiao finally appeared.

Kang Xiao arrived exactly half an hour later than scheduled.

It can't be blamed that Kang Xiao didn't care about Kang Zhi, but he was hindered by the matter - at the moment he received Kang Zhi's message, he was so anxious that he wanted to fly to the scene immediately, but coincidentally, he was called by Mi Jihuo to talk about a very important job.

Mr. Kang Xiao couldn't tell the governor that he was going to save Kang Zhi and didn't have time to talk about work, so he had to listen to the spirit of Governor Mi's instructions. He thought that it would end in eight minutes. Unexpectedly, Mi Jihuo was quite able to say it and talked for half an hour.

If it hadn't been for Chen Haotian and Xiaxiang's visit, Mi Jihuo might not have let him go.

Leaving the governor's office, Kang Xiao received another message from Kang Zhi. Only then did he know that things were getting bigger and bigger. As he walked, he thought, "Does it have nothing to do with Xia Think? Why didn't Xia think of going to the scene, but leisurely spending time with Chen Haotian?

If Kang Xiao knew that he left the provincial party committee with his front foot, someone quietly followed him and left the provincial party committee. He would definitely feel that his back was cold and his scalp was numb.

When Kang Xiao arrived, Wu Xiaoyang almost had an attack. At the sight of Kang Xiao, Wu Xiaoyang came forward and pulled Kang Xiao as if he had seen a savior.

"Grinten Governor Kang, please make peace with Lin Shuji. There is Mr. Wu in it. I want to go in and protect his safety. Lin Shuji doesn't allow anything to be said. It's unreasonable. It's too dogmatic.

"Kang Zhi is also in it, and I'm not relieved." Kang Xiao ranked higher than Lin Shuangpeng in the provincial party committee. According to the direct comparison of his position, he did speak more powerfully than Wu Xiaoyang. "Lin Shu, Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu are both in. The police rushed in without fully ensuring everyone's safety. What if they accidentally hurt someone? Who can bear this responsibility?

"I can afford it!" Lin Shuangpeng was unprecedentedly tough and directly said to Kang Xiao. According to common sense, he must speak politely in front of Kang Xiao, because Kang Xiao is in front of him regardless of qualification or ranking. Today, he is also really angry.

"Lin Shuji, how do you speak? It's too much." Kang Xiao lost his face and became angry with shame.

"I don't care who Kang Zhi is. I don't care about Mr. Wu. All I know is that Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu took Zhang Li hostage and was killed on the spot. In addition, according to reliable information, Ji Rulan was also kidnapped at the Hetian Health Center, and his life and death are uncertain now.

"Ah?" Kang Xiao was shocked and took a step back, but tripped on Wu Xiaoyang's lap. He didn't stand still and sat on the ground.

If it was a disgrace just now, it would be a shame now, but Kang Xiao was so shocked that he kidnapped the governor's secretary Zhang Li one by one and kidnapped Miss Ji. This, this, this is simply offending the Ji family to death.

If it's really what Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu's men did... Kang Xiao thought sadly that it was that the police killed Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu on the spot, and he would not win in the officialdom in the future!

Why is the tension and Ji Rulan also in it? Why is it all messed up? Kang Xiao stood for a stop and didn't stand up. He had lost the ability to think.

Wu Xiaoyang's telegram rang.

Wu Xiaoyang's face changed, and he immediately answered the telegram. Mr. Wu's crying voice came from it: "Dad, help me quickly. If it's too late, you won't have a son."

Wu Xiaoyang was hot-blooded. When his son was facing the threat of life and death, he lost his last trace of reason and pulled out his gun: "Who dares to block me? I shot him!"

"With courage, Wu Xiaoyang, if you say every word to the Japanese devils, to some small southern countries that have occupied the territory of the South China Sea, I admire you." An old voice sounded, and an old man, with the help of a young man, slowly came to Wu Xiaoyang, "I'm in your way. Are you going to kill me too?"

Ji Changxing!

If Ji Changxing's appearance surprised Wu Xiaoyang, then the young man who helped Ji Changxing shocked him even more, and realized that it was Xia Xiang, who had never appeared to lose again today.

... In the distance, the leader of the Military Commission sitting in the car showed a trace of shock in his eyes after Ji Changxing appeared. Then he waved his hand, and the car quietly drove away from the scene.

Not long after the special car of the leader of the Military Commission left quietly, an inconspicuous car also left quietly in the distance. There was a person sitting in the car, which was Chen Haotian.

Since the leaders of the Military Commission did not show up, there is no need for Chen Haotian to come forward to deter him.

In the face of Ji Changxing, Wu Xiaoyang did not dare to say another cruel word after all, and after Kang Xiao stood up from the ground, he also lost his prestige. The Ji family was too famous in Lingnan, and he did not dare to be presumptuous at all!

Before Wu Xiaoyang, he had sent a major to lead dozens of soldiers to surround the police. When he came, he also brought nearly 100 people, including nearly 200 people, murderous and fully armed, but... in front of an old man who was not tall, he lost After the courage to charge, he didn't take another step forward in the end.

The door... opened, and the victorious policeman came out arrogantly with countless evil forces.

When he saw many arrogant bastards bowing their heads, the onlookers burst into thunderous applause. In the applause, Xia wanted to throw a meaningful glance at Wu Xiaoyang.