official god

Chapter 1923 Family and State Affairs

When Xia wanted to return to Wu's house, it was already midnight.

Tang Tianyun was inconvenient to follow him all the time, so he went to Lingnan's Beijing Office to wait. Xia wanted to drive by himself. Although he drives by himself, he is protected by guards not far from behind him.

It was not his exclusive guard in Lingnan, but Gu Qiushi deliberately arranged several people for him in the capital to protect his safety. In fact, with Xia's idea, there should be nothing wrong in the capital. No matter how capable Wu Xiaoyang is, he can't reach out to the capital, let alone dare to do it at the boundary of the capital.

But it was difficult for Gu Qiu to fall in love, so Xia wanted to accept his arrangement.

Tang Tianyun was not idle in the Lingnan Beijing Office. He was arranging it in an orderly manner according to Xia Xiang's instructions. At the same time, he also reported the situation to the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee. Xia Xiang naturally would not wait for Wu Xiaoyang to take action. He was also carefully setting up a situation, working hard to dig a pit and preparing to bury Wu Xiaoyin alive in one fell swoop.

Xia Xiang also made it clear that Wu Xiaoyang would not fight hard this time, and he also wanted to make a careful layout. Not only did he want him to fall into the pit, but he was afraid he also intended to take the opportunity to bury Kang Xiao. Kang Xiao did not believe that Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu killed each other, and Wu Xiaoyang must believe it.

Xia Xiang also believes that because when he listened to the report to Minxin, he had learned that the bullets in Wu Gongzi and Kangzhi's office were not the guns of the police.

With Xia's understanding of Wu Xiaoyang, Wu Xiaoyang, who must repay, cooperated with Kang Xiao on the surface. He must secretly hate Kang Xiao to the bone. Kang Zhi is dead. If Wu Xiaoyang doesn't vent his anger with Kang Xiaoyang, he will not be Wu Xiaoyang.

Of course, Xia Xiang will not be blindly optimistic. After all, Wu Xiaoyang has been operating in Yangcheng for many years, and the soldiers' obedience to the orders of his superiors is loyal. Wu Xiaoyang's control over the Yangcheng Military Region is estimated to be greater than he thought. Therefore, although he is cautious and careful, there may still be unpredictable situations.

Fortunately, Xia Xiang was not without any confidence and strength. He also dug a huge tomb for Wu Xiaoyang step by step to bury Wu Xiaoyang's last delusion.

It is also necessary to borrow Wu Xiaoyang to lead the snake out of the hole, so that the larger behind-the-scenes black hands can appear, so that the well-prepared Lao Gu can hit it.

As for today's meeting with the general secretary, it is also an agreement. Of course, the general secretary will not say many words clearly, but Xiaxiang has been [the first release of Baidu Tieba]. Gu Qiushi's proposal to come to the capital to avoid the limelight was not mentioned by the general secretary. It can be seen that the general secretary He thought he would be afraid of Wu Xiaoyang.

The General Secretary's concern about him is not from the suppression from the senior officials in the central middle... As a senior official at the provincial and ministerial level who has passed the severe test of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xia wants to be impeccable on economic issues... But he is not confident about the subordinates who have been promoted along the way, and he is afraid that Dealing with him may cause unnecessary resistance to his prospects.

The negligence of the employee's negligence can be large or small, all due to the mistakes made by the promoted subordinates. If the one-person official promoted by Xia wants to the main hall commits serious economic problems, it will not have much impact on Xiaxiang's future. But if Xiaxiang's cronies communicate with the enemy and betray the country, Xiaxiang will definitely be involved.

The General Secretary is worried about whether Xia wants to pass the test safely, that's it!

When I arrived at the Wu family, although it was midnight, the Wu family was still brightly lit.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that not only Wu Caiyang did not sleep, but also Mr. Wu did not sleep. Obviously, he was waiting for him.

"Xia Think, you're here." The old man nod his head slightly and pointed to the sofa, "Sit, I have something to say to you.

The old man looked serious, and Xia was shocked and sat down in a regular manner.

"I have three things to tell you." Mr. Wu said, "The first thing is about Cao Yongguo."

Xia Xiang's heart jumped. He has been in a relationship with the Wu family for ten years. Whether it is Mr. Wu or Wu Caiyang, although he slowly accepted the fact that he was with Lian Ruohan, he never mentioned anything about Cao Shuyi and Cao Yongguo, but today he took the initiative to mention it. It can be seen that Cao Yong

"Cao Yongguo is the most honest and self-disciplined person among the provincial party secretaries I have ever seen. It is an objective fact that he is caught by others, which cannot be denied!" The old man's tone was very harsh, "But if it destroys his reputation because of this, it's also the work of a villain, I won't agree."

"The Central Organization Department will not recognize it either." Wu Caiyang also said firmly.

Xia Xiang was very moved and felt the warmth and the warmth of home: "Thank you, Mr. Thank you, Minister Wu."

Mr. Wu waved his hand: "Don't thank me, it's not the right person. Cao Yongguo should have a deputy state-level treatment. He does not owe the country, and the country owes him.

With Mr. Wu's Jinkou Yinuo, as long as he did the work of the Tongji family, his father-in-law's deputy national treatment would be firm, and Xia wanted to nod heavily.

"The second thing is that when appropriate, you can represent Wu, Mei, Qiu and Fu to show your support for the General Secretary."

Xia wanted to be surprised. Mr. Wu's words are very meaningful. Is it possible that there may be any major emergency, and even a serious bipolar confrontation, and then the power of the family talk must come forward to turn the tide?

If this is the case, as the core figure of the family power, he can't express his position. It couldn't be better to retreat.

"The third thing..." Mr. Wu deliberately paused, which made Xia Xiang, who had already [the first release of Baidu Tieba], even more nervous. He thought that the old man would have more important things to announce. Unexpectedly, the old man just smiled, "It's time to let Ruohan come back. Caiyang and I miss her. You are the only one who can talk about her now.

Wu Caiyang rarely showed a warm side. He nodded and said, "So is Ruohan. He went to the United States alone and often didn't make a phone call for more than half a year, which makes people worried."

Wu Caiyang is also old, and he pays more and more attention to human family affection beyond power. Fortunately, Lian Xia accompanied him and the old man, which is also a consolation. However, Lian Xia doesn't seem to be as heart-saving as Xia Dong. The more he grows up, the more silent he becomes. He seems to have his own inner world and doesn't communicate with people much. Even the communication with Xiaxiang is not as much as before. He often reads books alone, but he studies very hard. He prefers history and classical literature, and has little interest in politics and economics.

I'm afraid that Mr. Wu's desire to cultivate him to become a politician will fail.

Xia wants to care about Lianxia's development direction, as long as he likes it. It's up to him to do politics, business, or learning.

Late at night, Xia thought of sleeping in Lian Ruohan's room upstairs, meeting the Prime Minister tomorrow, and then returning to Yangcheng if he had nothing to do.

After running around for a day, Xia Xiang was really tired. He lay down and fell asleep. He only slept for less than an hour, and the phone rang in a hurry.

Who will call rudely in the early morning? Xia wanted to pick up his mobile phone in a daze, but he didn't look at the call, so he said "feed" and heard Cao Shuyi's happy voice from the microphone.

"Sister Lian gave birth to a daughter, and the mother and daughter are safe!"

"What?" Xia didn't wake up. Who gave birth to a daughter? After a while, he was overwhelmed by a burst of joy. Lian Ruohan gave birth to another daughter, and he was going to be a father again!

In Cao Shuyi's excitement, there is a slight envy: "I really envy even my sister's freedom. Sometimes when I think about it, if a person has a mistake, he has a gain. If I change my position with her, I can also have another daughter or son, right? Or you are more biased towards me, aren't you?

Xia is speechless. Women live in feelings all their lives. Love, family affection, and everything are viewed from the perspective of emotions. There is really nothing they can do. But not to mention, if Cao Shuyi and Lian Ruohan really exchanged positions, who would he love more?

I'm afraid it's still the same, because in his mind, Cao Shuyi is the left hand, and Lian Ruohan is the right hand, which is the two indispensable flowers of love in a man's life.

"I miss you and want to go back." Cao Shuyi's voice suddenly lowered, "Sometimes I think about it, it's also a very happy thing to grow up with two men of all sizes."

"Let's also pick up Ruohan's mother and daughter together. Her family misses her. She is always outside alone, which is also a concern." Xiaxiang also misses Cao Shuyi and Lian Ruohan, but he is in danger now. Even if the second daughter comes back, it is better to stay in the capital.

"Well, I think so. It's always bad outside. Besides, someone must be thinking too much about it." Cao Shuyi deliberately teased Xia.

"I really miss you." Xia wanted to pretend to be stupid, and you all replaced it.

"Okay, I won't talk to you, just report the good news. I'm going to see Ruohan quickly."

Xiaxiang's heart is warm. The relationship between Cao Shuyi and Lian Ruohan is not a sister better than a sister, and there is no second person who can make her regard her as a sister without any grudge in her heart.

Xia wanted to go downstairs, regardless of the impoliteness in the middle of the night, and said loudly, "Sir, Minister Wu, if Ruo Han gave birth to a daughter, the mother and daughter are safe!"

The Wu family's house, which had fallen asleep [first published by Baidu Tieba], suddenly became bright again. Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang got up. They were so happy, especially Wu Caiyang, were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, and there was no image of the head of the Central Organization Department that everyone respected.

Mr. Wu couldn't help but be happy. He was in good spirits and laughed.

The Wu family was immersed in the sea of joy. The birth of his daughter also made Xiaxiang's trip to the capital nervous, and suddenly flashed surprising highlights. Not only him, Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang were so happy that they didn't sleep all night.

At dawn, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Ye Tiannan, saying that the Prime Minister had arranged the time and asked him to go there immediately. Xia thought that he didn't dare to delay and set off.

I don't know what major issues to meet with the Prime Minister. Xia Xiang faintly felt that with the great change in the direction of the wind, the Prime Minister's position was also quietly changing, and it was even possible that in the morning... huge and amazing changes.

And the reason why the Prime Minister met with him is probably related to Lingnan, perhaps related to Wu Xiaoyang and Southwest China.